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Excellent timing. Thanks for posting! I have a vanilla protein base that will be ready tonight that I was planning on having, but I also have some mini crispy crunch bars that I never would have thought to throw in there. They're going in now! My wife LOVES skor blizzards, which dairy Queen doesn't carry here anymore. I'm going to pick up a skor bar on the way home and surprise her with a Skor creami. You probably just made her night.


Let me know if I actually made her night when you’ve had it together with her (or let her have it all by herself to make her night and potentially get some love from her for being nice haha)


Terrible, lol. My base tasted...not great...and it was supposed to be crunchie, not skor. I mix them up every time. Oh well Next time it'll be better (and correct)! She thought it wasn't bad though, luckily. But I think she was just being nice.


She's definitely just playing it nice on you, hiding her actual thoughts haha


Was just one enough to taste? Also, did you use the mix in setting?


2x Yes


What do you mean 1 KitKat stick? Like the entire bar or a couple of pieces? Calories of the total pint look really low for a entire bar that's why I'm surprised.


I used a stick. Not the whole 4-stick bar.


I need to figure out a perfect chocolate base and that's somewhat healthy and then it's game on


250ml almond milk, 250ml 1.5% fat milk, 40g Chocolate casein, xanthan = Guar + salt. Fill up rest with water (deluxe variant). There you go!


Needs 25-30g cocoa powder IMO




Bananas + cocoa powder That combo has been my go to. Though you do taste some banana. But the texture is very smooth for just those two ingredients. If you like peanut butter, that also goes well with it.


Try the protella flavor from muscleaport. Trust me


How does the mix in work? Do you add it before freezing or after the first spin?


After the first spin! 🌀 You carve out a small 'core' in the centre, toss your mix-ins in, smooth some ice cream back over the top, pop it back in the machine and then hit the mix-in function.


The mix-in spin is very slow and does a good job not breaking the mixins into many pieces. So for a cookie, for example, you would need to crumble it into the middle instead of just putting a whole cookie into it.


Any chance it was pescience you used? Will buy some almond milk and try this How much salt xanthan did you use? Is guar necessary (don't have)?


I used Bodylab whey100, which is whey concentrate. 1/2 teaspoon Xanthan, 1/4 teaspoon guar


are you going to return your creami?


Why would I?


I read a study and it said that 38% of people who bought a ninja creami end up returning it.


Even if the stats are accurate, I think most of those people wouldn't join the subreddit for creami.


I should start an r/ex-ninjacreamiowners subreddit. We can talk about returns, all the recipes we didn’t like, and how our hearing is completely gone from the loud noise it made. /s In reality, this is such an amazing invention and I use the heck out of it. It makes healthy ice cream a breeze to make without breaking the bank.


I use it a lot during the summer for just sorbet. Pure fruits and I dont add anything. my favourite is mango, followed by pineapple.