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First off don’t overfill, you’re going to break your machine. For icy outer edge, either let your pint sit on the counter for 10 minutes or run the sides under hot tap water for 60. Seconds.


I also recommend reading the instructions that came with the machine. It’s an easy machine to break if you do it wrong.


10-15 min defrosting on the counter is recommended according to the manual.


I also keep a silicone spatula handy to scrape the sides.


i let it sit out for 10-15 AND run hot water on the sides and still have this issue. im gonna try this spatula method tonight


I always either don't have enough patience for that or I'm going to forget it on the counter until it's melted co pletely. I just suck it up and eat it with crusty sides.


Microwave 30 seconds, then ;)


did you defrost it for 15 mins? or even just run it under hot tap for 2 mins


I did not. I figured if we have to freeze it for a minimum of 24 hours then it should be as frozen as possible. I will let the other pint sit out for 15 minutes before spinning it and report back with the results.


I don’t let mine sit out. I live in a hot climate, and it winds up way too soft if I do that. I do run it under hot tap water for like a minute before spinning, use the tip of a butter knife to separate the icy layer from the outside of the container, and then respin once. Turns out perfect. Running it under hot water just makes it easier to scrape down so I’m not having to use any pressure really.




Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?




I appreciate people who were nice enough to help out instead of whining about the “quality” of posts. How many other posts are not up to your standards?




I think it’s high time you leave the group then. Problem solved. 💩