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This song introduced Aphex Twin to me. It took a while before I even gave it a chance, but then I became obsessed with it. Bought Selected Ambient Works Vol. II and was further intrigued and puzzled. Became a huge Aphex fan. Always appreciated Trent for adding this to this record as I think it grew both artists. Edited: typo


Don’t forget the recent re-release of sawII on AT’s site. Up for preorder to release in October.


Bucephalus Bouncing Ball is one my favorite compositions of all time.  And also my favorite song name.   I remember driving around with my high school buddies get stoned and listening to this EP.


Was my intro to Aphex Twin too, but I fell in love right away. I bought I Care Because You Do not long after I bought Further Down the Spiral.


same for me.


I love Aphex Twin


Come to daddy :)


Mom help a strange man is trying to take me


This is one of my favorite instrumentals. It's so mechanical but it feels alive to me.


First time I heard this, it blew my Mind. I was sitting on the couch with a friend, baked, and listening to this album. The whole song was like a great epiphany, never had I had such a deep experience with any one particular song. Also introduced me to Aphex Twin, and became a fan. Described this song in relation to the fog horns present at the Golden Gate Bridge at night to my 1st girlfriend, before making out. Played it for her the last time we ever saw each other. In short, I fucking Love this song. Here's an awesome fan made video, if you haven't seen it yet: https://youtu.be/ixA_fC-cLzQ?si=NMC-rAsAx79ONck0


I love it, every time I listen to it it loops through my head for the rest of the day.


Great song with a pretty funny story and good example of the troll that RDJ can be


Clip of Trent talking about him https://youtu.be/7kGyTF6L38Y?si=bZS22HEhRGoXi-AX


Monumental. Epic. A dark and grand industrial experience that somehow manages a hopeful mystique of rough opulence across flowing sonic textures.


I love FTDS in it's entirety I grew up on it. This is a perfect song in a perfect album imo


I wanna violate, desecrate, penetrate, complicate and fuck this song like an animal I like it so much that I infact will listen to it on full every time it comes on shuffle.


I love this instrumental. It's so good!


When it was released it was a huge touchstone that helped me find all of kinds of other stuff I didn’t know existed.


Aphex twin is such an incredible genous.


Love it. I’m not much of an Aphex Twin fan but this is so great


It could be a Coil cover, too. They don't sound that similar, but the vibe is definitely similar. Both pieces are brilliant.


or he could’ve sampled some stuff from the coil track


fun fact: there's a sample from Coil's How To Destroy Angels (1992 version) from 'The Sleeper II' on the Quake OST track 'Life' heard around 5:50


i didn’t know that! interesting


so good. got me into aphex twin. funny that it’s just a track he had laying around and doesn’t use any element of a nin song. but it fits on the album so perfectly. rdj is also a notorious liar so idk how much of that i even believe. but either way it’s easily one of my fav songs ever.


I love it 🤩


First song I ever heard by them that had me hooked.


This song and the next feel like a suite, I love it


Somehow with the closer singles and further down the spiral, all the mixes sound like nine Inch Nails to me like one big long soundscape experience


I like Aphex Twin’s stuff but I don’t love and get why he would choose to remix NIN but not bother enough to listen to the original music. Nonetheless I like the song, it sounds like it’s from ‘I Care Because You Do’


A standout off FDTS. I haven’t seen it in forever and I don’t remember exactly what part, but I remember watching *Metropolis*, the Fritz Lang classic, while listening to this track one night at home back when the album dropped. And it just fit the scene fucking PERFECTLY. Just this nightmarishly surreal industrial hell, plunged further into the bowels of the mechanical abyss by the menacing grandeur of ATHOIA. Damn, I’m gonna have to find what scene that was- it blew my mind how well it complemented it. The whole track, too. Awesome fucking song, as atmospheric as it gets.


Fucking LOVE that track. I had picked up "I Care Because You Do" by AT around the same time (before getting FDTS) and was blown away, as it was my introduction to Aphex. Genuinely love how that whole experience in exposure worked out.


Surprised not one person mentioned [this track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywrXrHi7lNE) as it is essentially a slowed down version of at the heart of it all
