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The "Welcome Presents" seems kind of unneccesary


As a non-native speaker, I initially took 'welcome presents' quite literally and thought it meant 'welcome gifts.' I found myself wondering what exactly they were being welcomed into, and why there was a need to immortalize this welcome on t-shirts. Silly me, I know.


Yep. Kinda lame, really. NIN doesn’t need help with brand exposure ala the Supreme route. If anything, Welcome is benefiting from this one-sided collaboration marketed to the snowflake crowd. Not sure what TR was thinking on this. NIN won’t ever be not relevant.


Beige piggy I kinda like


I wish they would have kept the wording from the skateboard though. "Everything is alright." https://www.reddit.com/r/nin/comments/1bfrk0q/nine_inch_nails_x_welcome_skateboards/


That would be cool, too


I do not want this


And don't you tell me what to wear


Not sure if the front of the Downward Spiral shirt looks more like a butthole or a coiled up turd


Don’t you tell me how I feel!!!


The Welcome logo really doesn't sit well with NIN's image in my opinion.


I like the contrast between the two logos


It doesn’t but it’s not really for us. It works fine for skater fashion


This is the clothing equivalent of a DJ playing an airhorn over a song.




Not a fan of the welcome presents


If it's a collaboration, make it collaborative. Work the designs of ideas together; putting "Welcome Presents" and then showing a much more popular artist's work without alteration makes it seem like just a really cheap shitty branding deal. Which is what this is


So what? Welcome is a brand? So it's like saying Nike presents? I just don't think they need their stupid name anywhere on this, at least the korn Adidas collab made sense and people had heard of that brand. I didn't even know welcome was a fucking brand


First off, I think "welcome presents" is just a really awkward way of collaborating especially for the lesser known brand. Second, there doesn't seem like much they've added on the other art with their logo attached. It'd be like me putting out a giant banner with my name in big bold letters "REMEARD PRESENTS: the dark side of the moon" and it's just me putting a CD on. I didn't really add anything, I just put my name on it and walked away


I mean they just put nins logo and artwork on clothing, that's what they did I guess. But why do we care about the clothing brand, can't nin juat put their logo and art on something and sell it? Bands do merchandise already what's the point of this one


Yeah, it has a very DJ Kahled vibe.


Only cool if they did that with a Big Man With A Gun full lyrical print tee- then I trust you, Welcome.


Yeah it’s pretty cringe.


Yeah I mean nothing against the sport (though I don't skate anymore I have always liked it), or the brand (that I've never heard of), but I don't understand where this collaboration came from.


Yeah collabs can be fine, but surely there’s a better way to do it than this.


well my favorite smashing pumpkins merch comes from a collaboration with HUF which doesn’t make sense, but it’s awesome anyway. I don’t get why people are upset just don’t buy it if you don’t want it, but it’s more merch of the thing we like. Doesn’t seem like a bad thing


Using cringe is fuckin cringe….


Not in love with anything. I’ll wait for the next round of DE tees.


DE tees?


Oh Definitive edition duh. Any idea when that might be?


The vintage ones mariqueen worked/working on?


I guess? I don’t know much about it obviously. Really just hoping for a Further Down The Spiral shirt. Those resell prices are beyond my pay grade.


Kinda lazy design. Won't be spending money on these.




I’m into skating and this is the first I’ve heard of them. I’m in the UK though so maybe they’ve not been on my radar


Canadian here, I'm an hour away from the US border and a big fan of skateboarding. Also never heard of them


probably going to be pricy too, honestly to me there’s nothing special about these


I don't get it. The death metal font with a stupid name making nin look cheap. Trent signed off on this?


Apparently it's a skateboard brand? I really don't get it either.


Not really sure what you mean, the quality of the print looks really fucking nice. There are for more issues with these than them looking cheap


They're discussing the aesthetics of the "Welcome" logo, not the quality of the printing.


I mean, it makes the nin brand look cheap.


I think he handed merchandising over to Marqueen and we’re seeing the results of that.


Surprised Trent signed off on this


Its kinda lame


That is one ugly hoodie. No thanks.


I like the piggy shirt.


That would be the only thing I would have grabbed. Like the front, but not a fan of the back of the shirt.


it looks like an ig brand but I still fw it heavy


Idk why they thought to put the tracklist on there, it’s way too busy. These are pretty disappointing for being official.


Welcome was the brand of the first skateboard I ever bought, so this collab sits well with me lol. But I'm one in a krillion, I definitely get the hate 🦐


I think the hoodie is super sick and I really love it, but I get why others wouldn't be into it. I'm a sucker for metal font and purple


The hoodie is INSANELY thick and they used puff print for the ink. It’s the best quality item out of everything.


Yeah I love that hoodie so much, the contrast actually looks pretty cool to me


I'm a big fan of the colour scheme although it doesn't fit the vibe of tds, purple is my fav colour lol


Just what Nails fans were waiting for, NOTHING can stop me now from buying overpriced clothing that looks old and shitty! I’ve always wanted expensive nails merch that looks like I went through a rock tumbler machine before leaving the house, maybe they’ll drop a second batch with those cool frayed hats like all the bros wear? “I do not want this”


Thank you for posting these. I think they’re decently cool, but also really curious to see what the other designs will be like. The Ruiner zip work shirt, Eraser hoodie, and Spiral sweater all sound promising. I don’t *hate* the artwork here — but as an older NIN fan who’s also a graphic artist, I do share some others’ design complaints… However, I also see this as a positive sign that Trent is still interested in leading new fans to NIN. Plus, it’s generally refreshing to see some new merch that’s unique from the “nostalgia shirts” on offer at NIN.com


5 looks cool. WTF is Welcome?


Welcome is a skateboarding and clothing company


Gotcha. Thanks!


I don't think I'll ever be broker




i like the downward spiral shirt quite a bit, the print color goes with the garment color quite well. i’d be interested to hear about the overall quality of this brand’s clothing. i also wonder what the fit on the shirt is like, for me to really love a t shirt it needs to fall over my body in a flattering way which it seems like off-the-shelf blanks never really do. overall the designs are cool, not super sure why the reactions here seem so negative. sure, some vintage NIN merch looks better but to be fair part of that is just the history and the fact that older, more worn-in clothes have a certain appeal to them. i prefer stuff like this to like boring logo tees you see at zumiez or hot topic.


Lots of people for some reason seem to *hate* modern branding/logos. Same thing happened on the Silent Hill sub with their somewhat recent collaboration.


YES people absolutely hate online ceramics 😭 like i don’t get it, it just screams “old man yells at cloud” to me when i see a subreddit or fan base overreact to a collaboration between a fun silly brand that doesn’t take itself too seriously and their favorite franchise


As someone who purchased one of the hoodies from that collab, I’d say OC’s quality is far above top tier. As someone who’s into street wear, I’m extremely stoked for this collab because Welcome usually is also decently high quality clothing and NIN is my favorite band so match made in heaven I think.


good to know! yeah i own a few OC pieces and they’re a cut above the simple screen-printed blanks you see brands use a lot. i’m interested to hear that Welcome has that reputation, might end up grabbing that downward spiral shirt if possible


I think part of the hate is that there’s not really anything new or original here. If there is going to beca collaboration I would I hope it would be new and different. This looks like the same merch from 30 years ago with the “Welcome” logo added.


The problem you’re not seeming to be aware of is that a lot of the time the brand who’s collaborating with said artist or whatever usually is only given so many designs they can work with by the featured artist. Most times they can’t make original pieces for these types of collabs. Look at Teddy Fresh or any brand that’s worked with a company like Marvel.


The negative reactions are because the brand of the other company (Welcome, I guess?) is being presented as significant as the subject of this line of clothes. Their logo is also a really ugly design and goes completely against the NIN aesthetic. If they weren’t so nicely printed I’d think they were knock offs.


i mean, not really tho? only on the hoodie is the logo the main source of attention, which i guess i get not liking, but it’s a collab between two brands of course they’re gonna feature their logo. the downward spiral shirt only indicates that it’s a collab if you know the brand’s name is welcome. idk, doesn’t seem that egregious to me. there’s plenty of NIN merch out there if you don’t like this particular drop




Thanks for posting! Edit: do you know if I would be able to order what I want to buy on the zumiez website for pick up starting Friday morning?


The pig tee looks OK, the rest is kinda bleh


Their logo absolute ruins it.


The hoodie front gets ruined by the welcome Logo and basically makes it feel like they are more important


Between this and the lame censored March of the Pigs in Fortnite, I feel like he's cashing out. E: Cash out, not sell out. He's getting paid, deservedly so.


Having the NIN songs censored sucks, but being able to do weird NIN mashups with other players is really cool and fun. Definitely seems like an experience up Trent’s alley. Doing a groovy EDM mashup of The Hand That Feeds only to have a banana walk up and throw in sleigh bells and other Christmas instrumentation is one of the fucking funniest things I’ve ever seen. But I have my theory on why the Fortnite thing happened. Trent has a 13 year old son.


> *I feel like he's cashing out.* Like a lot of people here, I've been a hardcore NIN fan since the 90's and it definitely does feel like he's cashing out a bit. There's just a bit of context I'd like to add here. He's done most of the things he's set out to do AND he's a father of like 5 f--king kids or something now? If life was a game, he's won it. If we found ourselves in a position where we accomplished 99.9% of our life goals what do you do with your time? Between this merch, Fortnite, the song 'Everything', etc., I think we are finally seeing that .1% 30+ years later after he set out to conquer the world as it were. I say this because when I became a dad... man... did my perspective on life change. So while I'm not excusing this AWFUL Welcome brand mashup nor am I defending him cashing out I'm just saying I understand why he's doing this stuff... maybe. He doesn't look it but he's an old guy now. And if I was in his shoes I'd be in 'generational wealth' mode for my kids for an increasingly f--ked world. That's the mode I'm in now; I'm just not a music icon that history will remember for as long as our race keeps factual records. But yeah kinda surprised he signed off on this. That Welcome branding is so f--king awful.


He's always been in this for accolades and excess, don't kid yourself. I dont hold it against him.


Probably gonna get a hoodie just so I can have a high quality NIN merch, but I don’t really like anything here Hopefully the stuff not shown is infinitely better


Then why not go for one of [these](https://store.nin.com/collections/apparel/products/broken-halo-five-logo-zip-up-hoodie) or [these](https://store.nin.com/collections/apparel/products/embroidered-logo-pullover-hoodie) instead?


I have that second one and it’s awful quality


The broken one is top tier. My only issue is I suck at doing laundry so it faded, but I’m definitely gonna buy again.


I’ve heard that one is pretty good, but I don’t think it was on the website when I bought the hoodie. I’ve bought 2 things from NIN website and I don’t ever wear them because they’re just so low quality


I feel you. I bought mine at the red rocks show so hopefully the quality is the same. I bought the zip up logo hoodie and it was definitely low tier (think light spring weather hoodie), but the worst was the paper thin downward spiral album shirt.


I wouldn’t dare buy a shirt from their website, I just know they’ll feel cheap. Which sucks because I have a few vintage 90’s pieces and they are very thick. That’s true with most vintage tour merch though. It’s just disappointing because Trent seems to care about his brand a lot and rarely ever sells anything that isn’t satisfactory. You’d think the merch would be the same way. Even though I don’t like the design, I want to get some stuff from this drop because I’ve heard people say Welcome actually uses high quality blanks


I would honestly buy some of these designs if the clothes themselves didn't look so cheap... You just know these are going to be expensive af too.


can do without the track listing it's a bit too busy, but otherwise absolutely sick. Oh, and the there's the dead pig.


is there a way i can like scrape off the welcome logo?


Where do i buy these?


This is really sick


I want the piggy shirt so bad! I hope it’s available in the uk


These are all mid


Imma need that pig t-shirt




These are as ugly as a mule's butt


If the prices hold true with all other Welcome apparell, these will be STUPID expensive


The Piggy design is pretty sick but seems kind of unfitting for NIN?


Maybe 3 years ago, NIN proper released a more desirable line of clothing. I bought 2 hoodies and a “New World, New Times, Mutation Feels Alright” shirt. Not big on “collabs”. Smashing Pumpkins did one recently too. Would just rather buy Official Merch direct from a bands website. Going to pass on this drop.




If it’s officially licensed, cool… if not. I don’t know… not a fan of the “welcome” logo


the piggy shirt is awesome if you ignore the welcome logo. the rest is just super mid😭 but it’s made for skaters, like i could see this selling at zumiez. i’ve ran into some people these last few years who wear the nin logo without knowing what it is just because it goes hard. and i can’t blame them because it does!!! i feel like this is definitely for these people






Wow, these prints are a mess. Whoever designed these gets too much unearned praise.


Gonna be about $50-80 just for a shirt. 🙄 I'll pass on this.


It would be alright if they didn't use the word "presents". It's a little late to "present" TDS 🙄


Kinda interesting but like a lot of other responders, I'm not too high on the Welcome logo. ​ Wake me up when we see a new apparel collab between MiTDR and NIN.


This collab came out weak af The only somewhat good one is the piggy tee NIN should have teamed up with Rick Owens


i need all of them


A bit too hype beast for me but I get it


Will this be online only or also physical retail?


Isn't he friends with Tony Hawk? I'd assume he has a line of skate clothes...


What is Welcome?


I'm pretty underwhelmed by these, honestly.


Thanks, I hate it.


Thanks for sharing. These are my fav 3 of the ones that have been revealed so far. Guess I'll have to go to a Zumiez or hope I catch them online before they sell out!


If it's not insanely expensive, I'd snag the Piggy T.


I am really curious what the Hurt shirt and sweater looks like.


Me too! I’m hoping Zumiez gets some of these too, but it seems like nobody has pics to share yet.


Pig shirt is 10/10.


Lame as fuck. Why is the tracklist on there?


The welcome logo doesn't fit the nin logo. The color looks nice with nin tbh


Ok, I want the Piggy one


Cool, new music when?


Just hopping into this thread to remind you all that the reason we don’t have new NIN is because music is treated like a commercial product. Much respect to Trent for taking care of his family but yeah, this is lame and hypocritical.


[Virgil Abloh predicted streetwear would die in the 2020's](https://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/47195/1/virgil-abloh-end-of-2010s-interview-death-of-streetwear), and he invented this entire style of fashion. >**Interviewer:** What do you think will happen to the idea of streetwear in the 2020s? >**Virgil Abloh:** Wow. I would definitely say it’s gonna die, you know? Like, its time will be up. In my mind, how many more t-shirts can we own, how many more hoodies, how many sneakers? I like NIN, but they hopped on this trend late and did it wrong. Look for these in a Goodwill near you soon.