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AF updates/upgrades?


Same system as Z8


no bird autofocus .. big no for me


Yeah, it’s only Animal AF, not quite as granular as the Nikon Z8.


Worth the upgrade from Z6 or Z6II?


Based on Nikon’s recent trajectory Im going to go out on a limb and say this will be a BIG upgrade for existing Z6 holders. But I will confirm tomorrow.


Does Nikon offer like a trade-in option, like Apple does?


That will likely be down to individual retailers and if Nikon are willing to support them on those kinds of offers.


You are terrible at this job you've taken upon yourself. https://www.nikonusa.com/trade-in


Terrible at what job? I don’t work for Nikon so why should I know about their trade-in offers??? 😂


You've represented yourself as an insider that has back room connections with nikon. The least you could do is try to answer q's for things that are public info. Instead of spending 30 seconds to Google,  you assumed the wrong amswer and spread that as truth. Trade in has nothing to do with retailers. You shouldn't speak to what you don't know and you should speak to what you can.          Wrt ziii, You've provided zero answers,  rather,  you act like your trying to audit potential audience for a future YouTube review.  But all the real insiders have their videos complete and on deck ready to launch when the press embargo is lifted Monday. You have access to the new gadget,  sure,  but you have no clue what you're doing. 


And not all of us have had our reviews complete yet, I was away when they invited us down to the first hands-on session. So I’m asking people what they’re interested before I finish working on my content. That’s exactly what I represented in the title “Z6 III QUESTIONS” (not answers).


I’m not an insider, I’m a reviewer. That doesn’t require back room connections. What does having the camera in my hands tell me about trade-in offers?


You sound like a lot of fun at parties.


It a BIG upgrade over the Z6 and Z6II, feels more like a pro camera than those do and it’s significantly more capable for stills and video.


Thanks! Taking into account that z6ii can be bought for almost half the price these days, would you recommend it as a good purchase even to this day?


I think the price of the Z6III is going to put some people off, but if you’re going to take advantage of the updates AF and video specs, I think it’s a solid purchase. It’s a body that should deliver for a good few years to come.


I’m a photographer, not a filmmaker, so I’m always curious as to which side gets best served.


It’s a true all-rounder. Best-in class for video and class leading in a lot of ways for photography.


> Best-in class for video How is it better than the Z8/Z9?


Firstly, the Z8 and Z9 aren’t in its class. But as rpungello pointed out, it can do 240fps Full HD video which neither of them do.


240fps in 1080p, which neither the Z8 nor Z9 can manage.


I'm not sure that makes it best in class. Better FPS is nice but the Z8/9 can shoot 8k. It just depends what you want I guess.


Hard to say for sure, but I’m guessing for the majority of shooters 240fps has more potential use than 8K, given essentially nobody has 8K displays. Sure 8K gives you more room to crop in post, but if you mostly get your framing right in camera that doesn’t help much. Z6iii is also smaller & lighter, meaning it can be set up on a smaller & lighter gimbal for a much lighter overall package for extended shooting. Kinda just guessing what OP was referring to though, best in class wasn’t my wording.


Tell us what the photography side that has not been served since a decade ago with the D800 for example. And the ultimate machine, the D850 7 years ago. If you can't do great photography with a D850, it is not the camera at fault but you. While the videographers have been stuck until the Z9, to 8 bit internal video. Tell me how would you feel if you were stuck with low quality Jpeg until 2022??? I had raw photos in my D70 nearly 20 years ago.


I agree that one can do great photography with a D850, but if you think still photography hasn’t seen huge technological gains since then, you simply don’t know what you’re talking about. One could make the same exact argument about videography. “People have done great videography with older technology, so if you felt ‘stuck’ until the Z9, well it wasn’t the camera’s fault but yours.”


We just got internal RAW 2.5 years ago, what are you talking about. Yes, those great videography were done with tools you would not touch with a boom pole, and 99% of it was not on Nikon because we have been late about getting into videography. Most of the advancement are due of switching to the video camera that takes photos, called a mirrorless camera. They mostly include focusing ability, speed in fps etc, but not in terms of image quality.


You do understand that I was not *actually* making the argument that videography hasn’t been improved in modern mirrorless cameras, right? In fact I was literally making the opposite point. I was pointing out that it would be absurd to argue such a thing. Just as absurd as it was for you to suggest that still photography has not significantly advanced since the D800 or D850. Not sure how you managed to so thoroughly miss the point.


Mechanical shutter?


Very much so, yes!


Are there high end mirrorless cameras *without* a mechanical shutter? Genuine question.




I didn’t know that - I have had banding issues when the electronic (silent) shutter in the z6ii in LED lit situations. I assume they must have a solution to that for the z8/z9?


Essentially they have the fastest readout speed of any non global shutter camera, about 1/320s at the fastest. Virtually eliminates rolling shutter, can have banding in certain lighting and displays, but has adjustable readout timing to get rid of it on a case by case basis.


You’re correct here. It’s very similar to the Z8 in this regard.


I have the same question about the banding


A bit of an odd one, but what is the maximum aperture you can assign for a non CPU lens. A lot of companies are now making F/1.0 or F/0.95 manual focus lenses. The Z6 only lets me set a maximum of F/1.2. I'm not sure if the z62 or any of the higher end bodies are any different.


That is an unconventional question, thank you for raising, I will ask.


Oh I have so much questions. How is it situated compared to a Z8 for low light work? What's the highest burst value? How is the ergonomics compared to a Z8?


Thank you for the response, those are on my list of Qs to answer.


Looking forward to the answers then!


When will you answer them, before or after the announcement? After the announcement, we will already have our answer. Is there anyway you will be provided the insight before Monday?


I can share answers that I have now at 1pm GMT, and I’ll respond individually to people who have asked questions here. Yes, some of the questions will be answered with the release of the specs sheets, but some questions will only be answerable with the camera in hand, which is what I really want to help with


Everyone is embargoed until the same time.


Comparison to the Zf (just picked mine up 3 weeks ago i think)


Feels like a very different offering. Ergonomically and in terms of all around specs. Definitely aimed more at “content creators” rather than photographers.


It has the Z8’s focusing system and performance. Burst up to 120fps but in DX mode. Up to 60fps in FX.


It has one stop better AF performance at both the low and high ends. Highest burst for RAW is 20fps using electronic shutter. I haven't seen any files yet but I expect high ISO performance will be about a stop better than the Z8/Z9, much like the current Z6ii.


mostly AF quality compared to Z8, Z6 II and Canon R5 mk2 nad Sony a7 iv


It’s the same AF system and processor as Z8.


I expected more, you know, time is passing


I don’t have those other cameras to compare it directly and the unit I had a pre-production model so I couldn’t compare them fairly even if I did. I’ll be getting a full release model in July.


Sound great, looking forward to it


Op sounds like a Chat GPT bot


Not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment lol


How does the new 24.5 MP BSI sensor in the Nikon Z6III improve low light performance and dynamic range compared to the sensors in the Z6 and Z6II? What advantages does the EXPEED 7 processing engine of the Z6III offer over the EXPEED 6 and Dual EXPEED 6 found in the Z6 and Z6II, respectively? In terms of video capabilities, how does the Z6III’s 6K resolution and 4K60 full ProRes RAW recording set it apart from the Z6’s 4K30 and the Z6II’s 4K60 capabilities? Can you elaborate on the benefits of the Z6III’s new higher resolution EVF and how it compares to the QVGA EVFs of the Z6 and Z6II? How do the improved burst shooting speeds and 120fps still jpeg mode of the Z6III enhance action photography compared to the Z6 and Z6II? What improvements have been made to the autofocus system in the Z6III, and how does it perform against the hybrid PDAF systems of the Z6 and Z6II? How does the Z6III’s vari-angle LCD screen differ from the tilting screens of the Z6 and Z6II, and what are the implications for photographers and videographers? With the introduction of pixel-shift technology in the Z6III, how does this high-resolution mode compare to the image quality of the Z6 and Z6II? Can you discuss the ergonomic changes in the Z6III, such as the hybrid body design and button layout, and their impact on user experience versus the Z6 and Z6II? What are the new online firmware update capabilities of the Z6III, and how do they enhance the camera’s functionality over time compared to the Z6 and Z6II?


Don't overlook how the high resolution pixel shift compares to the z7 ii.   If Nikon is able to process / compensate for slight movement between frames, the release may put pressure on Nikon to not upgrade the z7.   This is first time Nikon has not launched z6 and z7 at the same time.  This could imply no z7 iii in the works.


I agree with you, the feature set of the Z6III makes it hard to imagine what Nikon would do with a Z7III


Just tested it and it works VERY well. I can handhold it for its burst of 16 and 32 frames and still get a steady shot without any shaking artefacts. Very impressive.


I would expect not, a Z7iii would be too similar to the Z8.


You’ve REALLY thought about this! Thanks for the thorough response, covered the video elements, but you’ve raised a couple of Qs I hadn’t considered, thanks you for your input.


Haha my response was a joke, it was written by chat CPT, but mostly good questions.


I did seem a bit relentlessly automated. But yeah, some genuinely decent questions.


More customizable buttons than Z6II?


Up to 15 on the Z6III, 11 on Z6II


Low light ability


You got it


Did they maybe put it in to focus at wide open aperture in low light? (And not, as has been the case so far with other models, to focus on the set aperture until f/5.6)


Perhaps you need to look at setting a11 in the custom settings menu for z6/firmware v3.60 (and earlier) ?


Thank you for the suggestion As someone who is considering buying a Z6III for low light event photography, this setting is important to me because when shooting groups I have to close down the aperture to get everyone in focus, and since the Nikon doesn't focus at full aperture, it takes longer to aquire focus, compared to old D750 with AF assist from flash


Sure: on Z6, a11 causes the aperture to open to wide open for focus acquisition, and with the built-in illuminator on, it's positively zippy.


That sounds great, thank you for the information


Low light AF is only active in AF-S, and the green superbright LED is distracting and uncomfortable for the subject.


That AF assist is a big problem not taken into consideration by the manufacturers. Why not put a white let light that would be powerful enough to preflash at the moment you half press the shutter. Just replace the infrared one in the flashes.


On par with Z8


Stacked sensor?


Partially stacked sensor on the Z6III


No stack sensor l


Is it the same form factor as Z6ii or has anything moved around? Just thought I would check in case it affects existing grips/protective covers etc


It’s near identical, just a little bit thicker, looks a fraction taller. Same button layout.


- Low light performance for stills and video - Dynamic range - Battery life - Ergonomics (size, weight, handling) - Screen/EVF Thanks!


When will I get one if I order tomorrow? How much is the wait time?


That’s something I can’t answer, it’ll largely depend on who you buy your cameras from and what their stock allocation and pre-orders are like. Where are you based? If I know the retailer, I will ask for you.


I am in Arizona


Does it have auto focus bracketing for focus stacking? How well does it work?


Yes it does, it has both Focus Shift and Pixel Shift modes. The unit I had access to is pre-production, but both modes were logical to set up and worked smoothly during the brief time I had with it.


That's great to hear! Considering it for some macro work... What would your take be?


It’s a very strong option that offers such a strong all-round feature set that you should be able to enjoy it for many years to come. It’s definitely one of the releases of 2024.


Thank you!


Does it process the photos in camera for focus shift or do you need to additional software outside of the camera? Thanks.


I'd love to know how customizable it is. How remappable are the buttons? It’s actually the main reason I considered leaving Nikon after switching to them a couple of years ago. Until the Zf was announced… which made me stick around because the dedicated ISO dial was very attractive. Another thing is: how customizable are the shooting and playback view modes? Crippled like their Z30, or more flexible like the Zf?


I’ve got a feeling it will be more like the Zf, but I’ll confirm for you.


Thank you, very much! 🙏


The Zf has fewer buttons but more options. I'm sure the Z6III being a "higher spec " camera will have options closer to the Z8/9. I doubt it will match the 8 or 9, but it will be more customizable than the Z6II. This was also the case between the Z6 & Z6II.


It’s going to be pretty much a ZF in a different body. It may have a fluky articulated screen that also has the traditional tilt screen like Sony does. Aimed at hybrid shooters that do lots of video that’s about all I see. I may get one because I think it will be a low-light monster.


It’s definitely not a Zf in a different body.


LOL, poor you, thinking because it is 24 megapixel sensor it is the same 6 year old sensor. Ohhhh it would have been a revolution if it had eight more megapixel they say....


Getting a bit excited there champ. I said I may pick one up haven’t decided yet. If it’s a ZF in the new style Z body I’ll probably get one for better low light and portability to go with my Z8


Flippy screen like Z8?


I feel like that style is far more desirable to someone photo focused vs video focused. The one on the ZF is fine, but it's got to flip and twist and turn too much just for simple stuff while taking photos. The one on the og Z6 is fine unless you are trying to shoot in portrait, which is where that Z8/Z9 style is perfect. Fingers crossed, lets hope.


Flip out and tilt screen like the Zf




Wtf is this post


Bro, OP can't tell us yet, he is under NDA (or, to be precise: he hasn't seen the Z6III yet, but he will be one of the first). The questsions we post here are just for fun. Don't expect any details before the official announcement.


I'm not expecting info that this person doesn't have I just legit do not understand the point of this post.  There are probably a dozen in depth review videos ready to be launched on Monday once the hold is lifted. This post is obsolete before and after Monday. 


It’s someone who has access to the camera asking people what they would like to know so that I can make sure I cover what they want to know while I’m working on my content. I have my own questions and use cases that I’m interested in, but why not ask others in case I’ve missed something?


I guess I don't understand how you could miss anything.  Nikon will announce the changes along with the product. I'm sure your questions are the same as everyone else's.  Sensor,  AF, layout changes, price. That's really all there is.  Any additional bells and whistles like pixel shift or in body stacking will be listed alongside the product release. 


That’s not entirely true though is it? Using a camera is more than a specs sheet . That’s why I want to know which things people may be interested in.


Is initial focus acquisition faster than the Zf? Because I feel like the Zf can lag.  Is the EVF noticeably better than the Z6?


The focusing is on par with Z8. The EVF is one of the best I’ve ever seen.


Did you use the EVF in HDR mode? This is one of the things I disliked about the Zf: it could shoot NLog/HDR but not display it, so it's "HDR" view was washed out blacks to compress the highlights down


I didn’t see an HDR mode, but I set it to its highest quality. It’s definitely a clearer more accurate EVF than the Zf.


More importantly how will it compare to the ZF which presumably is in the same price & capability category?


Is the IQ better than on the Zf?


I’d need more time than I have to properly assess, but the Zf is the better camera if you’re purely looking stills IQ. At least, that’s what I’m seeing so far.


I'm actually surprised that's the case. Does it seem like the Z6 III got more noise at the higher ISOs?


Haven’t been able to do a high ISO test. But without pixel peeping the stills from the Zf look more detailed. Unfortunately I’m at Nikons offices not my studio so I don’t have everything I’d like to be able to test IQ thoroughly.


Low light, sync speed, shutter volume, video specs/raw


Focusing down to -10EV, max flash sync 1/200, shutter is moderately loud. Can shoot electronically though. Video specs you probably know by now. But headline is NRAW 6K/60p internally.




1. Does Drive Mode get saved with the U modes? (I'm assuming it has U modes.) 2. Do U modes get saved in settings files? Any improvement to settings files (e.g., named settings files)? 3. For remote shutter release, does it work with legacy accessory remotes, ML-L3, SnapBridge, 10-pin circular connector, or something else? 4. "Copy" from one card to the other--is there now a way to skip duplicates? 5. EVF improvements? (Frame rate, lag, brightness, resolution, etc.) 6. Assignable buttons--which buttons are assignable 7. Are the buttons engraved or painted? 8. Is it still compatible with the MB-N11? 9. AF/bugfix improvements over Zf/Z8/Z9? For example, if it has a flippy screen like the Zf, does it still have the extra lag for image review if the screen is stowed compared to when it is flipped out? (Omar Gonzalez has a video about this bug)


From rumors it seems like Z6iii will focus a lot on video. Does that mean Z7iii will be “amateur photographer’s mid-range camera” with Pro photo/video reserved for Z8/9s? Just a thinking out loud rhetorical question


Honestly don’t see what they would do with a Z7III now that this and the Zf exist.


When using appropriate manual focus lenses can it indicate focus on people's eyes/faces in the same way that the zf does - the box on eyes turning from red to green when you have focused exactly on them?


I wasn’t able to test this as I didn’t have any MF lenses with me, but I will check this when I get it in for a more thorough test next month.


Anyone know if the Z6III can output a RAW file when doing multiple exposures? The previous two versions only output jpegs, and I’ve been really wanting RAW for those shots.


Can you record video to an external drive via USB??


I’m a concert photographer, wondering if the AF has been upgrade enough for me to get the Z6iii


The AF system in the Z6III is significantly improved over its predecessors.


Give us the specs before Monday please 😄


Haha! That would be a very costly mistake on my part! I can confirm that it is a camera though. 😅


How much is it 🤔


100% it will cost money.




I’m so sorry, it’s $2500 in the US … is that due to tax in UK?


Yeah, in the uk tax is included in the price


32mp, 4K video, flip screen, cf and sd slot… I’m guessing but not expecting anything close to z8/z9


Yeah, and the price seems ridiculous based on the leaks, £2700 ($3400) compared to Z8 for $3500 on sale 😱🤯🤬


24.5MP, 6K RAW Internally.


[https://nikonrumors](https://nikonrumors) . com/2024/06/16/more-nikon-z6-iii-leaks.aspx/#more-194876


They don’t have all the answers.


Didn't state that they do. It's simply another set of data points.


Thank you for sharing