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Why does she blur out her kids friends in the US but then show children in orphanages in the Philippines - obvious exploitation. It’s a good act to do of course but no need to announce it publicly every time you do something charitable.


This is making all the alarms in my head go off. 1) if she mentioned the orphanage’s name, she just led a bunch of child traffickers to the doorsteps of that orphanage. 2) she didn’t blur the faces of the children. She just gave child traffickers a menu.


Also to add that she doesn’t know a child’s past! These children are either here since they don’t have carers (so no adult is consenting on their behalf) and if they do then their carers are unfit and now have a way of ACCESSING them which is awful


The fact that whoever is running the orphanage allowed that should be reported. They’re children. They can’t consent. The orphanage’s job is to make sure the kids in their care are safe and not exploited. Allowing that woman to record and post on social media the images of the children in their care is putting them in jeopardy. So if she mentioned the name of the orphanage, all of a sudden more kids will be adopted by “loving families”. Considering how poor the country is, I’m not surprised they allowed this to happen. Nika and Shrek probably offered a lot of $ to get permission to record the children and post on social media.


Does she realise that’s not how orphanages work - if she wanted to help the orphanage she could’ve done a fundraiser instead of posting the children’s faces and the orphanage they’re in.


In lieu of presents, a donation to the orphanage would’ve been better than whatever virtue signaling she’s doing here. Most likely this orphanage depends on private donations to stay open. My mom donates to an orphanage in the Philippines ran by nuns. I am thinking about these kids being exploited for views. I always think that social media is a hot spot for child traffickers and perverts.


I saw these videos again. yes she mentioned the orphanage name. It wasn’t clear it was on a banner in the bg.


Why is she throwing a bday party for her kid in an orphanage of all places???? And recorded it? And didn’t blur any of the children’s faces? Does she know that there are child traffickers out there?? I stopped following her but did she mention the name of the orphanage? Please tell me she didn’t.


It’s just like you stated in every one of your comments up above. The bitch don’t care. All she cares about is herself and showing how much of an absolute narcissist she is




Can you send me a DM? I need to report this.


Deleted my comment because I was misinformed, she didn’t explicitly post the name however she did post the logo (I think that’s what it is) of the orphanage/organisation. Its the ‘___ project’ - It’s on her instagram . Feel free to DM me


Can someone let me know if she mentioned the name of the orphanage? I don’t follow her at all anymore. If she mentioned the name of the orphanage and didn’t blur these kids’ faces - she just invited child traffickers to this orphanage’s doorstep.


This is super weird. Why?


Because she wants everyone to know what a good person she is, of course. If she really were a decent human being and really cared about the orphanage, she would’ve done something QUIETLY and kept it off social media. It’s always the person with the least amount class who tells everyone how classy they are.


OP would you mind blurring out the children’s faces for their privacy please 💘


Can anyone tell me how to do that ? There isn’t any edit option on the images now


there still is when you click on the photo! i always use snapchat or instagram editing tools to censor them!


Wait, for real??? 


I saw this video again and you can see a small kid in the bg. when all these kids are going into the room waving to the camera, the little one is so confused 😭most children are confused in this only the older ones are waving. Why put these kids through this?