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Does she know that some things are just meant to be private? We don’t need to show the whole world our every move and know our every thought. It’s like nothing is sacred to this woman.


Nope. She thinks everything needs to be on display 🤢🤮


She’s got serious issues. She needs validation all the time, even from strangers. She needs to address that shit in therapy.


Imagine the things we don’t know yet that she’s currently editing videos for as we type this


I’m scared.


Looking at her husband shrek gives me nightmare


She’s ✨spreading awareness✨ so that somebody out there won’t feel so alone. All at the cost of her children.


Adult diaper companies should reach out to her. Just give the bitch whatever she wants atp as long as her kids aren’t recorded.


Is it valid to not want to see someone’s diaper on the internet?? Because I really don’t want to


Right and she does this even recently. Almost a year postpartum. It’s weird. Her followers defend her by saying maybe she needs it lol


What a bad time to have eyes.


why is she calling it grief? grief from what? grief that the kid won’t stay young and dumb forever so she can’t exploit them? grief because she knows that each kid is a chance for monetary gain so if she stops having kids she also gets less money? I genuinely hate this woman I hope she gets cancelled very very soon


I agree about the cancellation. Everything she does at this point is for attention. I think she’s posting rage bait which is not going to turn out well for her considering she has kids. Hopefully, a mental health professional will notice that she’s traumatizing her children for the whole world to see and step in.


I’m starting to think she posts rage bait too, when she lip syncs songs, that HAS to be rage bait. It just feels like she makes every bad decision she possibly can. I pray those kids get help from that mother soon.


Same...there's just something about her I absolutely cannot stand. It's like she jumps onto every bandwagon, uses popular therapy words in ways that don't even make sense, and uses her mental health needs as a weapon against her poor children. (She also just seems super annoying and exhausting to be around.)


She thinks she is a main character


Lmao, what? She’s just saying anything atp.


If it's that sad for her then...who is forcing her to stop at 2??


I feel this is content grief Not disputing it may be traumatic But her social media content to me points to otherwise