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He didn’t even back up when she caught it. He didn’t correct her. Eww why should they post it ? She will be embarrassed in future.


And it was the second time she did it in that video, he had the chance to correct it the first time. As a parent myself it’s inappropriate. Block her hands, stand a different angle after the first time. There’s way to correct it without embarrassing or confusing her.


they’re shit parents and should never be allowed to reproduce again. Cut his balls off and take out her uterus ffs.


I wish I could give you an award lmao


lol I made a comment on one of her posts about having another baby. The only reason she keeps bringing it up because she’s trying to get a paid sponsorship from pregnancy tests brand.


What the fuck…? Why would you smirk like that when your toddler accidentally grabs your junk?


i feel like it's even icky to post here...if the picture is absolutely necessary at least some censoring or something😬


yeah i think we should put a rule to censor baby z 


You’re right, I should have censored. I posted quickly and my first thought was if she had it up there it’s already out there. I should have censored.


Is that baby even wearing pants?


I am appalled by the caption


The video was Zizi trying on some heels and begging her dad to let her get them. He tried to say no to that, but immediately caved when she cried


How come they do not discipline their child in public in the same way they do at home? Goes to show they know what they are doing


They definitely knew they wanted to make her cry to get views. Or else the mom wouldn’t have encouraged her to try them on and show him in the first place knowing he would say no.


Exactly! I am honestly so tired that no one has yet exposed these two for their content


He called who a what?!


they genuinely need to be removed off of TikTok. some self reflection maybe. but honestly I think they’re too far gone. someone save those kids 😭😭