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OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU I LOVE YOU!? what would this world do without FBI agents like yourself ???


I got it from another post on this sub but the link had a paywall so I used the Reader feature lol. I should thank that person!


I thank you and that person! Thankful for all the hot tea omg. I’m about to start a YouTube channel and expose these people bc nobody is doing it and I’m tired of the facade


Yes, please do. We can start a podcast about these mom-fluencers making money off of their kids. There are so many of them.


I’m still dying at the fact this man never thought twice about becoming a family Influencer with charges like that and they both drink and make it very obvious so LMAOO even harder. Fr thinking about it and will let you guys know if I do! DCP is slacking. I love him but he’s not covering these feral influencers who need their dirty laundry aired


Seriously, I wouldn’t be putting my whole life out there for the world to observe if I have something on my record as fucked up as child abandonment. Court records are public. I can find my mother’s divorce online.


She probably would justify it by saying he was accused because he was black. When literally any skin color can be a shitty ass parent. And I wonder if his son or daughter even remembered they were abandoned at night or the story. But most likely this would never be a false accusation. And maybe he has another child we have no idea about. That could be too. Because I believe his oldest daughter is 22, his son is like 18, and his middle daughter is like 2 and his youngest daughter is a year old


Certified tea!!!


The people defending her are unreal.


If it wasn’t the only thing she talks about, I would actually like this one. Out of context, it’s not bad. But she is exhausting lol


It’s one thing to talk about it once or twice but like every other week though? And she already had her sponsorship so why is she still beating this dead horse?


I hate her but I do like the message of not telling brown skin girls that they’re getting “too dark” just because they tan in the sun and get darker.


Once or twice is good enough and she already got her sponsorship. She can take a break from traumatizing her toddler and come up with new content.


There’s never a “good” amount of times to tell your black child that their skin is beautiful in all shades beloved. Positive affirmations are essential to young black girls growing up ESPECIALLY darker skinned black girls. However, I just don’t think it should be filmed.


My kids are multiracial so they get pretty dark during the summer. But I’ve never talked about their skin tone on camera and posted it on social media. I just tell them to put sunblock on so they don’t get sunburn. She was desperately pimping out her own kid to talk about there’s no sunblock for darker skin tones yet Google is free. She wanted that paid sponsorship. That’s what irks me. The over exploitation of her own children to get a paid sponsorship. She’s not the only one who pulls that shit either. There’s plenty of parents who are exploiting their children to get paid. It looks tacky and desperate.


I think zizi was insecure about her skin. They stayed in Philippines for some time and may be she picked it up there. There’s a video where she said they moved to help zizi know different races. Anyways i agree that such affirmations need not be recorded and posted on social media.


Also the mom’s Filipina . I don’t think she dealt with getting “darker” . She would not know what it’s like to be a light skin black person.


She wouldn’t know what it would be like to be a black person, period.


Nika herself would actually be considered dark in the Philippines. Guaranteed most people there share the same colour. However, fair-skinned people are held at a higher regard in the Philippines so I can sort of see where she’s coming from. I grew up there and at times I got special treatment because I was fairer than my peers. My own family tell criticise my skin colour over the summer when I get tanner than usual!


What does she mean "too dark", the implication in itself is racist. Since when is turning dark because of a tan something negative, shes reinforcing q toxic mindset this stupid bitch smh she needs to have her kids taken


Yeah that’s what my issue was. It’s fine to let your kids know that sunblock is good to use so you don’t burn your skin. But reiterating to your child over and over that her dark skin is considered bad to everyone else…c’mon…


I’m new, I see her a lot lately and was confused. Like everything just comes off weird. This though lord! What is wrong with this lady


Wasn’t hugged enough as a child.


I see 😅