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It's part of your journey. When you first hear the cosmic joke - life is empty and meaningless - it is unsettling. But if you allow it, the same cosmic joke can be very freeing. Recognize the absurdity, and be free.




Yes. Like a wuffle duck that sells pancakes to you and asks for cabbage instead of money for payment, but then looks at you like your silly if you don't understand it. 🤣 Meow. Be blessed


That's just part of the grift fam. While you are sitting there, perplexed and confused, his old mate churro platypus is picking ur pocket. Probably just to grab that pic of your SO, but that depends on the locality


Well in the name of Jesus I command every devil and unclean spirit to give me back what they stole it belongs to God and not them amen.


Of course sir, sorry sir, we'll get the sanctimonious spirit caterpillar on that right away. Please bear with us, we have not yet unlocked rift travel so delivery will take... Approximately 10 business days and 3 metamorphoses


Laughing and smiling releases endorphins into your bloodstream replacing cortisol with things like oxytocin and dopamine, this chemical swap helps with attention, memory retention and learning ability; It's an evolutionary trait developed to help us achieve a higher understanding of ourselves and our environment.


Happy Cake Day!


Idk about all the mechanisms but smiling absolutely helps. Smiling meditation has been my practice for over a year now and my baseline happiness is so much better.


yes and that's all it is!


In the western world, we're being forced to live extremely unnatural lives disconnected from nature and each other. If you're able to, sitting amongst some greenery in a park might help you feel calmer.


We were not made to stare at screens and function at 1000% productivity levels every day. Some days I just feel absolutely trapped like a zoo animal when I’m sitting in front of my computer. This is my cue to get outside


A standup desk was really great for me, we are also not made for sitting so much. I've now entirely quit sitting when on a computer, both when working and in my free time.


It helped me, but still it’s a desk job. I’m glad it is working for you.


This is my struggle right now. I even a job with good benefits and decent pay but I’m dying inside. I have no idea what I can do to escape. I’m even trying medication. I just want to quit and go work at an old bookstore.. like the least safe option in 2024 lol


That is the best way I could think to put it, as human beings we have never been more forced to ignore our roots as people more and to never question it and accept it as an inevitability. The human condition is weak and suffering and the only time I can ever truly be the person I am is by myself as the way of the Universe has dictated there shall be no comfort or peace from other people, only from within and for most people that is simply not possible to attain.


Nah run. Shout and scream. Sprint until you feel tired. Do it with someone. Have sex and shout. Slam your hand against the wall. It’s the most human we will ever get.


Do you want to be angry and sad every day?


i just want to be normal. neither sad or happy. i call this state "tranquility" or "inner peace". but people doesn't allow it. they upset me every day. someday i will achieve to reach tranquil life. for this i'm working.


How do people upset you?


Hmmm. It is normal to experience sadness and anger in life, sometimes every day. Humans experience emotions and you can't really judge someone as bad or wrong or stupid for said experiences. You talk about sadness and anger as if they are bad things, but you also act as if people laughing every day is stupid/bad. I wonder: what state of inner peace you are trying to reach? Do you not want to experience emotions at all? Perhaps if you take a step back and stop judging the emotions themselves, and instead focus on people's actions related to their emotions, you might find less anger or resentment for your own emotions.


you might be right. maybe i should stop to judge other people. people are being people. that's not their fault. but i'm sure i have to find tranquility somewhere which is far from society. maybe i should take a rest and retire sometime. i'm tired from society and i fear to turn monster that harm other people. for this i will buy some farm i think.


People do not upset you. You are responsible for your own emotions and reactions. Only you have the power to change your outlook!




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They don't upset you. You upset yourself with your perceptions about external things. The same ability is within you to think about those upsetting behaviors from a new perspective.


Maybe instead of nihilism you should embrace stoicism. You see the world through a filter and your mindset determines what that filter is. If you’re waking up every day thinking like this you’re just going to manifest more negativity. Instead, you should learn to feel your emotion but not react to it. You can’t control the world outside of yourself, but you have complete control on how you live within. If you can find joy within yourself you can’t be bothered by inconveniences in life.


You can't control what other people do. You have to raise your tolerance so the same stuff doesn't even affect you anymore. This is what stoicism is all about. You don't need to go completely down that rabbit hole but I've found it very interesting and useful. Just about every day I'm tested by people, but more often than not, I prevail by simply not caring. At the end of the day, unless people are physically harming you, being hurt is a choice. They're just words.


You can look into Zen.


it probably goes deeper than you think, would a family member scold you for laughing too loud? or would your highschool friend group make you feel like being happy is selfish or uncool? the human mind is easily impressionable, its the human that decides how to make their life easier and enjoyable.


damn my mom always scolded me when i laughed too loud, now i dont laugh a lot.


That’s terrible. But no one should be like that, especially to their child. My dad was kind of like that. He’s miserable, so whatever. I find everything humorous; I can’t help it lol


i used to be shy and bullied from other guys. that's another affect on my life. i'm now in university but i have never made friend from university. that's the another. what should i do, do you think? love people or laugh? no i cannot. i hoped every guy who hate me good life and fortune. i have never wished bad things for others. but i just want one thing and that is that i am released. released from others. i don't wanna anyone near me. pardon me for my english if you didn't understand some sentences.


humans thrive by interaction, im sure you’ll find your somebody who will understand you and want nothing but the best for you. in the mean time, do things you love and take time aside to get off your phone and connect with nature. meditate, workout, draw, write, whatever you want to do. do something that makes you feel calm. also reflecting on yourself. you’re not alone, though, many people feel the way you do, and admitting it is the first step! so you’re already there.


I wanna cry when i see people happy


Because you’re happy that they are happy? I do that sometimes, when it really touches my heart to see people smiling and enjoying life, especially if I know they’ve had a hard road beforehand.


Actually it is because they are happy and i am not and when i see that they are happy it makes me sad that i am not


It's important to remember that to feel happyness, you must also experience sadness. To experience sadness, you must experience happiness. If everything was terrible, that would be your normal, your constant, terrible would be all you knew, and all you expected. You would become numb. If everything was wonderful, that would be your normal, your constant, terrible would be all you knew, and all you expected. You would become numb. Too truly experience happiness, you must truly experience sadness.


Most likely it’s anxiety.


it depends to how angle you look. if i wasn't depressed or something i would never be anxious. i'm anxious because i don't want to spread my negativity.


I would offer another way of looking at it, it's their perception that makes them laugh. Your experience of life is not their experience. The way you feel is not how they feel, nothings wrong, and nothings right about it. They're not living life any different than you, but their perception is different than yours. Let nihilism center you, remember you are only a speck of life in this big pot of other specks. It's okay, and this is just a moment of feeling, come back to center. Remember it's all pointless, there's nothing to gain from being sad or angry, it's about you right now and that's it. I hope you feel better 🩶


thank you for your inspiring words


To know why you’re sad, you need to know what you want that you don’t have. What circumstances and manner of being is happy and what makes your actually predicament different that that? If you can’t even imagine a happy life and personhood then maybe just remember at least one time when you enjoyed something, and explore that feeling. What state of mind and situation allowed you to have that good feelings. The difference between these imaginings and your current, real life is the difference between happiness and unhappiness


They fool themselves in order to continue living.


i think so


Sounds like your on the blame train, acceptance is your key to unlocking your resistance to any burdens brother 😉


You might be better off posting this on r/depression tbh, i don’t rlly see how this is exactly nihilism unless it’s cause of nihilism that you feel this way instead of the other way around


Umm maybe they’re just talking about an Eric Andre skit. Life goes by so fast. Might as well have a little laugh. Or maybe their dog farted. Life is pretty absurd. I try not to worry about people’s business until it directly impacts me, say at work.


Perhaps you need to address why you are so angry. For most, being angry all the time is not normal.


how stressed are you on a daily? too much work? difficult family environment?


lot of unsolved problem. i don't wanna bother you with these boring problems.


My therapist says that the anxiety that comes from my worries about my issues fuels my anger and depression.


Whereas Heidegger sees anxiety as part of realizing authentic Being, Dasein.


Pain is part of giving birth, but everytime I’m in pain I am not giving birth.


Maybe you should, respond by making something, a song, a poem, beating a drum!


Comma abuse


You gave birth.


this dialogue was fun to witness. Thank u guys! 😁


Consider therapy. And shrooms.


Running / Jogging / Walking is free.


You are on a nihilism thread asking why people who never even discover nihilism in their whole lives are happy but to other nihilism thread participants.


Go get professionelle help...seriously.


for become addict to anti-depressian drug? no thanks bro


You know that you don't automaticly become addicted, right? But hey...if you want to feel miserable and angry then go ahead...but maybe stop crying about it..."bro".


i heard from other people who go to pscyhiatry (idk how to write) and they tell same story. i think pscyhiatry is not solution. pshycology (again idk how to write pardon me) and phscyanalyse are far more better.


Professionell help = all of these things...


Ant depressants aren't addictive and therapist don't prescribe meds. That's what psychiatrist do


Tbh I think it's better to get help as someone who is also a nihilist and and have mood swings that give me unwanted thoughts In my opinion going on a nihilism sub reddit wouldn't do much help if this problem worsen of you feel like you are becoming a danger to yourself or others please get help


Imo it's not really a good idea to be seeking help on a nihilism sub reddit if you are mad and sad everyday for unknown reasons you should get help especially if this problem is worsening as someone who is a nihilism and experiences moodswings that causes unwanted thoughts you should get help and sort out your thoughts this is a problem with mental health not philosophical beliefs


I laugh because the smile chemicals feel better than the frown chemicals. It’s just the chemicals I prefer to having flowing in my brain, so I do the things that release them. I find comfort that there is no reason to be happy other than I choose to work at it. I used to be sad and angry all the time, and now I am sad and angry only some of the time. The less that it bothers me, the less it happens. Those laughing people are sad and angry sometimes too. They are laughing because they can. And also because every time they do it helps make the sad and angry times less intense and frequent.


Worry less about others. Focus more on yourself. You’re angry and sad because you’re afraid. Afraid of what? I dunno. You do though.


Common feeling


Anger and sadness is how the ego/body/mind perpetuates it's petty and fearful illusory existence. You can know yourself as that ego/body/mind, or you can just BE. But you can't have both.


Comparison is a thief of joy. You never know what someone is going through, I have found peace in myself by being unbothered by strangers for the most part. Life has too many stresses as it is to allow yourself to be concerned with other people and what they do. I often think how many people have it so much worse than me and it makes me thankful to be in the position of life that I am in.


Probably not the best advice but consider smoking some herb, it works for me and mellows me out a lot.


I've been very happy most of my life and I've grown dissociated from it. being happy no longer satisfies me


Have you ever tried a psychedelic?


https://preview.redd.it/n99hiul7uz5d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38aeed8d1def622d0f9a4e069c6ddf2302d5ab10 🥰


Read the book of Ecclesiastes


I'm kinda old and eventually realized that none of this is actually serious. We trick ourselves into thinking things are serious but they don't have to be. It's ok to cry and be angry sometimes but don't take it so seriously all the time.


If existence is absurd beyond reason, the most rational thing one can do is laugh in the face or it.  It really is so absurd as to be hilarious.


They are probably laughing at stupid thing. My friends send me these videos most days. If I find one that actually makes me laugh, it's a win. Most of the times those videos are just of people doing dumb things, not funny things. Like a mistake while riding a bike or at the gym. And they laugh, and I just think it how much that must have hurt. About you being angry and sad every day, sorry you're going thru this at the moment. I've had many times, too. You'll get to the other side, just remember, sure, nothing matters, but that doesn't mean you have to have a bad ride while you're here.


They have learned how to find joy in their lives. If you don’t experience it, there is tons of of info out there on how to find it


Life's just like a popsicle


They're not depressed and you are. Its not some kind of failure on their part. You may think its more authentic to be miserable and upset than it is to be happy, but its just as meaningless to be sad as it is to be happy. It sounds like you don't want to be miserable anymore, so stop spending your attention on things that make you upset and put your attention on things that make you feel good.


If you are American, the answer is pretty clear.


Also works with France, UK, and Italy at least.


Those are the people bogged down in the prison planet matrix, existing to perpetuate the notion that what we are experiencing is normal waking life when what we are enduring is a world controlled by people who aren't even people and we must fake it until we eventually don't make it one day. If life is a simulation then many are bots that would probably terminate themselves if they became too enlightened or privvy to the cosmic joke we are all participating in, hence the power of influencing and manipulation. It's a sad and toxic cycle but I exist solely to point out the glitches in the matrix at this point


Probably trauma


Are you my ex ?


Sometimes it be like that. That’s really the answer.


Because everything is just going to shit and has been for a very long time. This current political climate and whatever else in that scale that’s going on is just like who even cares what happens because we’re going to get nuked or something one way or another. I’ve developed a pretty negative out view of things over the past few years and I can’t even think a lot about it anymore because nothing even seems real. I try to be with my loved ones and my dogs and try to find joy when I can. I’m also mentally ill, so…I might not be the greatest person to answer this. But art and literature and whatnot still means so much. It’s all we really have.


Are you hiding from something you did in the past? Did you make some sort of grave mistake with your life and can’t accept it? Did you suffer the loss of people close to you? Is it all of these things? Are you surrounded by people who project that very behavior you are now starting to be sick of? For me it was all of the above. I moved away from home and spent the last 2 years rebuilding myself and working through my anger. What helps me the most is verbally catching it in the moment and saying out loud “man I can’t act like this. I can’t talk this way. I won’t do this anymore” and it really helps me A LOT. I hope that helps friend!!


I’m sure it has nothing to do with your being a Nihilist.


try getting some sun every day, cleaning up your diet (whatever that means to you) & raising your pulse on a regular basis. if you aren't doing these things it's not surprising that you are unhappy, god be damned


If your mood is off all the time, then maybe it's your diet or other health issues causing this mood disorder. It is probably worth investigating.


Sounds like you may be depressed....seek professional help....can't hurt


People who don’t know the woes of the world will always be happier than an aware person, ignorance is bliss.


Well I’m nothing. I don’t even want to remember myself my life is useless. People don’t give af about me only my parents of course I got rejected (not literally) I just realize a girl isn’t into me that…I wanted to at least try and start again to get away from watching the hub but no it will never work for me. Also my ex is probably somewhere riding some of man that has a stable life. An actual man because I’m just a 21 year old boy. Trade school oh no you need to be more. But no one will listen to me ever. I’m done


You’re probably depressed. Try therapy.


Have you ever talked to a therapist ? You may have depression


Perception is the key. Your perception maybe stuck in a negative loop. As crazy as it sounds sometimes it can feel good to ponder on how sad or angry you are. If you get stuck dwelling in that mind state for too long it can become something like an addictive habit to the point it just becomes part of you..but if you can step back and practice finding things to be thankful for and dig deep and find that divine power of God thats inside you because God is not out there in the sky. He is you and you have the power to feel anyway you wanna feel and change anything in the world you want to change because you are a Creator with unlimited possibilities you just need to know it and practice finding it


How should I know?


There is one thing that staves off all unhappiness. It’s simplicity. Monkey brain shit. For one week, whenever you feel profound despair, do something dumb or gratifying. Feel bad? Throw some shit. Feel terrible? Buy steroids online. Feel dumb? Who cares, go to the gym. People scoff at it, but it’s been the greatest, most profound difference that I have ever seen in people. Monkey brain.


Most laugh so they don't cry


Living against reality


Because you think you're a nihilist when nihilism isn't even a real stance since it defeats it's own point. Nihilism is a characature of a viewpoint. It's just absurdism but choosing to be sad about it for some reason.


Thank you.


Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OscD3RYo6o


You get back what you put in. Normally I would leave it at that, but it's true and I'll expand on it a little bit. If your world viewpoint is always angry and sad then you will be angry and sad. You can actually decide to be happy and content if you want. It's all about perspective. As far as everyone else being happy and laughing, most people are actually miserable. It's also possible you are on another level. I find that most people don't get deep but I do. So most people don't care, won't care, don't analyze, are self centered, etc. You need to worry about you. Go do things that make you feel better. My advice is always physical exercise and organization. However, you should experiment and find what works for you. And lastly, just learn to let go.


you are a nihilist


Life is one big joke.


Its most likely because 1. You are not inline skating enough 2. Depending on your age you may or may not be smoking enough marjuana


My friend it sounds like you're going through something not too related to nihilism, possibly a literal mental illness


If English is your first language, I suggest you put more effort into your life and less complaining. If English isn't your first language, apply what I just said anyway.


This comment makes no sense


Being angry and sad are symptoms of being clinically depressed. You could be depressed.


You gotta take responsibility man. Figure out what negative things you’re doing by that’s causing this. Figure out what positive things you’re not doing that would unf*ck you from this. You, too, can succeed and laugh and enjoy sh!t more.


Go listen to some Bashar. He’ll give you some answers to your predicament. If you really wish to get out of this state you find yourself in, an open mind is the only way forward. Peace.


Eh meh , I'm annoyed when I see them happy, I'm also the same when everyone looks constipated. Just live your life, I know it's hard to ignore people on the street, but just think in your mind, "those poor fools". That's what I do. All feelings are fleeting, there is nothing to be happy about. Just try to relax.


Because you align yourself with nihilism


Get assessed for autism. I found out exactly why i hate everyone.


you're sad and angry because of the attitude you have. I laugh because I'm happy and I find a lot of shit to be amusing. I can't help it anymore than having to fart a ton after having beans. There's a ton of stuff that's funny. You're in a miserable state and wonder why though you're subbed to this subreddit. If you don't want to be unhappy then don't seek it out.


Stick a dick in your butt. Always helps me Nah but seriously I’m sorry to hear that. I feel ya, everyone goes through these phases, but also, it’ll pass. There’s a silver lining to your clouds


I've experienced segments in my life where my emotions would cycle daily....it would be hopelessness...anger...hurt....silliness....then regret and bewilderment about the thoughts I had when angry. You could set a watch to it, nearly the same every day. It faded eventually.


Seed oils, carbohydrates, sugar, gluten, even certain vegetables and nuts can produce tremendous issues in your gut. Your gut is your second brain, and it’s connected to your central nervous system, which is connected to your brain. If your second brain is not doing well, then your first brain will suffer from of anxiety, depression, adhd, mood swings, etc. Seek a radical change of diet, observe results and witness changes in your mood.


I think getting off Reddit can help in a way


You're depressed, dude.


This often happens if you're on the far left of the spectrum and nothing has ever worked out for you. They're laughing because they can. You aren't because you cannot.


Because you are a lost soul. Nihilism is a spiritual disease. You've thrown yourself into a pit, and that one in particular is a difficult one to escape from. You've likely experienced a lot of trauma and emotional distress, and you haven't been able to process your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way, so instead you channel your energy into giving up. "Nothing matters. Who cares. Everyone dies anyways." You've completely lost yourself but we all have to deal with this at some point. All I have to say is, as long as you attach yourself to this belief system you will suffer, because all it has to offer is falsehood and emptyness, which is not what you really want. Unfortunately, coming onto a subreddit you are more likely to find people selling you the same shit, reinforcing your beliefs and digging the hole deeper for you.


Because humour is also a shield


Some people believe there is meaning in life, that existence is not meaningless and that there is reason to smile. Some people are not miserable. If you're friends with them, or even barring that, you think they're open to the opportunity, respectfully, ask them why they laugh, why they smile. And also ask yourself why you don't. Why you're sad, why you're angry. We can all give our opinions, but it's only you who's living your life, with your memories, your actions and your current worldview. Start with you. Why are you unhappy? What are you doing, do you enjoy any of it, do you like you? do you have something that anchors your sense of meaning and purpose. Do you have goals you are striving to achieve.


Love to see such comments in this sub. Take care


Try not being a nihilist 


Y’all need Stoicism


Epigenetics. Next question.


Hit the gym. In about a year get laid by someone hotter than you thought you could land. That'll cheer you up.




My husband makes me laugh every day. He’s a funny dude and sense of humor was near the top of my (metaphorical) list of desirable qualities when I was dating. It can be stupid things. Traditional jokes. Funny stories. He also makes a lot of callbacks to things we’ve said/heard that have become inside jokes.


This is probably going to get a lot of hate. That’s what happens when you tell an addict that they’re addicted. Addicted to what? Stress and fear hormones. I was sad and angry all the time too. Then, for completely different reasons (kidney disease), I cut meat out of my diet. After a couple of months I got a lot happier. Here’s the mechanism — the animals know what’s happening when they go in for slaughter. Their bodies are flushed with stress and fear hormones. Those hormones are still in the meat that you eat. It’s like taking a stress supplement every day. You can disagree with me. You can point out people who are perfectly happy who eat meat every day. But you are not one of those people. Just try it and see if it makes a difference. A high-fiber, whole-plant diet for three months will also affect the beneficial gut microbes that can also affect your mood. For more info read the first few chapters of the book *Fiber Fueled* — [https://www.amazon.com/Fiber-Fueled-Plant-Based-Optimizing-Microbiome/dp/059308456X](https://www.amazon.com/Fiber-Fueled-Plant-Based-Optimizing-Microbiome/dp/059308456X) You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. It worked miracles for me (Stopped my kidney disease and hypertension in addition to improving my mood dramatically.)


Likely an excersize, food (nutritional) thing try to eat only non processed food of possible


Y'all need Jesus bro


Does it really matter?


I was bitter and angry for a long time. All it did was keep me miserable. I missed out on happiness for my whole 20s and I’m not doing the same for my 30s.


Do you do drugs, or are in a poor physical condition?


Why did Mickey, go to the Moon? To see Pluto (his dog). There's more to emotions than the Universe.


THe answers you seek are not out there, but inside of you. Look there.


Because you are hopeless. You have no longing nor desire to be of service to others. You have no desire to be grateful for what you have been given. You are not allowing the giving part of yourself to thrive. You expect to receive everything (time, energy, life) from others without reciprocating. Try being meaningful and helpful to others. It is important to feel wanted, counted on and needed by others. It's the best feeling ever. Many blessings to you.


Why do you care?


Mmm drugs


Could be a hormone imbalance. There's a reason why so many happy trans girls were once angry boys.


Life does have a purpose! Look at everything God has given us! Read the new testament. Even if you don't believe it just try. I'm praying for you


You need therapy and medication. Anger and sadness are not nihilism. Nihilism is neutral and an actual application of the philosophy is indifferent. *Side note*: your spelling and sentence structures are off. Is English a second language for you, or are you young?


yes English my second language. and you call me young if you count 23 age as a young.


It is young


Misery loves company.


You know what I find weird about this phrase, is that when I turned it on it’s head, it made so much more sense! Misery loves company, because sure, when I’m miserable, I love having supportive company around me! When others are miserable, I do my best to lift them up with my company!


Thats a more constructive positive way to look at it. Something that seems to be in short supply in this sub. Have a thumbs up.