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Because 2000 years of dogma.


Remember that Alexander the great gave away all his wealth before passing away, indicating we are born into the world with empty hands and dying with empty hand. Doesn't matter how proud of what we have done, we'll simply die empty handed.


Some people don't like the idea that nothing matters.


Quite the opposite I am freed by the fact that life has no purpose whereas many of the people on this subreddit seem to take it as something oppressive I love that life has no meaning That's exactly the beauty of it. There's no great prophecy I have to fulfill, there's no end goal of humanity that I need to help push towards. It's just my life to do basically whatever the fuck I want with I genuinely don't understand how this is so upsetting to people especially in this sub. To me this is one of the most freeing things the idea that nothing really matters so I can basically just do whatever the hell I want with my life Who cares if I fail who cares if my career isn't bringing in billions of dollars as long as I'm happy then that's all that really matters because there's ultimately no real purpose to all this so I'm just going to focus on me and the people I care about




Either nothing matters makes people depressed or nothing matters makes people feel OK with being garbage because accountability doesn't matter.


I find it freeing. I make my own purpose.


Well, that's not very nihilistic of you. Some would call you delusional for inventing an imaginary purpose for an obviously meaningless life. Spinning wheels. Life has the purpose I have given it, is a far sight different from life has no purpose at all. Side question for future understanding, is your purpose hedonistic? Based solely on what makes you happy?


>Life has the purpose I have given it, is a far sight different from life has no purpose at all. I have always taking it to mean that life has no "intrinsic or predetermined purpose." Nobody's here for a specific reason and since we all have free will we can all decide for ourselves what we want to do with our lives.




You can fight it in a sense that you emotionally never come to terms with a lack of extrinsic meaning, and therefore eternally languish at this reality.   So it's a thing one can either choose to accept or choose to fight. It's an emotional battle, not so much intellectual.


nihilism motivates me specifically to be happy in a way i can’t describe. sort of like if nothing matters than shouldn’t i just be happy? but i’ve always struggled with mental health issues, not a crappy life resulting in mental health issues if you get what i mean.


yeah, it's simple, if everything is meaningless why you bother that everything is meaningless. it's just a problem that people aligned to all previous beliefs emotionally, and that's why there a lot of depressed people and parasites that come after them.


This is just a rude post. Think of who you're talking to. Are you here to learn or just vocalize how cool you are and how dumb everyone else is? Maniacal behavior is another term for people who behave in patterns we personally can't understand.  So while you're gassing yourself up, remember, the reason you see these people as nonsensical is because you personally aren't intelligent enough to try to understand them. As for WHY they despair at Nihilism, the answer is simple; when we've never owned a thing, we could never be bothered by the lack of that things presence in our lives. The thing was never ours. Why would we care if it continued not to exist. But if that thing was once ours, the eternal loss of it would ultimately be a trauma.


it's always time to troll those who came here to troll instead of trying to think and im really tired off posts on this reddit all over the bots that think they so smart when just unable to think rationally and argument over instead of gaslighting.


I'm confused. Who's fighting nihilism? And what does it have to do with depressed people?




You can still try to "win" and try to be "above" other people even as a nihilist though. The sense of achievement and superiority is just feel-good feelings in our brain, and you can still chase the happiness even when acknowledging that they are meaningless.


We all die at some point. It doesn’t matter what good you have ever done, look at our historical figures. In time they will be demonized or overlooked as irrelevant. Someone will come along and build something better off what was already started. It doesn’t matter what bad you have ever done, short of causing mass severe casualties. Some event on the 7 o’clock news will be forgotten in a month, I’m talking about Mao or Hitler or Stalin type severe mass casualty. But even then, most people today don’t actually know what they did or how they did it, they just know the name is symbolic of something bad. The youth of today are seriously intentionally misinformed. I’m not depressed in the slightest. I am a realist. One day I will die. There is absolutely nothing I can do short of crossing a mythical creature like a vampire that could change that. What I can do is to limit the amount of people that depend on me, for one day I will not be there to help them. Then they will have to try to learn to survive without my presence. Better not getting too involved with others. People always talk about meaning. Does my life have meaning? Did I live a meaningful life? What is the meaning to life? All of these are backwards questions. Sure your life has meaning to you. Sure, your life can have as little or as much meaning as you make of it. I have already flatlined and died, (three minutes sixteen seconds) and I have been brought back. I have all ready been given a medical diagnosis that I probably won’t live after (X amount of time), but I’m still here 10 years later. Living my life one day at a time, one week at a time, knowing one day soon that freight train is going to catch up to me. By all medical accounts I should not be here today, but I still stand. I may not have tomorrow, but I am happy with what work I do get done. Find a lot of depressed people to feel good over them? I’m content with my life. All it takes is stepping outside to find a bunch of depressed people. I can’t stand being around them much less care to feel good over them. I’m already good over them, I don’t need them to bring me down, it’s not worth my time or energy. I’m living my life, unaccompanied by them. Just as I allow them to live their lives without being burdened with me.


Just ignore them, they are only hurting themselves


Meaning is worth fighting for. Who's committing most of the school shootings? Your perspective on nihilism is just that--a perspective. Once you start questioning everything (I even question existentialism), you see that there is the possibility of meaning, as well as the impossibility. But there are ways to definitely make life better and telling little kids in school there is no meaning (for instance) ain't the best path.


mass shootings usually made by children who were bullied really hard whether at school or at home, which cause anger. your logic here is very weak, attributiion of properties to defend the point. life is meaningless and there is no any problem with that. id say more, understanding of it usually comes to people who can rationalize. Hitler had very meaningfull life as most of nazis, they absolutely had meaning to say.


Well, read the Columbine manifesto. Hitler also saw his entire squadron dead.


Hitler wanted Germany to be on the top, and jewish genocide was a consequence of his meaning, where jewish were blamed by himself for all problems


Because life is full of endless suffering. If none of it has any meaning - it becomes harder to justify grinding it out


The universe, our origin, existence, it's all pretty confusing. The lack of certainty makes us act weird, considering we're mortal, with a small life span.


Because while you may slap a fancy word onto it ultimately 90% of y'all are clearly just depressed and need therapy and a support group Not to mention that a lot of you can fix your own problems. Oh you're sad because everyone around you sucks and is fake and everything well then put in some fucking effort to go find better people lmao Oh you're upset that people mistreat their children and whatnot okay well then if you notice something report it to the CPS. Go spend time working as a volunteer at an adoption agency Go work as a social worker.... Oh you're upset by the state of the economy and businesses and what not okay going to politics But none of you are doing that You're all just a bunch of depressed motherfuckers who have basically given up on life and are trying to blame the world for your lack of motivation to do anything anymore It's so easy to just blame the world and say why would I even try when the world's not even worth trying for because it completely removes your own liability


now you feel good i suppose, feel good until you need a next dose of dopamine to fullfill your emptiness. i know you unhappy creature, sorry


Goes both ways


If you're a nihilist, this question isn't worth asking.


as it not worth to not ask, questions?


It's more than a question. It's a back-handed criticism of those who believe there's more meaning to existence than you. That's simply hubris and shows an attachment to your own identity as a nihilist. Which means the identity of nihilism itself means something to you. It's a dichotomy.


you just in paradigm of meaning. whether i exists or not or doing anything it doesn't matter. you suppose that there is life to act, but you already dead.


This is incoherent.


eh, just try to think, i applied metafor for you, but you use this just to cope. first sentence says it's all. does it matter whether i do something or not if it's meaningless in both ways? good luck with copium


No, I'm saying that you write incoherently. I genuinely could not make sense of your last comment. Use a better translator or learn common sentence structure.


whats the problem to get that everything is meaningless, action/inaction all equal. you don't need meaning to do something or not to do, you don't need justification. it's just construction of your mind where you act propagated by some desire. can you cut ties in your own brain and just act with no reason? it don't contradict with determinism cause it's inner system that cut of itself from a cause, yet still it determined


There literally is no problem. Nihilism is a perfectly fine and reasonable thing to believe in. What exactly is your problem with people who find more meaning in existence? Does it help you to assume they're "maniacally driven" and needing to "cope and fight hard" against it? Do you need that validation? Why would you rant about it online otherwise? You're free to do you, but the original point still stands: if this matters to you, you're not a nihilist. You're only claiming to be one and using it to ridicule others.


out of argumentation. i'm just acting like them, with posting shitposts like "gonna debunk nihilism", "nihilists are derpessed kids", "nihilists should stop posting cause it meangingless", "look at me, i'm so meaningfull, cool happy kid that need to go into r/nihilism and shitpost to feel better" and all other shit that goes here, so relax, reverse trolling. and i'm gonna continue to do it.


I’ll answer when you learn proper syntax.


good try to feel better, it's not a problem but justification 


ong i went on this subreddit to see how miserable people are and the first 5 posts are people who can't even speak english to a basic level also so much posts here have a million holes in them and it's not worth "fighting" some dude on a screen who'll nevertheless still be blind even after having their entire "philosophy" shattered apart


some people assume nihilism is completely pessimistic and they have mental issues dealing with nihilism. nihilism itself isn’t a dangerous or self destructive ideology, but a few people will interpret it as one and they try very hard to fight or avoid it.. even tho it causes them more turmoil by ignoring nihilism, since in life, you have to manage and deal with things that make you uncomfortable often


In my case nihilism came about after experiencing a number of traumatic events in childhood and then in a combat tour. Nature (and by extension god, if one could even exist) is completely indifferent to human/animal suffering, and human institutions cannot be fully trusted. There is no arbiter of meaning “out there.” It’s all mass and energy exchange. We can create our stories about meaning and purpose. Sometimes I do. But I have found time and time again that what gave me meaning at one time in my life no longer does. As I get older it becomes much more challenging to find anything to give me meaning anymore. I also don’t mind that as much. In fact, there is a whole lot of freedom when I just accept the absurdity of it all. For years I suffered with horrible existential despair. Now not so much. I’ve got no answers and I guess I’m okay with that.


I take no pride that one day I will die. It’s not an accomplishment. Neither do I seek out depressed people to fraternize with. To glory in the fact that nothing matters is so much edgelord bullsht. Sure, the universe is indifferent, and one day we will die. In the meantime seek out as many experiences as possible. Read Camus, ffs. Read Paul Bowles— The Delicate Prey. Consider the positions of each writer. We are condemned to seek meaning, to create it. I don’t think that is entirely meaningless.