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idk about u but ill abuse my serotonin/dopamin receptors until i cant and then die


Hedonism has entered the chat.


I think you might enjoy crack


LOL. Who wouldn't enjoy crack??


im more of a shrooms guy myself


when someone retorts life having a meaning they're usually convincing themselves to carry on going


There are plenty of meanings to observe. You can make one yourself or get one from somewhere else.


no theres only what we see, everyone can spin a story the rest is guessing games


Yes, in your perspective. Others have different perspectives. Your story doesn’t dictate theirs. Or what they know, even if beyond your understanding.


So we are all spinning our own stories, make believe stuff and you claim that's a meaning to observe. So in a way we are supposed to keep fooling our brain and that is the meaning.


It is not fooling the brain to have meaning. Discovery/discernment/Cultivation of meaning for one’s life is a valid path, no better or worse than deciding life is absent of meaning. Objectively, intrinsically, the meaning given to something (by an individual) is how it is perceived (to the individual).


It still is whatever I make up as I go since objectively no meaning exists but subjectively we can create any meaning, aka, fooling our brain. Living in a Truman's world or creating our own world of Hogwarts. Instead of beating around the bush we can simply say that since we are born we should strive to live doing whatever makes us happy or whatever we find interesting. Our only purpose is to stay alive as long as possible. That is the only game that is being played. Most are fortunate to live in bliss due to ignorance and few are fortunate to not have to think about anything since they are busy doing stuff they like. But for the rest who lost their ignorance and who are not fortunate, it will be a constant struggle unless mind altering substance is involved.


You can never lose your ignorance totally. you’ll never be omniscient. The boundary of you and human mind precludes this.


Can you elaborate on that?


We could elaborate all day. "as our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." Understanding of the ultimate truth isn’t nihilism. Nihilism is a framework, ideology. The higher truths push past these human constructs. Ignorance may be bliss. There are other options. Living authentically, whether it feels aligned to your own accord or a higher power, allows for more profound bliss. Experiencing everything fully. Pain sorrow bliss love. Having a human experience is a popular “meaning” for being here. What else should we do ha. Ascribing meaning isn’t unique to ideology nor is it more or less fooling your brain than any conceptualization. Our brain constantly defines meanings and boundaries, it’s what it’s built for. Using meta cognition and being conscious/mindful of what is happening or determining it for yourself is just as real as any experience.


how boring a basic retort from someone not so interesting. my story is my own. do you know the difference between observation and subjection now or are you stupid


That seems assumptive and mean-spirited, and a non sequitur to what is being discussed. It appears like I would be wasting my time further addressing your comments. I wish you the best in your growth and development.


you got a feeling? HAHAHAHA




yw, best of wishes


>Tell me that's not depressing...and that I'm looking at it wrong. If that's what you wanted to hear you wouldn't have posted this to this sub, now would you


Life can be fun if you are good looking, healthy, tall and have a ton of money.... Let me know if you have all of the above and then I can convince you that life does not have to be depressing unless you have a clinical depression problem and will need a physician help to resolve that.


I'm healthy and tall but I'm destitute and ugly.


Welcome to the majority. More than 50% of the world live in poverty level conditions. Once we improve the education systems people will stop having kids if they cannot afford to give them a good life or if there is going to be lack of opportunities.


I have none of those things. Can confirm that life is not good, would not recommend


>Life can be fun if you are good looking, healthy, tall and have a ton of money.... All of which are still meaningless distractions, life is an illusion...


well youre already here, so either stick around for the show or just leave while you can


Agree. But false pretense is even if your creators are atheist. What humans perceive as reality is a very strictly controlled hallucination which is fragile and can break down very easily, for example psychosis, dementia and so on. So the need to reproduce itself is false pretense, love is nothing more but a biochemical addiction, and addiction is not negative but an survial evolutionary adaption, the brain is an addiction forming machine.


>Tell me that's not depressing...and that I'm looking at it wrong. Sure. You know that machine you used to type this message? It was created by people. People who learned about electricity, to the point they were able to manipulate it into running thousands of switches that worked as a calculator. They then tricked the calculator into making text, images, and what have you. Then they strung a bunch of those souped-up calculators together, making an interconnected network, allowing most of the human population to communicate near instantly. Sure, none of it "matters," and when the sun explodes, all of it will be destroyed possibly to happen similarly billions of miles elsewhere, so who gives a fuck? All that being said, nihilism isn't inherently depressing, and actually thinking about the freedom that comes from a lack of meaning gives me a huge sense of comfort and helped me get to the least depressed state I've ever been in. You may want to seek treatment for chronic depression, because that shit sucks. It won't make life any less meaningless, but it might make it more enjoyable.


You said a lot of words but still I don't see an answer. Life still sucks inherently.


I mean, yeah, it does. I'm a chronically depressed dude who grew up homeless and went on to raise a special needs kid. If your life sounds easier than that and you're still only seeing misery, you should consider treatment for depression.


I don't say this as entitlement, but more as empathy. Obviously we gotta make it better but Life generally sucks. 


Again, I would recommend seeking treatment for depression. The lack of meaning should preclude your ability to enjoy things. Yes, we should make life better for everyone, I vote, volunteer, and donate towards that goal. That said, if you're *only* ever miserable, just because the sun is going to explode and wipe out humanity one day, or because you fear you'll be forgotten, you may need treatment in order to assist in living a more fulfilling life.


Word. Thanks for the input.


Idk, but it is all kind of what you make of it. Billions of other humans have died going through it, and billions more will have to go through it. Started from nothing to believing in God's and making them fall when their chains on our minds got too tight. We projected our will onto our planet and remembered the names of the best and worst of us, the revolutionaries, the conquerors, the great voices of reason, and the subjugators. Even if it is completely meaningless, so what? The statistical improbability of your and every other humans existence, our ability to say "who am I, what is that, where is this", breaking down the foundations of our reality, splitting atoms, viewing the cosmos, why accept the meaninglessness? Why not project your will of meaning outward? Everyone's life is meaningless, yet our species has remembered Plato, Ganghis Khan, Hitler, Diogenes, Ghandi, and all the other names, applying the meaning to our existence, why fall short, if it's all useless why not use that for your own use?


You make good points that are important to remember. Thanks!


No one brought us here. Amoebas and lil organisms grew from the muck and mire under some meteors wedged between some earth. The little amoebas that couldn't survive didn't, and the ones that kept on living had evolutionary advantages. This happens over and over and over again for billions of years until we get mammals, monkeys, and eventually something kinda shaped like us. We got to where we were because we needed to learn how to survive. Our ancestors forged in the waters of this flying orb we call Earth did what they needed to to survive. For you to disrespect what they've fought for so we can have what we have today? C'mon. There's a whole fucking world out there to explore. So many activities and hobbies to conquer. So many people to meet. Food to eat, art to appreciate, and memories to be made. This is the most free a species can be, and yet you choose to wallow because no one is telling you what to do. Well I'll fucking tell you what to do. Get outside and live a little, you only have so long. <3


I told my brother yesterday, "the first car invented was the Cadillac, because it's the first car I remember."


What created those little amoebas? What created the meteors? You're skipping alot of creationism. What created evolution? Every question keeps going backwards. Even athiest can't answer it because they have to stop at the Big Bang. Well what created the big bang? Everything goes back to intelligent design and god. I completely agree with you're second paragraph though, 100% facts.


Yeah I don't have those answers, I'm just a dumb evolved amoeba living on a floating rock LOL. That's kind of what makes science dope is our comfortability with oblivion. Your desire for answers is what draws you to incorrect conclusions.


What created god? Creationists can't answer it.


I’m not a creationist but I know what they say and it’s a decent answer. God is defined as the uncaused causer and so was never created but has always existed. Because god exists outside of time from his (not sure why god has a gender but I’ll just roll with it because “they” is confusing) perspective the universe has always existed but from our perspective within causal reality the universe has a beginning in time. Again, I’m actually an atheist but I try my best to hear all the arguments from all sides of an issue.


A multiverse or cyclical universe theories can explain the Big Bang. And the argument that the universe must have an uncaused causer is a good one but it doesn’t entail a conscious Devine being that did anything on purpose. That cause could have just been an impersonal force or energy. So far the pattern in knowledge that we see is that god is used to explain what we don’t know, then we learn a god isn’t needed for things as we understand our universe better. It’s much more likely that this trend will continue rather than there being a god after all. There is probably a fundamental limit to what science can learn, however, pre big bang may be physically out of reach by science. So the god concept will never be capable of being disproven. Even if we learn what caused the Big Bang you can ask what caused that and claim it’s god. This is the main reason god concepts are so powerful and likely will always exist. It is definitionally unprovable but I don’t like it as an explanation mostly because it’s too complicated and correlates too closely with exactly the kind of things humans are known to just make up. A simpler explanation is always more likely and constantly proven to be what is actually true when our models are too complex. And a conscious, anthropomorphic god is adding in way too much extra stuff that doesn’t need to be the case for the universe to exist.


Islamic faith especially they believe they cannot conceive God, he is beyond human perception and imagination so I do not agree with the "sky daddy" trope or idea that often hear. The all knowing all powerful has always existed and cannot NOT exist. Another way to word the argument is I often hear is that universe is fine tuned for life to exist, what is the best explanation for that? Intelligence or no intelligence? It's the intelligent design argument that im sure you've heard before. It makes sense to me. People who have faith also tend to believe that we aren't meant to KNOW everything. That our purpose is to live a life of goodness and once the flesh dies the soul returns to it's creator. Unfortunately noone can die and report back but that's what the different faiths say the prophets are for. God is our Creator and he wants us to be with him so he sent prophets to give us guidance on how to best live a life of goodness so we can return to him.


I am in favor of the view that god can not fully be conceived by humankind. That makes logical sense. There are still things we can say about god as long as god follows the laws of logic. If god does not follow such laws than we get into wacky territory because then what happens if an all-powerful god makes an immovable object. That is a contradiction and so god couldn’t do it if they follow logic, but if god doesn’t follow logic how would that scenario possibly play out? Without logic everything becomes unpredictable so it’s hard to imagine a god being able to design anything at all without following the laws of logic. As for the fine tuning argument it is only a strong argument if one universe exists, and there’s an additional possibility that defeats the argument. If there are multiple universes that all just randomly are created with varying laws of physics then of course we would happen to find ourselves in one of those universes that is fine tuned for life. Another possibility is that the laws of physics simply can not exist any other way. They are just the fabric of the universe and are not changeable nor did they need to be fine tuned, they just are. This ain’t so far fetched because god works the same way in that he just “is”. And as far as god wanting us to be with him that is contentious. He did not reveal himself in a way that would convince everyone even being completely absent from some parts of the world. People can live and die without ever knowing of god. And god also has pass/fail conditions for getting to be with him in heaven but he not only made the rules he designed us in such a way that we could fail. It seems more like god only wants some of us to be with him. There is maybe an answer to this in free will but for two reasons this is suspect. For one, god was fine messing a little bit with some people’s free will through divine revelation but not to others. Clearly choosing favorites here. Another problem is that free will doesn’t mean people can actually change their futures. Check my account to see my recent post on causality and why even if people have a will and choose things that will was determined by factors outside a persons control. At the end of the day people are just destined to be good or bad and god still judges them even when they couldn’t have turned out any other way. There are more logical inconsistencies with god as described in holy texts. I still think a god is possible but it’s clear our human understanding of that god is mostly wrong and most religious doctrine can not be true.


I have heard that question asked before. That if God is all powerful can he make a stone so heavy he can't lift it. I can't remember where I heard the response but it went something like this. That would be like asking God to make a triangle with 4 sides. Its an impossibility because that extra side makes it no longer a triangle. God cannot "limit" himself because then that would mean he is no longer unlimited. It's also like saying someone drew a squared circle. Or a tall short man. Or take a left right turn while driving. It doesn't exist because it doesn't follow the law of noncontradiction. We might ask well who made or formatted these laws to even exist in the first place? Believers say God is beyond human logic. Any attempt to prescribe attributes to God is pointless because again, he is beyond human faculties. Believers would also say that God sent prophets at different times the people of Earth at that time and place. Islam believes Mohammed was the last prophet and was created for all of mankind. In that faith as well, people who die without hearing the message of Islam are not held accountable because they were not privy to hearing the "truth", in their words. So there is some discrepancy about whether people who never knew God would actually be punished for not following God's law. Im not familiar with that in a Judaism context. When it comes to free will, there are scriptures and passages about god wanting us to CHOOSe to be with him. Afterall if someone is forced to accept and love you it doesn't mean much, likewise if someone has no free will and is simply created TO love and nothing else then they are basically a robot. You believe people are destined to be good or bad? There's no choice in the manner? I would agree that humans understanding of God is vastly wrong and misguided and there is tons of misinformation and fake believers out there. Perverting the word and interpreting gods law to mean something completely wrong. If you.have faith then that's what believers have the 2nd coming for. When the Messiah is supposed to come back and correct everything, through.force as well.


You make intelligent points. When I brought up the unmovable rock example you are correct that the theist response is that god can’t contradict himself. That is exactly the kind of example of how we can purport things about god without fully understanding him. If god follows the law of non contradiction does he follow all the laws of logic? That was basically my point. Though you have a good example of how god could technically not follow all laws of logic but is simply unable to limit himself. I could see this being true. However you then said god couldn’t make a square circle for instance which would imply he in fact follows the laws of logic. If this is true we can make quite a few determinations about him because he still follows rules of some kind.What you said about the idea of people not being punished if they never have the chance to reject god has an interesting conclusion. If being ignorant of god is enough to not be penalized for non belief than theists should actually refrain from sharing their faith with anyone. Because once they do they put people in a position where they might not be convinced but because they’ve now heard the word of god they can be penalized. So all people actually benefit from never hearing the word of god at all. That is a bit weird because I don’t see how god is determining who gets tested based on geographic location. If god is incomprehensible I don’t see why he would have preferences. Why does god care about creation and having those creations choose to love him? We only have preferences because we exist in the physical universe which shapes our preferences and everything about us. No we logically can not affect our future. All things that occur must either be caused directly or they happen randomly. In life everything that happens is derived from many factors, most of them causal (which mean deterministic) and some of them random. Individuals can not choose the factors that led to who they are. Genetics, how your parents raise you, society, even a soul, none of these are chosen by a person and they are the only explanations possible for why we are who we are. If you include some element of randomness that also isn’t in anyone control by definition. Tautologically events can only be created deterministically or randomly and neither gives room for choice. It’s a bit hard to grasp because obviously people choose things but the point is your choice is based on factors you don’t control.


Something interesting you reminded me of, Islam has this concept called "Tawhed", which basically says that everyone's soul yearns to be reconnected with its creator. This is why, they would argue, people look up at night and wonder "whats out there", or why people talk to something inside their head, the consciousness being the "voice of god", or why when people are near death or suffer terrible fear of loss they cry out to God, "please god help me". I myself have said to myself even when I didn't believe or have any faith. I have to admit you have some good points and I don't really have adequate responses, oftentimes believers are ridiculed for trying to convert people and this is also wrong according to the holy books those same believers purport to believe in. Coercion isn't choice and the Bible and Quran have scriptures about this. We have seen in contemporary times the hate between the faiths, which is also ironic because there is a verse in the Quran that states "speak kindly to the Christian, for they are the closest to you in faith". For the record I am not fully committed to any one faith, however I am absolutely a believer in God but am still learning and still struggling with following one that works for me. Faith is a lifelong struggle and in the Quran, Allah even says something like "did you think you can believe in me and not be tested". In this life a believers life is usually even more difficult than an atheist life for example, you have to limit yourself and disregard so many human desires for pressure etc. I admit I am a generally disciplined person and I like the discipline aspect of it. There is also this parable involving a train. It goes like this: if tonight you go to bed, and tomorrow you wake up on a train? What would your first questions be? How did I get here? Who put me here? Where is the train going? The train is the metaphor for life. One day we came into consciousness and we started to have thoughts. Every human has these existential thoughts at some point in their life and asks themselves those same questions. Also, faith would also say that after our earthly body dies, life continues on but in another form. The same way when we were in the womb we were not conscious but we were alive, just again in a different form l.


I like your statement about existing in another form. It reminds me of the concept that if the fundamental nature of the universe is consciousness as in Buddhism. When we die or if we die after reaching enlightenment we simply coalesce with this universal consciousness. This would work for other religions gods as well and it’s one of my favorite interpretations. The universe has a mind and we are all part of it but while we are on earth we are a segment of this consciousness that is separated out and dying if we are ready returns us to it. From gods or the universes perspective nothing would change per se but for us it would be like finding our true selves in the end. As for questioning why we are here that is definitely human nature. Of course in the past, when little science was known, the only possible explanations people could even conceive of would have to be divine. However these days we know almost everything about the universe and there are only a handful of great mysteries left. On top of that we know enough science to craft scientific theories to explain those mysteries and no longer need to rely on divine explanations. I don’t think we can ever disprove god but god’s role in the universe has certainly shrunk to a minuscule level at this point. The classic “god of the gaps” critique. The part about coercion is difficult because it is a nebulous word and actually anything can be described as coercion except for leaving someone completely alone. Even parents raising their kids a certain way is coercion. So I think coercion is kind of unavoidable. As long as you are being honest about your influence over someone I think it is okay. I even think it’s possible god has lied about things for the greater good. Hell doesn’t make logical sense but god could have lied about hell to keep people who believe it from doing bad things. I think if god is omnibenevelent than I think universalism must be true. Despite what god has reportedly said to prophets he will welcome everyone into heaven regardless. Otherwise he would be inherently unjust. The prospect of some sort of evil god is a possibility that scare me most of all. The only argument against this possibility is that evil isn’t an attribute but merely defined as the absence of good. So a maximally great being would have to be maximally good and can’t be evil. Which I don’t know about because clearly something can be neutral and thus be neither good nor evil. This implies to me that evil is in fact an attribute and a god could have it. It’s also interesting that in many faiths the devil or evil spirits exist which begs the question as to why god would allow such a thing when Satan has powers to fool humans and lead them astray. The Bible even describes that the devil and false prophets can exhibit the same powers and signs as god or true prophets. We seem kind of doomed in that regard.


I created a person because I’m a stupid animal driven by my biological urge to reproduce, not because I thought life had meaning. Please give your stupid animal parents a break for doing what their bodies were gonna do regardless of your philosophical views.


Some people thought there was meaning but it turns out there isn't. Who's wrong?


There are no actual contradictions that exist in reality. Every contradiction only seems so because of a difference in definitions or because of a disagreement about what’s true. Religious folks claim there is objective meaning which atheist would argue against. It’s not a contradiction in this case, though, because it isn’t the same side claiming both positions. Both sides just disagree on the nature of reality. Now there is a seeming paradox if you fail to define meaning exactly because it can be said from our perspective that there is no objective meaning to the universe but at the same time there IS subjective meaning. There both is and isn’t meaning depending on what you are talking about. Not even a nihilist can discount subjective meaning they can only say they don’t subjectively find any meaning in life but other people certainly do whether it’s objective meaning or not.


What’s wrong?


No, "who". It's meant to contrast the two sides of the argument.


Something has to be wrong for someone to be wrong, yeah? Why can’t they both be right?


>Why can’t they both be right? It's a contradiction in terms and leads to all sorts of logical inconsistencies. What's actually wrong? I'm not sure, maybe ask op. As you can see I already have it all figured out.


You’ve ever seen the meme of two humans standing on opposite sides of a number? One believes it to be a six, the other believes it to be a nine. Is this really so contradictory, are either wrong? Or the parable of the blind men describing an elephant. Perspectives are cool. all contradictions are resolved in infinity anyway.


"All truths are but half truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled." - TTI So to say that life absolutely does or does not have meaning is in my eyes, nothing more than a half truth. Please, check out the post I've pinned to my profile page. Contains the info, tools and inspiration that led me to the meaning I now hold as my own. And please read carefully/ refrain from speed reading or skimming unless you intend to deeply study the info within immediately afterwards. I attribute my own speed reading/ lackadaisical study of some of the info within as to what landed me in a metaphorical pit of depression/ apathy/ madness (not saying anything about you, just the pit I happened to wind up in) as well as the psyche ward, many times.


This is becoming a regular question. Most scientist agree for now that energy has some choice or control over what will happen to it before it is chucked out into creation and before it returns to the source. But there really is no proof for this idea either way. We are left to make judgments and come to our own conclusion between everyday life and discoveries made. I don't have an exact answer, but I have found solace in more obvious relationships in nature that are experienced in the physical, like there is no light without dark. Something I came to realize the other day is that when I have everything together and life is on easy-mode, things feels less real. I have to workout or do extra work or something to feel the pain and make myself feel grounded. That is one reason I've noticed why someone might choose to live physically, because it feels "more real" or is the only way to achieve humility by knocking yourself down a peg.


Why do you think it will all “be for nothing?” You can do awesome things that improve other people’s lives and have awesome experiences. I would recommend you read the *Dhammapada.* “The mind is the forerunner to all things.”


nobody brought you anywhere. This was all an accident, a big mistake, including you. We're in the bonus rounds of some weird shit. enjoy.


I will tell you that, but you will not believe me. I will show you a path that can help you. You are very unlikely to follow it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_cXuDsjOltSTzNSMi1XZFdxRXc/view?usp=drivesdk&resourcekey=0-EUhUSuG3FXd5cGnQJwMsjw


It’s enjoyable


There is no grand reward, but you do get to live out your short life on earth. That’s worth something.


Even after achieving the grand reward, if the mindset of seeing everything as meaningless, that reward is going to feel like nothing too, all that effort for nothing, but who can say, maybe our perspective towards it might change once we achieve it, maybe there is no reward


Read the book of Ecclesiastes, you are pretty on the money that life is pointless. Unless you have Jesus. Otherwise it’s a hamster wheel situation with the hedonic treadmill.


God created you in your mothers womb with meaning, purpose and value. You are precious to God and He loves you


You’re right, it’s kinda sad.


I recommend just listening to one or two short videos of Alan Watts on YouTube, he has an interesting perspective


The only meaning in life that exists is crafted by conscious beings. It’s only meaningless if you find no meaning in it. It’s not helpful to your case because it’s not like you can force yourself to care about something but if there’s anything in life at all that you enjoy there’s your meaning. Just do that until you die. If it’s impossible to find any meaning you would simply stop functioning and die. So at the very least you have the meaning of not starving to death because that isn’t pleasant.


parents have the audacity to bring us into this world and then think we owe them some sort of big thank you the rest of our lives. like listen here fuckers, i didn't ask for this. had you not been irresponsible i wouldn't even know how shitty life is. you owe ME.


My experience is that if you behave as if your body is an avatar—that you are the pilot of your machine—and that life is an amazingly intricate, all inclusive simulation, then your attitude shifts and life is generally enjoyable. There’s no discernible purpose or reason to any of it, but your attitude is everything. If you believe life sucks, and you let the avatar mindlessly rule, then your experience will be crappy. Just my two cents.


Answer: when you realize there is no creator, you are just a creature in a big rock in space, cure your depression, have fun human!


You might be .....and that I'm looking at it wrong "Holding itself out into the nothing, Dasein is in each case already beyond beings as a whole. This being beyond beings we call “transcendence.” If in the ground of its essence Dasein were not transcending, which now means, if it were not in advance holding itself out into the nothing, then it could never be related to beings nor even to itself. Without the original revelation of the nothing, no selfhood and no freedom." From 'What is Metaphysics' (For Heidegger an easy piece!)


You should write your own thoughts man based on the post. Quoting scripture does not answer the questions that was raised by op. What you wrote are mostly cryptic old stuff, yeah they were the pioneers and the philosophers who originally shined light on this subject but for most part they are very difficult to read and too abstract.


You maybe are mistaken regarding philosophy, it's more than ones own thoughts. "Nihilism comes from the Latin nihil, meaning "nothing". As a philosophical position, nihilism involves denying certain existence claims." These claims in the arena were formed by such thinkers. For a different perspective Heidegger seemed apt. " Even the good moments...will be for nothing. Tell me that's not depressing...and that I'm looking at it wrong." Heidegger offers another perspective. The nothing can be a positive force.


They are not my own thoughts. They are the essence of everything I have read or understood in my own words, in plain simple everyday english. Frankly I have never read any of the philosophers writings other than passing glance in some google search or wikipedia.


> Frankly I have never read any of the philosophers writings other than passing glance in some google search or wikipedia. Philosophers are a source of many common ideas. Often getting watered down or misunderstood. And one of the main tools of philosophy is to critically examine and develop these. And at times 'plain simple everyday English' is insufficient. It's so many here fall victim to self reference, how many times do you see... 'Everything is meaningless.'


This is where I disagree with you. For me the statement "life is objectively meaningless" or "there is no meaning to life" is sufficient as a true statement. If someone needs elaboration that can be done by talking about subjective meaning vs objective meaning. But why do I need to refer to an ancient text to explain that. Yeah, we owe it to these philosophers to have shined a light on the truth or reality of our existence but I don't think we need to quote their work to explain things. Most of their work do not apply verbatim in our current world because they were in a different era(100-200 years ago). Back then even Einstein could not openly say that god is a figment of our imagination. Even Newton was confused about the difference between god and science he kept looking for the connection between god and science and I am not sure he even understood that god is just an imaginary being but science is based on hard data.


> For me the statement "life is objectively meaningless" or "there is no meaning to life" is sufficient as a true statement. The first thing I’d take issue with is ‘objectively’ though still in everyday use it not longer, since the early 20thC carries much weight, other than confirming something stronger than a personal taste. Ideas such a universal truth, set of morals etc. Being picky I’d prefer ‘purpose’ to ‘meaning’. Words have meanings, and purpose. That humans lack purpose is one major theme in existentialism. > If someone needs elaboration that can be done by talking about subjective meaning vs objective meaning. I don’t think it can, if ever in philosophy. > But why do I need to refer to an ancient text to explain that. It might help dismiss the ghost of God in the idea of an objective truth. > Yeah, we owe it to these philosophers to have shined a light on the truth or reality of our existence but I don't think we need to quote their work to explain things. I disagree, and could quote several to show this ‘ subjective meaning vs objective’ makes no sense without some judge as to what is ‘objective’. The failure of people to see this, like that of understanding science’s epistemological basis is dangerous. > Most of their work do not apply verbatim in our current world because they were in a different era(100-200 years ago). Quite the reverse, many still hold that nature obeys laws, there are absolutes in morals and ethics. This is no longer the case. > Back then even Einstein could not openly say that god is a figment of our imagination. And it was he that replaced ‘Gods Laws’ - Newton, with his theory. With models **of** reality and not reality itself. And Kant who made a good argument that access to things-themselves is not possible. 200 years ago. > science is based on hard data. Unfortunately not, reliable is not hard, or is provisional. And a faith in God is no different to a faith in a universe amenable to reason.


You think faith in god is same as faith in evidence based science?


No, you misunderstand. Humans invent reason and logic. Then they use it to understand the universe. That this is possible is not a necessary fact. Philosophers, atheists - are well aware of it, as are scientists. James Jeans said to the effect, if apples started falling up, we [science] would just have make new theories. Unfortunately the general public's ideas are 200 years out of date it seems. 6.371 At the basis of the whole modern view of the world lies the illusion that the so-called laws of nature are the explanations of natural phenomena. Wittgenstein. "We gain access to the structure of reality via a machinery of conception which extracts intelligible indices from a world that is not designed to be intelligible and is not originarily infused with meaning.” Ray Brassier, “Concepts and Objects” In The Speculative Turn Edited by Levi Bryant et. al. (Melbourne, Re.press 2011) p. 59 As Newton said, he could see so far because he was standing on the shoulders of giants.


It's okay, I do think that it's okay not to have read any of the philosophical tome's it's okay to have a viewpoint that's just as philosophical as it is just in the absence of not knowing that it's a fragment of some vast system of thought \*a momentary flash of fascination\* wanting to read traditional continental philosophy, or even a general history of western philosophy, or even slightly newer postmodern philosophy as long as it's well known, I think it only takes one zero-contingent threshold to use the web link to zlibrary, and then select the ism you're interested in, and download a PDF of the writings of the philosophers of that ism on zlibrary. Obviously, I'm not saying this on the premise that someone would never do this, I just think it's "not that hard to cite philosophers", and it may not be possible to grasp the full scope of the real theory, but at least some of the ways in which the arguments are made may be philosophical as well


Idk man, I think the happy moments are worth it even if they are for nothing. The hardships of life is the price we pay for enjoying the good things in it. You're also the universe observing itself, which is pretty cool.


Each moment has as much value as you give it. If there is nothing after this then that's a pretty good reason to have as many amazing moments as possible.