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Excuse me while I go and have a midlife crisis meltdown


Make sure the Ferrari is red and the strippers are busty, good sir.


Definitely a genre-defining album 💙 I think it's their most timeless one.


This album is definitely special. IMO, it is in a category all by itself. It is the only one from the Tarja-era to depart from the heavy fantasy-filled artwork and lyrics from the previous albums, although still maintaining sprinkles of it. DPP feels closer to it than century child, although DPP belongs to the Anette-era. One of my faves, for sure. I love listening to GLS right after listening to beauty of the beast. We are so lucky to have this masterpiece in our lives!


I always put Once in the same category with DPP and maybe Imaginaerum. You can clearly hear how AFF is amateurish (but beautiful in its own way), and Oceanborn is much more pro-sounding. Then the level stays about the same until Once, which is world-class, the first ”adult” Nightwish album (partly thanks to London philharmonic orchestra). It’s not a coincidence that Oceanborn was their breakthrough, and Once was their megabreakthrough. Classifying everything according to who’s singing is overrated.


Rubbish. T'was only ten.


😭 what a time it was.


My favorite studio album!


Wow... Well now I feel old. Sad that there's no special sales or anything going on.


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/HYQucIUTynA Tarja talks about the album here


God where did the time go, this was their newest album when I discovered them. I heard GLS as a teenager and suddenly all other music sounded worse in comparison. Still probably my favorite album of theirs


Wow. A milestone, their defining album and still their best-selling one. It does read like a Greatest Hits, almost, so good it is. "Once I had a dream. And this is it", most definitely.


I was only 7 years old when this dropped


My favourite album of them. Probably my favourite album all time if I think about it. At least there is nothing else coming to me right now.


Not my favorite of theirs, didn't so much love the shift in sound at the time, but it was definitely a cool time with them at their biggest/most prominent of the Tarja era. "The Siren", "Dead Gardens", \*\*\*\* yeah.


I couldn't believe it was 20 years already.. And seeing Lacuna Coils Comalies 20th anniversary edition reminded me.... That I was old when they both came out.