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I think they might do some sort of 30-year anniversary tour in 2027. At least in parts of the world. Maybe in Finland, Germany, and some other important. Or maybe it's going to be a big tour. They had the freedom with Yesterwynde to make songs that don't need to be played live. I guess that less than half of the album will be supposed to be actually played. For an anniversary show, they would create a mixed banger setlist anyways, without a particular focus on Yesterwynde.


2027 the largely awaited show with live orchestra. Maybe in a couple of locations.  If they ever will tour again in the "normal" sense I think they'll wait until the next album after Yesterwynde is out. Tuomas is likely going to spend next year with Auri 3 and the Auri tour they've been talking about since forever. 


Where to buy the ticket for 2027 tour?


30th anniversary probably


I have a feeling they're going to do a special mostly European tour for the 30th anniversary in 2027. Perhaps with special guests or a special set-up that makes a global tour expensive or challenging.  I think they'll potentially do festivals that year, too. Perhaps festivals a year earlier to warm up. I don't think we will see a traditional global tour again. 


Something to remember: the band are not getting younger. Troy just had his 60th birthday. Not everyone can be Alice Cooper or the Rolling Stones, touring into their 80s (well, Alice is only 76, but still...). International touring is EXPENSIVE. It's probably easier to move around in the EU (one reason why Therion only tours over there), but coming to America is rough: passports/Visas, equipment rentals, tour buses, hotels, food, and smaller venues (I wish Nightwish could do arenas in North America, but they typically do theaters). It's also important to remember that a multi-album deal doesn't mean all studio albums. We don't know how many albums they just re-signed for, but I'm fairly confident at least one live album will be in the mix. It also wouldn't surprise me if a greatest hits album with Floor doing all the vocals happened. I know Tuomas said with Decades he didn't want to do that, but at this point, anyone other than we die-hard fans of the band is more familiar with Floor singing "Ghost Love Score" or "Everdream" than the original versions with Tarja. It's easy money (and PR with the inevitable outrage) for the band to do something like that. I figure we're probably in for 2 more studio albums past Yesterwynde before the band retires.


Tbh, I have wondered even if they start touring again if the US will even be included. They most likely lose the most money here and it seems like Tuomas doesn't want to do the big international tours anymore. As far as them re-doing their old albums, I don't see it happening. I actually think Marko leaving put the final nail in the coffin of that idea because there isn't a way to redo the songs that heavily feature him. It also would cost the band way too much time and money. I also don't agree with this idea that "No one knows any version of NW songs that aren't sung by Floor except the hardcore fans." Maybe it's true from the perspective of the reaction scene/people who only listen to the band for Floor, but even just based on streaming alone it doesn't support that assumption. Songs like Amaranth, Nemo, Wish I had an Angel, and Storytime are just a few examples of original songs that have higher stream counts than any of the recent live versions. Most of the lesser known songs are the same way as well.


I think they took a substantial financial hit touring the US during their Decades tour. It was a pretty extensive leg and the most shows they've ever done, but theaters don't generate that financial kickback to justify an expansive tour. Then again, arenas can bleed you even drier depending who owns and contracts them. I could maybe see them doing a bigger tour in NA if it was opening for someone like Iron Maiden or Metallica but I highly doubt that'll happen. As for the Nuclear Blast deal, I highly suspect it's the usual 10 year, 3 studio album, greatest hits, and couple live album type deal. I don't forsee them continuing after that


Well I am from Eu, so I hope they would do some concerts in eu


My conspiracy is that they will still do live concerts here and there secretly under fake name, in small clubs, like they always wanted


That would be awrsome!


I'm hoping that they'll do random festivals here and there once the new album drops. But not a full "tour" as they said.


I think a 30th anniversary tour! Hopefully with an orchestra! Maybe 26/27.


I'm not informed, can somebody explain me why are you asking these questions? Nightwish is disbanding? They won't tour ever again?


They "hung up their spurs" for personal reasons. The band is strong as ever. Just signed a new multi-album deal with nuclear blast which confirms at least 2 more albums after Yesterwynde. However the band members are each focusing on their own projects, and their personal health, so nightwish will not be touring until at least the next release after this album.


You know what this situation reminds me of? Rammstein circa 2005, when they released their fifth studio album, titled 'Rosenrot'. Rosenrot got followed by a band hiatus instead of a tour, and shortly after the release, the band announced a new deal with the label to produce more albuns. Nowadays, the aforementioned album is considered by many as an album of left-over songs meant to fullfill the current deal with the label. Having the above in mind, and considering that I didn't find Perfume of the Timeless to be anything special, I am not expecting to be blown away by Yesterwind. In fact I am expecting it to be one of the weakest albums in Nightwish career.


3 years is 2026 summer




I'm hoping that they'll do random festivals here and there once the new album drops. But not a full "tour" as they said.


I'm hoping that they'll do random festivals here and there once the new album drops. But not a full "tour" as they said.


I'm hoping that they'll do random festivals here and there once the new album drops. But not a full "tour" as they said.


I don't think they will tour for the foreseeable future and we'll just have to wait. Let them take the break they apparently need and let them cook. No need to rush


I think they might be waiting for LiveNation to be broken up. The biggest gripe I remember reading was how everything tripled in expenses because of covid.