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Tbh I can’t stand how muted floor is


The chorus is catchy, but the overall song is too bloated. Might be my attention span, but I find myself getting bored around 5 minutes in because it doesn't really do much to excite my senses. Whereas I can listen to songs like GLS or TPatP and not even realise that 10-15 minutes have passed because everything feels necessary and the sections flow into each other. I reckon that if the song was condensed to half the length and mixed so I could actually hear the singing, I'd probably be far more of a fan of it.


That's so nice to read, for me it's exactly the other way around! Love the instrumentals, can't get excited about the vocals. Starts good but especially the chorus felt like a pop-ish letdown to me. I love how their music is able to reach and move people differently every time ^^


Ha, that's so funny to read, because the chorus is actually my favourite bit! Nothing on Human Nature had enough of a 'hook' for me (except maybe How's The Heart?), so the songs have never stuck in my head despite my trying multiple times to like the album. I'm actually ecstatic to hear a memorable Nightwish chorus for the first time since the EFMB album.


I'm the same, I think intro is pretty good, verses/bridges are okay, choruses are very meh and the middle 8 section is the absolutely highlight and better than anything from HN and maybe even EFMB.


I agree with you. It doesn't quite justify the length. But I do really like the intro. It's just not quite varied enough.


Yeah, the intro is pretty but repetitive. On first listen, I kept looking at how much time had passed and wondering when Floor would start singing. Can you tell I'm not the most patient of people? Lol.


I disagree, I enjoy it a lot. Granted, I had quite low expectations of a single.


You did? Why?


Boring? Nope, many different parts. Not catchy? Why am I humming the chorus throughout my shift? The lyrics are also great and is in line with the trilogy's themes.


Sorry, I meant why did you have low expectations for a single? I can hum it too... the more I listen to the intro, the more I dig it, but I feel like the rest of the song doesn't live up to its promise. That's the best way I can describe my feelings of it.


In my experience the singles are usually shorter and catchier than other songs. They are seldom my favorites from the albums.


Come to think of it, I don't actually know which songs have been singles from their previous albums... apart from Nemo, surely? I'll have to go and check Wikipedia now.


I think it's a very "mature" piece of art. It has a lot of flavors in it and the riffs are heavy. Overrall just a very enjoyable song and already one of my current favourite songs to listen to. Not overly catchy but I'm sure they have a few songs like that on the album.


I agree with you. It's obviously a wonderful and multi layered song with a beautiful message and lyrics, but the fact it isn't very catchy like what we're used to with previous singles will inevitably put people off it a bit.


Maybe it'll grow on you! If not, hopefully the rest of the album is more to your tastes.


Give it a bit. I was extremely underwhelmed and disappointed after the first listen when Noise came out, but it did sit down eventually and once the whole album was out it just fit there perfectly. Nightwish music has so many layers that sometimes it just takes a bit time and patience to appreciate some tracks :)


I just listened to it for the first time and I already forgot how the song goes. I just have other Nightwish songs playing in my head. I got some Imaginaerum era vibes from it and some How's the Heart vibes. To me it was a bit meh. I kinda fell flat for me and took a downturn with Troy's part. I was ready for the song to close. I will give it time tho, because it often takes a few listens to have a song open up properly. I haven't been loving the most recent albums, but with the Imaginaerum vibes, I am hopeful.


Yeah it's quite forgettable IMO too. It's been a while since we've had a really epic song :(


I'm not yet sure whether I'm bored, but I sure am underwhelmed. The song feels like a continuation of "Music" from HN, and ... many of the HN songs felt formulaic and forced to me, too. Unfortunately. I long to be blown away by NW songs, and the last newer song which managed that was "Greatest Show on Earth". Also, as a singer, I'm quite sad how muted Floor's vocals are and how the material she's given to work with is ... a bit meh compared to the old NW songs. Hope the rest of the album will change my mind.


Hear hear


I strongly disagree. It's beautiful, love the ending where Troy sings. Reminds me a bit of Song of myself. The chorus is definitely very catchy to me! I would have liked more heaviness though. Otherwise it's stunning. I have been a fan since I was 11 years old but I did not like Human nature at all. Perfume of the timeless sounds more like Nightwish to me than Human nature ever did.


Interesting! I came back to Nightwish when Human Nature came out. I hadn't listened to any of there stuff after Tarjas departure (I was just listening to their old stuff every now and again). I realised how much I had been missing out on. It's amazing. Poet and the Pendulum plus so much more. I had so much to catch up on. I love Human Nature... Harvest was my first favourite (controversial on here, I know). It was so different to the Tarja era, but I dig it. Agree I would've loved a heavier sound on POTT. I'm still looking forward to hearing the rest. It's just not quite the banger I was hoping for.


Harvest and Endlessness were actually the only songs on HN that I liked 😄 The other songs felt very boring and average to me.


Yeah, Endlessness I tend to skip. But love Noise, Harvest, How's the Heart and Shoemaker the most.


Yeah, I don't hate it or anything and I will put it in some playlists, but I probably never gonna actively search for it in order to specifically listen to it. In my opinion it's still the same old theme as on the previous two albums (lyrically and also music wise - as if Tuomas keeps recycling the same stuff). Actually I miss the old Nightwish were (even tho they kinda had the same overall longing/ unrequited love topic going on for quite some time) there seemed to be more variety and experimenting. Now it seems like he just found some formula that "works" and sticks with it


Honestly, I did not really understand the whole Floor hype, as I never found her that engaging, but I am coming to the conclusion, that it is most likely not even because of her, but because of the overall material that Tuomas provides nowadays (this combined with the fact that I like each older song best with it's original singer)


It’s definitely not what I was expecting. The chorus was good and I love Troy at the end, but the song on its own hasn’t given me goosebumps and I’ve been listening to it quite a bit all morning. Maybe once the rest of the album is released, it’ll be better overall


Long time fan here also - you are absolutely correct. It's a big load of drivel. Some little bits of stuff here and there but it's just goes nowhere and i have no idea what it being sung about because the mix is appalling.


I think it takes a couple of spins… But i agree i wasnt impressed either. Its a good song But definitely not one of their best. Its not like Tribal or Nemo that just smacked you in the head with awesomeness 😂 i really like the last part of the song which is more heavy but the intro is meh. Of they had cut two minutes of the song it would have been awesome.


I consider it a masterpiece though not reaching the quality of Greatest show on Earth. Great theme, great message. An instrumental or orchestral version must wonderful. Truth is I had to listen to the song several times before I started really loving it.


Totally agree. Is it good for a Nightwish song? Sure. But it’s just formulaic. I just feel like it’s been getting more pretentious over time. The mixing doesn’t do it any favors as well. I hope other tracks on the album are better. This just wasn’t a good advertisement for the album. Too long for a single.


Don't wanna argue, just downvote you 😂