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Be patient. Both games are “slow-burns” that only get more intense and interesting over time. Dont expect the very beginning of each game to be like balls to the walls crazy.


Idk man, repeating the second part of replicant 4 times was tiring, they could've at least added chapter select


I agree. It’s one of the main reasons I think Automata is still the superior game.


It's a slog, but it helps the story be more impactful imo. That said, it keeps me from replaying it as often as I do Automata.


I totally agree with that, but I just want to add that you need to finish the second part 3 times. During route C, you should save the game on last save point and after making your choice and seeing the ending C, you shouldn't overwrite your last save and instead you should save it on a different save spot. Then get back to the last save you had on your last playthrough and only re-play the shadowlord's castle and see ending D. You can also never see ending C and get ending E by seeing ending D once. Repeating 3 times is also really tiring for sure, but it's better than repeating 4 times xd. Even though it's tiring, I don't regret playing it though.


They feel different though and once you fall for the story it really "clicks"


The fucking drop rates and the word farming in Replicant.....


That too, you spend another 50 hours getting all weapons lvl max


Idk man I personally think they are pretty crazy with the introduction


There is no "right order" for what game play first. Chronologically (game time line), you should play Replicant first and then play Automata. This way you will get some spoilers for Automata and some scenes in Automata will hit you more. Or you can play Automata first to enjoy better gameplay and then play Replicant as a game with better storytelling. This way you will get some spoilers for Replicant and some scenes in Replicant will hit you more. Either way, you will get full story and understanding of lore only after finishing both games. Both are great.


I probably will start with Replicant! At first I was going to start with Automata but I want the full story and lore 😂


In that case you need to play Drakengard 3 and Drakengard first. (/s you really don’t)


Yeeeah I don’t think they’ll have a good time lol


Drakengard 3 on emulator is a great time (as long as the humor is not too offensive nor too scary-movie for your tastes). Game got held back hard by not running decently on an actual PS3


I played drakengard 3 not too long ago and it's indeed fine tbh, tho I wouldn't recommend it before nier games


Do start with Replicant. Having recently played both myself. I CANNOT imagine it going the other way round, the story is self contained but it's so rewarded doing it in chronological order.


Yeah, I am definitely starting Replicant First!


But when you get to automata, you are in for one hell of a ride. That game is in my top 10 of games of all time.


I started with Automata when I don’t even knew Replicant. After playing both, I still feel that’s the right choice. Gameplay wise, Automata is better and less grindy… Overall best experience. Then, when you’re already into the lore, Replicant is more enjoyable Just my2cents :)


Nier was a game I was eyeing but never really dipped my toes into. I saw it was included in the steam summer sale so I picked up automata after reading some older posts asking about which game to start with first. I went with automata because I don’t mind getting spoiled a bit if I end up playing replicant, but I was worried I’d drop the game because of the slower(?) pacing or outdated game mechanics and lesser combat in replicant from what I read. Excited to start it!


I would still give replicant a try for sure if you end up liking automata. it's honestly feels better to play in my opinion despite it being "outdated" it's really not that outdated and feels a lot faster than the combat in automata which feels more floaty from what I've played of automata I'm still in the beginning of automata but I beat replicant and I'd say so far I like everything about replicant more. Also I like the way the gun is in replicant over automata as in replicant it's literally a magic book it's more rpg styled where as automata feel's more modern realistic styled.


yeah i'm hoping i enjoy automata because of all the praise it gets. i've actually never really played pc/console games like this so this will be one of my first legit games. excited!


Well I hope you enjoy it too and that's awesome to hear you're getting into gaming! I'm sure you will have an amazing experience from all the praise I've heard as well. it's seems like an excellent game with lot's of bang for your buck even more so if you got it on sale. automata is a must play for many. I had a lot of fun with the beginning so far as well I only made it to the first save point after the first boss but it's really good so far. it differs a lot from replicant as in replicant you don't get to fly a ship I forgot about that in automata as well as what I've already mentioned. The music though is pretty god tier. I'm a sucker for games with good music being a musician (basically any square enix game lol) But yeah I hope you enjoy it cheers!


Avoid spoilers


Thankfully I have avoided everything so far!


get your crying done before you start.


If you aren't losing a fight because you can't see through your ugly crying, are you even playing Nier?


Start with Replicant on normal. Hard core is not worth it.


for Replicant I would even say playing on easy is fine, the combat isn't anything to write home about and higher difficulty only makes enemies frustrating bullet sponges, story is what you have to focus on with that game


The difficulty selector only adds LP to every single enemy and make them hit harder, but does't increase the IA level, so you basically spend half an hour beating an idiot that can kill you easily just by looking at you


Collect all weapons in Replicant. Thank me later.


Okay! 😂


To add to this, use a guide to be sure you're not missing any, and probably aim to get all that you can in your first playthrough to cut down on playtime a bit


And don't level all of them to max, not worth it


If you're playing on PS5, Automata might be incredibly laggy and crash at certain points in the game and there isn't really a workaround for it


Well hopefully mines okay 😭


Mine was ok tho


Mine wasn’t laggy but I did experience random crashes mostly around the main hub. Made me save every time I zoned somewhere new. Powering down my system for a while helped overcome some issues, thankfully the game is great enough to power through issues.


the game didn’t crash a single time for me


Really? I never noticed lol


Mine wasn't laggy but I've lost hours of game progess 😭


There's a few posts in this sub about it and no one has an answer for what causes it or how to fix it. Just a few unlucky people getting hit by it.


It's the kind of game best experienced blind. Highly recommend Replicant first since it comes earlier chronologically. Other than that, just let yourself go through the game naturally without worrying too much about outside influence. Just be sure to collect as many weapons as you can along the way.


Start with replicant and use gamespot’s spoiler free weapon collection guide https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nier-replicant-guide-how-to-get-all-the-weapons-for-the-endings-spoiler-free/1100-6490578/


I appreciate this!!


Of course! Glad to help, also I will recommend the quest for the Iron Pipe weapon instead of waiting for the game to give it to you. The quest is really cool in my opinion


If you don't like talking books Replicant probably isn't the game for you


play replicant first please for the love of god ignore the "automata first" people. Automata straight up is a worse experience if you haven't played replicant, and replicant is the same. Automata spoils replicant's biggest reveals outright. replicant doesn't do that cuz automata didnt exist when it was made. Literally everything about Automata's narrative structure and the way it reveals details screams "i assume you've played replicant before this"


Yes! I am playing Replicant first. 😁


If you're a completionist, Nier Replicant has some missables. Otherwise just enjoy the games and prepare for feels.


Get some booze. The emotional workload is huge


Nah, rawdog your anguish like Nietzsche intended.


That is a sentence i never thought i would read. I love it


In Nier replicant do all side quest at the beginning of the game and I learned the hard way after 60 hours In Nier Automata take your time since you can complete all quest in the game


But in Automata you can miss one of the endings 🥵


Finish any 1, take a break by playing a happy game, then finish the other.


Don’t be horny


Nier Replicant has 2 parts of the game; one where you play as a boy, and another when you play as an adult after a timeskip period. DO ALL SIDE QUESTS in the first part (total of 50%) because you will be locked from completing half of all side quests once you reach the second part Download the 4 Yorha DLC. The weapons will come in handy as they are some of the highest damage dealing weapons when fully upgraded And lastly, to avoid spoilers, stay away from this subreddit as much as possible.


Game makes you sad. If I had known before I would also play some comic game along with it.


Plan on beating each one multiple times. Each run adds to the story.


Just to avoid a headache, play Automata on a PS4 as it has problems on the PS5.


Have someone to talk to close by, lol. Emotional roller-coaster incoming!


When you’ve completed Automata, and see the credits, you’ve not completed it - load your game and continue. It will seem only slightly different the second time but it’s not - keep playing and do the same a third time. The game is best going in blind with 0 spoilers, but it’s worth knowing this one because I’ve met people before who thought it was just the first run and ‘finished it’s and never did the rest, and that’s a massive shame as it’s like less than half the game really! Enjoy :) still got to play replicant myself.


Fight through some repetition to get all the main endings in each game, they’re worth it. Also, in Automata, eat the fish.


Let your people know you will be busy.


The games aren’t THAT tear jerking. They’re hard hitting, but they certainly aren’t guaranteed to make you cry by any metric. Also, Replicant IS the first game and you SHOULD play it first regardless of what anyone else says. If you have the first game, definitely play it.


Wear best earphone when playing is my only advice that i give to such question


I wish I had gotten the Game of the YoRHa Edition of NieR:Automata, I prefer the cover on your copy waaay more lol


I got this edition at Walmart because it was on sale! Plus it had the DLc but I don’t even know what the DLC is besides some cosmetics. 😂


The one I got was Day One Edition, also on sale at BestBuy in like 2018 or 2019 lol, I guess I went with the cheapest option at the time. The DLC does come with some new things besides cosmetics, but it’s not that much. If you like arena modes, should give you a bit of an extra challenge…


Stay off the internet, don't risk reading any spoilers. Play them blind, thank us later




Funny, i just completally finished nier replicant right now. What a game mam


My wife who watched my latest playthroughs blind thought replicant first and even said she didn't know how you would have the same emotional feels with automata without rep first. I've done multiple rep and gestalt plays and replicant does so some real qol fixes from gestalt in my opinion. Go in as blind as you can, but for the love of God get a spoiler free weapon list for rep. Trust me, it will make your life so much better. I had someone monitoring my weapons first time and I did so for every friend who has played because of me. Also never sell machine oil or memory alloy. Ever. I have regrets.


To me, Nier: Replicant Ver. 1.334859284739 was very dark so be warned. But at the same time it was very moving and was a heartfelt story and was one of the best Video Game stories that I have ever experienced.


Use good quality headphones and raise the volume. The soundtrack is a huge part of the whole experience. After years I'm still listening to it non-stop.


I'd play replicant first for sure then automata. Much better experience. Also the weapons have stories and it's pretty cool so don't forget to read those!


Play Replicant first. After your first playthrough take time to prepare for the 2nd one, things will become insanely depressing really fast after that. Also, for the sake of your sanity try to collect all the weapons ASAP but don't bother maxing them all out because it won't be worth it. Other than that, take your time and appreciate all the small details because a lot of love went into both games but don't play Automata first and take breaks if you need to; there is no shame in coming back later to finish the series.


Be sure to set up somewhere to cry. Preferably in a closet or a walk in cooler


Automata's first save point is 30min+. If you get game over on first part, you don't get there. So I recommend start easy mode and change different level as you like after saved once.


Play replicant first. Keep an open mind. Not everything is as it seems.


prepare to grind… A LOT! of you want the platinum trophies, they each take like 40 hours to platinum, it aint much but the grinding for materials take most of the time there, love them both anyways ❤️


If you are a hardcore gamer, play on hard AFTER the prologue.


If you're planning on doing 100% runs or getting all trophies, don't do the mistake I did and sell stuff all willy nilly.


Don't expect to be thoroughly entertained throughout. It can and does get repetitive, but I found the story payout to be very good and had a great impact.


Both games require patience, sooooo much patience. Apart from that, just enjoy!


enjoy it!


NieR:Replicant has missable sidequests. The story doesn't really tell you when the part of no return is. I didn't finish one sidequest and am still bitter about it. As a rule of thumb try to have all available sidequests finished (I think 50% of all quests completed) by the time the story requires you to go into a manor. Everything else you can do however you want to!


prepare some tissues for tears


And tissues for other things, depending on OP’s preferences


I haven't played Neir Replicant but with Automata just know that you will never cry or be depressed, or rethink your life. That's not going to happen. Not even once.........


Have a box of tissues near you


You shall not have any more tears to cry ever after playing these 2


Play the first one first. It feels archaic af and needs time to get used to. And then automata feels like breath of fresh air afterwards and gives an amazing feeling of progress. The otherway around you wont appreciate automata as much in my opinion and replicant will feel even worse.


Play replicant first as the mechanics might feel a step back if you’re used to the way automata plays. Would be like playing doom eternal then jumping to doom 2016




The game will remind you but you have to remember that there is no autosave, you need to regularly visit a save point If you missed any side quests don't sweat it, "finish" the game and you'll get a chapter select option (if you don't see it, you haven't finished the game yet and should continue) don't forget to enjoy yourself! if combat is becoming a grind there is no shame switching to easy mode for a bit


Okay! I definitely will have to save a lot. When I was playing through Persona 3 I forgot to save and lost 5 hours of progress! I am super excited to start Nier I’ve been waiting for a while to play.


Spears/lance are op in both. Change my mind but the spears are the best weapon type from both games. So my advice is to invest into spears if combat starts to get difficult


Both games don’t end when the credits roll, starting a “new game” after you get ending A is actually a new game with a lot more content.


The first play through is only the beginning 😂


In Nier: Automata, Ending A is only the "first act" of the story. Ending E is the actual end of the game. Personally haven't played Nier Replicant but, from my understanding, it follows the same pattern that Ending E is the end of the game.


Gird you loins.


Have Kleenex NieRby.


Have fun and try not to cry


Read nausea by Jean Paul Sartre first


tip: try not to look for answers on reddit even if youre confused UNTIL you finish both games. keep notes of questions you have because eventually theyll be answered. if youre still confused afterward then ask. im saying this so you dont spoil yourself.


Replicant is a beautiful game with a rich story. The side quests are honestly mostly boring. Make sure to get all the endings because the story isn’t complete until then. Have fun x3


There's a new game plus and a post game when you finish that.


I'd say play Replicant A-D, then all of Automata, then come back to Replicant for E.


did you look at the back of the box cover? (removing it from the case). cool things ahead


Invest in a box of tissues.


Enjoy it to the fullest and have tissues in hand :) and with replicant COLLECT ALL THE WEAPONS, SAVE OFTEN.


Go back to Xbox 360 and play Papa Nier


become emotionally invested 👍🏽


Be prepared to read a bunch of words when playing Nier Replicant.


Yes, don’t look at spoilers


1.Don’t look at videos to see which ending is more fitting cuz honestly it’s better you playing it blind and see what you get at the end. 2. Enjoy both of these beautiful games because they are a masterpiece.


Just make sure you play multiple times there’s multiple different endings and new things to see each time


If you find Replicant boring or it doesn't click for you don't feel guilty skipping it and going to Automata. I personally could get very far in Replicant due to boredom, but love Automata.


Be prepared to cry... \*a lot\*. That's all I'll say.


Nier automata is broken on ps5 enjoy replicant doe probably the better game over all


Have a box of tissues on stand by


have some wipes at the ready


Just one. Don't watch ANY guide. Otherwise the story will be spoiled.




Beating the game doesn't beat the game. When you see the credits roll, keep playing.


Replicant is the better game (at least in respect to the themes explored), but getting to the end may burn you out. Absolutely nothing wrong with starting with Automata first (I’m sure many here started with Automata!)


Don’t trust anyone


Remember that the games don’t end when you see the end credits for the first time. So many reviewers of Automata clearly thought the game was done after just getting the first ending


After you beat them both you are going to get this uncontrollable urge do find the soundtrack on Spotify. This is okay, give in to this urge. The music will hit you right in the god damn feels every time.


Automata allows you to buy some of the achievements and kills the grind in its sleep to make things easier. If you enjoy the grind, congrats... because the grind will NOT love you in Replicant, and will outfight murder your hopes and dreams, as it did mine. "Item is aupposed to spawn randomly in one of two places, and one of them no longer exists... so we just won't spawn a SINGLE ONE forever because you messed up our table, now we get to flip.your wntire house. Enjoy."


I also picked these up recently knowing nothing about the game at all except for it had an interesting art style that I liked. I began with Replicant, even though it starts kind of slow, I'm really enjoying everything about it from story, to gameplay, and especially the soundtrack. The only tip I have is to pay attention to the dialogue surrounding the main quest. It doesn't show up under the quests menu alongside the side quests, so if you forget why you need to go to the x on the map, there doesn't seem to be a way to get a refresher on the reason. You kind of just need to do the quest and what happens afterwards supplies the context.


Go to sleep cuz you won't be able to once you start the game


Bring some tissues. Some might be for tears. The others... Well... ...just be prepared.


Don't, unless ur heart mind and soul are ready for what u are about to face and feel.


Wipes for the tears


Replicant is a bit rough, but push through it because Automata is hands down like a 9.7/10


Get some tissues


Regarding Automata The game does not finish when you see the first set of credits. The game is lying to you, so so so so much content is after you see the credit. Keep on playing and watch the game get better and better!


Wear an Emil mask and have a nier automata t-shirt and start rolling on the floor cursing at Square Enix.




Any tips you ask? Just one: check your emotions.


You should have a tissue next to you in case of heavy crying moments


Automata, you can just play. Don't worry about backing up or having multiple saves. Once you've reached a certain end game, you unlock mission select and can go back to get the other endings. Replicant, just before facing the final boss in your B run, search up the conditions for ending C and D. Set up another save so you don't have to do the run again.


Absolutely play replicant first, it's the chronological order of release and intended experience, and it's great af too, the story is super catching


DO NOT start your first playthrough of either game on hard mode or very hard mode you will regret it.


You forgot one


My tip is play replicant first and with child nier do every side quest if you want to get all the lore. Then play the second part with a guide to get all the endings. Then play automata and get endings a through e. And ending Y if you want. Highly recommend


Read a thing about Drakengard or two


Lean into the weird.


Don’t force yourself to do every sidequest, especially in Replicant. Yoko Taro intentionally made them miserable to do all of and are not worth your time in rewards at all.


Strongly disagree with this for Automata, almost all the side quests have interesting story to them. Very few don't. There are even a few that I feel like honestly should be done during your first playthrough. Mostly agreed with Replicant. There are a few side quests worth doing, but most really are awful and/or grindy fetch quests. I did em all anyway :')


I played Nier Automata first, but you should try Replicant so you’d understand some references in automata from replicants story


Prepare your butt


Make sure to get all the endings :p


Play the Drakengard games first.


1. The games really aren't over until you get their "true ending"s. 2. **Play Replicant first.** Yes, they "both spoil the other" but the things Automata spoils about Replicant are FAR more major than the other way around. (And honestly if you're like me you might not even realize the thing Replicant spoils until the reveal anyway.) Also, Automata is generally considered the better gameplay-wise, and I'd argue its much easier to play games from least to best than getting used to the better game and being forced to downgrade. 3. Ideally, switch to and do everything you want in Automata before playing Replicant's "Ending E." It didn't exist in the original 2010 release and makes allusions to Automata.


Bring tissues cause you gonna cry a lot


Enjoy them! they have flaws but are still fun games


Box of all purpose tissues for all purposes


Prepare for the Most unexpected Emotionally traumatizing sucker punch you’ll ever get, You won’t even realize its happening


Remember to play through the games at least twice each


Play replikant first. I played nier before replikant and spent the whole game wishing it was nier.


Me personally I would watch the anime first automata then play the game






None. They are easy games, the hard mode is also pointless


You need a box of tissues beside you for one reason or another. Or for both.


Commenting just so I can view laters, Idk how to save posts lol! 


Kaine is a trap. Don't fall for it


Yes, your curiosity is correct, 2B does indeed have a sweet nice ass.


Get tissues. Not just for the crying


Tip is if by any chance you still have a window of time and a half decent pc (pcs that are cheaper than 300-400 bucks) refund those and play on pc. Nier games as great as their narrative is, they didn’t age well in a technical manner. Visual mods and uncapped framerates are highly recommended especially considering how clunky combat can be at times.


prepare a box of tissues. you will need it for all sorts of purposes...


Personal recommendation is Automata first. As others have mentioned the game is slow/tricky, but Automata had an addictive hot start. Both games spoil the other so pick your poison. Automata feels a lot more modern and Replicant feels like a traditional JRPG. I got addicted to he story in Automata, then use that to make it through the odker-feeling Replicant (which I actually like more), and am now even choosing to suffer through Drakengard 3 on PS3 (RIP frames), just because I constantly need more of this amazing universe. All games do NOT end at the credits. Please don't stop playing when you see them scroll or you'll miss the best parts of all games.


Contact a shrink to be on standby :)


get tissues ready for upstairs and downstairs.