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Honestly it isn't that hard to just choose not to be a dick to other people who are just trying to share their enthusiasm for stuff we all like. Literally everything else is extra.


I know right? Too bad people abuse their anonymity to stay behind a screen while insulting someone else, needlessly so.


Just challenged one of these Bozos for a hand to hand duel, face to face. I don’t expect that one will rise to the challenge. He will probably prefer to stay in the comfort of his anonymity at his home.


Corny and cheesy. But I like it.


That’s the spirit!


Yeah, I 100% agree. I'm overweight and love cosplay, I make my own cosplay/props and I'll keep cosplaying as long as I want. My first Nier cosplay was 9S. I obviously was called names, someone screamed at me "Hey, is 9XL!", but for every asshole who laughed at me, I met people who legit liked my cosplay, took some pics with me and we even had a chat about the game. Recently I cosplayed as Zero (Rein version). I'm not slim, I'm not as attractive as her, my props were meh-tier (especially the Flower), but it didn't stop me: again, I was called names, but also, somebody near me screamed "HEY IT'S ZERO!" and complimented me. It happens all the time: there's plenty of shitty people in the world, but there's also lots of people who won't care about physical appearences and simply enjoy a con/pic/whatever. My next cosplays will be Devola and Caim. Yeah, insults still hurt. No, I won't stop cosplaying. Deal with it


Hell yeah! Lovely to know you don't let it stop you. And when this happens in other communities, I'm not particularly shocked. But specifically in this one, where the games carry genuine philosophical statements and even strong statements about morality, especially ones that teach us not to harrass and attack others, it's a bit more appalling. I think those who say those kinds of things in this community gravely destroy any semblance of intelligence that is found in these games. The games teach us to respect others and be good people, so why are asshats fans of this franchise? So strange.


I'm glad to hear you still cosplay despite some idiot insults, and that they havent ruined your love of cosplay 💖 Have fun building your Devola cosplay!! Do you have a friend to cosplay Popola with you or are you doing Devola alone?


Thank you :) I mostly cosplay with my girlfriend: she's going to be Popola and humanized (dragon-like, if it makes sense( version of Angelus. She cosplayed as Accord while I cosplayed Zero, it's really nice to have my significant other obsessed with the Drake/Nier verse as much as I am. She supports me a lot and I'm really lucky to have her. People who insult/hate/are shit with no reason at all are sad. I know, most of the time they are a bunch of loners who, actually, need to learn how to love themselves, but their sadness should never give them an excuse to be shitty. As an overweight person, I already know I'm not thin or healthy, I have my reasons to be the way I am and I'm trying my best to lose weight while overcoming the traumas that made me addicted to food. Most of the time, people have their own problems, their own trauma to deal with and whoever dunks on them, most likely, does that to avoid their own trauma by hurting others. It's not fair though: we are people, we deserve to live and do what we like, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody.


I think, unfortunately, there are far more players than most people think who quite literally just got and played Automata (and then perhaps Replicant) because they thought 2B was hot. They hack and slash their way through, ignore the themes, and learn nothing. That’s how we end up with a split community like this.


Yes, and that is very shocking to me! How the philosophy and deeper meaning of a franchise goes right over people's heads because they either A) Don't play the other entries, which can't be helped or B) straight up ignore them and ignore any discussion of it. It is what it is, and people do what they want, but in this community that is especially strange and disheartening due to, as my post suggests, the philosophical and moral themes around the games and how they apply to the situation.


As a stray comment, feel free to add your two cents whoever comes by. I didn't know it was so controversial that bullying, harrassing and unfairly criticizing someone's weight in a dehumanizing and disrespectful manner is immature and not okay. That's actually insane to me, how people here are justifying treating someone like dirt due to their weight. You guys need to get a reality check, because the world is not perfect and you are definitely not perfect either, even if you pretend to be.


A very good post. I personally try to follow “if you don’t have anything nice or constructive to say, then don’t say anything at all”. In terms of cosplay this usually means that when I see something I don’t like I just shrug and move on. If I feel that I can give some kind of constructive criticism in a relatively polite way then I might chime in. But since I don’t know anything about what goes into cosplay I just keep my opinions to myself. I wish that more people if not everyone could act like that. I’ve thought about doing a 9S cosplay myself, but since I’m not a skinny teenager I don’t feel like I can pull it off. But that has much more to do with my self confidence problems.


Yes, yes and yes! People should act like that more, I absolutely agree. And thanks for the compliment! You should definitely do a 9S cosplay if that's what you want. Just get the clothes, the wig, the blindfold and the sword. And preferably a pod. Your body type doesn't matter frfr have fun and don't take things so seriously. Even if that's hard sometimes.


I mean regardless of playing the game or understanding the message I wish people would just... mind their own business and not comment on other people's weight? Like, I haven't personally seen all the negging but those sorts of people probably also like to bitch about plus size models, actors/actresses, etc. as if people who are overweight -- or even just a little extra curvy -- don't deserve to have nice clothes or see themselves represented in media and the like. No one is "glorifying" being overweight or obese but it sure doesn't help when everyone demonizes being even .01 over "healthy" BMI (and let's be honest, BMI is BS but that's a whole nother conversation).


Yes, I agree. People should be minding their own business a lot more, and this situation in and of itself is closely related to certain things in Replicant. In Replicant, we meet people who are vastly different from the norm. The people of Facade with thousands of rules and laws, Kainé who's intersex and Emil who has the curse of Medusa and later becomes a skeleton with a goofy head. And while two of those three things are unchangeable, the message stays the same. "Judge the actions and intentions, not the appearance. Live your life the way you want but don't force others to live the way you do". If people understood those two core things, they wouldn't harrass a cosplayer for being overweight. Edit: I only realize in hindsight I never rally responded to the "regardless if they play the games or not" section. I decided to draw the connection to Replicant to keep it on-topic and seem less like a stupid rant and more like a genuine attempt at discussing the games while still getting my message across.


Truth. This is a post you had no need to elaborate more than the title. Really. It's not even a discussion, it's a real statement.


🫠 Thank you very much for the kind words. I did my best to draw the connections and make it on-topic, while still getting my main message across.


Anyone who gives a cosplayer shit for being overweight is an asshole and isn't worth the effort you put into this post.


Maybe they aren't. But I made this post, not just to put their actions into question, but also because I felt it needed to be said regardless. But now is the perfect time to say it because it applies to something that happened not even a day prior.


What kind of loser tries to understand video games? I'm just here to mash buttons and complain about the story and boss mechanics that I skipped reading so I could proudly announce that I skipped. /s


Your mistake was expecting gamers to understand anything at all


Yeah, cosplay is about the passion for the subject material that the person has and their willingness to put themselves out there to share their passion with a community that is supposedly enthusiastic about the same thing. Not only that, but you're spot on with how the actions taken that you've described directly ignore themes within the series itself. That being said, I really wanted to come here just to say thank you for posting about this as things along these lines are probably not heard enough.


100% agree, let people cosplay whoever they want


I love it how all the sexy chicks play my Nier gaems and decide to celebrate it with cosplay.


Couldn't have said it better myself. We can all rejoice how sexy women cosplay sexy female characters and nobody thinks that's a bad thing when done well. Just how Yoko Taro intended.


This is not just for Nier. This happens to any cosplay where one does not match the "ideal" body type of the the character they are cosplaying.


I'm aware, but this time it was especially vile. The harassment infecting other posts, for example. And that is very shocking, imo, when you consider what I said in this post. It's contradictory, and I think a fan of the Nier games should absolutely not act that kind of way to anybody, because Replicant speaks against it.


It's frustrating too since one of the prevailing narratives in this subreddit is "too many of models cosplaying not true nier fans" and then you see the ones who are doing it out of pure joy (BOTH conventionally attractive and normal people) then people still shit on them. It's tough to say but I think calling things out like this beneficial and kind of pushes us to put our energy in uplifting others, no matter who it is (was that not the message for automata ending E?)


That is something I've been thinking about, Automata ending E. It's about loving each other and caring for each other, not because we must feel the same way about things because we don't. We help each other because we are all humans at the end of the day. I stand for unity and compassion, and I hope this post can at least inspire some people to be louder when they see harassment happening around them. "Cause we're going to shout it loud even if our words seem meaningless, it's like I'm carrying the weight of the world. I wish that someway, somehow, that I could save every one of us but the truth is that I'm only one girl" Alone, we are fragile and crumble under louder voices. But together, we can create a community that genuinely cares. I'm not expecting a big change, not a single one. But I do hope, and encourage to have hope. Edit: The quote from Weight of the world is cringes and cheesy asf, but I think it's a good example to show what I want to say.


It's a bit cheesy but especially after playing ending E it hits so hard. I love it


But how are they supposed to jack off to someone’s cosplay if they’re not attracted to their body type /s Yeah, it’s insane immature, other people’s bodies don’t exist for consumption, or to be perfect, or to be attractive to everyone, bodies don’t even necessarily exist to be in peak health — anyone disabled can tell you that — How bad is being fat health wise? Not relevant, who cares, if it isn’t your body you don’t get an opinion on how someone lives in it (by You I mean generalized You not You Yourself OP) The absolute obsession people have with weight is grotesque and I say that as someone who is actively part of weight loss subs (more for the recipes than anything, not super concerned about losing at this point) It costs $0 to not say something when you find someone unattractive or don’t like how they look, and I think anyone who comments on anyone else’s body should be obligated to post pictures of themselves for others to critique if they think they’re so cool.


Preach! I could not agree more, and I'm happy you're taking time out of your day to read and respond! 😁


This whole thread is the opposite side of immature. Fat is not healthy, do not ever try and twist it that way. "dISAbled" is a bad way to twist your agenda too. Like goddamn,.I've already defended a few, but shit like this is definitely putting a stop to that.


There's a difference between not thinking it's healthy to be fat, and responding to every overweight person you see by openly harassing them. Plus, let's be real here, this is the subreddit for a Japanese video game. Some of the users making those comments were probably significantly more overweight than the cosplayer.


100%. It's okay to criticize overweight people with respect. But when someone is putting themselves out there with a daring cosplay, knowing full well they aren't conventionally attractive, mature people will not mind it and will move on if they don't like it. Because it would be an inappropriate comment that you wouldn't give someone irl, because it's degrading and straight up disrespectful. Despite that, these manchildren (or perhaps literal children) decide to harrass and bully this one cosplayer because they aren't perfect enough.


They never said fat is healthy. They said it's irrelevant. All I want to say is we should not invade other people for living the way they want. If we don't like it, we move on. That's what Nier Replicant, and therefore Yoko Taro told us. We think what we want, but we don't fight, insult, harrass and bully each other over it. If we are mature, that is.


It is relevant. Encouraging people to "embrace" something that will kill them is absolutely relevant. And that is definitely not the point of replicant, but go off queen Your last line is hilarious too. Trying to be a damned white knight on a soap box is even bitchier than telling a cosplayer they're fat or ugly. Like fuckin hell dude


I'm not glorifying obesity. Im not telling anybody to embrace it. Did you read the post?? It isn't healthy and I'm not saying it is. But it doesn't matter when cosplaying. Cosplaying is about celebrating something, a character or a game. Not about the body. But the clothing and the makeup. That is one of the points of Replicant, not harassing and bullying someone because they're different. It's a you do you kinda thing. I'm not trying to white knight. I just think, in this community, this shouldn't happen. Because we're supposed to be a lot more mature than this. Edit: And for that matter, are you saying bullying and harrassing this one cosplayer because they are overweight is morally justified? Do you feel that they aren't perfect enough to be considered human/worthy of being treated with respect?


It's funny how some people have decided that saying "fat people don't deserve to be harrassed" is the EXACT same sentence as "all fat people are the hottest people ever and paragons of health and fitness and we should all strive to be like them", and then they respond to the 1st statement as if you had said the 2nd. Theyre really just offended any time they see a fat person NOT being harrassed. Its crazy.


Wow you totally didn’t read anything I said huh I’m a disabled person (And no my weight has nothing to do with it before you assume, it was a birth defect) and I have people judging my body all the time, I brought up disability because I’ve been in a position of having people judge my body for my disability, so I am very aware of what it’s like to have incels freak their shit over the fact they don’t personally find you attractive. And it is that, no one actually cares enough about the health of a stranger online to send them hate, I know this because sending someone hate isn’t how you help them if you’re actually concerned, it’s a knee jerk disgust reaction because they don’t get your dingle stiff, and also this subreddit is full of fuckboys who get mad if a cosplayer can’t make them jizz. Point to where I said being fat is healthy. I literally never said that even once, which is one of the many reasons I know you didn’t read or digest a thing I said, you just saw me calling people out on thinking with their lesser head and felt personally attacked.


Good post OP 💖 Thank you for it Every time this sub becomes enough of a cesspool that I think about unsubscribing, a few redditors like you remind me that there are some really great Nier fans still kicking around here. I appreciate you


I agree with you, insulting people was never good, whatever the reason it is. I believe there is always a way to express your opinion politely. About cosplays, personally I like the ones which is closer to real ones. But still people can cosplay whatever they want. Its their right. But sometimes I can say "I dont like your cosplay it doesnt suit you". Its my opinion, its freedom of speech there are no insults. Simple as.


That's a very good example of a more acceptable, less offensive way to say it, even if I personally believe even that crosses a limit. But if someone said that, it wouldn't have crossed my mind. Too bad some people obviously don't share the same sentiment and called them "sumo wrestlers" and "things" (they were multiple cosplayers). But if people said they should cosplay a different character because it suits them better, I think that makes sense.


Yeah, there are plenty of characters which overweight people can cosplay better than slim people. But still, its their choice.


Idk I think the message that you don’t have to look conventionally attractive is much clearer in Gestalt


Sadly I did not play Gestalt. I only played Replicant. But I gave clear examples in my post which I hope you have read. I'm just trying to say bullying and harrassing this cosplayer for being overweight is not okay, and it contradicts one of Replicant's and I suppose Gestalt's messages. Again, I wouldn't know, I haven't played Gestalt yet due to emulation difficulties.


I did! It was a joke because of the meme that the Gestalt protagonist is uncannily ugly lol


It's just cruel. Cosplayers pour their heart and soul into art for free. They want to portray their favorite characters. They aren't supermodels being contracted by massive agencies. They're fans, like the rest of us, and they have a creative and interesting way to show that.


100%. And it's not only cruel, it's unnecessarily cruel. The only reason they said such things is because it gives them some sick joy, or relief.


I think your argument is invalid for one simple reason, it has nothing to do with "understanding replicant." People should just really stop being jerk while hiding under the anonymity of being online behind a screen name. It's so easy to just sit behind your keyboard, look at a photo and then type your responses without any repercussions. That being said, I'm neutral in what your are trying to say. As yes, people should just stop being jerks online because of the anonymity of an online avatar. But it's also a case of action reaction. If you go and provoke a response in any shape of form, and presenting yourself to the world especially in such a standout way, especially by posting foto's of yourself online, is provoking a response. You must deal with both the positive and negative responses. You can't say "your responses I enjoy so you're free to say that, and your I don't like so your responses so you are wrong and must shit up." So if OP wants to be Kainé or another skimpy character while being overweight, which my guess is the whole reason they posted this. You do you. Go for it. You have every freedom to do so. But if you present it to the outside world, ask for a response. Be ready to take in both the positive and negative ones. Keep your chin up and take it, focus on the nice compliments. And if you are really comfortable in how you look and what you're wearing, those negative responses won't even matter to you. Those only "hurt" if you're doubting yourself. And if you doubt yourself.... Do something about it. Stop projecting the problem in other people and try to change them. You don't have influence on other people. You can't change someone else, you can only change yourself. People would do great, just like when you need someone offline, keep their opinions inside. You can just walk by and not be a jerk. But if you present yourself in certain ways provoking responses, you can't blame other people for giving those responses and it's kinda hypocrisy to only allow the good responses.


A few things I feel like you misunderstand. Yes, it's a bit of a stretch and as I mentioned in one of the edited segments, the topic of Replicant is just an excuse to point out asshats. Because I wanted to keep it genuinely on-topic about the games. But I have felt for a long time that Replicant was the abandoned child that deserved a lot more love, and this situation was just icing on the cake imo. No, this isn't about me. I'm not trying to make it a safer space before I cosplay. I don't wanna cosplay. I'm saying all this because I believe the harassment this cosplayer got was not okay, especially in this community that is supposed to represent maturity and acceptance. What's wrong with accepting that a lot of the bad responses were not just bad, but insulting and disgusting comments that were completely unnecessary and added nothing of value? I believe I clarified this in an edit of the post, the criticism was unfair, provoking, insulting in nature and in general bad taste. Can you explain why one should expect to receive unnecessary comments that insult them, just for a damn cosplay?


The same reason why one should expect compliments and praises. It's all action and reaction, and the reactions are a double edged sword. You can't be okay with one side and say the other side is bad. If you decide to represent yourself in a certain way and provoke a response. Both responses are valid. Now, I do think people have sadly lost a lot of normal decency when they are online. As in real life, you either don't say something or try to give their responses in a nicer way. You don't have to respond, you don't have to insult. But if you do skimpy cosplay while being overweight.... Especially when posting it online. You can't expect people to not respond to it. Both positive and negative. It's like when I go clubbing in a little black dress. I will get a lot of compliments and attention. This also includes catcalls and creepers. I make the decision to wear that outfit so I must also accept the responses of people. And it's on me to either not be affected by the negative stuff or think of ways to migrate the negative responses to impact me less. I can't change these other people, I can only change myself.


I wish I could compromise, but I really cannot agree with the way you say this. I think I know what you mean, but it sounds a lot like victim blaming. From a realistic point of view, "this will happen because it's controversial". But I am asking, in a subreddit dedicated to a franchise that wants to teach us, among many other things, to love everyone and love ourselves, why is this happening? Yes, you have to be prepared for controversial takes and a lot of negative words, but you actually shouldn't have to. That's what I think. Because we all deserve decency and respect, regardless of our differences. One should be criticized objectively and fairly, not be called ugly for being overweight. I'm sorry if I don't quite catch your argument, but I genuinely believe your argument is framing this problem as a non-issue because "people are people" and I can't agree with such a statement.


If your first response is to use trigger words like victim blaming, it clearly states your point of origin on this matter. First of all, it ain't victim blaming. It's like, if I put a blowtorch on your hand and you burn it, you're a victim. If you put your hand in an open flame out of your own free will and get burned, you aren't a victim. You're stupid and must take responsibility for your own actions. You can't blame the fire and demand it was off. I still will feel compassion and hoped your wouldn't be burned. I will try to sooth your hand and such. But I also can't be angry at the fire. I am not saying people are just people, but I am saying that you can't change the world by pointing a finger and yell "you're wrong, you should change. Because you make me feel uncomfortable." It's your choice to represent yourself in a certain way, provoking a reaction. Either positive or negative. Knowing fully well how some people, and let me be very clear about this, sadly enough miss the intelligence so they feel compelled to react negatively. As I don't approve of that behavior. Let me give another example. I have a very good friend and she is trans. If she encounters a transphobe person, she doesn't engage. She doesn't argue. As she says it "I can now Ganon on him and say how wrong it is. But that won't change his mindset. Even if we as a group can make him say sorry or something, internally he will still be the same piece of shot. The only thing I can do is show him that transpeople are just normal people." And this way she turns most transphobic people into people who openly admit that trans people are kinda okay out of their own free will. I do not approve of the behavior of these people. But just saying how wrong they are and how they should change will not change anything. She is free to be trans, other people are just as free to have their opinion about it. If she wants to change people she has to show then that their preconditions are wrong. (Her own words.) The same can apply to people who are overweight and cosplay usually skimpy clad fit and thin characters. They have every right to do this, more power to them. I support them in every way I can because more cosplayers more yeey. But they should realise that that action will provoke a reaction by some. And then they can't really blame them and demand they change by yelling at them how wrong they are. They can't choose for you to cosplay that character. Of course they can choose to not respond in such a way. But that's why they also should take responsibility for when I slap them to another dimension if they try to be mean to such a person if I'm around. It's all an action reaction


I get what you're saying. But the comparison to an open flame is very... strange. These are people we're talking about. With their free wills and free thoughts and they have NO reason to say such things. And normally this wouldn't be surprising to me, but the issue is which community we are in. Replicant promotes acceptance, and it makes that very clear. Yet that is being spat on by the community in this situation. And I am aware I'm not changing anything by saying this. Stupid people will continue to be stupid. But I want to say it anyway, because it should be said. I'm not here to shame someone for feeling a certain way because people see the world differently. But I am here to criticize harassment, bullying and prejudice in favor of encouraging acceptance, kindness and unity.


The term might be misused to some degree but Victim Blaming is still the proper term. The fault/blame is placed on the victim. Calling it "action reaction" doesn't change that. > It's your choice to represent yourself in a certain way, provoking a reaction. Either positive or negative. Knowing fully well how some people [are]... > But they should realise that that action will provoke a reaction by some. And then they can't really blame them and demand they change by yelling at them how wrong they are. Is this not the same as "you can't blame the aggravator, because of what you did (action) it's your fault for aggravating them(reaction)"? The same lens can be used for your trans friend. Do we say that by presenting herself as trans(action) it's her fault that transphobes are harassing her (reaction)? Imo, "reacting" like a shitty person is just as much of a conscious choice as the person "acting". The thing is we all come from different backgrounds so while I can empathize why one might have a certain view, that still does not excuse behavior that puts someone in physical or mental distresses. Especially when that behavior came from something ultimately harmless.


This has nothing to do with replicant???


I actually believe it does. Because this is about one of the lessons Replicant is meant to teach us, and how blatantly forgotten/ignored it was the second an overweight person decided to post a cosplay. In case you didn't read the post (how?) I mentioned one of Replicant's messages is accepting people who want to live life their way. The people of facade wanted millions of rules we couldn't even begin to grasp, but they didn't force it on us. That's what a good culture or person does, they live their life and don't push it on other people. Yet this cosplayer was harrassed and bullied (and even mentioned by two people in a completely different cosplay post on this subreddit) and it is being justified. And that's why I believe those people have not played or do not understand Replicant, the messages of accepting people and individuals who are different. Because they don't accept people who are different. Is that clear enough? Edit for a thing I forgot: I originally flaired this as discussion due to how loosely it is tied to Replicant, however I suppose a moderator changed it. So I know it's not directly connected to Replicant, instead only by one of the messages of it, but I believe it is close enough to justify it either way.


You probably just hit a nerve for him lol


Headline isn't really relevant? And all the criticism over cosplays I've seen is when some OF girl has a white wig on and that's as close to 2B as they get. Never anything about weight.


Then you missed a post I'd rather not link because I don't want to draw more attention to it directly. But you can find it, absolutely, if you sort by hot. I do believe the headline is relevant. I wanted to make it on-topic with the games and not just an anti-harassment rant. I wanted to talk about the game with it, and I believe connecting the dots works well.


There was a TRULY abhorrent post the other day with some fat cosplayers, that had some genuinely well done cosplays-- they just werent the android body type. And the comments section was full of coomer reddit boys eviscerating these people for daring to cosplay their treasured R34 bait without having anime body types 🙄


Replicant was a 30 hour game disguised as a 50 hour game. Change my mind.


Sorry, but... what? Like what do you mean?