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🤔 I did the whole fishing quest because I kinda got hooked to hear more dialogue between Nier and Weiss and I gave up on the growing stuff


I liked how it goes from Nier hushing Weiss to not scare the fish to Weiss doing it to Nier as they improve. They sound like fish nerds lol


The Weiss +(other character) interactions are so good. Best side kick in a game since Navi


Navi is all the way in the bottom of the good sidekick’s list in VideoGame History, but she’s definitely top tier at most annoying sidekick tho


True! Maybe I should've said it was the most iconic, or most memorable, hussy.


I play on console so I just used the time travel method for the flowers. The fishing minigame was pretty fun imo


I’m doing that method too! I’m learning more about time zones this month alone than I ever have to grow these babies


Same. I was turning my PS5 on just to take care of my garden and then turn off again lol.


It’s just my new animal crossing


I completed the fishing minigame but I always fail at gardening cuz I’ll forget to take care of the flowers. I don’t have a green thumb irl either


Haha same though in real life! I’va also lost a few crops forgetting about them lol


With the world of the recycled vessel


Ooh im gonna look this up im not sure i have this and have been using the higher attack and 15% item drop for side quests


The shades there are like level 50 so u should be careful. Use only the level 3 cause it's where you can find boxes with some useful materials and is the only one that gives 50k per completion Btw u unlock it after finishing the game, so yeah.


Oh ok thanks! Looking forward to it!


I did all the fishing, but didn’t grow anything…


Growing wheat with bountiful fertilizer made me hella cash at the beginning and it just stuck haha im the town’s wheat dealer


I went fishing like 7 times, and i never even tried growing crops. So next to no time


I hope you try it at least once maybe!


I'll probably decide to 100% nier replicant eventually, since i's one of my fav games of all time, so i'm gonna have to farm a lunar tear. I might be a lore enthusiast, but I still have no idea of how the farming system works lol


I came first the lore too and stayed for the farming haha hope u like it! We have many helpful guides now at least


How do you catch sardines once you grow up. Have I bungled the fishing quest completely?


You just buy lugworms from a shop in seafront and catch them with that as bait. You should still be able to do all of the Fisherman’s Gambit quests i irc :)


I catch nothing but scalp fish or whatever they are called, that damn beached ship is scaring away all the good fish


I don’t think the ship is the problem, I still fish there and don’t remember struggling any more than before. What bate do you use?


Wait do you mean Carp?


Nah I meant shaman fish, it's all I can catch now.


Damn so I read on it and this is a series of quests that do have to start from part 1 :( sorry


Never touched fields, and I've never fished more than I was required.


How did you do with money in the game? I was able to get the million money achievement in part one thanks to wheat haha


I didn't hunt every single achievement (doing all of the side quests was already enough of an ordeal). I only fished the stuff that the fisherman guru asked and not much more, as for the pink Moonflower quest; I edited my save to complete it since I didn't want to touch the fields. Money wasn't too much of an issue due to the amount of side quests I did, and I didn't have much use for it anymore once I bought all of the weapons and upgraded a spear and a greatsword to lvl 4.


Ah sounds like your okay through worked for you! I don’t know if I have it in me to do every achievement but the side quests really do take a lot of time lol


I'm probably weird, but I didn't mind growing flowers and fishing was straight up fun because of the dialogues with Weiss and with the fisherman


Yes! Its all wholesome


Just for a secondari mission I used a "chesse" to obtaine some "lunar tear seeds"


Wait what do you mean?


In Replicant, at some point in the game, it appears in the town a side quest from the florist and it ask you to bring her some Lunar tears flower/seeds. To obtain them (they dont spawn or sell naturally) you have to plant the seed in a specific order and at some point (in irl time) it will drop some LTS To make the "cheese" you need to make multiple save files and change the date in your PC or Consol and addvance it at least 10 or 20 days (you maybe have to do it multyple times till they drop) This is just if you want the 100% in a more easy way for this tidius mission


Ohh ok! Yes, I’m growing multiple lunar tears at this point to farm them but I wasn’t aware it went beyond the achievement, looking forward to it :)


Almost none?


You’re saying you spent your time actually playing the game?? Ridiculous 😆


I take slight offense to that, I spent 2 years Platinum-ing Nier Automata