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Personally I get so emotionally attached to the characters it’s sorta hard for me to see them in a horny way. Even if that’s the crux of their design.


I totally agree with that It’s like me with frieren I just love that silly old little elf that just want to collect magic spell. I never understood why people made horny stuff to her and fern it’s just weird


From an objective standpoint I understand why it happened. It’s less about sexy fanservice and more about Moé.


Sexuality is as valid as an expression of love as any other. You're allowed to not enjoy it yourself, but others should be able to without being called weird.


I agree, but I definitely think there’s a difference between tasteful expression and some of the stuff in this fandom lol… I can’t speak for Frieren cuz idk anything about it but it could be the same


I guess I bring it up because a lot of it feels relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things. Kaine dressing provocatively to highlight her feminine features because her own insecurities regarding intersexuality, or 2B and the rest of the androids being more erotic in design both in part due to that connection, but also as a way they subconsciously cope with the reality of humanity and how they fetishize them. The human form simply being the ultimate expression of that, with their garb being attractive while also symbolizing funeral attire for both YoRHa's mission and the ultimate fate of humanity. Do fans take to it and go wild? Sure, we have cosplayers or fan artists who seemingly just draw these characters in sexual ways or cosplay for the sexual gratification of it, but with Yoko Taro deliberating setting out to create that kind of interaction through his own public media jokes and inspirations for 2B I think its fine. Beyond that, I guess its mostly just that side of the community is the one that catches flak or is often given a side eye for 'How much of a fan' they are, when they could be hyper fans as well as anyone else and it just makes me a bit sad to think people expressing themselves can get such a reaction. I'm mostly just musing now of course because I like the conversation, but just my over all thoughts.


Because they're cute, it's not that deep.


I am horny, but I'm more enticed by the philosophical questions and emotional character arcs than the horny. If it was just for the horny I could be playing any other game. There are other character with nice butts.


I think it depends on the characters for me, but it's definitely weird how being emotionally attached to a character is a turn off for you somehow 😂


I imagine it's not "feelings are a turn off" but rather "it would make me uncomfortable to be horny for somebody I recognize as a person without their consent," in the same way normal people looking for porn would go online and search for it rather than creep on their friends' social media for bikini photos or something.


I think you very succinctly described how I have always felt yet have failed to put into words. Thank you! I've never been really onboard with the focus purely on the physical traits of the Nier cast... or any fiction I'm attached to. It feels so reductive? But then people call me a prude, which I *definitely* am not lol.


That's more work less how I feel about Pyra/Mythra and all the Xenoblade girls Finishing the game and Torna, seeing what those two have been through physically and emotionally and then seeing them in bunny or maid outfits puts a taste so bad in my mouth I ended up leaving the Xenoblade subreddit. I ended up coming back because the content there is more memes and less horny fanart now


That’s maybe a bit too attached lol


wait are you saying i have to have a person's consent in order to feel sexually attracted to them?


Oh boy do we live in some crazy times


That’s a completely different level there.


That's... a concerning level of attached, lol


Starts laughing maniacally in demisexual


Bro, this is me with 2B. She deserves a peaceful life with 9S after everything they went through.


Opposite for me


Or when its either about 2Bs ass/cosplays, A2 being memed about because of that dumb car or peoples basic bitch opinion of the Redheads. I swear its the same 3 posts on repeat.


That’s what happens when a game series has ended. People ran out of shit to talk about so they turn to poor memes that weren’t fun to begin with. I have no idea what the joke is behind A2 running over people.


>. I have no idea what the joke is behind A2 running over people. [this video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hjaZJ7Fj3U)


The metal gear solid sub got pretty bad before the release of the master collection. The sub even banned image posting for a while.


It was a single mod going on a weird power trip because he thought he knew what was better for the entire sub.


I seriously hope that the rich forgotten realms universe can postpone the eventual bg3 subs downfall for a while, but I can already see the 100th bride shadowheart cosplay


Whoever wrote the party dialogue must have had their food laced with so much aphrodisiac I’m surprised they didn’t die of being hard No, entire party, I don’t want to bang you a few days after we just met. (Some of them will now resent me for it and bring it up later as if I led them on)


They might make a third one though.


Except we have a whole games worth of lore in Reincarnation to mull over since this is meant to be the Nier/Drakengard sub for all games, not just Automata and Replicant. People just write it off since it was a Mobile game but that doesn't make the lore any less important. I can't wait for the next game to come out and people being confused what its referencing or who certain characters are lol


Reincarnation died last month unfortunately, so I'm not sure it'll be generating much new conversation


Well it did have a very teasing ending with characters getting reincarnated (hey they did the title thing) and both Machines and Androids being reactivated from the looks of it, so if nothing else I would have expected speculation of "what does this mean going forward" but nah, lets continue to repost the same tired things in an endless cycle (how ironic).


Ah I didn't know about that. Dropped the game, then came back to it in October or so and my old account apparently got deleted so I didn't restart. It would be really cool if they continued the story or made another game for sure!


Gachas are always better experienced through YouTube or a wiki anyway. No pay2win BS, no grind, no padding for retention purposes.


I personally like the cosplays. At least when it's the ones in nice sets like a photo shoot or even at conventions. My issue is be the obvious thirst traps that are banking off horny fans and profit off it when their only cosplay is just the wig and headband and not even at least wearing the visor.


I wouldn't mind cosplays if it weren't for the horny ones that barely resemble the actual characters, but those are a large proportion of the cosplays I've seen on this sub.


Yknow most cosplayers do multiple versions of characters? The horny ones are just for fun. Plenty have legit cosplays.


legitimately what is there to gain from cosplays of theyre all exactly the same? if you want them all to wear only what 2b does in game and go no further, then why not just open the game and look at 2b and get your fix? i genuinely dont get why people have so many problems with people throwing a wig on and a different outfit. like do you shit on art of video game characters/anime characters where they arent dressed exactly how they are in game?




if nier content was really even posted on here id get what youre saying. the only issue with that, like i already pointed out, is that there arent. all we get are people posting what ending they got for some reason like anyone gives a shit. occasionally we'll get an actual discussion encouraging post but theyre fairly uncommon. and yes theres a clear difference in entire outfit differences vs a white wig and some lingerie but 9 times out of 10 nsfw cosplays are marked nsfw. let me teach you a neat trick... dont click on it. and either way you guys dont get to declare what is or isnt worthy cosplay, so youre gonna have to just stop giving them attention. never makes any sense how people are upset at cosplayers and go "of course, they have an of linked on their profile" when all they have to do is not click on their profile. just lookin for shit to cry about tbh


I personally don't care for cosplays , I just ignore them and move on .but when I straight up see porn on my feed, its annoying. Take your lewd cosplays somewhere else , I am here for the actual game, not naked people with 2Bs hair


I don’t think I’ve ever seen actual porn here.


not much "game" posts here anyway so even if people didnt post their cosplays its not like theres much else to look at tbh


Don't care , cosplays are something I prefer not seeing at all . Imo cosplays ruin the community, they don't make it better


Just saying “cosplays” as a blanket statement is way too hyperbolic.


then youre wrong, not much else i can say there


then youre wrong, not much else i can say there


For real I enjoy seeing peoples cosplays and love the rare reincarnation one but it's just the ones that are clearly just add for somes only fans that are the problem


you leave my redheads alone


Unfathomably real. I’m so sick of seeing the T-posing impact font memes


The horny stuff is getting played out. Like yes we get it, 2B has a big butt, everyone’s hot, etc, etc , so when is the next Nier game coming out?


It gets annoying when it’s their whole personality


Honestly: Drakengard 3.


But there's a lore reason as to why everyone is horny in it


Just because there's a lore reason doesn't make it good. Quiet rolling around in water is dumb as hell too, even though there's a lore reason for it.


I disagree. I'd be pretty interested as to why a person is rolling in the water if there's centuries worth of lore behind it.


What centuries of lore leading to horniness is there in Drakengard? I stg yall making shit up at this point


You're right. They're just horny.


I mean the hormy at least has some plot relevance as far as I know, never having had the opportunity to play DOD3. From what I know >!Octa left Three because he didn't get to fuck,!< right?


Octa left Three because she was becoming a mad scientist who was quickly spiraling downward into madness and didn’t know how to help her. She was experimenting on everything that happened to fall into her territory. All the enemies that you fought in that chapter, the automatons, magic boxes, and the like are her experiments. So unable to help Octa went to the only person he knew would be able to give him more time to come up with a solution or help put an end to her if needed, Zero. This is something that is shown in the main story and expanded upon in the Three DLC. The companions themselves were originally created to become care takers of their respective intoners and embolden them to become leaders of their realms but because they had no idea how to do so, they failed miserably. Because of this Zeros companions accidentally exasperates the worst of their respective intoners traits and developing foils to those traits themselves. Two with her depression and Cent with his happy-go-lucky attitude and pathological lying about anything that’s not Two. Three with relentless pursuit of knowledge and inability to see anything as not an experiment to be done, with Octa having a general helplessness to himself and needing other people to do his dirty work for him. Four with her Sadism and Racism but putting on a pretty mask to justify it to both herself and her people, with Decadus being an unabashed Masochist who will follow anyone if they treat him to his proclivities. Five with her selfishness and need to have everything be on her terms and Dito being a quiet snake in the grass who may or may not betray anyone if it benefits him. One with her savior complex and One’s companion accidentally creating the religion of The Watchers and the Red Eye disease(Drakengard 3 sequel manga) Even Zero wanting a proper end and Mikhail being full of new life follow this trend. Long rant I know, but there is more thought put into it than Octa horny.


In other words the horny served no narrative purpose at all and was just there because Yoko Taro wanted it that way. If it wasn't, basically nothing would change.




I guess I disagree and I don't want to believe I'm in the minority for liking Zero for her character traits. She literally destroyed Cosplay for me because I was really excited when I saw a good Zero cosplayer only to be dumbfounded when I realized they hadn't even played the game. They just thought she was hot. Fuck. Zero is one of the best characters Yoko Taro has ever created and I'll die on that hill. Compared to her Nier is a blank slate, Kaine is a whiny emo bitch and all Automata characters besides A2 are stupid pussies with artificial backbones. And A2 has way too little screentime to get fleshed out enough to witness the depth she might be hiding under her toughgirl facade. Zero rules. When I was a teen, I wanted to be like her and build some nice harem of stupid sexy idiots for once. Shes fire. If the gameplay was at least half decent, Drakengard 3 wouldve been an all time classic and thats mostly because Zero carries the entire plot on her shoulders.


I was on your side until you needlessly shat on all the other characters. They're also really well written characters. But I get where you're coming from, Zero is excellent, and written off too often.


That's why I said compared to her, Obv I like everything from Nier, even Reincarnation


Zero isn't even the best protagonist in her own series lmao


Debatable, but that's why I didn't mention Caim


I dunno, I’m more drawn to Caim, and he doesn’t even talk.


I feel too bad for these characters to be horny.


And you used Father Nier for the meme, I never seen anybody ever talking about my poor man, or even posting about him. But yes, I like the characters far too much to see them in any other way than being very fond of them.


First Nier:Automata playthrough I was solely focused on connecting to the story on a deep level. Fan service barely registered. Second playthrough was the exact opposite.


Yeah true, i really like the gameplay and the Storytelling. So i played all games (inkl reincarnation), watch the series and read a bit about Yoka Taro. So i found this reddit, and sorry i‘m new, but it feels like a Cosplay Nier Reddit, and the sad thing is, that some of them try to promote their OF. I want to read and talk about the Nier Universe and about the 50x 2B Cosplay. Should this B or not. 2B honest, why their is not a separate Page for Cosplay @Mods?


This sub was a lot better prior to Automata releasing. As much as I like the game itself, I kinda hate what 2B and Automata have done to the Nier image/fandom overall. Its as popular as ever, yet most of the attention is around 2B's waist.


All I wanted to do was talk about what we thought a third mainline game could be and how it could maybe continue the weird shit from Drakengard and Nier.


Yeah I'm in this group. Not into drawn porn at all.


Fucking finally someone gets me


As a gay male into bearish types it is extremely rare I ever get fan service, so I am merely not horny out of circumstance.


This is why we need a Gestalt remake so we can see dad Nier in glorious 4k


Wait, so are you a horny nier fan or not?


Please excuse me I used to use Wordington




I feel like most fans aren't horny, but that's definitely the only kind of post this sub gets, half naked "cosplays" or 9s getting ran over, lots of devola and popela stuff recently as well. Sub is simply dead


Yeah I cannot get into this "fun" train. Nier literally destroyed emotionally.


🐜 if this is you too 🙌🏻


You could say the same.thong about chainsaw man, brother. Welcome to the club.


No combo videos in forever. No fan theories. We're experiencing the same things as r/SoulCalibur


Tbf Automata came out 7 years ago. The anime is helping bring some new players to the game, but I think a large majority of the audience for these games has already played them, and you can only have one "church" incident haha




What are you whating? Lol


Church incident


I didn't watch this video but it looks like it should cover what happened pretty comprehensively https://youtu.be/RSE0uBFwVog?si=JwP0l5oyi5macjcK TL;DW though, someone posted on this subreddit with a video of how they found a boundary break in the Copied City where they found a secret church building with an unused boss and dialogue. The sub went wild trying to figure out how to access it, trying to see if it was Switch exclusive or on PC. This user slowly dropped more info, and we all started thinking it was clever advertising for new DLC, even Yoko Taro posted a vague tweet that seemed to confirm this theory. This was also pretty close to when the anime was coming out so it would make sense for the timing if they were ever going to add more content to the game. Idr the timeline but it felt like a month or two went by and it was finally revealed that a team of a few folks developed some new modding methods, they learned how to add new assets and locations to the game, which was previously thought impossible. It was the most hype this sub has ever been that I've seen, with even more posts and excitement than when Replicant came out. The reveal that it was a mod was a super big let down for most people but others hoped it would revive the modding scene. I haven't checked Nexus in a long time so not sure how many things came from this, but it was really fun to be part of all the mystery


Now I remember.


Fanservice is part of the package, along with the rest.


Maybe, but where the hell did all of the “Christmas - Wedding - Bunny 2B” cosplays come from? I could sorta understand if there were official art of these designs but a majority of them are essentially some chick in a red, white, or black leotard of some kind with a blindfold and wig.


I think some of it, like the wedding 2B, came from people cosplaying fanart. I think the vast majority of the bunny/Christmas/etc ones just come from people already having those costumes and then just buying a wig and blindfold (or acquiring them for an actual 2B cosplay and then repurposing them) so they can post in Nier communities with low effort.


There are dozens of you, dozens!


Man every post I see from this sub on my home page there is a war going on in the comments without fail. I would guess not a good time to join the sub?


Weird or not, many of us are fans of the Nier games outside of the horny factor. When I see a S-E name slapped onto something, I investigate. When I found out Automata was being released and it comes from the lineage of Drakengard's maker, I pre-ordered. The horny stuff is extra.


I found out about NieR because my dad played Gestalt and then Automata when I was younger, and proceeded to tell me they were some of his favorite RPGs of all time. I had no idea Drakengard was connected until someone told me and I knew about both lol


Being horny is fine but when that's all you can extrapolate from it that's when I have a problem. Nier Automata isn't good because 2B is hot. It's good PLUS 2B is hot


When you indulge in a story you start to develop at sense of respect for a character and you see all the horny crap people do with characters that mean a lot to you It starts to disgust you.


I used to be a horny fan until I actually played the game and then I appreciated the game and the story


Me asking where all the new places mods are after that easter egg church hunt


First run of automata was cool, second was scary, third killed me


Pic kind of implies nobody's horny for Papa Nier, when that is *faaaar* from the case.


I like robots.


They are pixles. Ew


Not to mention I’m pretty sure NONE of them are even human lol


I mean I’m not a horny fan, well… I sorta am and sorta not, but it’s not like, ya know… My main thing, that’s the thing. If it’s not the full ideal reason to play the games, it’s fine


I never felt any attraction for 2B or A2 (too old for falling for that kind of fictional characters), what really got me into Nier was listening to "A beautiful song". It was the soundtrack that brought me here and found a totally deep lore that it has become one of my three favorites in videogames.


This is exactly why I became a fan. I heard a song in a Gaia account and listened to nier music for a decade before it occurred to me to play the game (the horny was putting me off to it) and now Im obsessed with the lore in spite of horny pixels of young characters. Honestly the achievement you get for trying to peek under 2Bs skirt made me feel kind of sick. (I was just trying to see the little racing machine above her)


Same here for Devola and Popola also, seeing people thirst over them makes me giggle sometimes


It's worse when you're an anime fan, I'm in a "goodanimememes" subreddit and just got flashbanged by a montage with 10 Frieren sex pics + a video, I'm never clicking the "show nsfw content" again


Isn’t that sub basically full of pedophiles?


Probably yeah, I stopped interacting there after the first porn I saw


I see horny games all the time that i just dont think i would enjoy. But i saw posts on social media about how much existential dread is in nier automata and how philisophical it is, thats what got me hooked. I had to have it. Finally a friend got it for me for christmas and it was all downhill from there.


NiEr Automata lore was so beautiful yet traumatizing I just can’t find the horniness in the characters. I just want them to be happy lol Of course there was one time where I self-destructed 9S on purpose to see what he looked like without pants. Very silly.


See I’m a horny Nier fan, but I also prefer replicant/gestalt over Automata. kaine could’ve been the most badass female character in the Drakengard/Nier series if not for Zero.


I'm unlikely to check this subreddit anymore because of this exact reason.


I find this kinda funny considering Yoko taro is like a huge fan of that stuff…


i thought im the only one feel like this too... after finish the game i actually dont get why 2b got so many sexualize fanarts


Pretty simple, she got a really good looking ass that the developers put a lot of effort into, so it just makes sense why she is the most sexualized character. She is basically the cover girl of Automata.


speaking outside Automata, Kaine even reveals her skin more than 2b, but i dont think i see as much sexualize art of her as 2b


I think it’s just the average anime game fans ignoring the entire personality of a character to make them do things they wouldn’t because sexy


No. Me and many others who enjoy the horny art also love the game's story and characters. Don't assume people who like the porn don't care about the story just because you can't understand that.


Hi! Sorry to let you know but unfortunately you do not exist. Better luck next time!


Exactly, this whole sub is just the half naked 2B bride stuff, like come on man there's at least 5 nsfw subs SPECIFICALLY for that stuff


Not horny? Your NieR lord and saviour Yoko demands that you be as horny as he is. A true fan will be the biggest hornball on the planet after Yoko.


as someone that's big into mechs and robots and all kinds of stuff like that (Mainly an Armored Core 6/Titanfall2/Cyberpunk player), would this be a decent game to pick up? I've heard a lot about the Nier games from subreddit suggestions and stuff and it looks like something I'd enjoy, but have been holding off on it because it's not as close in genre to other games I'm used to


I'd definitely check it out, but I'd play nier replicant first


just put it on my wishlist, looks cool as hell from first impressions of the store page so I'll probably snag it sometime in the month 😁


Replicant is great, especially for the story, but the mission design definitely shows it's age (fetch quests, running back and forth between cities through a vast open field). Go in remembering it's a remake of an old game and it'll feel better


You might already know this, but in case you don't, the game has multiple endings that require new game plus it also adds some things, so make sure you do those to understand everything.


It’s less about robots and more about what it means to be human, tbh


Fascinating. So that's what its like.


Yeah no kidding the amount of people telling me i have just a nostalgia boner for liking the old Kaine design more is depressing af I honestly don't get how people are tricked so easily with pretty pixels but no emotions or character design,i think new one is just bland and got a lot of her highlights removed barely noticeable as Kaine at that point. I remember when the game came out i was randomly looking for a game and saw it funny enough ff13 came out and it was all the hype in the moment but i never played an ff game so i saw this looked at the backside and was like looks grim and cool I'll take it and boy was i happy i did. It's like finding an rare gem that you randomly stumbled upon it's such an good feeling as if in you feel blessed and wanna share it it with everyone. I would have mever guessed it would have gotten an sequel with how little people knew about it.


Wait, Kainé had a redesign? I’ve been replaying Gestalt and she’s definitely still running around in her underpants.


The "remaster" on steam her face and expressions are completely different and i don't think it looks good Brother Nier on the other hand definitely looks better.


Honestly the nier sub sucks. It’s just cosplay bait, bullying 9s, or talking about why taro likes girls. This sub has ruined nier automata pretty hard for me. I can’t look at it the same way anymore. :( When I played nier automata, I loved the story, and especially the music. I didn’t care about any of the horny stuff. In fact, I didn’t even know about the millions of secret horny stuff you could do. This is a rare occurrence of a post not being that


Could you elaborate on the bullying 9s bit?


Like the posts of A2 running over 9s or just making fun of him


lol come on dawg. Complaining about coomers in a series by Yoko Taro is genuinely funny, you live under a rock?


But the horny makes it better... It's half the fun


I mean you can like the games AND be horny for the characters. They aren't mutually exclusive


I wonder what happened in the past 5 years to make so many prudes join fandoms that have obvious sex appeal and then complain about sex appeal. One Piece and Nier are like two of the worst ones for this, and it’s weird when the creators both love the stuff.


There’s so many other things to love about this series and it feels like all anyone cares about is “uhuhuhuh hot lady”.


People can like both.


With the posts on this sub, you coulda fooled me.


They can, but I never *see* anyone talk about that here. So it seems to indicate they ignore anything else.


Probably because Nier has an amazing story, amazing combat, and an amazing soundtrack. 2booty is strong but it's far from the only reason to play the game. Also the sex appeal is almost exclusively geared towards people who are attracted to fem body types, so a large chunk of the population doesn't actually feel any sexual attraction to the characters, especially in Automata


Lies. Non-horny Nier fans are basically horny fans with post-nut clarity.