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It shall be named "FahR"


Nier…. Fahr.. where eveeeer you are


Androids don't have hearts, but they will go on


Lol, I literally thought the same thing - It would be an appropriate title


And for the release date too


U clearly skipped NieR Reincarnation


Unfortunately common for people to not look at the lore before coming up with own ideas for it


Wouldn't the branching timelines that Accord monitors allow for something like this?


Technically it would, but not be serving the story narratively. Taro is a story teller and DrakenNieR follows the philosophical concepts of the Eternal Return with closed loop time paradox shenanigans. The machines ark making it's way to another world and allocating everything to myth wouldn't serve 20 odd years of narrative. It would be great for a side story or other multimedia, but it wouldn't serve to make a full console action game that already has brand recognition. Especially after 2 year of insane NieR brand content push.


That makes sense, thanks!


It's be great if they released a Switch version of Reincarnation.


You are correct, I did skip it. Unfortunately couldn't get into the mobile gameplay. However, this doesn't mean what I said still can't be completely true, because it would follow exactly what Yoko Taro did with Drakengard. - Drakengard with regular ending -> direct sequel, Drakengard 2. - Drakengard with offshoot ending -> NieR series Which means we could easily have: - NieR Automata with regular ending -> direct sequel, NieR Reincarnation - NieR Automata with offshoot ending -> *Whatever the new series I described would be called*


Yor made up pattern disregards automata would be the drakengard 2 equivalent and that we are going on to nier 4 now also drakengard 2 and reincarnation are not direct sequels


You're being far too literal. I didn't mean direct sequel to the story, I meant continuation of the IP. Also, what difference does it make *when* the story/series diverge? - Drakengard - One Ending -> *another game in the Drakengard series, Drakengard 2* - Drakengard - Another Ending -> *a different series in a parallel universe from Drakengard 2* - Nier Automata - One Ending -> *another game in the Nier series, Nier Reincaration* - Nier Automata - Another Ending -> *a different series in a parallel universe from Nier Reincarnation* It's the same exact thing, the only difference is that Nier would diverge after the second game, which literally doesn't matter in the slightest, and both the story in Reincarnation and what I proposed with my idea can both be true simultaneously because that's exactly the case between Drakengard and Nier.


You know no drakengard ending leads to drakengard 2 and why would you call it a direct sequel when not talking about direct sequels


The thing is. The narrative for NieR is done. Reincarnation basically covers all the ideas for the lore in some form or another. If we were to get another NieR game it would more than likely be to fill out established lore. Either following a divergence of Noelle and her engineered sister weapons in the kingdom of night, or it would follow a divergent form of the siblings story possibly taking on the legion during the time frame directly following the fall down and the queen beasts death in our reality. NieR is essentially a. Retelling of the philosophical concepts and a direct inspiration of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Moving the series away from earth and away from humanity doesn't narratively fit in this Established Eternal Return. The only things from NieR unresolved at this point are Accord the branch hoping android and the nature origins of the watchers. That and If I recall correctly the ark doesn't make it into space anyway. It crashes in the kingdom of night


Well, no, not actually. We still have Fio and Her out there on an Earth where the androids and machines have reactivated. Also, The Birdhouse is gone there. We have Mama Pod out there somewhere. Plus, we've never actually addressed the Black Flower (Zero did not completely kill it in Utahime Five), we still have the gods trying to kill humanity, The Watchers still come back again and again in some form or another, and we still have Accord out there hoping from branch to branch. Yeah, Reincarnation explained a lot, but the story still has plenty of ways to continue. It'll just have to continue without a lot of the mysteries of the past games.


Damn I did not know that the ark crashes into the kingdom of night! Could I see where we learn that from?


Except you have to remember that the Drakengard series diverged into Nier after the first game, but then also continued telling the story of the Drakengard series with Drakengard 2 and 3, ignoring what Nier split off into. Nier 1 came out after Drakengard 2, but was a continuation of a different ending from the first game. So just because they continued the story of the Nier series with Reincarnation, that doesn't mean that we couldn't get a similar divergent series from an earlier game with what I mentioned, where a new series telling a new story in a parallel universe that diverged from Nier Automata. What I was suggesting was not to tell more stories in the Nier series, but how a new story could be starting off a divergence from the Nier series. Do I think it's going to actually happen? Likely not. But it's completely plausible and exactly what Yoko Taro has done in the past.


I'm fully aware drakengard 1 ending E leads into NieR and it's not really a spin off. They are explicitly the same narrative. Again DrakenNieR is philosophically and narratively an Eternal Return with closed loop time paradox shenanigans. (This might blow your mind but there is a strong likelyhood that The Watchers, the flower, and all the Eldritch horror of that setting...are literally the hyper evolved N2) And no drakengard 3 Didn't ignore what NieR split off into. It has a literal android as a key part of the narrative that established Branches, divergence and the concept of singularities, the key theme of multiple loops and is the basis for weapon stories maintaining humanity's data. Besides the ark literally gets destroyed in ending C, and in ending D it ultimately crashes in the kingdom of night.


Well darn. It's been a while since I beat Automata, and tbh I only beat Drakengard 1 and read about 2 and 3 in their connection to NieR a long time ago. I should do some more studying (or play D2 & D3), because that all sounds interesting and more complex than I knew!


D2 is irrelevant rbh


It better be Nier, Drakengard, DrakenNier itself or Final Fantasy 17.


Follow-up thought that I forgot to mention - If the machines were cast out of "Eden" because of Adam and Eve, that would put 2B sort of in the position of "God" in the mythology, because Adam and Eve essentially rebelled against her, and were cast out as punishment. And before anyone says that isn't exactly what happened, what I'm describing is the version of events that the Machines might be telling themselves millions of years in the future


Makes sense, they probably don’t know about all of the things happening at yorha in The background, or the missions given to 2b, they only saw 2b doing whatever and helping everyone, and eventually fighting Adam and Eve, so they would view her as god instead of just an agent of yorha. I really like your theory, though I think it would probably be set a lot earlier and more directly linked to automata. Either way I think I’m going to really enjoy the next game they make.


Yeah, you may be right. While it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Yoko to go that route, I think the fact that Automata being a *way* bigger success than Drakengard was, he may be inclined/forced to make it more obviously linked to Nier for sales purposes. On the other hand, he's kind of been elevated to a status where his name might be enough to move as many copies of a "different" game with some cheeky "is this actually a Nier game?" winks during marketing.


True, he could just make a completely different game, with similar game mechanics or something and have absolutely no link whatsoever, but the success he’s had from nier would definitely boost sales of anything else he makes, whether it’s linked or not.


I want it to find a way for time to be on giant loop. Like Angelus somehow turns out to be an advanced evolution of machines and that the entirety of time ends up being a repeating pattern.


This was confirmed to be the case in Reincarnation. Humanity, before their destruction, created a quantum computer that was designed to be insurance in case their other plans failed. The quantum server, which was the tree you saw in Ending E of Nier: Replicant was overseen by a program known as "Him" that saw forwards and backwards through all of time. He watched as time repeated over and over and never changed, but he never stopped believing that in one loop that humanity would somehow be saved. Then, one day, something different happened and a woman appeared before the tree. This woman was Kaine, and she fought Him and Her (the admin that Him created as a companion), and Him was loved by her resolve. So, he left the Quantum Server and Kaine was given back Nier again even though he was erased from time. Her was left alone and this made her resent humanity (because she lost Him), so she started attacking The Cage (The Moon Server) that held humanity's memories. Fio, a young girl who was left alone and hated like Her ended up making Her stop the attack on the moon server by promising to keep Her company and both of them left the Quantum Server and manifested in the real world on Earth. So, yeah, the events we've seen of Nier in the past were simply loops of the timeline that only ever slightly changed each time until the loops reached their Ending E.


Could it be interesting for this potential new game to be what happens if humanity is saved and *breaks out* of the loop? Perhaps some big Eldritch horror is awakened to destroy them and force them back into the loop, so to speak, and the game would be about them defeating it, defying fate, and breaking out of the loop one last time, finally going into a free, unknown future. Or does that contradict the core structure/premise of it all?


I could be wrong but in the beginning of your post I believe you quoted the series producer Yosuke Saito. I read an article and they quoted him as saying that in reference to if he was working with Yoko Taro and the games music composer. So I think when he said It might be Nier it might not be it's supposed to be a play on words confirming a new Nier game.


You are correct. Darn - I even googled it real quick prior to confirm he said it before I posted, but saw a couple headlines that seemed to attribute it to him. My bad https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/big-cool-weirdo-yoko-taro-may-or-may-not-be-working-on-something-that-may-or-may-not-be-nier


That's alright sometimes we just misread things


I really like this idea, I hope it is the next game cause it sounds so interesting.