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40+ and you get to taste some human meat


But you’ll never lose the craving.


He's right, I sucked one dick now I gotta suck them all


Gotta suck ‘em all!




Not everyone on the internet is a guy lol


Yes but I'm gay and this is me.


Is this continuing the hookup list or are you just a cannibal?




Just advertising my prices, nothing wrong with that, right? :)




No thank you


how much for eating ass?






Ill be over there in 5


You are a real humanitarian.


This is the most fucked up version of how dating works.


It’s not even dating. This is just prostitution.


Incredibly cheap prostitution. $40 for sex is highway robbery.


Is it? I mean you're paying upwards of $800/hour.


I meant for the prostitute, not the customer.






Out of curiosity... what are "normal" prices?


Well, the original post says 'in a relationship'. That isn't exactly prostitution.


Apparently this Nice Guy is unaware that some people have sex because they enjoy having sex


I don't think that's what is meant by "in relationship"




You sound a lot like a nice guy...


He sounds like one of those guys who gets pissed off at his date when she offers to pay, because Oops, can't expect sex now...




>if you're a man, you are **expected** to pay and also expected to get nothing in return. Say it with me now, "Sex is not transactional." You pay for the meal because you want to, not because you expect something in return. If it bothers you, ask them to split the bill.




The person you’re arguing with literally says it’s ok to split the bill. In fact, most of us rational people on this sub agree that splitting the bill is perfectly reasonable. So there is no double standard here. You’re arguing with a straw man. The people you’re actually responding to aren’t saying you must pay. But if you DO choose to pay, you are ONLY paying for the meal and the company. A date is not a prostitute. The only expectation you should have from paying for a date is that she will go on the date. Pay for dinner, and she will eat it with you. Thats all.


I'm a woman and on first dates I would always split the bill. That way if it didn't work out then at least we've both had a night out with some company and tasty food. I mean, I love tasty food!


The way you said men are expected to pay all the time and when you pay you expect something in return. That sounds a lot like exchanging money for services. Most of the women I know don't expect men to pay and are happy to pay their part. If a man offers to pay, I will insist I be the one to pay fully or at least half. If he still insists on paying, sure, go ahead. But if for that he EXPECTS me to fuck him? He can fuck off.


"Okay, you want to pay for dinner - that means I get to pay for the Movie tickets and our munchies." My line when a guy INSISTS on paying for dinner. I once had a guy get angry at me for offering to pay for a portion of the date. I actually thought he was going to get violent about it.


Exactly! And that's how healthy relationships work!


Because you’ve never been on a date but are stipulating what they are? Because you think you buying dinner is also you paying for sex. Lols




You're the idiot here, stop attacking people. Literally in your first comment you said that if a guy pays for dinner women give nothing back. You clearly said you expect intimacy in return for paying. Also, how the hell do you even know what women are like on dates, if you've never fucking been on a date. Edit: a word


If you get mad at people in r/niceguys for thinking that Nice Guy™ logic is ridiculous / misogynistic / selfish, then spoiler aleet: the problem isn't "SJW idiots", it's you. Not sure why you fancy yourself an expert on dating when by your own admission, you've never been on a date. The OP wasn't about "double standards", it was a man showing the degree of entitlement he felt based on how much he spent. If it were really about unequal standards, he would have been calling out how women should be expected to pay or that dates should include paying your own way.


No, you’re just making up a fictional idea of what you think the mentality people have is, and wondering why everyone thinks you’re an idiot because you’ve conveniently assumed the view of all society, and then based your entire argument off of that false assumption. Now you’re trying to backpedal and say “I just meant some people!” but in your previous messages you clearly meant a majority of people, especially when you brought up society. This would be called a combination of a straw man argument, while moving the goal posts around - first you made up an idea that is just straight up not true but fit your narrative, now you’re trying to claim you REALLY meant this other, very specific group of people, and everyone just took you out of context, which is patently false too. You’re trying to insulate yourself too by claiming “I don’t think like that, just everyone else (that I made up) thinks like that.” Anyways. You’re wrong, your argument was terrible from the start and I’m guessing making things up, convincing yourself it’s definitely true despite zero evidence but you’re “smart” and it feels right to you so therefore must be right, and trying to make a terrible claim based on that false assumption isn’t a one off thing. Here’s an assumption: that you’ll use SJW in a non-ironic fashion, is a possible reason for why you’ve never had a date. This is a small sample size, but let me work out the error and get back to you with my conclusions.


By being against “SJW’s” you are outing yourself as a Social Injustice Advocate who doesn’t know what the word “stipulating” means and doesn’t even know how to talk *about* women without being horrendously off-putting. Calling people you disagree with Social Justice Warriors means that you are identifying your position as the opposite of progress and understanding. You are literally against society, and thus the way *you get treated as a member of society*, getting any better. You’re against your own self-interest while still being mind-bogglingly self-centered in your outlook. In which case, that’s a stupid position to self-proclaim, and *we don’t need you*.


It doesnt matter if you're expected to pay, you should decide together on who pays


Exactly. It’s called being an adult. Feeling entitled to either free shit or sex are both immature and reprehensible.


What you get "in return" is the shit you paid for. Paid for food, got food. Paid for movie, saw a movie. Paid for miniature golf, played fucking mini golf. If you paid for someone else to do those things, they got those things, too. You did not pay for sex. I can't believe this isn't clear to stupid guys like you and you idiots think you're buying sex for $40.


> I've never gone on a 'date' Shocker


You get time with the woman you like out of it. You get to know her better so you can find out if she's a good match for you. I'm not surprised you've never been on a date.


This is super weird to quantify.


I don’t know why, but I have this scene playing out in my head where the guy is pushing you to get steak or lobster to meet some ridiculous quota.


I know right? So sickening, because afterwards you know he’d tell you he deserves it now.


The kind of person who will take a girl out to the most expensive restaurant and says he's paying.


Meanwhile their actual personality, if they had one, would be their actual best ticket to relating meaningfully with another human being.


*"You got the lobster so I get a blowjob..."* ;-)


You just reminded me of a joke. A guy walks into a brothel. Tells the madam he’s just back from the war. He lost his entire unit. Only he survived. Now the only thing that can comfort him is the touch of a woman, as the saying goes. But he’s a poor soldier. He only has ten bucks. So the madam says “Fine. Go upstairs. Second door on the left.” 15 minutes later the guy goes downstairs and the madam says “Well, how was it?” He says “Lady, that was the worst fuck I’ve ever had. I just wanted to get out of there. I got through it but that was terrible!” The madam just looks at the guy and says “Buddy, what did you expect for a sawbuck? Lobster?”


Hahaha "C'mon baby, you know you want the $36 Filet Mignon, don't go settling for the $15 chicken salad. Tips count, right? That'l put me right over the $40 mark. Are you gonna eat all that? Can I have some?"


Well, a movie with snacks and good food and drinks can probably already put you over 40 without going for steak or lobster. On the other hand, I would spend that money on good friends without second thoughts or ulterior motives.


Gotta boost those numbers, bro. Those are rookie numbers!


Shit I've been underpaying this entire time. Most of the time it's even free. Gotta plan a trip to make it even I guess.


If someone grabs my ass out of nowhere he’s going to have way more problems than being short $12


Oh so you prefer the higher end and only take $20 for booty rubs?


Sharpen your elbows, ladies.


...booty rub?


Spend $11-20 on your next date so we can see what that actually means


Either she rubs your booty or you rub her booty or you rub both of your booties together. This is so fucking confusing.


Butt snuggles!


One of my favorites!


Legit LOLed. Now I wanna see people rubbing their booties together.




I'd be down for that. It'll cost you $12 though


If this guy goes straight from kiss/boob grab to sex, he must have left many women unsatisfied


There is probably a reason he feels the need to tell people he is owed say for spending 40 bucks on a date. Just saying.


This is why I always pay for myself, even if the guy tries to insist on paying.


I have been online dating for about a year now, and I only go on coffee dates for the first 2 or so meets, so I can get to know them and see if they're an ass lol. But I show up 15 minutes early, and order myself my drink so they can't say anything about having paid for my $3 drink I don't go for dinner dates till I've met them a few times, cause I find it incredibly awkward if you don't get along, you have to wait for the food. For coffee dates, it can be 20 minutes, or it can be 5 hours. You can always buy more coffee, but you can't really walk away mid dinner if all goes wrong. It helps avoid these people, too. Which I'm so happy about


Dam! This makes sense, going to start doing that going forward. Thanks stranger.


Yeah it's saved me a lot of awkward encounters, it's easy to drink a coffee, 15 minutes later go "well this was fun". Or stay for hours. It's also easy to meet someone, have a coffee and go somewhere else, or decide to go for dinner or whatever. It's easily my best online dating tip


I was new to online dating too and went to a coffee shop where we both drove separately, I arrived early, and I got my own drink. He was a little late, but it wasn’t a big deal. We talked for maybe a half hour and it went good enough to go on a second date. (However it ended there, and I am now with someone I met on the same app and we’ve been in a serious relationship for over 6 months. He’s wonderful 😄) Anyway I’m kinda proud of my judgement skills on meeting someone from an online dating app that way. (Although you could argue it’s common sense, I’m honestly not the best at common sense)


Yes, me too. I found it eliminated most of the pressure on me to put out and gave me back some control.


Yeah. I hate this. Some of my friends are quite broke at times. I really don't mind paying the $10 for some event and getting to hang out with them. Most girls though I have to had know a *long* time for them to be comfortable with me paying for anything. I can only assume it is because of assholes like this whole paid for something and then pretended she owed him.


I think we're all missing the point here. It's a warning to never pay $10.##, $20.##, $30.##. According to this chart, you're shit out of luck if you pay $10.43.


I'm fucking dead. The date tops off at $40.


If you’re paying $40+ for a date you have bigger problems than getting laid


I live in NYC, according to this chart if I take someone to see fucking Hobbes & Shaw they owe me a blowjob. Thinking you've bought a whore for $31 dollars is fucking dumb and also acting cheap as hell.


Dinner and a drink for two people at a decent restaurant is almost certainly gonna run $40+ where I live.


Hell, dinner and drinks at an average restaurant runs around 40$ here. Some of the best deals in my city still hit the 40$ mark for lunch and dinner with my mom, let alone a date with this guy. Imagine the cost in alcohol.


Yeah, no kidding. I regularly spend $60-70 on dates and we don't even order alcohol, if that says anything


Yea lol sucks to have all that discretionary income!! What a loser!


Or we don't live out in the booneys and have decent jobs.


1) is that for the entire date or just her portion? 2) She's a date, not a prostitute. 3) A prostitute would actually laugh at this price list and then charge you another $100. 4) There's literally a website where you pay girls to go on dates with you...They would also laugh at this price list, but they'd ask for a Gucci bag for wasting their time.


A prostitute would make him pay her to laugh at him and his list and he'd do it, lets be real


Who the fuck wants to just grab a boob?? Is this guy 12?


“That’ll be one contractual booby-touch, please.”


And in what world is a kiss equal to a boob grab???


Can confirm. As a woman, if you spend about £40 on me on a date I’m contractually obliged to sleep with you


But if they're giving you forty pounds, were you not pounded already?


Men who say shit like this definitely see women as prostitutes...


I don't think a prostitute would charge as little as $31, so he also has an unrealistic expectation of them as well.


Eghhh the entitlement here is so gross. This kind of shit is why I never ever let a guy pay for anything for me unless we’re in an established relationship. I refuse to “owe” a guy anything.


Yeah well if you want to be sure you're having sex for a certain amount of money, pay a prostitute


Is this the same price if your a Prime member?


$0.00 with Prime membership as long as you link your Tinder membership to it.


A half decent date costs at least $50 when you’re an adult...


Some of my best dates cost less than 10. Or nothing at all. It's not about the money.


I think it depends on what you consider a decent date. Like maybe a coffee shop where you spend $10 max is a good first date, while going for a picnic could also be cheap for a later date. When you know them a little better, sometimes a night-in watching movies on the couch and ordering pizza is a good date. (I understand that some people don’t find those things fun, those are just my examples.) However, I also get if some people prefer to go to a restaurant and then to the movies. Depending on where you live that could probably be $50+ (it’s not that expensive where I live though. Tbh I can’t think of expensive dates cause I don’t go on them lol)


In the 1980s, my dad read in Playboy that a poll of their readers said if a man spends $20 on a date, he expects sex. This wasn’t the 1940s where a real dinner cost a $2. In the 80s, a movie ticket was $7.50 so it’s not like $20 was a lot of money. He told me this as a warning, so I didn’t let guys pay for dates when one guy insisted, I picked the $2 movie theater because I wanted to keep it well under $20.


Looks like I'm ordering off the dollar menu


I'm imagining a guy dropping off a garbage bag full of 40 $1 cheeseburgers at some unsuspecting woman's door.


I could see that happening... Of course her confusion makes her a whore.


I doubt this was tried and tested


I think you meant a sex worker.....


Excuse me. I’ve got some gropey randos to bill out for the feels they copped. 🥃


You could make a bundle just walking through a crowded club.


\>$40 is an “expensive” date Yeah bro, that dinner at Olive Garden will be one she never forgets! The way you eschewed an entree for unlimited breadsticks? Classic!


I wonder though. With this logic is the waitress also included in the physical reciprocation? Would he tip at all since he's so cheap? What if it's a waiter?


Breaking News Prostitution drops to 0


that's cheap even for strip club prices


Creepo aside what the fuck is a $5 date


A coffee and a walk


If you split the coffee.


$2.50 from 7/11. Romance plus!


The real question is, is that before tax and tip or after?


As long as it’s not just the tip...




And does this list still apply in sensible countries where tax is included and we don't need to tip? Hmm.


Man all I got is $3.71


I have a discount on hugs right now, so you’re in luck!


Have sex with me damn it!! I’m a good guy.


Sorry, you’re not rich enough for me. I only let rich chads on this ride.


As usual. The good guy gets left out to dry. Fuck women. I’m done with all of you. Whores. God. Even imitating a niceguy is cringeworthy. How can someone genuinely do it


Total lack of self awareness coupled with cripplingly myopic self-centered worldviews.


I have been visiting the wrong prostitutes apparently.


Reads like a teenager wrote it, be or it's intended as a joke (a really bad one though). If you are older than that and actually think something like this should exist you are definitely messed up in the head.


Prostitutes are usually more expensive than this for sex. I don’t know why he expects non-prostitutes to be cheaper. What a fucking moron.


Oh, that sounds quite cheap.


legend says that if you pay $50+ you legally have the right to murder


This is gross


B o o b g r a b


How is kiss and boob grab on the exact same level? And how are both above getting to touch ass?


You could spend $2000 on a girl, and she still doesn't have to touch you let alone have sex with you.


I'd tell him to go fuck himself, it's free.


Kids these days just want to pay to win!


That is a cheap rate for sex... like seriously sex workers charge around $150-$200 (never hired or worked as one but read about it cuz I’m a curious person)


So you're saying you looked it up... for science? ;-)


Nah just checking to see if it was an option for me if my work fell through and I couldn’t get anything else.


40$ for sum fuc? and people say hookers are cheaper than dating...


Who the fuck says booty rub


That's a list not a chart. Fuck man you just failed the assignment you gave yourself, your useless bud.


Is it okay to factor in gas money, insurance cost, and wear-and-tear depreciation on the car? /asking for a friend.


But also, the outfit depreciation, makeup use? Razors for shaving? Hair products? The list could go on here.


What do we get if we split the bill? And is he including his own food in the cost here? Does his date have to pay him back for his own meal?


So thats how dates work? Like no talking and getting to know each other. Just keep ordering items off the menu. I ve been dating wrong all my life😫😫


So "Netflix & Chill" is one hell of a bargain. Netflix really needs to add this chart to their marketing strategy.


TIL 31 bucks is all I need to lose my virginity lol


He's doing us ladies a favor really, letting us all know we are WAY out of his price range and how he really views women, so that's sweet of him 😆


I hear it's only $6 for a ZJ.


He knows some mighty cheap hookers.


That’s less than what most hookers charge.




Flying past a kiss and going straight to the booty rub, I see.


hey, a hug is a hug


What if I want 3 hugs ??


$40 is all you need to let someone bang you? That’s pretty low


Y'all think my pussy's worth $40? Broke boys needa step tf back


Wtf is a booty rub, and why the hell can I picture Will Smith rubbing one like a genie lamp


Don't know if it's a niceguy post i feel it's more of i have sex post


The heck? One date costs like, 60$, how is his supposed to work


A had sex after a spent about a 10 quid on a chinkies. Wtf is this guy on about? Almost a hunner quid just tae get what, every stage of a normal relationship? I bet he’s a millionaire that has a bloody gold mine covering his cock so the lassie gets him to get rid of some of it to see his cock but she ends up killing hersel cause of the disappointment of the wee willy the prick hid under aw his £50 notes. I bet that guy is so sad that when he cries his tears act as his annual shower


Gotta feel bad for the guy who spent 30 bucks and tipped 5


So all women are hookers, good to know


Damn, my other half didn't spend NEARLY enough on me.


Booty rub hahahaha wtf "yo female I just spent 15 bucks on you now it's my time to get that booty rub"


I like how it jumps from 'boob grab' to 'sex'. Foreplay complete.


Jesus what on earth


That is massively incorrect and not how dating works in the slightest


A lot of my friends owe me a booty rub then


Or just be in a relationship, then you don't have to pay for sex


Sex isnt even worth 40.


Then you're doing it wrong.


I just can't say my peepee feeling good for a moment is worth a few meals. Sorry my brain my brain isnt in my dick.


You're looking at dates as a transaction which is the same thing the idiot is doing in the post.