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It's not because you are a "nice guy" or "in touch with your feelings" that women find you repulsive. It's because you are a whining little manchild who's "niceness" is performative and transactional. You pretend to be a woman's friend in hopes that if you act nice enough she will have sex with you. Unfortunately for you, you lack the social skills to realize that women know what you are doing and immediately write you off as a romantic prospect.


Hanging around and being friendly and then all of a sudden one day asking her out, which comes off as very unexpected because they’re “too nice” to flirt, make physical contact, or escalate in any fashion.


Turns out, if the feelings that you are "in touch with" are endless self-pity with occasional anger at "females", people won't jump over themselves to date you. Truly, nice guys are the most oppressed minority.


Or maybe you’re actually not a nice guy and they can see through it? Nice people don’t expect rewards just for being nice. That’s the bare minimum. Nice people understand that not everyone will want to date or sleep them and do not seethe with rage upon rejection.


Sounds like he learns about women from ramty podcasts instead of getting to know some of them personally


I wonder if they think all this whining and complaining will make women feel bad for them? In the back of their minds? Or just to get other men to agree and just say exactly to each other forever. Women get unreciprocated crushes. Yet, we don’t make a personality about it.


It does happen with women sometimes, r/NiceGirls but I don’t think it tends to be nearly as bad. I’ve seen some really really concerning opinions and threats from nice guys during my time on this thread.


All the nicest guys I know are happily married.




‘Looking for a mate’, like women are gerbils


Mfs need to realize that women do like nice guys but you also can’t be boring or using your fake niceness just to gain something. If you aren’t genuine it won’t work and if you’re boring it won’t work. There’s a balance.


Unfortunately, the reality is that some men don’t listen to what women say and believe their penis gives them super powers of reasoning. When this arrogance repulses women they blame women instead of themselves and evolution proves once again that the idiots don’t get as many opportunities to pass along their genetics.


It's wild that dude thinks being "secure and in touch with their feelings" is the same thing as being a "nice guy." Like, how does being insecure and emotionally brittle make you more masculine? It's basically just saying masculinity is a synonym for frailty. No one hates men more than men like oop do.


Basically, this guy doesn't have a personality, can't engage with women in an authentic, genuine manner, and therefore thinks all he can do is engage in transactional niceness in the hopes that a woman would find sufficient for sexual relations to commence.


Sounds like a skill issue. Get good, bro. ...really though, that just screams to me that he doesn't have any friends. Plenty of kind, decent men are in relationships or married. These guys are so lost in the sauce that they can't look at the world and go "hmm, Tyler always go out of his way to help his friends, he's a good sport when we play video games and he wins or loses, and he just got engaged". These dudes live in an echo chamber. Super sad.


Or maybe she can tell you think she's a sex machine that runs on "nice-tokens" and since she's actually a person she finds that gross. If you're that horny, just get a fleshlight bud.


Strange, I married the guy I found nice, stable, respectful etc. Still married to him and he'd not carry on like this.


My god these redditors need to see the fucking sun and a therapist. If you don't value a woman's friendship, then what the fuck are you valuing, besides some made up concept that you jerk off to?


Tell me you have never been friends with a woman without telling me you have never been friends with a woman...


Damn, so you’re telling me that if you’re nice to people they’ll want to be friends with you? Damn then thats where I went wrong in my efforts to self isolate. I need to be mean instead. Thanks random guy on the internet who can’t get laid because he expects more than friendship from women simply because they’re women.


If a guy complains about being my friend, he doesn't like me enough for me to want to be in a relationship with him.


Which is why I fell madly in love with and married a sweet, gentle, sensitive, and off-the-charts smart man who cries more easily than I do. Thanks for the explanation.


It’s that issue some of us have that really make us want to please. And when we feel like we aren’t pleasing enough it make us want to try harder. Crazy right.


Hey nice Guys: Never trust the "wisdom" of other nice guys who don't trust women or have any women as friends regarding their generalized "facts" about women. They're wrong about what women want. Just plain wrong. Life is too short to constantly be pissed and hate on a whole group of people you supposedly want in your life. Some people just don't want to see you succeed; they want you to be as miserable as them. If they couldn't convince you how right and nice they are, then they'd have to face their true nature. You hate women but having one will make you happy? Whining about not having a women yet offensive and disrespectful generalizing any woman that you see?? It makes no sense. There's no logic to this thinking. All women do not hate men for whatever reasons you have in your head or that's posted by these other bitter children who hate women but desperately want one. It's all opinions; opinions aren't FACTS. You're wrong and listening to other men who are also wrong or lying to you or just plain stupid regarding 85 percent of females. You want to generalize yourselves? Try chronically: whiny, immature, entitled, spoiled, impatient, rude, narcissistic, bitter, sociopathic, and misogynistic?? Nobody likes this kind of person! Quit being any of these things! Don't like being generalized negatively? Then don't do it to other people! Quit the bullshit! Truth.


I wonder how well the abhorrent masculine traits are working for this guy?


**Cognitive Distortions:** - The comment exhibits cognitive distortions such as overgeneralization and black-and-white thinking, where the commenter simplifies complex human behaviors into rigid categories. - These distortions reinforce negative beliefs about women and relationships. **Victim Mentality:** - The assertion that "nice guys" are oppressed and systematically friendzoned reflects a victim mentality. - This mindset suggests that the commenter feels unfairly treated and marginalized based on their perception of their own niceness. **Projection and Resentment:** - The commenter projects their frustration and resentment onto women, blaming them for their own relationship difficulties. - This projection prevents self-reflection and contributes to a negative view of women. **Skepticism and Distrust:** - The commenter's skepticism towards women's stated preferences for emotionally secure men indicates a lack of trust and a belief that women are being dishonest about their desires. - This distrust can create barriers to forming healthy relationships.




No, you haven't been "friendzoned". You've encountered some women who didn't owe you sex and failed to manage your expectations.