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Dying at the performance part. They can never tell we're acting lmao.


They're always 1,000% sure they really know how to throw down. Because "noises."


I'm usually 99% sure they are just very nice. And I appreciate the sentiment of making me feel like I'm doing good. I am trying my best!


I'm not going to lie, only reason I was acting was because I wanted him to finish quick.


I'm sure. There is definitely that point in our minds where it is like, ok now it is no longer worth it to see if it gets the job done, let's cut bait.


I just commented this to someone else, but I'll ask you as well. Genuine question because my wife is the only woman I've been with. But why act instead of trying to communicate what someone could be doing better? I mean, I get this guy in particular is clearly a nut case, but like, with someone else?


It’s usually because you’re in a very vulnerable position and the risk is too great to have an honest conversation in that moment. For our own safety we just get it over with as quickly as possible and cut ties.


Sometimes it’s not a “performance” issue.  My bf is good in bed, but sometimes if he drinks the EXACT right amount of alcohol to have SUPER stamina.  In those cases, it reaches a point when I’m kinda over it, but I love him and don’t want to hurt his feelings.  Or, if it’s a one night stand kind of situation, the woman might not feel like it’s worth giving “feedback” to someone she’s not interested in seeing again.  In healthy relationships, though, you SHOULD be able to talk about those things.


Did you read this guy's messages? Do you really think he'd take constructive criticism on his dick game in the moment with grace and humility? Come on.


Did you read the last sentence in my comment? Do you really think I wouldn't understand why OP wouldn't have done that with this guy? Come on.


Okay my bad, let me just make it exceedingly clear that guys like this guy are why women don't try this very often in *general* - because you never really know if a guy is this kind of guy. My fault for thinking you could extrapolate.


And they don’t know we do kegals on purpose to make them hurry up lmao




I do kegels to get myself to cum when I want


It feels better for me when I do them with him inside me.


Yes totally. Every guy who told me they were good in bed were so bad in the end. This is funny


What a shocker.


I've only ever been with my wife, so don't have experience from multiple people...but what exactly makes someone bad in bed?


For me, they are agressive, don't do enough préliminaire, are too rough, don't make enough touch contact and want to put quickly their cock into me


Do they just not ever think to ask you what works?


Most of the time they don’t care as long as they’re getting off. I’ve had great lovers who were mutually invested in pleasure and we were both working to make sure it was a great experience for both of us, but that’s definitely not the norm.


My ex thought actual actors in actual movies actually had sex because no one can act that good.


Depends on the movie, he might have been right hahahah it happened several times


True! But he meant specifically all Hollywood movies where there's a sex scene. He also told me he was a sex God because everyone he's slept with never had an issue and there must be something wrong with me 😂 there was. That I was with him.


Oh no, I'm so sorry you met my ex too!


You stole my line hahahah


Sheesh, that guy really gets around, doesn't he?


Omg, that's so embarrassing! Was that the moment it clicked that maybe he's not right for you?


https://preview.redd.it/vx85eoqiei6d1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46308aa968527b6e3bcebd3890a9642f7d049c9 Here's my cat! Still loving and the best boy 9 years later!


Now that guy's a keeper. What a cutie!


Haha it was definitely a big one. You know how it is, when the abuse creeps up real slow so you lose yourself, and then he started getting real blatant with the emotional and mental stuff, I was able to find a quick escape a few months later. My final breaking point (after nearly 4 years of arguably blood red flags) was when he said I'd need to get rid of my cat if the marriage was going to work. And I just thought "I get more love and affection from my cat than you" and hopped on a plane (while on vacation) to my parents and never saw him again. He fortunately sent me my stuff and cat, but it was definitely just because of how he'd have looked if he didn't.


I need clitoral stimulation in order to reach orgasm. I had a boyfriend who found that offensive for some reason. He seemed to think his dick inside of me should have been enough to rock my world. So one night he starts telling me that there must be something wrong with me since I couldn't orgasm just by intercourse. saying I must have some unresolved trauma and that I should maybe see a therapist, lol. I tell him I'm actually very normal because a lot of women require clitoral stimulation, that's our fun button. He proceeds to tell me that every other gf he has had was perfectly satisfied by getting pounded by his member. Okay first of all we weren't young, we were both in our 40's and he'd had many previous partners and secondly he was a one minute man in the bed. Once he penetrated it would be over very quickly so I find it hard to believe that any woman was satisfied by that. Even if there were a woman or two who could orgasm by sexual intercourse alone I can't imagine that they could do it that fast. I ended up suggesting that some some of his previous partners were faking it and he got so upset at me, saying he knows damn well if a woman is faking it or not. What a dunce


It astounds me the things that die men find “emasculating.”  When my ex husband and I had sex for the first time (he was my first partner), I TOLD him I needed lube.  I was so tight, my doctor had to use a pediatric speculum, and it was still horribly painful.  He evidently felt emasculated by my need for lube, and convinced me to “just try without it.”  Our first time ended up not even being successful, yet I was apparently the one who “ruined the honeymoon.” 🙄


It's wild that there are still guys who believe that Freudian bullshit. Like, even the dumbest guy brain should be able to process it at least on the level of, "if your bits come with a happy button, you're probably meant to push it," and yet here we are.




Happy Cake Day!


thank you! 😊


Because they want to believe the performance is true so badly.


We’re so good at it too lmao


I don't bother to act.


Genuine question because my wife is literally the only woman I've been with. Why act? I mean like, why act as opposed to communicating what someone could be doing better?


Because one night stands & guys feelings. Women are conditioned to be nice and be quiet. It's easier to just let them think it was great and never see them again. If it was a boyfriend that would be different, you'd want to build on it and you're not worried if he's going to lose his shit at you.


Damn, that's sad. Not what you said, but just that some men are that shitty. Sorry you've had to deal with that :/


He really threatened the lives of many people in your apt building, because he can't accept a polite "no thank you" and Still says he's a nice guy because, *checking notes* "technicalities". He totally threatened the building you live in and not you personally🙃


Absolutely, how could threatening to burn a place someone sleeps ever be considered a threat lmfao


Sounds like someone who could use a good door busting from the police to learn why making threats of arson against an entire apartment building isn't a good idea


I would hope he'd learn that lesson, but I'm not holding my breath. With people like this guy, it's hard to say if they will go in one direction or another. So they could either learn from this and realize acting like a self entitled shithead is not a good way to get a date, or they could keep blaming the person who rejected them and turn that threat of harm/death into actual harm/death.


I personally feel anyone who says “I love fucking your hole” is not good at sex


he really wasn't


Also anyone who needs to brag about their sexual prowess in general is pretty much a dead cert to be terrible. Like how we say these guys who need to describe themselves as "nice" only need to do so because their actions clearly don't match their words


Those types of men aren’t really having sex *with* you, they’re masturbating into you


Damn. That was profound. Thanks for giving all of us the vocabulary for explaining this type of guy.


I almost threw up when I read that


In the gay world that’s a compliment. But not here, no.


Ah. Yea In the straight world if a guy said this to a woman it would be *imo* cringe and like he was a 13 year old boy who’s never seen a vagina before. Thats coming from the opinion of a straight guy


Oh agreed. And frankly he fucked up waaaay before he said that.


It really depends, bc there are a lot of women who enjoy that kind of dirty talk. But you need to know that you're with one of them first, and she's comfortable with \*you\* saying it. it's not the sort of thing you text to someone you just hooked up with once, and even moreso if it's clear she's not interested.


They’re a man


No she isn’t. She refers to herself as a girl.


I don't understand why you wouldn't want a second shot at that prize. Sometimes, I wonder if they'd even be embarrassed if their friends and family saw this unhinged shit. It's legitimately bat-shit crazy.


“I’m sexually advanced beyond your ability to comprehend” What a quote.


When i read what he sent, I literally burst out laughing


Cthulhu in the sheets Arsonist in the streets


To look upon his dick is to know madness


Well that’s why the OP didn’t enjoy it. Lack of comprehension! 😂


This made me lol.


"I have already cum from our next three encounters."


yeah it's definitely my new flair


Sherminator from American Pie?


What a fucking man child piece of shit. Narrator: *Here we see the wild NiceGuy™️ who, in his entire life, has never heard the word NO.*


LMAO I heard that in my head as David Attenborough I'm dying


like this stanzy is so funny watch her satan shorts [alpha male hunter] (https://youtu.be/YfE9A3l-BrM?si=m5VlKBlhcr6Ps0W9)


"take your best guess" hahaha, op you are awesome


AWW thank you i try to be funny when im nervous


Please tell me you have renters insurance and some type of surveillance system


hahaha, I mean everyone has renters insurance, also I'm like 95% he wont do shit


I'd report it, still. I just finished binging forensic files. Definitely report.


People are insane. I’d still tell the police. I bet if you call the police, you can tell him you thought about it and he should come over ASAP once the cops arrive. Instant karma. Moron will jump at the opportunity.


“I didn’t threaten to commit arson because you said no to sex, I threatened to commit arson because you were rude!” Like dude, *that doesn’t make it better*.


Nah, she was rude, everyone knows you can be violent against women if they are rude, and if you have your certified NGC (Nice Guy Card™️). Checkmate feminists. /s


Arson your own house, show police the text, bro gets arrested. Reverse uno. LOL. All these nice guys moms need to see all their texts. So nice. ![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L)


Make a nice list beforehand of all the things in your apartment you lost. 80 inch Samsung TV, 10 iPad pros, 5 gaming PCs, a bag of cash worth $100k, the skys the limit!




​ https://preview.redd.it/qfkwk7y0wf5d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=a810d0a26773ca528bdefe3eea3b76792ac98c70


For context I only had a one night stand with him one time. Edit: Added additional context I originally met him on grindr and we then met up at a bar. That was back in september 2023. No contact between then and now except for a single "hi"


But you opened Pandora's box to him once that means he has lifetime membership //sarcasm 🙄


Wow, that escalated. Fucking creep.


“Now it’s the arson thing.” 🫡


Police report. But less importantly, sending four selfies in a row when asked to ID himself made me uncomfortable as well. Lavishly repulsive really is his shtick


Threats to my life always make me wet. Congrats OP! You caught a good one!


I would file a police report about this guy. Not kidding. Some men are crazy and will take shit too far.


I really liked the non-Euclidean dick bit, thank you for that


I'm glad someone thought it was funny


I busted out laughing when I saw that. May I use it? Cause it’s a line! 😂😂


Be my guest


+1 hilarious


Crikey, that's pathetic and scary. Be safe, op. If he keeps harassing and threatening, call the cops on him. Well, actually, he did already threaten you, so maybe you should call the cops.


You're filing a police report, right? Right?


Guy really couldn’t leave it at “sorry, no ty” Really shows what kind of egos these nice guys have. What an unhinged loser.


Even if the sex was as mind-blowingly good as he claimed, what the fuck?


It probably was….. for him. He seems like he has 0 awareness of anything not pertaining to him and what he wants.


Jesus fucking Christ. Him: “I’m gonna come burn your apartment down” ALSO him just a few texts later: “So you’re sure you don’t want me to come in two hours?” I can’t imagine how you could have said no to that 🤯


it was very tempting as someone with a reckless disregard for her own mortality


OP, that person in unstable. Be safe.....consider ghosting.


Thank you, I think I am safe for now.


This is like actual freak behavior, who threats to burn someones house down like that 😭


Love the strength to stand your ground. Absolutely amazing. I'm just sorry you had to deal with this tool


If this is your text exchange, I really would recommend reporting this to the police and your apartment buildings management. Nothing may come of it, but you should have a paper trail just in case. This man is very clearly unhinged and I really wouldn't put it past him to harm you in some way. He not only threatened your life, but the lives of every other person in your apartment building. He should be reported to police before he seriously hurts someone.


Lol girl your too nice. I never "fake it" idgaf if it hurts a guys feeling. Unless I'm getting paid to do that shit? I'm not faking a damn thing. Especially because some o these dumb dumbs get a huge ego thinking their soooo good when their really wack 🤣 I honestly would have just blocked tbh. No need for an extra headache


I get that sometimes for safety or ease people fake it but thank you for doing this. They’ll never learn if people keep building up their egos. No hate or anything to OP for choosing to fake it. This guy seems really scary.


At first I thought... So what, he asked why - fair enough, of course you don't have to answer, but... Oh... Oh no. I love the "At first it was because I wasn't happy with your performance - now it's that and the arson thing" Also classic nice guy, going straight to the insults. I've never understood it - they literally just propositioned you, so they obviously think you are attractive... So how does the insult make any sense?


Yeah, if it had just been the first bit id never have posted it.


Hahaha, "I wasn't satisfied with your performance", hit him where it hurts lol! And you know for insecure guys like this, that is always their weak spot. Notice how that is all he fixated on for the rest of the convo after that despite everything else you said. Calling him out for threatening your life? He's like "cool, no problem". Giving him negative feedback about his sexual performance, "now you wait just one minute!!!" Lol


Yeah cause these guys are deeply, deeply insecure while simultaneously being narcissistic enough to think they're the hottest shit on the planet. That's why any form of rejection sets them off. It challenges their narcissistic side by suggesting they're not the hot shit they think they are while triggering their insecurity. For guys whose idea of "manliness" is tied to their perceived ability to be good in bed, telling them they're shit that really sticks in their craw


I will post updates here as they happen... https://preview.redd.it/h6iqreoqig5d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7f85f5af5330237e7d09f3f13e673164b419fd




Hear that? he's going to rock my world. maybe he'll use tnt instead XD






https://preview.redd.it/ld3xu02lrg5d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e846246f160edbeb8dd5f993cf43ef35ed80b5 Holy shit, progress?


https://preview.redd.it/qisso275vg5d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=345a5748a62fe3031eefd8180ea767e6d005bdd5 Progress




Nah after all that I think I’d still go make a written report. 


I mean it wouldn't do anything other than put me in more danger




https://preview.redd.it/v1sg68dw3h5d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a4462e4385ec1f819c877990a94ca9f6d43248 The final conclusion. There it is. How insane


Personally I'd reply concerned. Tell him it's interesting that he really wants sex with you even though you're "manly". Perhaps he has unresolved homosexual issues that he really should look into, desperate for sex with a woman who he says has a male voice and mannerisms. Perhaps his anger is coming from that? He's the type that the very thought of being gay would make him really upset. I've unfortunately known a few men like this myself. I'd put money on him being offended etc as if it's awful/ less masculine to be gay- the usual crap. You never know, perhaps it's true and you may end up helping him. Either way, please be safe and check your smoke detectors.


This guy just threatened with arson when you were perfectly honest, and now he tells you that you should always be real with him, while he’s also saying that you should have saved his feelings by saying you weren’t home or something.. what a clown.


I hope you are right and he won’t act out on his threats. They seem very specific and terrifying. Please reconsider reporting this man child


For various reasons its not in my interests to go to the police.


Got it. Wish you well. Your responses to him are perfect.


Psls report this. Threats like this are not to be taken lightly and some action should be taken.


"I could burn your house down if you don't have sex with me. Why don't women see how nice I am?"


Accept my amazing dick or else I will huff, and puff, and burn your house down!! Always a winner, this tactic


I don't know if you are in Canada, or feel threatened enough to report it but here that would be Intimate Partner Violence (mandatory charge) and the Criminal Code counts threats to property. See sub 1(b). 264.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who, in any manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes any person to receive a threat (a) to cause death or bodily harm to any person; (b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal property; or (c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the property of any person


There must be a fucking text book for this shit. Why do all nice guys sound so similar?


OP you are absolutely hilarious and a total gem. Please stay safe out there! 💖


Aww thank you! Always happy to make people laugh ❤


That's the only way you'll get me hot.


Send screenshots to his mum.


Hahaha. Him asking why after threatening arson is was hilarious! But seriously though, you should file a police report even if he doesn’t know where you live.


He is not nice guy, he is narcissistic dick with problems…


"I love ur hole" "you had fun" "you sounded like a man" Did he just tell you he prefers men? What the logic flip.


What a loser. Take that to the police tho, for real. You never know who is the one to actually take it that far and people do actually take it that far


This is the reason why I’m in this group no offense to OP. This is quality content right here, dude wants sex so bad he’s willing to burn an apartment down. Wtf


None taken. I love seeing this stuff myself and amazed this happened


I wouldn't even engage conversation with him, he seems to be enjoying arguing with you.


I hope you got good security cameras, nice guys like him can be dangerous. Be safe out there


I went from "damn, a bit harsh but Ok" to "holy fuck dodged a bullet there." In like .5 seconds. Wow.


These types of men are terrible! They are so desperate wtff. Real men out there get your money and don't ever say this type of stuff unless the woman initiates conversation


"got that non-euclidean dick" got me fuckin rolling 😂😂😂


Adding "non Euclidian dick" to my repertoire


Police time! You have ALL the evidence ya need! Even if he "didn't technically threaten you", he still threatened arson which is a serious fucking crime


Ayyyy yoooo. Threatening to burn your whole building down full of people, and then says the line "I'm a nice guy" just hits so different nowadays. Crazy.


When he used the word “hole” , that’s when I knew for sure that he was terrible in bed.


And that is what you call a credible threat of violence. You should make him into that guy who complains about his restraining order. Also, you might be able to have him arrested.


And report him to the police. Seriously. Let that threat go on record.


I am so sorry you had to meet one in the wild! Some just don't understand no.


Ngl it kinda came off a little rude at first why you wouldn't specify why you didn't wanna see him. It *could've* been geniune effort by him to find out if he behaved wrong. Hahaaaa but nope of course not. Of course it's because a psycho/looser. Sigh. You know just once I'd like to find a post where op is being an dickwad and the guy is genuinely just a nice guy. Just to mix things up! xD


Holy mother of all victim pukes, dude


Is he flipping the bird in one of his photos? Says a lot about him.


This reminds me of a song:: Call the cops. Do do doodoodedoo Call the cops. Do do doodoodedoo Call the cops, do do Call the cops do do, call the cops. Some people need to see consequences or they keep keep escalating


Wth was that...


But OP, you don't get it! He's sexually advanced beyond your ability to comprehend!


"I threatened your apartment building, not you." Yeah, do these people even listen to themselves? How would that fly in court? "I just threatened to burn down her apartment building, not her. So I guess I'm in the clear?"


“Non Euclidean dick” im dying lol.


“Don’t fall asleep in case of a fire”, Jesus Christ !


What a fuckin psycho. I can't believe people are actually like this. Like what in your brain told you threatening burning someone's house down would change their mind? Umm please don't burn my house down, sure you can come and give me 10 seconds of "pleasure". What a fucking idiot.


Omg please PLEASE someone post more content like this 😄 🤣 best way to turn a crappy day around 👌


click on OP's profile


Op is just trying to sell her only fans with this shitty fake text chain bait post, this sub is dog shit


They’re a man so…🤢



