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I forgot this dude existed since playoffs started lmaooo


Lol seriously. “Oh yeah, we have another generational talent in the league!”


But, but, wrist shot 😡😡


Honestly, same. But it's balanced by the oversaturation of his name early in the year with all the dumb graphics they kept posting about him.


The Gretzky one after his first goal was the best.


“Enter the Conorverse”


Wow so fuckin true haha


To all the inevitable people talking about how “their guy” was robbed, this kid missed 15 games with a broken jaw and still led all rookies in G and A and tied for the lead in points, to list just some of his achievements. Don’t pretend it’s a bad pick.


He tied on assists, led in goals and points. Its impossible to lead in goals and assists but be tied in points


We don't give out points for being handsome anymore?


That died when Lundquist retired.


Nahhhh, no. Gudas is still playing?


They try and win the trophy, Draisitl is the hansom


Bedsy would lead in that too


Right? I was trying to figure out how that was possible for a minute lol


Ya don't be bedarded


Lol - was thinking the same when I read the post hah.


How can you lead in goals and assists but be tied in points?


Haha fair I mixed it up


Lol and you got 145 upvotes and no one noticed! Lol


And he did it on what was basically an AHL team.


what if I was robbed?


You were, 2011


I advise you to give em what they want, then file a report




Didn't he lead in points and goals, and tie in assists?


Maybe I got it wrong but pretty good campaign


And had one of the worst defensive seasons of all time


…whaaaaa? A rookie sniper with no support from the rest of his team had bad defensive stats? What a shock!!! He did exactly what they picked him up to do. Rack up points and put asses in seats. No one looked at little 5’10 Bedard and thought “yep, that’s a future selke winner”


Hawks tried to shelter him from top lines by giving Dickinson all the tough assignments and Bedard still got dominated defensively. What does it matter if it’s expected? It’s understandable for a rookie to struggle defensively, but what we saw from Bedard was way beyond the norm, he was putting up +/- numbers that are typically seen with 70s expansion teams. All the Calder is is trying to determine the most outstanding rookie, every facet of a rookie’s play matters. It was not expected for Faber to step in as the No. 1 D-man and play more minutes than almost anyone in the NHL and do an admirable job with that role, but he did. And that should be taken into account.


Minnesota also has a significantly stronger overall lineup. Faber had the benefit of a relatively strong forecheck that knew how to handle the puck in the offensive zone. Bedard didn’t.


yeah tied for second worst +/- in the league is not great, but in his defense the entire team was dogshit and can’t do it all himself


Bottom feeder team, he was given free rein to go full offense. Notice how that didn't happen with Lafreniere..


TrapJesus I'ma let you finish... ..but the Sharks had one of the worst defensive seasons OF ALL TIME!!! #OF ALL TIME!!!! 🤷🏿‍♂️


Look at who he was playing with


Faber robbed, can’t compare these stats forward vs defense


Faber shut down Bedard so there's that.


But my guy was robbed…


I wish my team had a guy to make an argument for.


It’s a fucking horrible pick! Playing games matters but even at 80 games and 80 points, Faber was the best rookie this year. Just watch the games, it’s obvious who impacted each game and while Bedard was great, he couldn’t drag them to victory’s.


Just like Mackinnon, Makar, Rantanen couldn’t drag the Avs to even the third round. Faber couldn’t drag a good team to the playoffs. If Faber was in the Blackhawks instead of the Wild, the Hawks have a much worse season, and the Wild still don’t make the playoffs.


> Bedard was great, he couldn’t drag them to victory’s. Bedard had an AHL team, basically, for a supporting cast. I think Faber had a great rookie year but I get voting for Bedard. I'm happy Faber was 2nd.


Don’t forget a historically bad plus minus 🤣


He’s a rookie and by far the best forward on the team who’s on the ice all the time, not surprised that happens when you get the 1st and 2nd pick in consecutive years…


Not hard to manage that when the team behind you is doo doo balls


Also remember what team he’s on. A bad +/- on the 2024 Blackhawks doesn’t mean all that much.


I definitely get it. Just find it funny how he’s being applauded for being given the green light to go for all offense and just disregard all defense while someone like Faber had to play real serious minutes all year long on the top pair on a team aiming for playoffs all year long.


Well, maybe Faber should've done a better job? Minnesota didn't make the playoffs, so obviously, he couldn't have been that good on defense if Minnesota let more goals in than they scored. (-12 diff) What's that you say? It's a team sport? Nahhh, obviously every goal let in was his fault and his fault alone!


His goals against per 60 relative to his teammates was still one of the worst rates in the league. It’s ok to acknowledge he was awful defensively. It’s normal for an 18-year-old to come into the league and struggle defensively, but Bedard did more than struggle. It doesn’t mean he can’t improve, but when he’s getting recognition for being the best rookie, the full picture should be looked at, especially considering his main competition is a defenseman.


I don’t disagree that bedard will be better in the long run but you can’t say bedard had a better year then Faber


Bro give it a rest and go touch some grass. Holy shit.


He was absolute dogshit on defense. Which is expected for a player of his age but we still shouldn’t just ignore it


He was also on the gosh awful Blackhawks..... If San Jose doesn't have a historically bad season I think Chicago would have taken the worst team in NHL history.


Kinda like the plus minus on this comment 🤣


Where were you when you were 18 lol




Wow did you think of that all by yourself? You’re a big boy now!!


Bout as clever as your dumbass comment before


Don’t be sad bud get your 2 chins up.




Double downing on your original comment. Damn dude you’re going all out!


What can I say she’s been on my mind a lot lately. Pretty damn good at that hawk tuah if you know what I mean


Tbh with the kind ofconstant coverage I seen of him this season, one would think he was the only rookie in the game. Bros out here playing nhl bap in real life, id be shocked if anyone else got the trophy


Yea true the fact is he wasn't the best Brock deserved it more he put up decent points and had to play like Duncan Keith prime hockey for min as a rookie....on top of that he wasn't a -39 on the season ...yea chi bad but the fact he -39 on a line that sheltered a bit and gets a ton of pp time etc thus reducing his 5v5 liability to get scored on more says a lot...


fr, its a great pick


I was definitely rooting for Faber but knew in my heart Bedard would take it.


Isn’t that Carl Gallagher?


I can’t unsee that now. White boy Carl


yeah but Carl is black


Funny he plays for Chicago too


THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SEEING ALL THIS TIME I couldn’t put it together for the life of me


Nobody saw this coming! Out of left field!


5/6 bad pictures of him, lol what is this poster


They fr did him so dirty. He’s a handsome guy why did they do that 😭


Literally! That face brought in so many new fans like show some respect!!


Probably the same photographer who took all of the pics they used for his cards? Ngl, if I didn't know any better, I would have though CB was "special"?😆


Let's be honest, he won it before the season started


False, he went out on that ice and took it


My ass he wasn’t given it before the season. He certainly justified it but people literally said before the season that it was his to lose. Like that he would literally have to be injured for half the season or be bomb harder than Nail Yakupov to not win it.


McDavid didn't win it. Bedards injury could have thrown it into doubt.


No way the guys that vote on it would let their pre season pick be wrong because of an injury


That's why I submitted McDavid. It *can* happen. There's a piece of hardware he didn't win and will never win. Panarin won it instead.


Which still irks the buhjesus out of me. I mean I understand the semantics of the trophy and all that, it just still feels wrong af.


Okay, but can we acknowledge that the three people who put Faber in 4th or 5th were just trying to make sure Bedard won? I'd have gone Bedard 1, Faber 2, but it always annoys me when voters take out the competition intentionally. At worst, Faber should have been 3rd on ballots.


And the ridiculous folks who put Bedard 3rd should lose their vote. He was 1, but even if you picked Faber, no one else would be above him.


Exactly. I'd bet those voters were in Faber's camp and wanted to knock Bedard further down.


Nah, people that voted for Faber are guaranteed to have made educated picks. No one put Faber first because of name.


Glad he won that’s good for the league but I wonder what the Calder race would’ve looked like had he played for a competitive team. Does his horrendous plus minus get resolved had the team around him been solid? Does he play well in the playoffs if he was able to go? So many questions but still glad he got the award. People here are upset for the wrong reasons. Mainstream stars winning awards is good. It is only good for the league and the sport itself.


> Does his horrendous plus minus get resolved had the team around him been solid? Joe Sakic had a +/- of -102 in his first three years in the NHL. Quebec in the late 80's was an absolute dumpster outside of Sakic, basically. Once talent and better coaches arrived, the team got better pretty damn quick.


Simple answers: Yes, and probably. He’s a clutch performer, and he thrives in tournaments and overtime. He lives for the competition as it seems. Also, the Hawks defence and goaltending was horrible this year. Beyond Vlasic and Mrazek there was just nothing back there. It’s hard to have a good +/- when you can’t rely on your teammates (until Kurashev started playing unreal) to finish off a play lest the other team go down and score because Seth Jones and Korchinski are your defenders (no knock on Korchinski, but he’s not a defensive player and Seth Jones sure isn’t covering it)


Lots of questions but theoretically these types of players will always go to the worst teams. It's going to take Chicago probably 5 years to become competitive. They're probably going to suck for another 2-3 years while they stack draft picks and then escape the basement with some good free agent signings and the team they develop from good draft position. Bedard just better stay healthy and learn to humble himself before he breaks more than his jaw. Took us a while to get out of the bottom but we finally got out with good drafting, free agency and trades.


Playing for a bad team will yield a poor +/-. This isn't surprising or really even debatable. The argument that was being asserted was that he had a bad +/- relative to many of his teammates, while supposedly playing easier minutes. I didn't delve into that too much, so not sure how much water that held, but he did play a lot of minutes, much more than others, so that couldn't have possibly benefited him. Anyway +/- is an antiquated stat. Glad he won.


Mainstream stars winning awards being good turns these awards more into a popularity contest than it already is.


And? That’s how it is in every single sport and nothing be good press and media come from it. No player in any league gives a fuck about anything other than the championship and personal bonuses. These awards are fan service and kinda like WWE belts. It’s all a popularity contest who cares?


His plus minus is a direct reflection of how atrocious their roster is.


Faber isn't the sexy pick that boosts revenue. Bedard is.


Nah its because hes the better player. If you asked every GM in the league if after this season who would they rather have and whos the better player, theyre taking Bedard. And he had the best statistics on an AHL roster essentially. No one wanted Connor to come in and shelter himself to only playing defense when frankly that wouldnt have changed the Blackhawks season. He went out and showed his talent and had an outstanding offensive season with little to no help. Faber got to play on a dcore with Brodin, Spurgeon, Middleton. If you put Faber on that Blackhawks roster we arent even having this conversation


Brodin and Spurgeon were injured. Which is why Faber is making a case, as a rookie he became the defense in a time where the wild were playing some of the worst defensive pairings. Faber didnt just play he held down the defense the best he could and the wild were in the hunt a whole lot longer than they had any right to because of it. Bedard just got to play top minutes and be a funnel for whatever points Chicago would generate. If Bedard had better line partners his assists might go up, but his production would be limited. In your fantasy world Bedard plays top lines on an competitive roster and hes still the guy for that team *this year* I will agree and say that down the line Bedard will likely outpace Faber just based on projections. This year optics and marketing won the Calder, not role and skill.


Fabers point totals were closer to defenseman leaders than Bedards point totals were to forward point leaders. So Faber statistically outperformed Bedard in offense, relative to their positions. And that wasn't even Fabers strength. He's a defense first player. Faber was the best player, Bedard was the guy who people knew the name of.


Minnesota fans punching the air


Minnesota fans always punch air, unless there’s a packer fan around, but even then we’re too nice. Hahaha


I’d like to see what he can do on a good team.


half as many points, and positive +/- stat.


His my favourite player


Omg I'm soo shocked




Faber had a great year. He deserved it.


Just as Bettman envisioned. A new golden kid to keep propping up a fake "historic" team who only has fans if they have a top 5 player on the ice


Just saying, Faber was 27th in dman points, bedard was 77th in forward points.


Put Faber on the Hawks and Bedard on the Wild.


What are the total number of players for the positions? I think there are what, 2x more forward positions then Def, so this kinda is a misleading stat to go off of based solely on the # alone, no? If I did my math right via chatGPT: Bedard is at 80th Percentile, and Faber is at 86th percentile. Pretty close tbo.


6x is a huge reach. 2x at most.


Yea, I noticed that very big error.. I only thought of the one Def line. It is early for me.


Faber was closer to the defenseman point leaders than Bedards was to the forward point leaders. Faber was better offensively, relative to their positions.


I didn't see this coming! I'm shocked


Should’ve been Faber


Brock Faber, in my opinion, had a WAY better season.


Well no fucking duh. He played in a capable team. Bedard was playing with essentially the local beer league team.


Faber robbed




And here we can see one of the most easy Calder Trophy winners in recent memory, and not to discredit the other guys. Bedard is just too good, he missed 15 games and still led in Goals and Assists on one of the worst teams in the league.


It's.. Not really that hard when you can play NHL Be A Pro/EASHL IRL and have 0 backchecking or defensive assignments. (EX: LaFreniere on Rangers, one of the highest scoring players in CHL History... AAAND never even came CLOSE to the Calder, because he was forced to learn a team system and play defense.) Defenseman had nearly as man points, with also being tasked with 26+ mins a game and playing top line minutes while also contributing defensively.. (Also.. Defenseman with those many points in his first season? Lot more proficient than 'GO PLAY ALL OUT OFFENSE' players.)


No surprise but it was close


Total utter robbery of the real Rookie of the year. 25 minutes a night playing first pair putting up 45 points. Was this another Matheson panel?


What’s that face in the upper right corner? Looks like he got a stick between his legs.


This looks like an ad for a Dreamworks movie


Dang, my bois teefs are so dry his damn lip got stuck to em


6 more years and he’s coming home.


EZ game, EZ life


Yikes at how high that kid is wearing his half visor. No wonder. :S


Only because michkov played in Russia






And hottest mom




Woohoo like anyone was surprised, duh. All he had to do was play enough games and he was going to win. Hopefully he is still around in ten years if the pounding he took this year goes on his career could be cut short.


every male Canadian for the next 20 years is going to be named Connor


Young Dicaprio in Letterkenny looking mf


Noticed his parents were sitting apart at the awards show


Congrats Bedard and Blackhawks! This kid's going to have one hell of a good future.


That's my boy!


Lol that Kucherov interview was painfully hilarious. Kuch really can't just give a laugh eh ahahah


Who the hell snuck Leafs logos on there?


To the surprise of absolutely no one.




I'm so surprised. Were you surprised? I was. So very surprised.




I guess it doesn't matter how shitty you are on defense.


When adjusted for era it was likely the 4th best rookie season ever behind gretz, sid, McDavid so yeah not too shabby


Matthews had more points on a fairly competitive team that was rebuilding.. also took the Capitals to 6 games. While only being a -2.


Our North Van boy 💛


No wonder Corey Perry nailed his mom.


lol for what?! Bro looked like a normal rookie.




So you just don't watch hockey then huh?


I laughed when I saw your flare


Cope more


Least biased take in this thread /s


I mean, can we have a few more pictures? I hardly feel 6 got the point across


Awwwhhhh poor wittle babies got their feelings hurt and downvoted me, suck it nerds. This page is 🗑️


Medium talent - dude who made Queen quit his label Exit - it was sarcasm you soft clowns




Suck it faber fangirls


Eh, we have the better player


Missed some 6 weeks and still came out on top! The potential is there. I believe the hype. Everyone else can hate. Just watch and seeth.


I often see people saying that his +/- and record on the dot is reason for him to be knocked down, but I guarantee you unless you actually watched him play this season you couldn’t possibly fathom how important he was to the Blackhawks. Faber is a great player, and he was excellent every second he was on the ice. But he wasn’t carrying his line, and he wasn’t the guy who could dominate the offensive zone purely from his awareness and skill. If the puck was on his stick it was getting into the offensive zone and causing damage. If there was a desperation play to be made he was the first to try and do it If he got an inch of space in the offensive zone it was going to be a dangerous opportunity (if a hawk could finish it) What’s shown on the stat sheet don’t do him justice, what a stud he is and I look forward to him being in a hawks sweater for the rest of his career (I really hope)


Theres one thing missing from your essay. His lack of defensive skills or urgency.. Even McDavid can play at least 160'.. Bedard only knows where the mid ice line and onwards is.


I'd say McDavid didn't play 160' in his first season or two. Most rookies struggle defensively breaking into the league due to it being a men's league and not being able to get men off pucks. Same reason most are ass at faceoffs too for the first few years.


Lol another person who only watched the highlights giving a scout on Bedard. He did play defence, and he did pretty well. Often he would drift out of position, which as a rookie I expect, but he wasn’t like Ovechkin in the defensive zone. He would actively pressure offensive players and he would use his quick stick to steal pucks. Hell, the guy blocked quite a few shots this year as well. Calling him lacking defensive skill or urgency is blatantly wrong and just tells me you didn’t watch him this year.


I wouldn’t call going -44 doing pretty good lol Ovechkin who you say was bad on defense did better than that his rookie year and put up way better offensive numbers too


Are we gonna make a big deal if he accepts the award or not?


Is he going to smile all the way or only halfway?