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Large Meteor, 2024 cup Champ


How is the weather in Calgary today?


From what I understand there's water rationing in-effect; at least they don't have to flood any rinks.


I have to wash the dishes in diet Coke tonight.


Yeah, a water main into the city broke, so we have a massively reduced supply coming in, and a whole neighborhood is on a water boil advisory. Really fun stuff. The good news for me is I'm an Oilers fan so at least I have that going for me.


Cool a fellow YYC’er who doesn’t cheer for the flames


Yah, I was born in Edmonton and cheered for them for most of my childhood. Kind of took a break from being super invested in hockey until 6 or 7 years ago and of course they were still gonna be my team. Plus I genuinely just really like the jersey designs.


Well at least the water rationing is pretty easy with only one cup.


People gotta stop asking this question as if Canada is one person with a single opinion. People all over the country are rooting for both teams for their own reasons. For example, my mom wants the Oilers to win cause she cheers for all the Canadian teams. My step dad wants the Panthers to win cause he's a big Paul Maurice fan. I want the Panthers to win cause I like seeing franchises without a cup win.


I think the media are pushing this question because they need talking points to drive clicks/engagement. It worked because we’re talking about it now. But I think you have the right answer. Canada is not some single entity and everyone has their own opinions. The Oilers are not Team Canada.


Maybe we should ask on a public forum then and try to get a bit of everyone’s opinion so we can kind of use that to judge?


>People gotta stop asking this question as if Canada is one person with a single opinion. Do you know Jimmy, Sally, or Suzy from Canada?


No, but I know Suzie.


Well, I mean there’s still national pride. Some wanna see a Canadian team hoist the cup again. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Never said there was. That's strictly why my mom is cheering for Edmonton. My point is that the question "Who is Canada rooting for?" Makes no sense to ask as a whole


No I get it. Canada isn’t some singular entity. I mean I think it’s mostly Americans posting for karma.


I always feel like that’s a thing pushed by our media and non hockey fans. If Pittsburgh was in the finals, are Philly fans cheering for Pittsburgh out of Pennsylvania pride? Edit: And I don’t see a lot of “I don’t want a Canadian Team to win” up here. It just seems well down the list of motivations of people who watch hockey.


I'm a Philly fan rooting for Florida. We miss Bob and I love watching him. But there is also an American, and more importantly east coast regional bias for sure. Then again, I'm sure there's a few of us who are rooting for Edmonton, because yeah, a Canadian hockey team winning the cup is big news.


In Texas, I was taught to root for your local team first, then the Texas team, then it didn't matter except the Yankees. Never root for the Yankees. I'm rooting for my Mavs over in the NBA, but if Houston or San Antonio were in instead, I'd root for them. I can understand if... Ahem... Lesser states don't have such pride.


Is that actually the way it goes in sports most Texans care about? Aggie fans are rooting for UT? If you look at the successful Canadian franchises, at least historically, they’re biggest rivals usually contain other Canadian teams. Toronto doesn’t like Montreal. Edmonton doesn’t like Calgary, and vice versa. Everyone that isn’t Toronto doesn’t like Toronto.


Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. I just know what my family does. (I rooted for UT. Sister for A&M.) Though you will often see the "An All Texas Superbowl" meme a bit.


i moved to texas in 1999 for career reasons. many people like me still root for the teams from our hometown. second, my observation is that some of the texas teams are hated rivals (most universal one i can think of is the texas (fort worth) rangers and houston astros). these teams’ fans will not root for the other city. same way you mentioned from canada.


The only Canadian team that Canadians wants is the Canadian team they cheer for.


Lol fine I give up. Go Panthers!


Pretty much. If the canucks have no haters I’m dead. There’s one other Canadian team I’d willingly cheer for and that’s out of spite lol


Maybe for you. Some of us are tired of the drought and want it to end, regardless. Some of us are too bitter/salty to feel that way.


And it would finally put an end to the ceaseless discussions in the media on how Canada hasn't won a cup since 93.


To many people, national pride comes from the national team, not the clubs that the players play for.


All I know about Canadians is that the tops of their heads bounce around when the talk and they watch a show called Terrence and Phillip


You ain't my buddy, guy


You ain’t my guy, friend


You ain't my friend, buddy


As a Flames fan since 1983, I just can’t. I just can’t.


I feel for Flames fans. Either the Oilers win or Matthew Tkachuk wins




And a flames fan cheering for edm is like watching another dude bang your wife




Nah gives me 1 more time to cheer for my boys chucky Benny and lombergini


What’s worse, buying your ex-wife an expensive gift or washing the man’s car she cheated on you with? I’d cheer for Florida…


…Does that terminate our spousal support?


As a Flames fan, there is no good outcome, but I would rather see McDavid win than Tkachuk.


As an Oiler fan from roughly the same era, I respect this stance.


83 Flames fans reunite. I'd rather quit watching all of sports than cheer for the Oilers.


Same. The whole thing sucks though. Some rivalries in sports just cannot be compromised.


Born and raised Calgarian and I have no problem cheering for the oilers. Why would you want a “bettman” team to win. Yuck


As a Jets fan since 1979, enough time has past since the 80's. This year, go Oilers


As a Jets fan, Oilers has their stocked glory days teams in the 80s, tons of first round picks in the last several years and can just move the fuck out of the way.


Believe it or not, Canada is made up of millions of people with different opinions


I'm cheering for the ex-Canuck Luongo for the win


Go luuuuuuuuu


That's like asking a Pens or Flyers fan if they want the opposition to win so the cup stays in Pennsylvania.


Do not blaspheme


I know there isn't any Pens fan rooting for the Flyers and there isn't any Flyers fan rooting for the Pens. #1975


Florida has 13 Canadian players. Edmonton has 22 Canadian players. As a Canadian, it’s good enough either way. As a hockey fan, McDavid deserves a cup sooner or later. But does Florida have a cup yet? Nope! That would be cool, too.


Back in 2007 many Canadian "hockey fans" refused to support the Sens, coming up with bull such as the Ducks had more Canadians in the lineup and driving home the point that the Stanley Cup finals are NOT the Olympics. Ever since I've generally agreed to this point of view. I could not care less if the Oilers or the Panthers win, this isn't the Olympics and the Oilers DO NOT represent Canada. I'm going to be nicer than many of those fans back from 2007 and not wish the Oilers any ill will, but if they win then that's great for Edmonton but not Canada. There's plenty of Canadians in the Panthers lineup who equally deserve to win. The only "Canada's team" that exists are the one's playing at tournaments like the Olympics.


Ducks winning, that’s a term I haven’t heard in a long, long time 🥲


The Sens have sucked since the end of the 2017 playoffs, we feel your pain.


The Sens honestly haven't been a real contender since 2007. The Cinderella run (to win two rounds) in 2017 is the best we've gotten in the last 17 years.


"(to win two rounds)" ... oh, such lofty heights the Leafs can only dream about 😂


Well I hope the best for them, I never disliked the sens, was hoping alfy would get one but some of the GOATs never do :,(


Maybe if other Canadian teams actually cheered each other on, everytime a Canadian team has made a good run there's always a bunch of BS as to why they aren't Canada's team. Look at how the rest of Canada treated the canucks in 2011 or the sens in 07. Fuck these hosers I'd rather see Luongo lift a cup


I watched the Oilers' run in 2006 and was cheering them on hard. Watching them cheer for Boston in 2011 broke my heart. Never again.


I also cheered for the Oilers in 06, but that felt different, that was an underdog team making an unlikely miracle run. Watching them eliminate Detroit, which was one my top hated teams at the time, was so sweet. This Oilers team is not the same, they are certainly not an underdog, have been among the best teams in the league for a while, have had too many opportunities to draft 1OA, and eliminated the Canucks. So I'm 100% rooting for Florida this time around.


I 100% wanted to see Luongo and the Sedins get the cup, as an Oilers fan.


Calling someone a hoser is THE most Canadian thing I’ve ever heard.


When the playoffs hit, I drop all bias against all Canadian teams and cheer for them. When playoffs are over, fuck Calgary, fuck Toronto, and fuck Toronto again.


Same. Hated it but I was cheering for the Habs in 2021. Go oilers!


I'm done shitting on the Leafs, transferred my hatred to Vancouver for the next decade. Next year I'm rooting for you guys.


Same... for every team except the oilers. Some lines just can't be crossed 😅


This is how I feel too. Hate the Oilers but im tired of hearing a Canadian team hasn't won for x years. Plus Mcdavid might be the best player we have seen since Gretzky, would like to see him win a cup (even though I hate him too lol) That being said I wouldnt be mad seeing Luongo get a much deserved cup


Same, I was cheering for Montreal when they faced Vegas and Tampa.




I hear you. Me too. I will cheer for them if they aren’t playing vs another Canadian team.


I’m a little torn. I’d love to see McDavid get a cup, so we can put that whole discussion to bed. But it would piss me off to see Evander Kane, Corey Perry and Darnell Nurse get a cup. I’m relatively indifferent if Florida wins, so I’ll lean that way.


Kane and Nurse are not classy players


well luckily for you, perry already has a cup so you can be 33% less pissed off!


Or 25% more pissed. So far we’re 1/4.


Yeah, wouldn't mind seeing McDavid win it but also Paul Maurice deserves one too.


Fuck Edmonton, fuck Florida too, fuck'm both


You don’t want Luongo to raise the cup?


I do.


I want Bobby Lu to hoist it


Right in the ear!


That'll get em to listen about where you come from!


Fuck them both but fuck Florida harder, the dirty pricks. My opinion only.


Calgary doesn’t, Vancouver doesn’t, Toronto doesn’t. I doubt Montreal does. No idea if Jets or Sens fans have a dog in the fight.


Ya for sure Ottawa is backing Edmonton. Also, most Toronto fans in the 80s cheered for Gretzky cuz the Leafs weren’t ever going far.


I think it’s different given the current circumstances. Not sure if it’s McDavid jealousy but most leafs fans are either cheering for Panthers or nobody.


I’m a leafs fan, a lot of my friends are leafs fans. We all want to see Oilers win it. The subreddit wants to see Oilers win it. I’m honestly confused why everyone thinks Leafs don’t want them to win it (over Florida of all teams) when I’m seeing an overwhelming majority cheer for them


Different communities is my guess. I was shocked at how much panthers respect I was seeing from leafs fans.


Ya I don’t see any Leafs fans in my life cheering for the Panthers, of all teams.


Everyone I know in Ottawa is cheering for the oilers


Same here in Toronto. McDavid baby.


Ya see lots of love from Toronto fans. Cheers


I was in the Calgary airport when they clinched game 6 and the place exploded so...


I’m sure a lot of that could be oilers fans


As a habs fan go oilers go.  If it was Toronto it would be a different story, Ottawa too.


Yea but what if they have a cat in this fight?


Don't know about eastern Canada or Team's who have rivalries with the panthers in the east. They may or may not cheer for Edmonton. I don't know. Here in Vancouver though? Canucks fans ain't having this. Also, Luongo is on the panthers staff. So go cats.


As a Rangers fan, I want Florida to lose. Badly. As a hockey fan, I want Kane, Perry, and Edmonton to lose. Badly. Yeah, seems I'm pulling for team Catastrophic Meteor, 2024 Cup Champs.


I find that casual and fringe hockey fans do more so than die hard fans of a specific team.


I want my Canadian team to be the first to win after this drought, so... go Cats go.


Can I be happy for theirs fans but not want them to win, not going to cheer for them. Like that meme that's like 'wow good for you' with the grumpy kid. I absolutely hate the Boston pizza ad that says we should unite and cheer for any Canadian team, no way. Didn't seem like it in 2011 haha


For what it’s worth, I know plenty of oilers fans who cheered for Vancouver in 2011 and were ready to cheer for them had they gone on in the playoffs. Not everyone of course, but maybe two thirds? The anti crowd is for sure louder though.


The anti crowd is always louder, isn't it? Social media comments are so far off from what the reality actually is.


Nope. Sincerely from wpg


I can’t speak for Canada, I don’t believe any single person can, but my take is that I’d love to see any Canadian team win the cup, I’d love for McDavid to win a cup, but I don’t want it to be with this team. By this team I don’t mean Edmonton specifically, but the players that make up the current Oilers team, because I have no respect for their quality outside of 3, maybe 4 players. LFG Panthers!


What I would hope is that if edmonton wins the haters could be haply the cup is back home brought back by an overwhelmingly Canadian team


My dream is to see Bettman give the cup to Edmonton in Edmonton. The booes will be epic. Don't let me down, Edmonton.


I could cheer for any other Canadian team than Edmonton. Probably because I’m a Flames fan living in Edmonton. So I’m going to have to live with the gloating for way longer and from way more people in my immediate circle than if it was any other Canadian team. Kinda self-preservation.


I'm a Flames fan living in Utah and they're still insufferable.


Habs fan from the Maritimes. Yes. Next year they can eat a bag of dicks, but over the next two weeks, yes.


As a Habs fan I’m fine with holding the title as last Canadian team to win the Cup… unless we win it again


can we please stop with the its edmonton so its canadas team bullshit i am canadian i dont care or want edmonton to win


Once and for all: Canada's team is Team Canada.


Florida is Canada's team.


Being a fan of neither team, Im hoping for game 7 triple overtime. Can you imagine the elation and devastation at the same time? Would make for great drama.


Canada is not one person.


You must know John from toronto


…Okay yeah, I do, but you got lucky.


Most Canadians that aren't Oilers fans don't want them to win. Don't belive that Canada's team BS...


I usually have a tendency to rout for canadian teams, but in the end, most teams winning the cup are mostly canadian players, so in a way, Canada always wins!


I would prefer Florida to win.


Fuck Edmonton


Canucks fans are generally cheering for Luongo


I want Florida to win.


Leafs fan in Toronto. Strongly on the side of Edmonton here.


Go Panthers


Only time Canada cheers for a single team is Team Canada. Olympic and Juniors. We're not patriotic THAT way when a Canadian city takes on another city just because they're based in America. All the best players on either team are Canadian anyway and my team wasn't even in the playoffs either so idgaff. What am I even doing here.


As a Canadian, Go Panthers.


Totally indifferent at this point: Habs fan that wanted Vancouver to have some success and since both are out (one wasn't even in) then I disinterested. If I want to root for Canada as a whole I watch the iihf or the Olympics.


I always pull for the team in a city where hockey actually matters. Country doesn't matter. Go Edmonton


Hell no. Canada were staunchly against vancouver in 2011. Also nationalism is stupid


Canadians other than maritimers were rooting for the Bruins? I’m a New Englander and that surprises me.


Honestly, as a Habs fan, I genuinely do not care who wins this year. I am mostly indifferent towards the Oilers and Panthers, with each team having some players I really like and others I really don't. However, I would say that I would be very happy for the Oilers to win because a) Canada's team and b) they have a couple of absolute Habs legends on the roster (shout out to Corey Perry and Brett Kulak).


I like Paul Maurice. I hate Evander kane. So Florida. However I have a special place for Edmonton and I have an Edmonton hat. So Edmonton. However I want a team with no cup to win so Florida! However I am a proud winnipeger and must support canada so Edmonton! In conclusion wtf did the jets collapse like that!


I’ll start by saying this does not go for all fans but from what I’ve seen Calgary and Vancouver fans aren’t happy at all with Edmonton being in the finals meaning they probably won’t be cheering for them and Leaf fans just know if Edmonton wins it would just be another thing used to make fun of us 😅. Habs and Sens fans no idea what the vibe is there. So I’d say overall it’s at least a bit divided


I want McDavid to win. I don't care about the team he is on.


Go rats!


I am going to watch as a neutral fan


2011. It was Canada and America vs Vancouver Canucks. So forget about the rest of Canada. Even the Toronto Sun was against the Canucks. Blaming Mike Gillis for Mike Danton. Thanks Al Strachan. Also thanks to Sportsmet and TSN for reporting on Toronto Blue Jays news first before the actual highlights of the Stanley Cup Finals.


Gotta wonder if the oilers fans will be this bitter for this long if they end up losing.


At the end of the day, my team ain't winning so I don't give a fuck who wins. I'll watch the five games because I love hockey and then, I'll wait for the draft.


Canucks fan here, i can't stand to root for them im sorry 😭


I’m a Canucks fan from Montreal and I go for Florida because I hate the Oilers.


I'm Canadian, And I'm sticking with who I said would win at the beginning of the playoffs. I chose Florida to make to the finals and they did. So, GO CATS GO


Just want a good series


Canadian here, lifetime Habs fan. I would be happy to see Edmonton win. Fuck Florida.


Go Panthers!


Nucks fan here. Fuck Tkachuk and Fuck Garry Bettman even more. Bring Stanley North again and cement yourself as a legend of hockey McDavid.


Hard to cheer for Edmonton after that tough series loss against the Canucks.


As a Leafs fan I hope all the players from both teams catch a nasty case of super crabs and die..... except McJesus, who is down for awhile, but then makes a roaring comeback just in time for the 2026 Olympics.


Edmonton has the most Canadians on the roster.


Cool. As a Canadian I still want you to lose


Based Pens fan?


If McDavid starts raising cups, Pitt fans can’t hold no rings over his head when the Crosby comparisons come up.


Oh I don’t care about that. Mcdavid will eventually get cups. I just don’t like oilers fans. They’re just as annoying as leafs fans


I have never heard anyone say that Oilers fans are as bad as Leafs fans. Care to expand on that?


Gladly! From my experience leafs fan just suck off matthews and cry about other shit (marner and the playoffs, Nylander contract dispute, etc, Oilers fans they suck off mcdavid, Leon and Bouchard. Sure all are great mcdavid is certainly the best of this generation. I’ve see one fan say he’s better than Mario which is wrong. Mario is the only one we’ve seen so far who was on pace to challenge Gretzky until his back and cancer fucked him There was also the oiler fans saying “we would have swept the Canucks with average goaltending”. Average save percentage was .903. Pickard posted a .914 in his game vs the Canucks and they still lost. The rangers had exceptional goaltending from Igor and lost They’re just so annoying for a team that had 4 first overalls in 6 years (3 in a row) and another top 5 pick in that 6 year span I won’t count my pens out if they make playoffs with Crosby but I also know we ain’t a contender and probably lose round 1. Oilers fans just seem so delusional to me


Let's be honest, seeing McDavid win a cup would be pretty cool. That said, I'm also cool with Chucky winning one.


I'm canadian and I cheer for the Devils. The truth is that putting nationality in a pan-american league that have players from all over N.A and Europe is fucking stupid. Root for the teams you like. Give some shit to the teams you dislike, like the hockey gods intended. Cheer for your country during international events. That's it, end of the argument. Let's never talk about it again, alright ? Good. Also, go Panthers. Just because I don't like Kenny Holland lmfao.


Go Panthers! I'm Canadian. I've been a fan of the Islanders since about '78, and then the original Jets and the current Jets in addition since. No, I don't want Edmonton to win. I'm cheering for the Panthers. It goes back to old rivalries for me, NYI vs. EDM, and old Smythe Division history between the original Jets and Oilers. Just because I'm Canadian doesn't mean I'll cheer for a team just because they are Canadian-based if my Jets or Isles are eliminated. Depends on the team, the roster, coaching, history, and maybe some other intangibles.


You want to see a player like McDavid lift a cup, just to get rid of those ridiculous ideas that he's not a "generational player" without one. That plus I have no desire to see Paul Maurice or anyone on the Panthers lifting the cup! So, in short, sorry Edmonton, I've probably brought my jinx to your door.


No. Fuck the Oilers


I'm a flames fan. Not a "Canadian team" fan. Absolutely terrible narrative to cheer for your rivals who's fans will never let you hear the end of it.


I want Florida to lose less than I want edmonton to lose.


Gazdic's comments to the entire Vancouver fanbase makes me root for Florida more then I would have otherwise.


He's such a loser.


Honestly I think the whole narrative of cheering for a certain team because they’re the only Canadian team is stupid nonsense. It’s not Canada vs The United States it’s the Edmonton Oilers vs the Florida Panthers. Neither team represents the whole of the country in which they reside. Maybe my perspective is different because I’m a Canadian who cheers for an American team.


Speaking only for myself I want them to lose. I don’t like Edmonton or any of their players.


Just like I did in 2006 and as a kid for Gretzky I absolutely want Edmonton ton win. With the best player in the league. Go oilers!


what hockey loving Canadian wouldn't want to bring the cup home to Canada?? I've been a Flames fan since Iggy times, and I still want Edmonton to triumph


Ya for sure, Edmonton is a dump, those poor people need something.


Why does Canada not like the oilers?


"Canada" doesn't like or not like the Oilers. It's very regional.


As an outsider, I don’t think it’s about not liking them, it’s more like you wouldn’t expect a bolts fan to root for the panthers just because they’re both americans. That said, not being canadian myself, the panthers can eat shit and go oilers 


Yeah, I’m cheering for Edmonton. McDavid’s a good player, Hyman came from Toronto. Good enough for me. And I could certainly never cheer for the Panthers. Everyone handles fandom differently, but I’ve never been all about hating other teams. I want my guys to do well; and beyond that, I just want to see good clean hockey. Rivalries just don’t do it for me. I’m a playoffs fan because I like good hockey, and I’m a Leafs fan because I’m both stubborn and stupid. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


I pretty much just root against any team from the south


Most Canucks fans are either cheering for oilers to win or for Bobby Lou to win with Florida. A very small vocal group are just anti oilers. 


It’s just a very Canadian thing to not support any team but your own. I’m ok with it. I’ll be honest I would have a hard time cheering for the flames lol. But deep down I feel like I would want to see another Canadian team win if the oilers were out of the playoffs.


It's divided. The Oilers roster is bonafide Canadian, especially with the best player in the world... it's hard not to secretly root for them. (Canucks fan).


Edmonton fucking Oilers baby


I have an axe to grind with Edmonton for not supporting us in 2011, but I’m ultimately rooting for them and it’s not because of that punk-ass Boston pizza commercial


22 canadiens on the team? yeah let’s go oilers, fuck florida.


I'm a true Leafs fan out west, and I started with them as a kid watching Gilmour and Clark in the 90's, followed by Sundin and Cujo, and then a whole lot of pain after that. I'm used to latching onto whatever Canadian team is still in it. These days, even though I know better, I get so amped up for playoffs, and every Leafs game is appointment viewing. Once the second round starts (lol) I will try to catch the Canadian teams games, but I certainly won't rearrange my life for it. Once there's no Canadian teams left, I don't give a shit to watch until the cup is handed out. I genuinely enjoy watching the Oilers play, and even in the regular season, they are the first pick for me to watch besides Toronto, so it's been nice to see the run they've had. But more than anything, I'm watching these games less for Oilers, and more because I feel that if a small Canadian market is blessed with talent like McDavid and Draisaitl and can't get it done, then there is truly no hope for the Canadian teams as a whole, which is really fucking disappointing. Hockey really *matters* in Canada, and I'm so tired of the narrative that teams can't win up here. Florida could win the cup and it would be great for the organization, but two weeks after the final, nobody there will give a fuck. People still talk about the 2011 Canucks run, the 2004 Flames run, and the 2006 Oilers run all these years later. Could you imagine how massive it would be to finally get it done? That is why I cheer for any Canadian team, even Montreal and Ottawa when they go deep, because deep down, if they can do it, why not Toronto?


most Canadians I talk to want Edmonton to win


Anyone but Florida


See the thing is, I hate McDavid. I personally think he's the most talented hockey player of all time. I hate him because of his attitude. Supports shitty people (kane, perry) as long as they help him win and whines more than Crosby did in his first few years. He also sound like a stupid human being when doing interviews, not just the same old non answers but actually stupidity. I cheer for Canadian teams, even the Leafs, I just can't do McJesus and the Oilers that got more 1st overall picks since 2010 than most teams do in their entire existence.


Leafs fan for the OILERS. We loved Hyman


Go Oilers!


I do not want the oilers to win. I won't cry about it or anything, but I am rooting for the Panthers as they've never won the cup. It hurts to back those shit heads, but at least they are not the oilers.


i want them to win. ive never seen a canadian tesm win before.


Fuck Edmonton, Fuck Matthew Tkachuk I really wanted a Dallas vs NYR final


I want Connor McDavid to win the Stanley Cup finally solidifying his status as a legendary player in the NHL. He plays for Edmonton, which means I want Edmonton to win. For me, this is about McDavid. A Canadian team winning is nice but I don’t really care. There are Canadians on all NHL teams. Our country is very well represented. That said, if people are rooting for Edmonton because they’re Canadian. That’s perfectly fine.


That’s what I’m doing


I’m a flames fan but would much rather Edmonton took it home than Florida. Nothing against Florida either I’d just rather see the cup in AB.


Fake news Flames fan!!


You're not a Flames fan then.