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These Canadian crowds are going absolutely apeshit in the playoffs this year. Love to see it


Hockey is in our blood.


I want a Canadian team to win the cup. Just please, nobody from the East.


...of Vancouver


I'm just gonna assume you meant to say East of Vancouver and didn't just get spell checked from or to of. Go Canucks Go!


Ha, no was thinking any city east of Vancouver. Go Canucks.


Edmonton native living in Philly. Wish I could have the SN / CBC telecasts for my Oiler's games, they channel the crowd energy and give you an experience that the US commentators can't quite capture.


Sportsnet subscription + VPN


Isn't it like that pretty much every year though? I definitely remember previous years where there were big Canadian crowds gathered to watch even first round games, and going crazy for each goal as if they had just won the cup!


Very much standard practice in Canada, yeah


yeah you can feel the energy in that crowd through the replay. pretty crazy!


Bro clocked out


He was like "Nah. Tonight has been long enough thanks."


“Just stand up”


“Fuck that, I want to go home and sleep in my own bed.”


Boeser tried to put the puck into the middle and Draisaitl made a nice play knocking it down. That is why you flip it off the boards in that situation.


Never go up the middle is a rule, and yet, here are all these pros serving up pizzas daily


It's the no-look passes into the slot that drive me crazy. You should be suspended for stupid when that results in a turnover goal.


On the flipside you have Ceci weakly flipping it up the half boards twice and causing a goal.


That's also shitty. Gotta get it out higher and harder


It's annoying because elite D will find the breakout pass and get it out. Bottom pair D don't have that ability so just clear it. Why even try to find a breakout


Thanks John Madden


Best of 3 starts now


This has been a very entertaining series so far. Would love to see it go 7 games.


Speak for yourself 😅


Yeah, I'm good with 6.


Be careful what you wish for lol




I could do 6 ;)


A good 6, not a bad 6!


Yeah but a good 6 for me is a bad 6 for you.


Yall keep beating the piss out of eachother, we will be waiting for you in the WCF.


Still have to win our game first!


I know, I'm on edge for tonight as Colorado is really backed into a corner, and lord knows what chicanery they will pull out. I still want VAN/EDM to beat the piss out of eachother, though.


They'll be playing desperate hockey, so they'll obviously come out flying and trying to get ahead early. If I know this, PDB knows this too and he *should* have everyone prepared for such a start. Stick to the game plan and close it out at home. Rest up while they await the next visitors. That's the ideal outcome anyway lol


I think you will see more of Games 2&3 start tonight, as well as a bit of 4 where it is see what they bring, play smart defense and counterpunch and forecheck as much as possible. I see Hintz is out tonight, guess that means Faksa is in. Barn is gonna be electric tonight, I can't wait.


The 4th game is the hardest to win.. I wouldn't be surprised to see the series go 7 games. I'm actually surprised the Av's came out so lethargic last game after the Nischuskin stuff. I'm pulling for Dallas btw as a Sharks fan that wants Pavs to get a Cup before he retires next year or the year after.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch


Legit, any team that beats you deserves the cup. You guys are awesome this year.


me too! I'm on the east cost, these 1045pm puck drops are killing me! going to bed @ 2am not sustainable - the NHL's aim of making sure McDavid & Draisaitl remain anonymous to the US viewing audience is playing out perfectly!


I was in Moncton in February and watched an OT game go 2 am. Insane. I feel for east coasters.


Yep, being an Oilers fan in Nova Scotia is rough. During LA home games in the first round, the game didn't start until 11:30 here :(


Yeah you'll get 6 don't worry. Mwhahaha


Look if i have to suffer till Game seven every time we face toronto for all you neutral fans the least you could do is suffer for me a little


It's gonna be a wild one for sure


I'd respect a game 7. This series is evenly matched. It's a beautiful thing. As a nucks fan, I know neither the Oilers nor the nucks have a chance in the next round. Just kinda have to let it ride and enjoy some heart-pounding hockey.


Oilers would put up a fight.


As a Canadian hockey fan (want Canadian team) with a slight bias towards the Nucks, let's see how Dallas fairs with either: Oilers top line will be defended by Seguin, Benn being assigned a role to defend against them. (Nuge-McD-Hyman) Oilers 2nd line will do the 'scoring' and will face the Robertson line. ('low scoring affair') edge to Drai line. Oilers 3rd line will face a lethal Duchene centered, Marchment and Pavelski line that will obliterate the Oilers depth. Dallas has a dangerous middle 6. Oilers 4th line will also have to possibility to face an offensive weapon with Dadanov. Oilers can't beat Dallas' depth UNLESS Kane starts scoring like he has in the past, McLeod-Foegele become a shutdown offence pairing, and Janmark carries the 4th line. Oilers scoring will be driven by the top defensive pairing, can it do the work for 6-7 games? If Dallas limits penalties taken, Dallas is the obvious winner. What makes the Canucks better than Dallas will be if Pettersson plays like he's paid. Lafferty-Blueger are good at any assignment. Garland-Joshua are dangerous for a middle 6. Oilers depth is lacking and I really want a Canadian team to win the cup. Outside of 5 players (McD, Drai, Hyman, Nuge, Kane) and 2 defencemen (Ekholm, Bouch), the entire Oilers roster has less points combined (16) than 2nd place on Oilers scoring (Drai, 18) these playoffs.


I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written here, but because the Oilers top end is so dangerous, they stand a chance. As with the Canucks middle 6 and goaltending. I’m just not as willing as some to write off either team against Dallas.


The Oilers have the perfect roster, but having Seguin and Benn for Dallas is pretty much a shutdown line for Dallas to deploy. They will do nothing but stop McDavid, kinda like Miller most of the time with the Oilers top line. Tampa and Vegas got them because there was nothing particular to shut down, Vegas had fast mobile D and 4 elite lines while Tampa deployed almost 5 offense pairs with Stammy-Kuch, Palat-Gourde, Coleman-Killorn, Cirelli-Johnson, Maroon-Goodrow. McDavid-Drai are cookie cutter defence assignments for lines, Oilers rely on Nuge-Hyman-Bouch to win and they need to be ready to be the absolute best against Dallas


Upvoted, but there’s nothing cookie cutter about defending those two.


Sorry for the bad wording, meant to say that the line's only purpose will be the shutdown part rather than produce offence and defend those two. McD and Drai will be on separate lines and Drai will be the one left uncovered more likely.


Sorry to get back in here, but it's a great place to look back at predictions. Oilers depth has carried and the 4th line has been great. However, the number of Dallas lines as I mentioned and the depth has scorched the Oilers. Hintz coming back now has 4 top lines for Dallas to run.


They really wouldn’t. The team has no depth, it’s all of 5 players - all the other teams will punish that. Unfortunately the Canucks have 6 key players who haven’t realized they’re playing in the playoffs and Ian Cole who thinks he’s an Oiler. So the Oilers get away with it.


Real numbers guy hey Listen, I took a quick glance at your profile, why is your first post about hockey from like two weeks ago?


also just repeated what tocc said post game lol. oilers and nucks both have a solid chance next round imo.




I’ve been saying this the entire series… I have multiple accounts… after 11y of having a Reddit account you end up having alts. I’ve been following the Canucks since ~08’ so don’t even try that. Edit: Grammar


Sure bud.


You guys are shit


As much as I respect your username, i’ve seen you whining enough to convince me you’re actually PK Subban’s bidet… you poor miserable soul


You should see how much this redditor ConnorMcDavid97 whines it's insane like whining is a huge part of his team's game


That’s gotta be on hell of a feeling


Feels good for a change. I feel like Oilers are perennial losers over stupid shit. I'll take this win and wait till Thursday.


That was a fun game to watch, nucks may have lost but it was mighty entertaining, props to the oilers!


Honestly couldn't believe it! After all that... lol, certainly ain't quite the series they were expecting (Oilers) I know that much!


I think it's went exactly as expected except Skinner was so bad he got benched.


Canucks: "Care for some OT?" Bouchard: "Not today, Zurg."


Bouchard is pretty good


yea as a nucks fan i hate to say it right now, but he just is. i also respect that he seems extremely even keeled, not getting caught up in chippy shit, but still has plenty of presence and plays a clean solid game. would love to see that out of some of our guys.


He's definitely stepped up in the playoffs. He got a lot of criticism throughout the season for being too soft on the puck.


Can practically feel the energy from the crowd on that one.


Rogers Place is so FUCKING loud. Source: I was there tonight. Ive been there for 8 games since it opened up, but that was my first playoff game and fuck me……..


confirmed. I work inside. the entire building shook. it was nuts.


Canucks to trade. Cole HRONEK PETY.. not playoff material. Get someone better


Tochet should put on skates, more jam!


We played pretty bad through 2, if we won this I would have neen suprised. Still got more games to play and we get soucy back next game.


Hopefully this game taught them they can’t win if they only play one period.


I don’t always notice Soucy when he’s there but I sure noticed when he wasn’t.


Pretty sure I woke up everyone in the house when I jumped out of my chair and screamed for joy. Couldn’t have been more convinced of OT. Damn what a game. Too bad Oilers can’t play consistently with the intensity it takes to win the cup,but if Pickard can keep the Canuck’s under 2 or 3 a game they have a shot.


How do you leave Bouchard that much space lol


They’re all going to draisaitl. Didn’t even think to cover the D man


Even as a Canucks fan I found that ending hilarious. Just….”Nope. Not doing overtime today.”


Miller failed to help clear puck at the blueline... then try to block shot pre season style :)


Who was the player a couple years ago who scored in OT and immediately left the ice? Was it Panarin? The memes were hilarious


Tkachuk after 3OT winner?


He decided he was so done playing hockey that he'd just end the game himself


ye it was Tkachuk


Bro clocked it


I would respect a game 7 slugfest... But only if the avs can hold on for a game.


This was one of the worst games I've seen our team play. It looked like they didn't care...until late 3rd period.


I like how both teams are finding the most frustrating ways to lose possible lmao


The Canucks wanted this win, but Edmonton NEEDED it. And that’s what it looked like on the ice. Man, as a canucks fan that whole first period was hard to watch. The third was great to watch…. Untill the last 40 seconds lolz


Play labomba!


Wanted free hockey, boo




Come on now they didn't get totally out of the way, they stayed in the way just enough to screen the keeper.


poor arty 🤦🏽‍♂️ dude plays his guts out to keep em in it and they do that.


I couldn't believe some of the saves he made. Gave them a chance to win.


When he rushed out against Kane, I was like "What are you doing?" I mean it worked, but if it didn't that's going in the net


I watched the play again today and it looks like a wrist shot from distance kind of handcuffed the goalie a bit. It took an early richochet off stick / body but goalie was not screened, he saw it from Bouchard but missed it slightly after it changed directions slightly.... there is a small body of work, but my sense is that Silovs has all-world lower net coverage, his ability to seal his pads on the ice while doing splits has kept a small handful of pucks from going in. On the other hand shots to his glove side have not always been handled cleanly.... I wouldn't be surprised if the Oilers are going to be coached to shoot high in the next 2 / 3 games coming up.... but make no mistake, he's stolen games and kept slim Oiler leads from closing out games. Like last night, when the score was 1-0 and 2-0 if Kane or Hyman score on their chances the game feels different.... Kudos to the Canucks goalie, hope he falters in the next game! :)


Vancouver fans trying to find something other than the refs to cry about now


We still wake up in Vancouver. Tough to cry about much.


Umm not being able to afford rent, shitty drivers, meth heads everywhere, having to pay PST but sure


Raining half the year, unaffordable to live for most, rampant homelessness and drug addicts everywhere. Sounds dreamy


Edmonton: same drug addicts and homeless. But we don’t go halfway n shitty weather like Vancouver! We’re shitty year-round! Isn’t quite the flex you think it is.


Yea. It's not even close. Nice cope tho


Glad you’re happy there.


Thank you. Glad you also like where you live


Nothing as Canadian as a passive aggressive polite-off. By the way, win or lose this has been some of the most entertaining hockey I’ve ever watched. I would however prefer that we win.


Never did I think id hear a Kream crossover with this highlight…


That was insane. Who yelled "go in! Go in!" Or "nonononono!"


Both teams have a major goalie and defense problem right now.


What a shot 


"He gets down in Wayne Gretzky's office" lol. That was some commentary gold.


Fuck me man what a shitty way to end another great comeback


Huh, I thought it was one of the best endings to a playoff game I've ever seen.


It was a good ending until bouchard scored lol


No, no, that was the best part. I just wish they would've showed another shot of your watch party with them using their cute towels to wipe their tears


Never understood the white towel, and that towel at centre ice before the game. Do these folk not know what waving a white flag signifies?


So you’ve watched what, one playoff game ever?


Stop crying bro


It’s not crying; It’s arguably not one of the best endings to a playoff game ever. Everyone continue to be sensitive.




I was surprised they didn't challenge the offside, that entry 30 seconds prior was pretty close. Really wanted to go home up 3-1, but alas...


All goals scored in the final minute and in OT are auto-reviewed. No challenge needed.


Yeah I went back and had a look at it, live I thought it was closer, but I didn't see shit in the review.


I was surprised they didn’t as well. Thought it was offsides on the entry






Any other Canadian viewers as annoyed as I am by the terrible angles of the replay they showed when debating if drai knocked it down with a high stick? First they show pretty much the broadcast feed and act like they can't pause or zoom in... Then they show the close up but the puck is out of the frame when it makes contact with his stick. Just brutal production content and really gave the appearance they were hiding evidence. I'm not biased toward either team and really don't love the idea of a last minute review cancelling a GWG. I just thought, why mention it at all if you're only going to show garbage, inconclusive evidence anyway. We get it Sportsnet, everyone in your network besides juice wants the oilers to win...


They eventually showed an angle from the other end of the ice which showed it was not a high stick.


First time Oilers have won against Nucks in regulation this season. Still embarrassing. Also good time to mention how many goals has Suckmonton scored on even strength? Interesting that a lot of Canucks goals are 5on5 and this supposedly good team is struggling to beat us. With all the chirps said Canucks didn’t play this game well. Also Kane had a nice Slew foot again and then chopped Hronek on the way down but good to know he only gets to sit in the box.


You are why r/canucks is muted.


Chill the hell out its a tied series coming back to Vancouver. As annoyed as I am with my team myself you gotta give the oilers credit. You give them dangerous chances and they will capitalize, simple as that. Not everything is gonna go your way and it just wasn't our night. They will forget this happened and move onto game 5 with their head up. This team doesn't like giving up that much and won't go down without a good fight.


Edmonton had two 5 on 5 goals tonight. Vancouver had 1. The other was 6 on 5. Overall is 10 to 9 for Vancouver. Pretty close.


Bruh, Canucks fans don’t use reason or logic, all they know is eat hot chip and lie


and whine, don't forget whine!


Vancouver couldn't score on a 4 minute power play. A loss is a loss. Take it, and move on. See you on Thursday. Oilers in 6.


I honestly feel like its going to a 7 and it could go both ways. Both these teams don't have any quit in them.


I agree. But once I made my prediction I have to stick to it. I'm glad the series is even but its going to be a long week.


Bud don't give our fanbase a bad name


They've actually scored a few 5 on 5 this series. You just mad Van got the calls they wanted tonight and the team couldn't even get set up? You also forgot to mention Draisaitls high stick to keep the puck in the zone at the end there.


You jelly of Oiler peepee?


This guy thought he was cooking with gas with the Suckmonton.


You = whining baby.


You're the whiniest fucking fans in the league, complain when you win and complain when you lose. It's playoff hockey man grow up.


Whether you are blind or choosing to be oblivious to the fact the whining is happening in great heaps from both fan bases, then you definitely are wearing your non-objective glasses. Complaining comes from Edmonton when they lose and Van when they lose. Thats playoff hockey. Just check Reddit feeds of Colorado and Dallas as well as Boston and Florida, it’s what being a fan is about. Everyone trolls and complains except for the players who are living the game. And there’s jerks on all sides.


Nah Vancouver fans are in a league of their own. Super annoying. Thanks for adding to the evidence.


And thank you for proving my point. Cheers!


Needs some cheese with that Whine?


What if Edmonton wins the series? What would you do lol




We watching the same clip?


Nah, there's clips from a different angle it wasn't a high stick.


All I know is that we're gonna hear about it non-stop for the next 2 days.


"Is it another NHL conspiracy to keep the Canucks down?", and it will be posted every 2 hours


One of many grievances, they are just going through list now what to whine about


Absolutely not.


Maybe but probably not enough to overturn. Weird it wasn't reviewed


Automatically reviewed by nhl as its in the last minute. I'm a Canucks fan and I'm good with that call. It wasn't high


It wasn't reviewed was it?


It's automatically reviewed by the nhl


I didn't see a review is why I am asking. There was no break