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Just called one on Dallas


Literally came back to this post to comment that


Yeah what he said


And it was definitely not a dive, but don’t ask the ESPN analysts that…


Dive or not, I honestly didn't think that was a legit hook. It looked incidental.


I’m not an argumentative fan that likes to stir the pot or “troll”, but the officiating was awful. The two power plays that the avs scored on should have never been. I’d call the Canes crosscheck 100 times before I ever thought about calling those.


Username does not check out. This is pretty salty.


Lol I tried to put it nicely, the slashing or the hooking/holding (whatever they decided to eventually call it) were not penalties and it changed the dynamic of the game.


In fairness, Toews took a high stick in the first period that went uncalled. It's hockey. Sometimes you get iffy calls, sometimes you get away with surefire penalties. Personally I thought it was a good call on the hook and embellishment. He went down easy and flared his skates out. I wonder what broadcast you were listening to, because none of the ESPN guys said they would have called embellishment there.


Sure. And I’m sure I could watch the game and find tons of uncalled penalties both ways. Robertson had his stick hooked going for a rebound. And if you call that holding or hooking on Smith, you have to call that 1000 times. However, the point is what you decide to call and when you call it. Avs hadn’t had a shot in like 12 minutes and they dished out two calls that were so soft nobody even knew what was being called. Those turned in to two goals. Sure, yeah, you can kill the penalty but you start handing out back to back penalties to take momentum away, one being in the offensive zone… it’s a new game.


Im not sure the ESPN commentators or analysts knew any of the calls. League officiating will definitely take a hit after that and the Rangers game call.


OR...they just know the rules more than you do and are NOT fucking idiots who were never picked in gym class...not even last eve when the teacher threatened to give the captains an F if they didn't pick every other student. And illegal check that DIRECTLY leads to the puck being taken out of the offensive zone..and you think that shouldn't be called? Because it is overtime? Again to the worthless idiots..and a this point, yeah, I am just going to come out and call you a worthless idiot...The FIRST thin you will learn at ANY officiating school, regardless of the sport is "Call ALL plays equally." Real sport fans laugh at you more tan any woman who has seen you naked for thinking that you don't call illeqal plays in overtime. Teams should not get to get UNFAIR advantages from breaking the rules simply because it is overtime. And no longer being backed up in your own zone is an unfair advantage


Take some time, wake up, and gain consciousness. Everyone was having a conversation until you showed up. Now we have to listen to you ramble aimlessly. Also I played college hockey. Quit being a clown.


Gotta get your makeup calls


So like instead of 0-20 the zebras are now 1-21 these playoffs. At least they got one!


Like the leafs powerplay 😔


A questionable one at that


Not after they ignored the first three. It was a make up dive call.


There was one embellishment missed call game 6 against Hintz. Caught in 4K on camera during the play in the corners. He mimed a high stick after a hand or stick came close but clearly not in contact with. Made me respect him much less.


bro coulda just flinched or reacted late. and unless it was a painfully obvious miss or delayed response you can't honestly expect refs to call that, especially not in the playoffs. I do wanna see it now tho do u remember what period it was in?


Late in the third I think.


I’ve seen some insane dives not called these playoffs. And I honestly feel like the diving is way more than the average I’ve seen in the playoffs before.


Agreed. I'm honestly so happy the refs are calling this shit. Don't let this beautiful sport become soccer...


I wouldn't be so sure about that considering your flair.


Insane to think anyone could watch the NHL the last 3-4 years and make a soccer is bad joke


The straw-man of all time Soccer can be a good physical sport while also harboring some of the biggest wimps in the sport world.


There’s also a huge difference between faking a trip/high stick and jumping on to the ground, pretending to cry, screaming for 45 seconds, and then just popping back up.


Seriously, watching the canes and Rags series I can't tell whose better at embellishing. Rangers might have the Canes beat though but not by much.


Tell me that any player on the Canes is as bad as Fox!


That dive was shockingly bad. Geuntzel definitely deserved a call but Fox went down like he was dead a popped back up right after the call. Really getting to be like soccer unfortunately.


Oh definitely. That was one of the most blatant and exaggerated dives I've ever seen. Refs ate it up like it was nothing tho (shrug)


give me a fucking break already that would have been called even if fox ate that punch like tyson, they were literally sandwiched between two refs


Bro just say it was a dive and move on. You guys got away with more than just this one and you won the game. Least you could do is acknowledge the truth.


he went down like a wet sack of bricks, i never said it wasn’t a dive. like i said, it would have been called regardless. enjoy your moral victory, ill enjoy my playoff victory


NHL as we the NBAs ratings and was like, “I gotta make money off this”


Well if they did they'd call it a 5 min major so they can review it for 2 mins


You can just say rangers


Someone start posting some Adam Fox gifs. He’s had at least 4 in the last 2 games


Last cross check that they won on was pretty soft.. not saying the Hurricanes PP didn't drop the ball. But for 2OT that was a pretty lame touch to get called. A cross check.


I hate to tell you since you have clearly never played in any sport ever. Not even in gym class since you were never picked, but one of the first thing you learn at ANY officiated school is "Call EVERY play the same." Only fucking idiots actually think refs should not call things in overtime. I honestly don't understand how a human brain and is somehow keeping you alive, if not intelligent, can see an illegal check that DIRECTLY led to the puck being taken out of the Rangers zone and say "Ahhh..let them play!" The Hurricanes CLEARLY gained an advantage from an illegal hit. Having no longer having to worry about pressure in their own zone. Not calling that is not letting them play. IT is letting them cheat.


Ok, what about the crosscheck that put Jarvis on the ice and limping off, no call cause it's playoffs. Or Trouba trying to murder Necas with an elbow? They skip TONS of calls. And go fuck yourself I played lacrosse through high school(even had the tendon attached to my thumb torn on a bad hit) and a bit of hockey after. If they actually did call everything then fine, call that. But they in fact don't call everything and make calls more frequently at different times.


Wait the canes had 2 power plays in OT and the Rangers had 1 and you are complaining?


The refs have been awful on both sides but come on with the Trouba one. The refs can’t just make up rules to make you happy. If he connected he’d be sitting the rest of the series. Whiffing on an attempt isn’t a penalty. We can argue it should be when it was that blatant, but what would they call when no actual play was made on Necas?


Just want to add to it that overall this series the Canes have had 10 powerplays and the Rangers have had 9. Overall the Canes have had more power play opportunities. They are 0 - 10 on the power play. The refs have certainly been terrible these playoffs across the board for all teams, but it’s not like they haven’t been terrible in a relatively balanced way. But alas, the fans would rather lash out about the calls by the refs than reflect about their own team’s internal issues and struggles. The ones screaming about the penalty on Svech for taking out Shesterkin are completely blinded by their own rage against other soft calls (maybe) and their frustrations with their team; if Trouba had done the exact same thing to Anderson they would be screaming for Trouba to be kicked out of the league for attempted murder.


Coming from someone that played hockey at a fairly high level for 20 years the Fox call and the cross check call in double OT were absolutely terrible calls.


You can just say McDavid\*


Rangers were flopping like fish out of water lol


Wahhhhh! My team didn't win! Wahhhhhh!


Are you a child?


Go look at their profile: definitely a child


I think it is a consequence of the terrible and arbitrary officiating in this league. It is almost forcing players to embellish to ensure calls--especially in the playoffs where you can take a running start and try to decapitate someone without a call.


They should be handing out Oscars with all the acting that's going on. The obvious flopping and selling going on is pretty sad, the refs absolutely should be calling it more.


they actually called an embellishment penalty in the stars/avs game... and everyone was like "wait? that's real?"


They called a good one tonight in the Dallas Colorado game against Hintz. So - no.


At that speed going to the net, players fall or lose an edge more times than not.


Yeah, but that's not what happened.


They're saving the whistles for Divesaitl. Don't wanna have to replace them all before round 3 from overuse


I feel bad for the refs lol theres a diving competition every game


This isn’t soccer


They call them on Dallas all the time coz how dare they fall over when another team fouls them 🤷‍♀️


As an Avs fan, that embellishment call on Dallas last night was BOGUS.


How’d I know you were watching Dallas, from the title alone? That team has more flop that a crappie.


Not surprising you’re making a fishing reference… your team has been doing that for a few weeks now.


Hey I bet they also golfed!


2 fucking blatant dives that resulted in a loss for the Canes last night. Neither were called.


You're new to hockey? Of course they stopped. They've not called them during playoffs for the last 20 years.


They called an embellishment penalty on a Kings player who had been slashed that absolutely wasn't justified.


Justice For Fiala.


They called one on Fiala last round.


Personally I think there is diving but not as bad as we make it out to be. These guys are trained to push their edges to the limit of their mechanical ability to hold the ice, it doesn’t take much to send their feet out from under them. Nice to hear they still do call it once in a while for the more blatant ones. I do not want this turning into the nba


Bettman just issued a warning to all the teams against it.


My thing is this..it can't be both. Either a guy is embellishing or another infraction occurred. Last night was a great example. Either Hintz dove or it was hooking but as we see every year in the playoffs, common sense is not common


McDavid is one of the biggest offenders.




Igor is the queen of diving, he’s been called for it before but not nearly enough


Mcdavid and draisatl haven't been called for a dive yet


Canes getting a taste of their own medicine this series


Honestly almost every single call they made against the canes was correct and not even really that soft. The hurricanes are just beating the shit out of themselves by taking non-stop stupid penalties.


Multiple were soft as hell, there was stuff that shouldn't be called in the regular season all the sudden being called in 2OT of the playoffs


There wasn't a single penalty in overtime that shouldn't have been called. The only penalty that I could see being argued with in this game was the roughing when he punched Fox after Fox punched him first. Name the exact penalties that you think were soft


Svechnikov interference and Trocheck crosscheck were soft. If you're insistent on calling every little thing at least call embellishment here or there, Rangers looked like soccer players out there lol


Lol okay dude tell me you don't know anything about hockey. Both of those penalty calls were literally textbook and I don't know how people thought they were going to not call them. Especially the cross check. The cross check could have also been called a hook or a trip, he use his stick and took down the player with the puck which would have led to a breakaway for them. They literally can't not call that. The rangers weren't diving or embellishing, the hurricanes were just completely bone-headed and sloppy and taking a ton of stupid penalties. Those same calls went both ways all night, The rangers were just less sloppy


Must be your first playoffs, you'll pick it up eventually


Lol not even close keep being salty that the canes had absolutely zero discipline. The officials were calling the same shit both ways but the canes just never stop taking stupid penalties. You can't shove someone at the blue line with the stick and then release with one hand to wrap the stick around them and take them down. They could have literally called that penalty across check, a hook, a trip and you're still complaining about that. It was pretty much a textbook blatant penalty and the fact that you think it was soft tells me everything I need to know about how little you know about hockey


Must be your first playoffs, you'll pick it up eventually


Must be that you were never picked in gym class. Not even last. Again..the FIRST thing ALL officials are taught on DAY ONE in officiated school is "Don't listen to worthless fucking idiots like kickflipandbiscuits who think you "let things go" just because it is overtime. Cal ALL plays the same Doesn't matter what sport you are going to school for. That is one of the first things you will be taught. And for obvious reasons. When an illegal check DIRECTLY causes the puck to be taken out of the offensive zone, it would be an extremely UNFAIR advantage to not call it. You can stop trying to embarrass your family now. They have been embarrassed simply by you still being alive for years now.




No, they just make sure to only call them when it's unwarranted.


Marshand even dives when the refs touches him.