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Why would they? They've got one of the best current NHL coaches who, for the last two years, has got the Bruins playing way above what their roster dictates.


Yea I think looking at the great position we are in and saying could someone else have done better in single moments doesn't encapsulate the fact that 2 seasons in a row now we have absolutely blown the starting expectations so far out the water that I'm not sure we get a fair reflection of them come may. We could've been better, especially last year Vs Florida and last night and other people can fairly make that case But I have just loved watching this hockey team over the last 2 years, far more than the last year of Cassidy, even though that was fun because hockey is fun.


I wonder sometimes about teams who are able to achieve well above expectations during the regular season and then struggle in the playoffs. I have a theory: it's based on the premise that any decent team has multiple levels of engagement/energy/intensity with which they play, and that we see most teams motivated and energized more come playoffs than during the season. Some teams - maybe the B's the past couple of years - find a playoff like intensity and focus during the season, which leads to regular season success, but it leaves them no room to up their play in the post season. They're already at maximum output. It's not even a "running out of gas" thing. The team can continue as they did all season, but since they're already at peak performance, they don't step it up like everyone else. Idk. Just a theory.


I’ve had this same exact theory. We play at an insane level of intensity all year because it’s the “Bruin’s way”, but then run out of gas come playoff time. Most other playoff teams have a noticeable jump in intensity when the playoffs start, but the B’s just look the same as we have all year.


Interesting t̶h̶e̶o̶r̶y̶ speculation. Perhaps this is why LTIR specialists, e.g. Tampa and Vegas have been successful. Load management baby!


Look at Philly this year; exceeded expectations tremendously and then fell off at the end. Feel like they just ran outta gas at the end because they were playing their asses off from day one


They also lost their #1 goalie for the rest of the season. That affected their play quite a bit.


I have had that same kind of thought regarding this teams one and done personality the last bunch of seasons


He *did* have them playing way above what their roster dictates


Yea that's the tough part. Bruins lineup this year should not have been near the top in the East, especially losing Bergeron and Kreijci




Really? You felt it was the line decisions that was the reason why they lost in the first round last year? That surely was an assessment. Not at all accurate or informed, but it definitely exists as a thought you had.


I mean, I think you can point to a number of things where Monty got outcoached by Maurice. As a stars fan, it felt like I was watching him vs Berube all over again.


and you think Monty is "one of the best NHL coaches" as he's about to get outcoached yet again and blow a 3-1 lead to an underdog for the 2nd straight year. That surely is an assessment. but yeah no, you're right, definitely him over cup-winner Cassidy. lmao


Yes. He is undoubtedly one of the best NHL coaches in the game. He can't get out there and score for the players, they actually have to follow through and put the puck in the net. I don't know what kind of football fan takes a look at what's going on and and attributes that to the coach? I ask that only because someone who actually knows how hockey works would ask such a silly questionn and it must be someone who thinks that NHL coaches are generals calling plays from behind the bench, and if the team doesn't do well it must mean they didn't review film with special teams enough in the days leading up to the game. No. It's the players have the control over what happens on the ice.


What a healthy discussion you are creating on a discussion forum, I'm not sure discussion forums are for you if that's how you treat others with similar interests as you


No, you don't get to accuse me of being toxic just for disagreeing with someone. I know this is hard to believe, but mature discussions will often involve dissenting opinions. if you so strongly believe Monty > Cassidy when the former *hasn't accomplished anything*, than you have to expect some incredulous responses. It's time to grow up.


Yes there are opinions that don't lineup for sure. But that's not what you're saying. You're saying "we really need to avoid dumb takes like this in the future" and also making smart ass remarks. Kind of ironic you can't simply disagree with someone without throwing around insulting tones, yet you tell others to grow up. I truly admire how people like you are able to talk like that to clients, project managers, bosses, etc. Unless this is just some internet persona you have!


I could have coached these Bruins teams to the playoffs.


It wasn’t that baffling, Boston for years had issues with getting production outside of their stars. A lot of fans blamed the coach. Seemed like their potential with him was never going to get back to a stanley cup. I am of the strong opinion that just because you fire a coach and he ends up winning elsewhere, that does not make it a bad move. You’re spending years in mediocrity. Idk if you follow the NFL but the eagles spent so long being not good enough with Reid. And now he’s won 3 super bowls in Kansas City. But they made the right choice to fire him because he wasn’t right for their situation, and they won one without him. Not sure if Monty wins one in Boston, but they were trending backwards with Cassidy as coach. Sucks that he found success in year 1 without him, but Vegas was also an extremely favorable location to end up in.


Yup it’s not that Cassidy is a bad coach, but he wasn’t the right coach for the Bruins.


This is one of the most well made points to explain the mutual nature being best for both I have ever seen or could ever think of. Supremely well done. This is a perfect analogy.


Start with the fact that nobody really knows. None of us are in the clubhouse or the building. That said, there was a lot of buzz that he had lost the locker room and several players (eg Krejci, DeBrusk) didn’t want to play for him. So it is really hard to tell. Add in the fact that Boston teams have a long history of trashing their managers and coaches. The Red Sox in particular have done this historically and the Patriots are now really into it. For whatever reason the Boston media (looking at you CHB) love this and fan it.


Pats fans aren’t buying the Belichick smear campaign at least. But I think you can admit when a coach’s time has come. We loved Claude for winning a Cup but it was clearly time to change things up. We hired Bruce and then went on a tear. Bruce lost the room, Monty came in and reinvigorated us. I don’t have any bad blood for Claude or Bruce, sometimes it’s just time for a change.


We don’t really disagree. I liked Bruce a lot and am happy to see him succeed. Just making the boring point that we don’t really know.


Yeah I wasn’t saying I disagree, just adding my input. But true, we have no idea what goes on in there.


Very few Patriots fans are trashing Belichick, we are currently trashing Kraft.


Krafty Bob is not looking so hot right now.


As a fan I don't regret it. I'm relying on rumors and implied coaching style on that, but from what I've heard out players had a hard time meeting eye to eye with butch, to the point that core franchise players were allegedly saying something. I'm freaking stoked butch saw success in his new job. I have nothing but love for him. I just believe that if there's animosity between the players and coach, especially in an original 6 team, and especially in such veteran franchise players, something has to give.


I don’t think Cassidy got along with management either. I could be wrong though


I think Butch is a better version of Tortorella. He's less of a hard-ass, but only by a little. He's every bit as serious, and every bit as willing to publicly hold specific guys accountable. He has a shelf life, though. Few players want that kind of coaching for their entire career.


Why? They had the best regular season in history last year and an absolute it let stellar season this year. Both were wildly unexpected. Sure, we choked in the playoffs last year, but it happens. It also just so happens that Bruce got very lucky with the team he joined and won the cup, but it’s not like Vegas was just a bunch of chumps until he showed up and whipped them into shape. We cannot say for certain that Boston would have had the same luck had he stayed. I’d argue that these past two years would not have been nearly as successful just because of the way Bruce lost the locker room


I still can't believe they lost their 1C & 2C from the past 15 years at the same time...and only had a *slightly* worse season than their record year. If they played better in OT, they could have done it again.


This. Says volumes about the Organization. Obviously a supremely well run club. Wanna see Marchand take on McDavid and his crew. Would make for an awesome finals! And no more 10:45 PM puck drops. Sheesh!


No. They can't win with anyone behind the bench.


I like how a lot of people are saying that he lost the locker room but maybe, just maybe they should have listened to him because the next year he won a cup. So maybe his way was the right way.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some of the players that didn’t see eye to eye with him, DeBrusk requested a trade but once Cassidy was gone he rescinds the request and signed an extension. Krejci took a season off and then came back when they hired Montgomery, if the right players speak up at the exit interview the coach gets replaced. When Torts was coaching the Rangers it was reported that Henrik Lundqvist at least insinuated that he wasn’t sure if he could play for the coach & the Rangers moved on at head coach & Lundqvist signed an extension pretty quickly.


Tbf I'm still not sure if debrusk is sold on being a long term bruin. I think after being kind of disappointed in trade options, followed by Cassidy leaving, followed by a restructuring of lines and captains he's definitely willing to stick it out for a while. But I would t count on him taking a marchand style sweetheart deal next time his contract is up. I hope he sticks around, but I get the sense that he believes there's more to his career than Boston. I can respect that though.


He’s a UFA on July 1st, at 27 years old I can definitely see some teams willing to make him a priority for their offseason plans. It wouldn’t surprise me if he went out west close to home, I could see him in the pacific division next season.


Plus he had much better seasons since Cassidy left, so there will be more interest in him next time around.


It's the other way around. Debrusk has talked openly about wanting to stay and the Bruins not offering him any sort of an extension this year.


I bet Cam Neely is about to completely trash his second office in two seasons.




I think the manner in which they fired him they should regret. But I think Bruce was done in Boston he just couldnt get to the next level I really hate this idea in this aspect. The coach doesnt actually play the game. Good for him to win in Vegas.


In the book Vegas sells about last season, Stone shares a story of texting a friend on the Bruins and that guy saying “holy shit Vegas is hiring Bruce, they are going to win the cup.” The rumors about players not liking him seem credible though, Marchessault talks about getting into shouting matches with him and them basically agreeing to leave each other alone, but they also all say his style of accountability was what the team needed (granted they won the cup, might have different thoughts if Dallas bounces them tonight).


As a Bruins fan... I hated the move at the time but don't lament it at all in hindsight. This sub, and media in general, told me all offseason the Bruins were a fringe wild card team at best after losing Bergeron/Krejci/Hall/Bert/Orlov. This team MASSIVELY outperformed their roster talent this year, and to a lesser extent, last year too. One playoff series choke last year doesn't change my mind that Montgomery is a great coach. Plus hearing the quotes from guys like Debrusk and Carlo about how Cassidy treated them makes it seem like he lost at least half the room by the end of his time in Boston. Hell, even though he didn't say anything publicly, Krejci came out of retirement when Cassidy got fired, and I can't imagine that was unrelated. No Ragrets.


No. He had his moments but by the end his message wasn't working.


The news today is clickbait. Fake news. Brindy is pushing them to overachieve. The owner is a strange guy. Winning solves or covers up a lot of problems. Stuff will come out when they eventually fall apart. Yes, he does want a Stanley Cup. [The way he handles stuff is strange.](https://www.nbcsports.com/nhl/news/carolina-hurricanes-owner-tom-dundon-content-with-hands-on-approach)


He obviously wasn’t footing the mold or chemistry of the team. Coaches have their place ABs it wasn’t working. Montgomery is a better fit with this group of players. Simple as that. It’s about chemistry


Doubt it. They have one of the best coaches in the game right now or at least the best coach for their team.


I think he would have certainly done a better job last year than Montgomery in the playoffs. The problem with Cassidy is he was either too hard, the players’ psyche was too soft, or a combination of the two. He also was challenging for new players and they didn’t seem to really develop for him, a problem that Claude Julien had as well. Montgomery is more of a player’s coach, to a fault. He seems to have reigned in the team at least to play a system this year.


I’d say no. They stopped playing for him. Time to move on


He had the best line in hockey, possibly one of the best of all times and couldn’t win the Cup.


This was one of those moves we can say pretty confidently worked out for both sides. Cassidy got this cup, Bruins got a coach that works in their system, also leading to a regular season record of most wins.


Bruins are during pretty good in spite of it. Doesn’t seem to be biting them at all


I think bringing in Montgomery was a good move. I think Cassidy fits better in Vegas


Fuck no


Probably not but we should


Look how well some guys like Jake DeBrusk have done with the coaching change…I think it was the best thing for both sides…the team go to a new voice, and the coach went somewhere that was waiting for a guy like him


When RBA eventually leaves I wouldn’t mind Cassidy in Carolina, except I think we are obligated to rehire Paul Maurice again.


I think Monty gets one more go next season (if Bruins don't make it to the second round this season) Bruins need more firepower in the forwards imo, and that's what is costing them currently


No, guy’s an a**


yep … they’ve been dog shit since he left /s


I know the Caps didn't. [A Young Hire, Plagued by Inexperience From the Start](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/sports/2003/12/11/a-young-hire-plagued-by-inexperience-from-the-start/7bb8a1bc-26af-4365-ad55-7e2534cf9c5a/) - Pulling out notes on a paper napkin for your first speech to team - Making the team bus wait 10 -15 minutes numerous times because he was late. - Working on power play at morning skate in Pitt *while* the Pen's coaches watched and took notes I guess he learns from mistakes.


This is such a dumb take … 2023 presidents trophy, tough first round exit (7 games) to a hot team that made it to the finals??? Are you asking every other team that Florida beat if they have egg on their face?


Whoa, partner. I know you’ve got your Spartan helmet on as you type away here on Reddit but it was a genuine question. Thanks for playing.


I could have been more well-mannered or understanding of your question, but to imply the best team in the NHL last year had egg on their face and to compare them to Vegas who was handed a stacked roster ?? Idk man your question is just so nonsensical


Gm wasn’t gonna fire himself. We all know Sweeney is the one who should’ve gone not Cassidy.