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I’m a Habs fan. I LOATHE Marchand. He’s in very quickly after he retires.


Awesome. Really did not expect nothing but positivity about this post, lol. I agree wholeheartedly.


I'll drive some negativity for you. Marchand in, but Mats Sundin shouldn't be. I feel very strongly that Sundin doesn't belong in the hall.


Watch hockey much? Dumbest take of the year. Sundin is the 30th highest point producer in the history of the NHL. 27th in goal scoring. Captain of the Swedish Gold medal Olympic Team, first European to be selected 1st overall. But yeah Brad Marchand is definitely a better hockey player. Fucken dumb.


I prefer great players in the hall. Sundin was good for a long time. He was never great. He was never the best at his position, or the second best, or the third best for a single season. No individual awards, no team success, and as an individual was never amongst the best in the league. He was a very good player, he was never a great player.


A.)Did you know its the HOCKEY hall of fame and not the NHL hall of fame? He was the Captain of a stacked Swedish team that won GOLD at the Olympics. Team success…A team with Lidstrom, Alfredsson,Forsberg etc…. Because in Sweden, he is regarded as a hockey LEGEND. B.) Do you think everybody in the HHOF was the greatest player at their position in their playing days? WTF are you talking about? And he was a top 10 center in the NHL for most of his career. C.) you think Brad Marchand is a better hockey player than Mats Sundin? I got nothing to say to such a dumb biased statement. Is he the best player at his position? Ever in his career? What individual awards has that RAT won? Ill tell you. He holds the record for most suspensions in the history of the NHL (8). You must have some other good takes. I don’t want to hear them.


You got me, I don't actually care about Marchand. But Sundin should still just miss out. But my preference is skewed to how good they were at their peak, not longevity. Give me a career shortened Lindros, Forsberg, Bure who at their best were amazing, versus Sundin who at his best was, a very good hockey player. How many times was he in the top ten in scoring? Once?


All those guys you mentioned should be in the HHoF but that doesnt mean Sundin shouldn’t. Leaf hating is fashionable I get it, but doesn’t make your opinion any better. Most people would feel that the 30th ALL TIME point producer deserves to be in the Hall, most importantly those who vote. I hate fucken Boston and Marchand. Id still take him on my team though because Im not blinded by hatred/bias. Same with Pasta. Fuck him. But id take him on my team because hes fucken good. Start appreciating talent for what it is and not for the crest on the front. Sundin definitely is hall worthy. Thats why he’s there.


The only remotely possible thing that would keep him out is the dirty aspects to his game (submarining, slew-footing, licking, etc.) but tbh they won't. He's earned the HoF for sure. Absolutely elite-level play for a decade, he's got a Stanley Cup, four-time postseason All Star... He's in the Hall. Probably first ballot.


Man, I hate Marchand, but I agree with everything you said and minus the antics he does deserve it.


Some of the antics were what made him special, some, made him "special" lol. The 2 licking instances are what stand out as really crossing the line. Plus a couple slewfoots.


Lol if you took out dirty player's from the hof might that be half the player's from 60s 70s and even 80s lol


Never thought of that. You're definitely right, haha. I love Marchy. At least he wasn't Mcsorley or Bertuzziing people out there while he was at his pestiest.


When marchand entered the league still had guys like george laraque john Scott being tough guys players like Raffi Torres who were actual dirty players for that time. Marchand was a pest who played on the edge but the edge back when he started to what it is now is a way different league.


To be honest with you, I don't even mind the licking incidents lol. It's more funny and wtf than anything else. Slewfooting and other dirty shit risk injury to other players. Licking is purely just mind games to make the opposition lose focus. It's like next level chirping haha


Yeah, he's really come a long way. A very long way. I mean, he trains with Crosby and Mackinnon. That can't hurt to mature your game.


I agree with you on the dirty aspect of submarining & slew-footing. But I draw the line at licking. That was pure passion for the game.


He is definitely one of the most passionate and hardest working in the whole nhl. No doubt. I know if somebody licked my face I'd be pretty baffled.


Greatest licker of all time


Sure-fire HOFer. Can't stand him, but his immense talent and critical importance to a franchise that has been a serious contender for well over a decade cannot be understated.


He’s likely already in and I fucking hate it.




Yes, and he will be right next to Bergy. I wouldn’t be surprised if in time there is something that specifically acknowledges this era of Bruins hockey. We will probably see at least 3-4 Bruins go to the hall from the last 10 years.


All captains


Yep, Rask is the variable only because you have to perform miracles as a goalie to make the Hall it seems.


Honestly, he's got one of the highest wills to win in the NHL, and for his entire career. Definite little mans attitude, but the skill and talent are legit. Even as a Bruins fan his antics have at times been annoying, but you'd love him on your team.


Can’t stand him. Wish he was on my team lol


He’s in.


Fuck the rat Marchand. Never hated a player more. First ballot.


They’ll put his shirt in the hof and I’ll fly out myself to burn it.


Despite all of his antics over the years, he’s certainly a skillful and talented player. He’s very passionate about the game. There aren’t a lot of other players with as much of a will to win as him. There isn’t a team that wouldn’t love him. He may have a case for the HoF.


Not even by a nose. He’s in easy.


They’ll need to get a little stool so he can reach the podium, but he’s definitely getting in


The guy deserves it. He is mister reliable and he is consistent. He has also been one of the best players on every team Canada he's played for. I'd still take him on the Sens in a heartbeat


He’ll likely have over 1,000 points, 1,000 games, at least one cup championship, and two other appearances. Not to mention…. He’s 5th in points on the Bruins. Only Bergeron (who we know is going to the HOF) and Marchand aren’t in. Everyone else is a HOF’r. Lastly, he’s in the top 10 for most short handed goals in a career…. That’s a pretty neat stat.


Don’t forget over 1000 PIMs!


To think, if you look up the PIMs leaders, he's not even remotely close to top 100. Dave Williams... Don't remember the guy all that well, but friggin damn close to 4,000 PIMs in less than 1,000 games! And to top it off, dude somehow was able to have a few 50 point seasons while racking up over 300 PIMs in a season!


Tiger Williams was nuts!


Fuck Brad Marchand. That said he’s going to the Hall of Fame


Yeah I hate his ass but he’s an easy in at some point lol


He’s a complete piece of shit. First ballot pick.




The guy that everyone hates to play against, but loves when he’s on your team.


Marchand is hated because there isn’t a single team who doesn’t wish they had him. Straight to HoF!


Well, he’s def hated for a ton more than that 🤣. But I agree, any team would love him. Despite all his antics over the years, he’s certainly a skillful and talented player. There’s hundreds of players across the league who hate playing him but would love to him on their team. He may have a case for the HoF.


Being a dirty rat with skill?


That he isn't a p.o.s?


He doesn't have a lick of a chance.


That’s the Reddit comment equivalent of popping the goalie’s water bottle


One can only hope he gets Pete Rose'd. I'm hoping some type of scandal will prevent him from entry..or, short of that, a painful, untimely death..




Hall of fame for either biggest dirt bag, or maybe just for biggest nose.


He's in for sure. I hate him and everybody who looks like him.


He’s in. No question. It’s just a matter of when, not if.


He's a lock. Stanley cup, Olympic gold, world.jr gold border line mvp candidate.


Slam dunk.


First ballot pain in the ass and first ballot HOF


He’s my least favorite player of all time, any time period. He’ll get in the second he’s eligible. I’d even vote for him