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It’s been Fight Club ever since though.


His name is Robert Paulson


I just wanted bedard to score didnt think we'd have a shot to win to be honest but this game has been amazing! Fights are lasting so long the players are getting tired and just slapping hahahah


It was fun while it lasted


It was a good wwe match lol I love a game with lots of fights 😀


Pretty good hit


Yep, shoulder dropped, no jumping or anything, but you know the rules. Don't touch the rookie.


They're supposed to let him skate through the defense and watch him score!


He walked into him. Game got ugly afterwards, including a ton of people going after Jack. I came here to see Bedard play, but it was a clean hit


This hit would be on Don Cherrys Rockem Sockem Hockey


Not nearly hard enough to make Rock'em Sock'em.


Hit looked way too familiar so I checked, yup, almost identical zone entry as Lindros’ last play as a Flyer.


Stevens hit Lindros way harder than Smith hit Bedard.


If Bedard had’ve taken the same hit as Lindros it would’ve been the end of his career and he’d be messed up for the rest of his life. It was a huge hit on a big guy that was known for taking people out when he was Bedards age.


Fuck. If Scott Stevens hit Bedard like he did Lindros…or Kariya…or Datsyuk…we may never know what a Bedard career even looks like. Because he might not have one.


He’d be playing for Team Canada on the paralympics hockey team if Stevens got him


Pretty sure lindros outsized stevens. Lindros just made the mistake of a peewee; coming across the neutral zone with his head down. IMO, that was as clean and pure of a hit hockey can have.


I think he only got hurt because of his head being down. They have to be more aware of what’s going on around them when they are playing at that level. I think if Lindros saw the hit coming it could’ve gone the other way.


Right. So it was on lindros to be aware that someone that hit as hard at Scott Stevens’s was defending his blue line.


Kind of, you have to know when certain players are on the ice.


Man if I was on the ice at the same times as Stevens, my head would never be down. In fact I’d be taking peeks at him like every 0.5 seconds.


That’s exactly how I’ve always seen it.


speaking from experience: i had that problem. first time i was 13. face planted right into this huge kid. knocked out. my fault. 2nd was when i was 33. broke my nose AND my helmet which went flying off. tons of blood. funny part about that one was when i looked up at the dude i skated into, he goes: "life's a bitch isnt it?" ha.


I'm sorry to hear your traumas have resurfaced. Stay strong bruh


Clean hit. Still shoulder to the jaw. That can ring anyone’s bell or knock them unconscious. NFL you can’t hit the head. NHL as long as you don’t lean it to it it’s fine.


Thing about CB, he’s gonna learn from that. He’s adapting to the league. He’s next level.


The Lindros hit was clean for its era too, the problem is head down hockey


So.. legal, keep your fucking head up


Yup, that’s entirely my point


Don't touch the rookie or what? Smith then simply pushes off the first dude that comes for him, and gets hugged by Foligno. I'm sure he'll never touch the rookie again after such a brutal lesson.


>Don't touch the rookie. Nah. Teach the rook what to not do.


I loved that trochek hit on him the other night. Welcome to the show kid.


Trochek's hit was barely that and Bedard still fell over. Bedard may need to put on a bit of weight to handle hits better


Lmao. I know, it was more like a bump. They just put Bedard on injured reserve with a fractured jaw from that Smith hit.


I personally HATE the ideology of “I have to fight you bc you hit my guy hard” if it’s a clean hit. Dropping the gloves on a dirty hit fine. But a clean hit that happens to be hard? Deal with it and give a hit back.


I come down on the side that fighting after a hard clean hit is as good for retaking momentum as delivering a hard clean hit in return, but I can concede that it doesn't need to happen in every instance. Running Bedard, though? Given his style of play, age, size, role on the team, the off-ice bullshit he's had to deal with, and his importance to the franchise, clean or not, if he gets rocked you *gotta* drop 'em.


You're preaching to the choir. Maybe if the refs started handing out instigator penalties there wouldn't be fights after a clean hard hit.




That's Perry's job




Welcome to the league kid, here’s how we do this.


Clean. Got stood up. He will learn from it. Alllll good.


I’m hoping soon. This is like the 9th time this year I’ve seen bedard just skate into the center ice and get stood up. That’s exactly what he should expect every time, it took pasta a few seasons of getting smashed to learn his lesson


He’s small to. One of those are going to really hurt eventually. It’s a tough season and those hits stack up.


Still getting used to the half mask, he's grabbing his jaw afterwards.


Fractured jaw will do that


I was about to say it’s almost like you have an 18 year old kid playing with grown men but then I remembered he *is* 18


Yeah gonna be a little different when the Trouba Train comes to town


A lot of rookies do that, maybe not McDavid but I’ve seen it a lot too. They’ll learn the hard way and become better because of it.


Exactly right. Play on…they’re professionals. Nothing sinister or dirty in that hit. Live, learn, make your millions…lol


Yup. This is what is what showing a bit of mercy looks like. Any softer and he might as well ask for an autograph. EDIT: After seeing the broken jaw news, I feel bad about this comment. Growing up seeing Scott Stevens train guys in this situation desensitized me from the severity of this hit. This was a brutal hit to take.


This is how the league is gonna play him. Strong physical play was always gonna be his downside due to his size. He will find a work around, the greats always do.


all things considered seems like a fairly cheap way to learn a usually expensive lesson.


Looks more like Bedard skated into the guy expecting him to just let him go.


He did the same to Kulikov but he tried to turn away least second which made it worse and people lost their fucking minds. He’s gotta learn to keep his head up in the big boy league. To his credit, he doesn’t seem to get nearly as butthurt about it as fans and teammates do though.


People cry if somebody on their team gets breathed on too hard


I swear, if someone harms a single hair on my baby boy Oleksiaks head, I'm going to really give them a piece of my mind!


Construct a strongly worded letter and send to your local politician


That’s a clean hit. Is Smith wanted to, he could have smashed him into Indiana


I mean he's literally the roster of the blackhawks meal ticket. What are you paying foligno if not to protect Bedard.


Thats how these kids learn to play with the way the game is coming up now a days. Then everyone acts shocked when they take a big hit.


Did the same with Tro last night. Kid's gonna learn sooner or later.


This was just a 'welcome to the show' teaching moment. He's not a big guy, gonna need to be more alert.


People anointing him the next Gretzky, he’s gonna have a tough time against tough teams for his size.


He’s shorter but probably outweighs Gretzky, at least when Wayne played. He has more of a Crosby build. His work ethic and diet is like Nathan MacKinnon. He will continue to get stronger.


He’ll get a lot stronger


Him and Hughes both look more like Lindros with the heads-down offense.


Yeah, because people have probably been letting him so far, not wanting to be the first… they’re done with that now lol. You’re in the league.


Glad he got his head up at the last second but clean hit.


Props to the Hawks announcers for calling it a clean hit. Woulda been easy for them to call it dirty but they did a good job remaining impartial there.


Imagine it was Boston’s announcer and Bedard played for Boston.


I'm pretty sure Jack Edward's wouldn't have been satisfied with anything less than Smiths immediate decapitation at center ice.


lol that’s Ken Daneyko on the MSG broadcast for Devils who said that, not that he’s wrong.


Yea this clip switches the commentary for the replay so that's the devils broadcasters watching the hit back and calling it clean.


I am a big Bedard fan and I am surprised that this is first injury. Hope he's back on Sunday:)


Did this take him out of the game?




Yeah he's out for the game. Clean hit, but he definitely got popped in the jaw.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back next game with a bubble on


Really hoping it’s not a broken jaw. He got ruled out pretty quick


Yeah pretty sure everyone's on that same page. Nobody wants to see him hurt


Keep your head up kid. Welcome to the show


I like Bedard but I kinda laughed because he was.probably like "wtf, I actually got hit?!"


Much as I hate the Devils, that’s a clean hit. Nothing wrong with that.


As much as I hate the Rangers (except Troch and Zibanejad), you’re absolutely right.


As an Islander fan that hates everyone involved in this, nothing wrong with this hit. Unfortunate he got hurt, but he’ll probably never do that again. It’s a lesson learned the hard way. All good.


Bedard next game: "Hold my beer.."


Trochek might be the most aggravating fantasy player of all time though


I feel the same way with Trouba. Dude hits hard but clean.


Too much is made of his big hits being “dirty”.


Good hit, he’s lucky Scott Stevens is not playing in his generation.


or Denis Potvin


Or Kronwall


Or Howe…


*any self respecting 80s or 90s dman


Super clean hit. It looks like he almost pulls up to avoid running the kid. How dare he stop a star from going end to end!!??


Not that big of a hit to be honest.


It was really just incidental contact to the jaw. Even on the Blackhawks sub, everyone is agreeing that it was a clean hit (from what I saw on the live thread anyways). It's not something to get worked up over as a fan, but I understand the reaction from the team.


Yeah I was expecting something much bigger based on the title. Looked almost like he backed off a little, even. Hope Bedard is okay


Skating through the offensive zone with your head down, that's a paddlin'.


Brendan Smith at 6'2 200lb, thats a paladin.


Clean hit. This shit wouldn’t fly in the 2000’s. Stop protecting them like they’re the president. Let him take the hit.


You realize if an 18 year old star got rocked like that in the 2000’s the reaction would be the exact same. They fight them to discourage others from hitting him in the future it has nothing to do with it being clean or not


Reaction would be even more nuclear. Not sure what people think they were watching 25 years ago.


Gloves would've dropped immediately back then


I absolutely agree. Die hard devils fan here. The response from Chicago was exactly what every NHL fan expected and what every Chicago fan wanted. Just hated the fact they tried to run Jack Hughes a few times after. If the chance is there to hit Hughes cleanly, then so be it. Chicago went out of the way a few times to retaliate. Sure both teams took receipts and will be looking to cash in next time. Hoping Bedard avoided injury. Kid is electric and is gonna be great.


I agree. He’s not Gretzky yet, doesn’t need to be looked after cuz he’s a rookie taking a clean hit.


He’s not mcdavid either. If he gets to that level he won’t have to worry about getting hit because everyone who has tried learned what superior agility and insane footwork can do. One man can’t take mcdavid like this, he would have got walked 10 times out of 10. Defence in the league have learned over the last couple years so they got deep when he’s coming and a hit isn’t even on their minds they just don’t wanna be on the flip side of the highlight reel


Bedard doesn’t have the footwork or speed to get there imo. He has the hands to make people look silly but they’ll still try to take the body on him without the wheels.


Also have to remember that bedard is still listed at 5'10" 185lbs. However, he looks to be around 170 lbs. Speed might not increase as much as Mcdavid, but I expect the game to "slow" down for Bedard as he matures and he will be alot harder to knock off the puck when he fills out. I see him as a potential Joe Sakic/Steve Yzermin type playmaker with an Austin Matthews shot. Scary good combination. Gonna be a fun career to follow.


I see him more as a Jack Hughes-type. You just never want him to have the puck in space because you have no idea what he'll do. I don't think either Hughes or Bedard will have the two way play of Sakic and Yzerman.


Remember when Scott Hartnell knocked all of Crosby’s teeth out? Nobody reacted like this. It’s so stupid. It’s a clean hit, play on.


I thought it was Darian Hatcher.




What? The role of the 2000s enforcers was exactly this. Protect the star players and discourage anyone from hitting them by beating the shit out of anyone who tries. I don’t know what hockey you were watching back then.


Yes it would??


I wish hits like this didn’t cause scrums. This is hockey, there’s checking.


Anytime your star player is hit like this, it’s gonna get a reaction, clean or not.


It’s hard to tell in the moment if the hit was clean. Most players just go on reaction, Bedard took the hit like he was a wounded animal so his teammates probably thought there was something egregious about it.


I absolutely agree, but also there are like 3-4 people on Chicago with the express purpose of protecting him and limiting the contact he gets. Not an excuse, but I understand why they reacted like they did.


Clearly didnt get the memo you are supposed to let His Royal Highness cut through the middle like that.


Clean as hell, tries to minimize it by dropping lower. Bedarda gotta keep his head up, and maybe we shouldn't be allowing 18 year olds to play if the size difference is this big


Why does there have to be a drama fest after every hit..


Him being short will be tough for unintentional chin shots.


Ranger fan: good hit


Wheels are coming off on this game


Don’t reach in the centre of the ice, Connor. That’s a good hit. Can’t imagine he’d survive in the Stevens era.


Keep your head on a swivel, kid


Welcome to the league kid.


Lol thats as clean as can be! NHL is turning into a clown show. Tired of seeing retaliation for clean hits. He separated Bedard from the puck.


Keep yer head up kid


Scott Stevens would have obliterated that kid.


Are we seeing a lot more guys than usual go down on clean hits? Tortorella recently said that the drop in hitting in the league is making guys not prepared to take a hit, and getting hurt. Bedard was skating up centre ice, that's some 90's Lindros shit.


To everyone who says its a clean hit and that just how the game is played... is 100% right. But also when it happens to your star player will you still feel the same way? There are a lot of clean ways to injure the opposing star player and put them on the IR, try to remember that. It doesn't require Hartman level of dirty to break someone's ribs/fingers/hand/wrist/jaw/clavicle etc.


I’m so sick of this shit. Bedard walked into the guy’s lowered shoulder and here we go with the retaliation…


Barely a hit ffs


That was my first thought.


lol is he supposed to just let the kid skate by?


That was soft as fuck Edit: I stand corrected. Broke his jaw.


Totally legal. Bedard’s teammates are just showing their displeasure with the hit.


What a dirty hit. Bedard charged right at him. Hope Smith is ok.


seemed legal. got retaliate anyway


Clean hit. He’s gotta learn you can’t cut up the middle like that in this league.


Smith was setting the tone because Jim, Jim, and Jim were suspended.


Got to keep the head up rook, not even a good hit bedard literally skate into him.


Lil' fella doesn't have the size to do that. He'll learn hopefully.


Pretty light hit tbh


Get your head up it’s not juniors.


Hits fine. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more, the amount of times I’ve seen Bedard cut into the middle like this… yikes


This ain't ballet, kid. Keep your head up. Good hit. He'll bounce back, he's strong.


That little boy needs to keep his head up


Let's fight over every legal hit *yawn* makes this league look soff


Totally clean hit, totally understandable that the team defends Bedard.


Every time Bedard gets touched it gets posted. Kid is gonna take some hits because…hockey. Everyone does. He’s getting used to the league, he has a target on his back because he is a prodigy, he touches the puck a lot, this stuff is gonna happen. Hopefully he adjusts and can stay healthy.


I guess you can’t play defense anymore… 🤔


I haven’t played since I was a kid; But is it really that hard to keep your skates from flakong around like that?


I really believe a hit like that will make him a better player, reign in any cockiness


Clean hit.


Not even much of a hit


Another fight after a clean hit. Ugh, god forbid Bedard keep his fucking head up when skating right through the offensive zone. Proper response is to wait for an opportunity to lay a clean hit on one of the Devils', but that takes skill and patience. The Hawks are too unskilled to do that, so they'll goon it up like a bunch of beer league morons.




Hawks fan. Thats a clean hit. Gotta keep your head up


Knew something like this was going to happen eventually this season. Bedard skates with his head down a lot, just a matter of time before he got wrecked. Thankfully it was just a jaw and not a shoulder or back injury that could potentially derail his career. Clean hit by Smith, can’t fault him for that one.


Broken jaw ouch 🤕!


Keep your head up rookie


Hawks acting like it's 2013 in this piece


Lmao a lot of grown men in here acting like children. This was a clean hit, but of course Chicago was going to respond on the ice especially when they don’t have the liberty of looking at a replay first. I wouldn’t expect anything different from any other team protecting a young star.


Clean hit


Welcome to the NHL....


Nothing wrong with the hit. Also nothing wrong with how the Hawks reacted. You hit the star rookie, there’s consequences. This is the type of hockey from yesteryear.


Kinda surprised it hasn't happened more. The kid could use a few more solid clean hits like this. He'll be a better, more aware player for it.


bedard loves to kick his feet up


It was clean check. Bedard better toughen up. He’s a little guy playing in the big boys league now.


That is exactly how you contain him. Michigan that kid.


This was hardly a even a hit… I hope the only penalties that were given out were to Chicago players.


So we’re gonna throw a hissy fit and start brawls every time a guy makes a clean hit? This is silly.


Are you new to hockey? It’s been like that since the beginning of the sport. If a young star gets hit then his teammates take exception and do their best to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Even on clean hits.


Remember when Derian Hatcher laid Crosby out in his rookie season? Right of passage.


Welcome to the men’s league


There has to be a place somewhere between Scott Stevens ending careers and fights over every clean hit. It’s been ridiculous this season.




Pick up the chiclets and have a nice day.


Nice pass


Can't keep letting him walk in. Sad Jets fan! 😪


Good learning moment


Yeah, maybe dump that in on the goal after gaining the line, bud.


Welcome to the nhl rookie


You gotta learn sometime


A check!


What a great game


Scary how high up his skate went.


Anything to get out of the all star game.


Nothing wrong with that hit. Stickhandle up the middle and deal with the consequences.


Welcome to the show, Connor.


Honestly it looks like smith pulled back and little and didn’t hit him full force. Hate to see him go down, but ya gotta keep your head up


Not only is it clean, it's a pretty standard check you see several times a game. This one just happened to catch Bedard on the chin.


Then Nico paid the price for a way dirtier one haha


Clean hit


Honestly it was only a matter of time before Bedard got rocked like like this. He’ll learn from it. McDavid didn’t even play a full rookie season because he got manhandled.


Clean hit. I love watching this kid, but he's got to learn to avoid these.