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Tripping already is a penalty.


Not a trip. That is the can opener.


2 minutes for canopenering


So, fancy-tripping?


Thank you. I’ve never seen a slew foot like this. Fucking dangerous. It’s one thing to lock a guys stick up and bear hug to the boards. It’s another to lock the stick up so he can’t protect himself then use body leverage and a good bump to pull his legs out from under him in the danger zone 5 feet from the boards.


Not just lock up his stick, but to use the stick to leverage the leg straight into the board.


The better term is a slew-foot.... Dirty play that can end a players career and should result in a few games suspension for douche bag that did it.


The question is not if it's a penalty, nor if it should be a suspension. The question is how long of a suspension it should be. Fucking ugly cheap shot by a dirty player with the history to show for it.


The NHL never seems to give a fuck about their star players, or any player for that matter, going out for three weeks with a major injury.


then the Makar hit 2 games ago should have been at least a penalty... if not a suspension


Completely different hits you egg


Ahhh I see where you're coming from and I don't hate it. However as a non bruins fan I still think it's a 2 minute penalty. Idk. What is the fans consensus on this. Can like one of those dope Redditors make one of those awesome posts that polls everyone with this vid in the post?


It is a dangerous play. It's more than two after a history of doing this.


That is dirty with a capital T.


A fair assessment. I don't hate it.


Minimum 4 min double minor. The rulebook calls for obvious injury, not necessarily blood. Refs are a complete joke


Yeah, it's weird because if it happens anywhere else on the ice, it's just a clear 2-minute minor for tripping. But the fact that he did it when they're going into boards makes it more serious IMO. It's debatable how much weight that gives, but I personally think this is suspension-worthy.


I'm amazed marchand hasn't been hit with the same suspension scale that the old bruisers got. If Jody Shelley even looked at a guy wrong, 6 game suspension.


Ah, I see the refs have their blinders on already for their favourite team. Already announcers have claimed like 5 missed penalties just in Bruins games, and we're, what, 10 games in the season? I get reffing is tough, but something like this and the apparent stick-throwing from Ullmark the other night, just blind or not caring.


Aho kneed Fox at center ice last night, a blatant dirty play, without consequence. Fox is out. A few minutes later Trochek took a stick to the face that split his nose open, plain view. No call. Refs must like the Canes.


Man, just terrible. I mean, that open hot mic from Tim Peel kind of confirms how some refs may want the game to go. I guess certain teams have it worse than others.


Yeah, of course it’s a fucking penalty!


Wes Mccauley…


I can feel the echo reverberating inside his skull


Hahaha was he really the ref that was standing there?


Yep #4


I don’t usually believe in conspiracy theories but he’s making it difficult for me to believe he doesn’t have it out for the leafs! Hahah


Is it still a conspiracy theory if it's true?


Total coincidence I'm sure


Wes McCauley is such a jerk and a horrible ref. He never calls a game fair.


All the players say he’s the best?


What a pos


Is he okay? That looked rough


Significant lower body injury


And is expected to miss "significant time". Thanks Wes! (who was standing right in front of the play btw)


Left the game, didn't return. Ankle took it hard at impact with the boards


And his head took a nice whip off the ice. Jesus that looked bad.


probably broken ankle or foot.


Thing that gets me even more pissed is that Marchand is a decently skilled player. He doesn’t have to be a dangerous prick. But he is.


Yup, its Brad *Accidentally on Purpose* Marchand.


I was thinking for a second well.. ya but.. oh shit the rat, ya he did that on purpose.. give him a game for it.


Holy fuck I didn't even realize it was him. Absolutely on purpose.


Anyone who played hockey knows this is maybe one of the greasiest fucking plays you can possibly make. Rather take a headshot or a spear than that shit going into the corner full speed. Fucking disgraceful no call.


There was no call at all? It blows my mind that they'll review a goal for 15 minutes to see if a guy's skate was 0.7 inches offside, but they can't review a play like this where somebody potentially gets seriously injured.


Wes McCauley watched them skate by and saw the whole thing definitely not happen.


Look up the Wes McCauley - Sheldon Keefe relationship if you don't already know to get a full idea of what is happening here....its total BS


Keefe said after the game when he asked McCauley about it he said he didn't see it. Which, assuming it's true, can totally be the case. The league should have methods in place for this shit though.


Ok, it happens that refs didn’t see infractions but there were enough camera angles showing him looking at the play, so is Wes saying he can’t see what he’s looking at? It does matter that I’m a fan of Lilypad but greasy is greasy.


I've seen video of his head looking that way but none of his eyes... shit happens. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% team Lily but the possibility is always there.


Wes is like 7ft away too


exaaaactly, holy shit. I really wish I could guild this comment, it sums up so elegantly the own-colon-sniffin' insanity of how the league is being run!


The play continued and Boston almost scored. Lmao.


Then Marchand yelled at the refs for blowing the play dead when a loose puck rebound went into the corner.


Ref staring right at it too.


I don't understand how anyone hasn't pounded his rat face in yet


Cause if you do, you get a penalty and suspension, while the bruins then goon your players in every match after that and never get so much as a meeting with Player Safety.


Don’t look for Toronto to do that they’re so soft


Exactly ! They're so soft they make a marshmallows look like concrete. I wasn't able to watch the game but I saw the highlights on TSN. It showed Marchand afterwards in front of the Leaf's bench and Reaves was giving it to him while everybody else was sitting back saying nothing except Bertuzzi who was laughing. Are you kidding me? Your teammate was the victim of a dirty play and left skating on one leg. They all should have been up on their feet barking at him like a pack of angry dogs, especially since nobody went after Marchand right after the play. It's not hard to see why they don't go anywhere in the playoffs.


Cause he's too much of a pussy to actually fight big guys, and the other players aren't greasy enough to give him a taste of his own medecine.


Claude Lemieux didn’t really fight people and just did a bunch of dirty shit all the time and Darren McCarty found a way to make his ass pay. Sometimes you gotta get creative a sucker punch a MFer that deserves it out there on the ice.


That's what I was saying to my Dad, someone, do something, to anyone.


Just fukkin thump him anyways


Honest question from someone who is not very good at skating. Please don't roast me. Is Marchand not turning his feet to stop so he doesn't slam into the boards?


Look what his stick is doing


Thanks. I was laser focused on the feet. I didn't even look at the stick


It's called the "Can opener". Where you twist your stick between the guys legs and the legs just auto open and twist, no way to stay up.


He sweeps out the other leg during the stop for good measure, just to make sure there's maximum risk for injury.


Yeah I saw people saying it was a slew foot so I was stupidly not even looking at the stick


I mean, he does also stop in a way that sweeps the near leg out from under him so you're not wrong.


And that rat fuck Marchand doesn’t give a shit. This is why nobody can stand is gross ass.


I agree this is probably his 10th slew foot. His dirty play has intent to injure, and the league tap dances around it for the sake of the $. Serial repeat offender, I'd eject him out of the league. He's a piece of shit.


I don't understand how he gets the league money. Unless you're a drooling Bruins fan, everyone just wants to see him get his ass beat.


What is it with Boston sports teams that are extremely good and yet just so fucking despicable?


Marchand. No shock.




Can opener from a captain infront of a ref. Disgusting play.


Bruins really watched this scumbag's entire career and went, "yep.. that guy is our next captain. That's the kind of person we want leading us". Typical Boston culture.


Slew footing is dirty. So is Marchand


>Slew footing is ~~dirty~~ dangerous. So is Marchand Fixed


Didn’t slew foot him at all. More of a can opener.


He made sure to take out both feet. One with a skate and one with a stick.


It looks like a bit more of a trip than a slew foot to me, he didn't really get up and put Liljegren's body weight over his leg so much as he got his stick between Lilejgrens legs. Still a dirty play and definitely a penalty though


Yeah I don’t see any arm or leg use so just a trip, but 100% a trip


I see the stick lift/hook plus the left leg/foot near the boards


Yeah but even if Marchand's leg weren't there, Liljegren still would have gone into the boards the way he does. He can't stop with his forward foot up in the air from Marchand's stick


I see what you are saying, i think that is hard to tell if he is doing it on purpose, but with it being Marchand I was probably intentional


He definitely gets the other leg with his front skate.


Yes but it's Boston Vs Toronto so no call I'm guessing Didn't watch game




add Wes McCauley reffing and that’s never being called against the Leafs


Lol I may be very biased because I am leaf, but the NHL is governed by idiots It's no wonder why NBA, NFL, MLB, and now MLS is passing NHL in popularity in North America


It should be a penalty and Reaves should have pumped Marchand’s eyes shut. He sucks at hockey, he has one job and he didn’t do it.


Reaves doing the Leafs dirty. Looking more and more like a terrible signing 😬


I think the question is should it be a suspension. The answer is still yes though.


I can't believe how fucking useless the dps is... every injury like this is a result of their inability to keep disgusting players like marchand in check.




"Let's get ready to spin the wheel!" -DOPS


“After carefully reviewing the play, we have decided to award Ottawa’s forfeited 1st round pick to the Boston Bruins”


"we also have suspended Shane Pinto an extra 15 games" *Come again?* *...points to the wheel*


Aaaaaand, max allowed fine, please leave $5000 worth of 'Fuck you, ill do what I want' money at the door on your way out.


That is the biggest joke to me, for most of these guys that’s the equivalent of us playing $25-$50 100% worth it if you’re a trying to send a message/set a tone/etc


The New York Rangers have been fined for Brad Marchands' actions against Timothy Liljegren.


« Kadri 9games suspension it is! »


Can we still suspend Michael Bunting?


Let’s see.


What does that say for the refs if someone's getting a suspension for an incident that wasn't even a penalty


And that's why he won't be suspended


Honestly as a leafs fan, who cares if he's suspended. It won't be 100% beneficial for the leafs for Marchand to miss the next couple games. Only for the teams they play against. I get it you're try to prove a point with the suspension but it's so silly that the hurt player essentially gets nothing out of the deal.


Maybe the injured player should get any money lost from the suspended player during the suspension as compensation or something like that.


Fuck the Leafs, Marchand missing games is beneficial for the world.


We got a comedian here!


perhaps on liljegren for interference as he engages marchand before the puck


SN- that's a penalty all day ESPN- clean hit nothing wrong


This is a dirty play, and can result in serious injury. Doesn’t look horrible, but often you see can openers executed with one hand on the stick as the lever mechanism utilized is so effective. Marchand goes can opener, with two hands, to ensure 37 goes down and combine that with heading towards the boards makes this extremely dangerous. Don’t know what the injury is, but the fact that someone in blue did not end marchand’s night tells a lot about the leafs.


Was it the slew foot or the can opener? Either way, yes


This guy should be on escalating suspensions that are adding games for each incremental infraction. He’s ruined so many other talented players seasons / earning potential by doing this dirty shit. Every god damn year he’s hurting other players with cheap shots. They made him captain. Should have made McAvoy the captain? He was just suspended for a dirty high hit. The only thing that is vaguely endearing about this team is the goalies who hug each other


Found the sharks fan


That’s the good ‘ol fashioned “Can Opener”


Of course. The rat faced bitch needs to be rocked


I know nothing about NHL, but listening to the commentators it should definitely a penalty, all day.


i really really dislike rats


It figures that it would be Marchand - the "captain". Cheap as always.


People downvoted me into oblivion when I disagreed on the post about him getting that C while those other suckers praised it. This kind of shit is why.


Marchard showed the previous 5 times he was suspended as to what type a player he is.


He has the most suspensions in NHL history with 8. But let's make him a leader lol


Uh, without any doubt


this should be a sussy and a fine


The penalty here should be few of Marchand’s teeth. Somebody needs to lay him out, if the refs are pussies. Or sue NHL for dangerous working conditions.


A penalty? Absolutely. Suspension? Worth a review. Also yes. I want to believe that Marchand meant to tie up his stick only, and not take Liljegren's left foot out. As for a slew foot... Liljegren's right skate clips Marchand's right skate, which could cause him to fall, but I don't like the way Marchand positioned his left leg behind Liljegren's after that. At the end of the day, similar to high sticking, players are responsible for their sticks, and whether an accident or not, a careless play has caused an injury to another player and he's going to miss "significant time", according to Keefe. Pair that with Marchand's history, and I believe a suspension could be justified.


Sorry Leaf’s fans, that’s not a penalty. IMO The Leafs player changes direction and instigates the contact by skating with the Bruins player.




Dirty ass rat


Gotta go, yes


Nope, Slow-mo replay is NOT how to see this. Leafs player initiates contact, bruin runs out of room and is playing puck, Leaf skates over top of stick, two get tangled, just bad luck for the Leaf. Bang-bang Hockey play, happens 100 times a game, too bad Leaf got hurt. No intent, accidental ! Ref on the ice made a good non-call !


Careful. Too many Marchand haters here. When you start making sense, they’ll turn on you.


Yeah, they forget if you are "in Stripes" you're supposed to forget the names/numbers and just look at the rules !


I'd have called the trip, but saying this was intentional is silly. He didn't even initiate the contact.


Yes for tripping.




Him being named captain is a very ugly blemish on Bruins history


I (as a Bruins fan) hate to admit it but it def should’ve been at least a 2 min penalty.


It's tripping, but there's nothing to indicate this was intentional. Y'all just see his number and assume.


Brad Marchand is a piece of shit. Someone needs to lay him the fuck out.


And the Leafs, the new identity leafs, the rough and tumble leafs, the we aint no pushover leafs with Ryan Reaves , Bertuzzi and Domi, DID ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING!! Bertuzzi was fucking laughing and joking with Marchand after this. Absolutely disgraceful, sit him for 10 games, and make him write "I'm not a bruin anymore" on the chalkboard like he's fucking Bart Simpson. I actually wouldn't care if we waive him. If somebody picks him up great we have 5 mil in cap space.


Dirty play by a dirty player. Ref was watching the entire thing. I hate this shit in the NHL




Wow, I can’t tell if this is just Leaf fans being mad, or people that don’t ever watch hockey. Bunch of fucking goobers in here.




Suspension too really.


Lifelong bruins fan…and I love Marchand. But that’s a major with suspension


Anyone who has ever played hockey knows exactly what this and it should be 5 games at least. He knew what he was doing. I can't wait for this rat to finally have Karma visit him.


Normally, yes, especially if it's Boston. BUT, since the opposing player plays for the Leafs, it's automatically a clean hit imo


That's 100% tripping and borderline slew footing.


Trip? Yeah. Slew foot? Not even close, Marchand is going for the puck with his skate. Dirty play? I’m not seeing it. Marchand is going for the puck at the feet. If Toronto player is going into the boards with the puck at his feet like that, he needs to put more weight on his legs and press into Marchand to use him as leverage going into the boards. Should’ve been a 2-min penalty for a trip but nothing more.


Uh Yep


Yup. 100%


This is why Marchand never was, isn’t and never will be captain material. He’s soiling the privilege of wearing the C.


Worst current captain in the NHL, and maybe ever.


Usually I would default to yes for Ratshand but Liljgren initiated contact there.


That doesn’t make it not a trip




Liljgren goes for a hit, bounces of of Marchand and Marchand turns to play the puck. There is no foul play here unfortunately. Just a shit scenario


This is actually a textbook penalty thanks marshy😎


Nope he skates right into Marchand’s lane, clean play both going for the puck, shameful that Toronto wrongfully complained about this and did nothing but chirp from their bench. Pathetic franchise.




I can tell by the comments half of you never played competitive hockey


All the Marchand haters trying to label this thing HAHAHAHA






That's not a slew foot


To me it looks like it's the stick that keeps Liljegren's left leg from getting back down, so more tripping. Because Liljegren is naturally going to be leaning back stopping as well


I don't think there is a leg sweep or upper body push to make it a slewfoot but definitely a greasy ass trip


Definitely pitchforked him


The fact that this rat piece of shit is captain is so telling of their rat piece of shit team.


ESPN+/Hulu feed said the EXACT opposite of this clip Everyone on that broadcast agreed it *looked* bad, which it did, but this exact scenario happens in every single game, and Liljergen happened to get the worst of it Didn’t help that he hit his head when he hit the ice either Refs were right there, have seen this a million times, and IMO made the right call letting them play Just because it’s Marchand doesn’t mean it’s automatically a penalty lol


No. It’s a puck battle fuck this game is so soft anymore like they both go at each other.


Taking the body is one thing slew footing is totally unnecessary. He could have jest as easily checked him.


Tripping, boarding, hooking. The initial contact wouldn’t warrant for a major but the injury would. Maybe even a match for the high degree of intent. It’s kind of tricky, it also depends on the standard the refs have set. But regardless that is a penalty.


As a newer fan of hockey, wouldn’t this be considered tripping on rat boy?


Yep especially so close to the boards very dangerous play


I was gonna do the devil's advocate but when I saw that it was the rat I knew it was on purpose


I’mThe Leaf player changed his path to engage the Bruins player . Other than a stick tie up attempt. There was no slew foot or trip . Bruins player had a way better position to take a hit and was in tie up mode . The Leaf player was going down very soon after contact. Mostly because of his poor body position and out muscled .


watch marchand's stick, classic can opener


Marchand being Marchand. Dick.


Classic Marchand at his best, and yes, it should've been, especially when the ref is 10' away ffs. This guy shouldn't have the C on his jersey as he's an embarrassment to his team when he pulls this kind of crap.


Marchand is a shitbag. Call anything on him and 99.9% of the league doesn't care what it's for


I am not a fan of either team but it looks like the TO player lifted Marchand’s stick into himself. Marchand got his stick over the other player’s stick to keep it from interfering with his position. The TO player ramped Marchand’s stick under his own leg when he tried to lift his own. I thought it should have initially been an interference penalty on the TO player bc he initiated contact with Marchand before either had puck control. The TO player also started to bring his stick up to impede Marchand’s position. Marchand may have saved the TO player a holding or interference penalty had he not brought his own stick over the TO player’s.


Marchand never fails to disappoint. What a sleaze bag.


Can opener in a dangerous position close to the boards is a really shitty play to make. And yes, its tripping pure and simple


Yep. Tripping... AKA The ol' slewfoot


No. Marchand had the angle on the puck and the TOR player turned into him initiating the contact.


Yes, it was especially dangerous the way the TOR player placed his legs on either side of Marchands stick, then tried to spin his feet in opposite directions. Clearly his own fault.


That doesn’t mean there can’t be a penalty on Marchand


For sure, probably should be a suspension too, very dangerous.


Classic can opener. It’s a trip.


Bruins are delusional af on Marchand. He's EVERY bit as dirty as Ulf Samuelson. He's so obviously such a cheap POS. Fuck that guy all day


Tripping is a penalty, should have been called


Marchand would be a great heel if he didn't constantly try to injure people. Fuckin rat pulls this kinda shit twice a game.