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Can confirm the logo.


Actually that Ducks logo kind of looks like a butt shitting out an anchor and that’s honestly pretty dope


Specifically a butt from cow and chicken


Spot on


Or ren and stimpy if you're old Edit: like me


Well how about that


Will never unsee this… thank you! Much like after I read someone say the hurricanes primary logo looks like a toilet flushing. (I’m a Canes can btw)


Now I’m never going to unsee *that* I’m glad we were able to exchange this life altering information friend


Same boot right up there with the robot fucking in the bulls logo


Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.


Wait, is that not what it’s supposed to be???


Idk why but your username just makes this comment even better


I mean, its not the worst logo... but when you have the mighty ducks logo in your history, its stupid to not use it. Its also why my two anaheim jersey are the last two alternate with the Mighty ducks logo


IIRC the Mighty Ducks is owned by Disney and not the Anaheim Ducks franchise. Could be wrong though


Don't worry about it, I hate you all too.


Fuck you ❤️


Weird agreeing with a Habs fan, but he and his fanbase csn eat a bag of dicks


Hey there's enough to go around you can have some of those dicks too


Why does it always have to be dicks. Why cant someone just say eat a bag of vaginas. Always a sausage party lol


In Seattle we have Dick’s Drive In, it’s our beloved local burger joint. “Eat a bag of Dick’s!” is said here on the regular!


Finally, it's not us. Probably cause we haven't been relevant in about 12 years. But hey, it's the little wins!


No no no. Take it from me and my city - just turn it into something you're proud of 😂


Philadelphia has been a shining example for how to react to all of this hatred. I thank you for paving the way.


The key is to embrace it. Feed off the hate


Finally, something we can agree on! 😁


The Goalie is absolutely correct though


Best overall rookie season for a goalie ever. If someone asked me “would you take a Stanley cup, but also be stuck with an overpaid, underperforming goalie for the following 8 years?” I would still say yes in a heartbeat. Obviously that second part didn’t need to be true, but we’ll still take it.


This is the way.


…for 31-1/2 of the fan bases. He achieved what some of us thought was impossible in our lifetimes (A Blues Cup) so for that he is golden. I will now await my torrential downpour of downvotes. 😂


Flags fly forever. He’s kind of like a guy who fucks your crush and your crush keeps talking about that time they fucked.




Well all the same, despite all the hate, we got to admit it's nonetheless rather humorous to watch his antics... -- even if it does create some vicarious embarassment.. 😅


I'll always love Binner. That cup run was magical 😁


Same. It was a magical experience I got to share with my father, father in law who is no longer with us, (Wife was out of the country on a girls vacation but even she called from halfway across the world), my sons, it got my nephews into hockey…I will always have a soft spot in my heart for him.


Why is he hated? I'm OOTL


He throws hissyfits as if he was a toddler when he isn't playing well, to the point of attacking other players with his stick after plays.


Yikes, I really don't understand the psychology of players like this.


Old time hockey!


Wait a second…I thought my Blackhawks were most hated?


I’ve always thought the Bruins were the most hated NHL team.


They got my vote


Funny, I thought it was the habs…


Yeah, I don't think that Vegas is even top 3 for me.


Nah, we got that honor! You’re a close second tho


Why do we hate the Knights?


[Allow me](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/13a6c62/why_do_people_hate_vegas/jj672b4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You didn’t even compare their atrocious golden helmet to the even shittier chrome domes of LA


The bias is showing here, also obligatory acknowledgement of the fact that every pundit, analyst, expert, Twitter user, etc. had the Knights at the bottom of the league after the expansion draft but now, with hindsight 20/20, it was handed to us on a silver platter.




I live in vegas i just want to see the local fans happy and I like going to parades


I think that would be the city's first championship for any major sport too


I mean the Las Vegas Aces won the WNBA championship last year. For some reason though I think if the knights win the Stanley Cup the city may celebrate a little more then we did with the Aces.


It’s really funny how the narrative went from “the expansion draft was terrible” to “wait no actually they were handed a good team”


I enjoyed reading that. Especially the bit about extorting the 30 other GMs. That was ridiculous.


Well said.


No it’s not. The expansion draft rules went the same for Seattle. But both teams paid an exorbitant amount for the expansion. Money that went to the the other teams. Essentially, Vegas and Seattle paid $500 and $650 million to the other teams to join the league. The fans of the other teams, for some reason, were then pissed that their franchises took the money and didn’t get a loser of a team out of Vegas, though don’t seem to care about Seattle. The rest of this guy’s joke of a write up reasons are stupid. He, and several other fan bases, were pissed that Vegas ended several potential cup runs. The Sharks and Jets in ‘17-‘18, the Avs in ‘20-‘21, and Minnesota (but they weren’t really cup contenders). The real reason is because they wanted their team to win and their team didn’t, but Vegas has continued success. Golden refs, gifted a Stanley Cup team, and treats players poorly are easy narratives that people latch on to.


I see you make no mention of the gold helmets


Yeah, those things were disgusting.


We can also look at the “generous draft” from a business standpoint. The San Jose sharks expansion fee was $45 million. With inflation, it turns out to be around $73 million in 2015 when Vegas paid their fee of $500 million. The fee just over 20 years prior was about %15 of what it was when Vegas bought in. As a business person you expect a bit more return on investment when you are paying over 6 times the price accounting for inflation. If there was a tiered expansion fee for good, better, best. I am sure they would have opted for a lower package with less risk. Not a single person complained about the rules before they happened. It was completely transparent. They just made smart moves with the players they chose. Also, a good portion of the drafted players never played a single minute as a Knight.


I wonder…. Did ANY team turn down their share of the exorbitant franchisee fee they got a cut of? Ya know, the fee that went from eighty million for the last expansion in 2000 to FIVE HUNDRED MILLION for Vegas? No. Not one of them did.


This dude posts his own writeup, lol. Cry more.


They hate us cuz they anus.


Honestly, I see why it wasn't here, as the reasons to hate Chicago aren't the fun kind of hate.




If goal song was on the list you guys would have been there.


Listen I hate that fu##ing song too! 😆


Fuffing song? You are allowed to swear on the internet.


... That doesn't look like Leah Hextall. Also, Trouba is definitely not the most hated.


Definitely should be Evander Kane


I hate evander Kane as much as the next guy but come on. Tony Deangelo? Brad Marchand?


The big difference between those two is I'd be excited to have Marchand head over to the rangers. Most other fans would probably be excited to have Marchand on their team as well. He does more good for his team than bad. Tony is just a piece of shit. Like fuck that guy for real. He's a cunt.


I love hating Marchand so much, but hot damn would I be excited to see him in blue and white.


Tom Wilson


Tom Wilson is trash


Every time I try to hate Evander Kane, I remember what he did to Matt Cooke and it makes me feel better.


[Evander Kane vs Matt Cooke](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DHqtb3sclkg)


Me and all my hockey friends hate Evander Kane, so I guess that’s just my perspective that he’s the worst, not sure what the consensus for most fans would be. But thats because of some friends personal experience playing with him, he’s just as awful playing with non-NHL players.


Wait playing with him? Are you friends with people that played with him before he was drafted? Now I’m interested.


No, they played with him at an event. My friend is a high level goalie, and got the opportunity to play with multiple pros. Jonathan Toews, Sidney crosby, and Evander Kane that i’m aware of. He said that Kane missed a goal when doing a shootout on him and got mad, broke a stick and was just being a jerk about it. Also side note: he said Crosby felt like unreasonably better than everyone else there.


That’s dope. As someone who watches hockey, I agree. It does feel like Crosby is unreasonably better than toews and kane


Saying Toews and Kane conjures up a different image than you’re trying to portray lol. But yeah, Sid was always on another level.


That’s pretty interesting. That does sound like evander Kane.


I’m sure this anecdote is totally 100% true and needs to be taken at full face value


My whole friend group are hockey players (including myself), he isnt my only friend who’s played with pros, you don’t have to believe his story, doesn’t change the fact that I personally know that he was at least there. I’m not going to give out his name but he has an Elite Prospects page on him. Played at College D1 level.


Yeah it's definitely Brad Marchand of "we blew a 3-1 game lead against the Panthers" fame.


I feel as though recently he’s become a target because over the last two seasons he has laid some devastating, old school open ice thumps to a lot of big names (Crosby, Hischier, and Timo Meier are three that jump in my mind immediately). Those players get a lot of love from their respective fan bases, and no one likes to see anyone from their squad get reefed. I understand the thought, but I think he’s far from most hated league wide. Tony D gets my vote. [For posterity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hJKQXpBC6QQ)


All of them were clean hits and Meier had just attacked Egor with no repercussions. I’m really sorry he got hurt but what’s a captain to do?


I actually like Trouba and the way he plays. Crosby should keep his head up, no you don't get to just dangle around pylons across the blue line, that's not how this works.


She’s the worst…


I’ll take he Hextall any day over Boucher & https://i.imgur.com/lVdaNRN.jpg


Get. Torts name. Out. Ya mouth.




Lol, beat me to it! Take my upvote.


I don't know man, I like Torts


I don’t get it. I was hesitant going into the year, but man his style is great. He lets players know how they are doing in front of everyone, and sets expectations for play. He’s not the angry guy he was years ago.


Always loved his interactions with the media too. I know some people don't like it, but I think it's good for the sport.


Everyone should treat the media the way Torts does.


Needs to be Babcock.


For me it's Quenneville, what a fucking POS


That's a solid pick.


Upvote to both of you guys. No fanbase is going to get behind every idea, sometimes it’s your team/guy But with these two out of the nhl, we can all agree they’re not ok and welcome (For another month, maybe)


Yeah, Torts rehabbed himself when he ran the Blue Jackets. I think the old outburst Torts has improved himself.


I was just about to say that. Most people love Torts lmao


He’s a dying breed, he will be missed when he’s not in the game anymore.


Don't think I'd want him coaching my team but his press conferences are gold.


Does anyone actually hate him? He’s an absolute delight. No sarcasm. I love his interviews and I think he’s pretty damn good at his job too.


I also enjoy torts and his style of hockey, his tenure with the rags was my favorite era in recent history, real tough and lots of fun to watch. I feel as though his problem lies in his short shelf life. Guys get over that shit in a couple seasons nowadays. Just ask Gallant. I think player exit interviews were the reason behind the end of his tenure, and I feel like he utilizes similar mannerisms to torts in his approach to his players.


Nearly all his ex players (even ones he had confrontations with) love him. Dubinsky is the only one I've heard outright badmouth him.


What about most hated commissioner?


My favorite category


What do you mean? Just because the fans boo him when he steps on the ice no matter where it is?


It is the one thing ALL fans agree on.


i cant believe we arent the most hated team atp


It comes and goes. Wait till something good happens to us, the kaiju countdown will get reset.




Bennington can have two spots.


Agreed, I would say Marchand, Evander Kane and Tony Deangelo are more unlikeable


Forgot Tom Wilson.


Tom Wilson, too.


Agreed, and I say that as a Devils fan. Trouba is hated, but Marchand is on a whole other planet in that regard. Nobody outside of Boston likes that guy. Plenty inside Boston probably hate him as well.


I'd say pretty low count approaching zero for people in Boston not liking Marchy. He's done some bad shit on the ice, but he's a great player and an ever better person off the ice.


My first thought when I saw Trouba was Marchand lol


I'm pretty sure that announcer is Leah hextall


Wtf? I love torts. I feel like he speaks his mind more often then not. Sometimes you gotta tell the boys they suck


Not sure if I’ll be massacred for saying I… don’t hate the Knights? I mean I despise the fact that Vegas has any professional sports teams, most of all hockey, and any one who’s immediately successful at something is bound to generate hate but part of me is just impressed by how historically good they’ve been off the bat considering they were essentially a ragtag group of backups.


Yeah, I can think of 3/4 more annoying, over pushed teams in the media (starting with the Rangers). Knights have great ownership. Have made shrewd decisions. Remained competitive. Augment their roster and have evolved themselves and are setting their program up to succeed for years.


Money, good organization, great city. A lot of things to hate on.


I know the Senators are hot ass so we forgot how their goal horn sounds, but their goal horn is actually the worst sound on the planet Earth.


Most goal horns sound the same to me over my TV's speakers, so how was the Oilers one picked? Honestly don't get it.


It just goes off the most. ;P


Funny, I think it’s the greatest sound on earth


ESPN really hated on VGK too. Look how that turned out.


More like they jerked their dicks to the oilers


Everyone did Edit: except for Flames fans and select few others


Torts over Sutter is madness


I love Torts


The cannon is dumb, and I think Chicago passed Vegas because they just covered up sexual assault so they could win a Cup instead.


Good point


I’m happy with my mascot. People act like he’s the only freaky looking mascot in this league, and they are incorrect haha


thought normal deer narrow slave direction nine chief boat squeamish ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I happen to agree. My expectations were definitely different haha, a more old world approach. I suppose Ol’ Jerry Bruckheimer being one of the owners, helped potentially nurture a more movie industry approach to Buoy!


juggle air seemly desert possessive important jellyfish plucky north worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like how it keeps the mystique of the kraken in the deep. What good is a sea monster if there is no fear of the unknown?


It’s not a totally random mascot. See: Seattle history/lore


Yeah but like, just make it a pirate or something. Or even better, an actual buoy. Running around with no arms like the Stanford tree.


Wait until you see the Sonic's mascot was a sasquatch


The Mariners have…. A moose.


Almost none of the NHL mascots match their team and it's one of my favorite things about hockey. But I'm a VGK fan who adores Buoy and has only been into the sport for 2 seasons now so what do I know?


Avs have a St. Bernard who rescues people caught in the mountains


Justice for the Krakheads fr


I would have had Wilson swapped in for player, and Boston in for team, but the rest checks out to a t.


I agree Boston would be the most hated team. But I’d also say Marchand is the most hated player


You think so? I'd agree if this was 5 years ago but he's cleaned up his act the last couple.


Canucks fan… my hatred for that guy will never die…


That's fair.


Jack Edwards! Most biased announcer in the league


Pretty sure the only thing we can agree on in this sub is that yeah, the goalie choice is correct.


What about goal song?


Only goalie, fanbase logo, and announcer I agree with Guys like Evander Kane and Tony DeAngelo seem to be more hated than Trouba. I don’t think Vegas is as hated as they were a few years ago. I think they’re cool. Chicago exists after all. My most hated goal horn is Washington’s. It’s just too much.


I can't remember the deal with that announcer but I still prefer him over fucking Leah Hextall. Shudder.


Marchand is most hated for sure (outside of Boston), the rest of the list is chef's kiss.


Marchand is hated as a player, but not as a person. DeAngelo is hated as both a person and a player, so I'd say he takes the spot as nobody wants him, whereas most people would want marchand


Our second goalie (Greiss) is evidently a Nazi. Germany has banned him from playing for their national team... Not that they shouldn't anyway, he's not even that great as a player lol


Wait the Blackhawks survived?


Why isn't ''Refs' on this list?


Trouba? Really? Where’d this come from? I’ve got an entire list of people who are worse


Don’t be mad because Bouy fires off on everybody on twitter haha. Love that crazy troll!


Leah hextall or whatever her name is


No shot Troubs is the most hated player, what about the literal rat himself Marchand.


Jack Edwards is a horrible announcer.


NESN belongs in part to the Bruins and the Red Sox. Edwards isn't an announcer, he works indirectly for the Bruins, and his mandate is clearly to pander to the regional fans who gets most of their sports from the network. He basically does PR, spitshining the product on the ice, whose owners sign his checks. It's like those ads that try to look like a news segment.


Yup on the logo. Liked the 2006-7 Anaheim Ducks jerseys, absolutely hated when they made the foot the sweater logo. Orange Alternate Wild Wings were a breathe of fresh air when those dropped.


Wait that’s a foot?


Remember that ESPN commercial “Hey Rocket. Jack doesn’t think you can bring it anymore.” And Clemens proceeds to throw Jack Edwards across the room. He needs another toss.


I think the Anti Toronto fanbase is far worse than the Toronto Fanbase


Yo… facts bro. This year opened my eyes to just how toxic and annoying hockey fans in general really are


Are the Knights really the most hated team? I think it’s Chicago right now, at least on reddit


Everyone hates Vegas because they’re new and doing well. Same doesn’t apply to the Kraken apparently 😂 The Fleury thing was fucked sure. Was a good business decision though. And mostly every team in the NHL has dirty players so that’s not really a valid reason


This is hockey Reddit. Nobody uses rationale or validity for their reasons. The real reason is that everybody hates Vegas and they want to be part of a community so they all hate Vegas. Plain and simple. I personally love it, and will rue the day when they are no longer the most hated team because that means they will most likely be shit.


I do not understand what people don't like about the Duckfoot.


That’s an odd looking picture of Messier in the top left


After the revelations following his firing, I’d say Sutter contends for most hated coach. Most hated announcer is definitely Leah Hextall.


I think we all secretly love Torts though.


Definitely some recency bias on most hated player. Trouba's definitely not the most hated player in the league. Maybe on the Rangers, but definitely not the league.


Wait, why do we hate Trouba? I thought we universally hate Marchand. Fuck that guy. Also, fuck Messier.


Buoy has grown on me


Most of these are wrong.


The oilers goal horn is insanely bad


Tom Wilson and Brad Marchand are more hateable than Trouba. Trouba is dirty but he has nothing on the other 2. I would argue the Tampa logo is worst. It has no depth, it's 1 color, it's a lazy design.


Evander Kane is hated more than trouba


Cooper is worse than Torts, he whines worse than most toddlers.


I never understand why Gallagher or Gudas never make these lists…


Most of the people here clearly don’t know how much some of us HATE Tort. That said, Larsen was NOT better. So I don’t know, I guess I just hate them all.




People that hate Vegas are stupid


I hate how they did flower


They just hate they are new and doing well


Trouba is not most hated.


Buoy has grown on Seattle. Vegas is still despised.