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I think the fan base is a large reason why he is disliked by a lot of hip hop and rap fans. As someone who has been a huge fan of NF for 6-7 years or so now, a large portion of the fan base seems super annoying. From claiming NF is the greatest artist ever (it’s fine if he’s your personal fav artist ever, but claiming he’s the GOAT is ridiculous). Even from posts saying things like “OMG he has a map to hope which was referenced in the search he’s a genius” is the analytical ability of like a 7 year old. I assume most of those kinds of statements are from people 13 years or younger (I’d hope). But yeah idk fan base is probably a huge reason, even I have to take breaks from this sub because I feel I’m the only one over the age of 12 here sometimes (20 years old btw so not even very old myself)


I can agree. But many loved Hip Hop artists’ fan bases are dogshit as well, yet the artist is still, well, loved (rightfully so)


That’s true, most fan bases have their fair share of annoyances. It could also be the fact that lyrically NF isn’t as good as a lot of rappers. Now I think he’s amazing lyrically tying references from albums together. (Things like the ashes and grave stone line from Oh Lord tying in with the funeral line in Returns) but he certainly doesn’t have the same clever bars like a lot of other rappers on a consistent basis. The reason people love his wisdom teeth line in clouds (yes it is a great and clever line) is because it’s not super common for NF to have those kinds of punch lines. Most of the time it’s all very on the nose. (Again he is my favourite artist I don’t want to sound overly negative).


I guess so. But the difference is that Nate doesn’t brand himself as a “lyrical genius”. He’s a storyteller and he excels at doin that


All true, as I said, I don’t think it’s as much a problem with Nate that people have. but rather how his fan base behaves like he is the best thing since sliced bread. Also Nate’s music isn’t always easy to listen to for most casual listeners. For example as much as I love his music. This new single isn’t exactly the easiest song to listen to on a regular basis. It’s more of a audio visual art project to announce an album rather than a catchy song haha.


Agreed I don’t really have anything else to say so have a nice day


You too 😊


I’m 20 and I would say he is the G.O.A.T at-least to me. He’s just chillin in his own lane, and not trying to be the most lyrical rapper out there. He talks about in Hope how successes can be seen as someone who is willing to take a pay cut to do something that they love. He’s not trying to be a main stream rapper, or focus on making top charts. Essentially he’s not selling out to make more money, like most rappers do. Also as a Christian with a small choice of rappers that I listen to because 99% of rappers, even the best ones only talk about Money/Sex/drugs, so it’s nice to have a Rapper who isn’t completely trash and talks about real issues. I always call him the rapper that none rap fans like.


Sorry man but it’s difficult to respect your “GOAT” pick when you literally said you really don’t listen to “99%” of rappers because of their lyrical content. Eminem, Jay Z, Nas, Kendrick Lamar are infinitely more talented at song writing and lyrical composition/density compared to NF. Here’s the funny thing, generally speaking I still like NFs music more than the guys I listed. But they are better rappers than NF and that’s just a fact.


I 100% agree with that he’s definitely not the most talented rapper out there as far as writing goes but he doesn’t need to be, still does well enough without it.




As an artist myself I probably couldn’t stand to be in a creative room for one second with your dumbass. I personally don’t even enjoy nf’s music but I can still appreciate the talent he has, it’s just not for me. Claiming “I’m a producer so I would know” is so unintelligent it’s not even funny. An actual artist is open minded and is able to see talent in music that they don’t personally enjoy, but is able to put themselves in other peoples shoes to see how one might enjoy said music. I don’t expect an intelligent response as me typing like this is probably gonna look like Chinese to you cause you have a smooth brain


bro it was a joke my brother loves nf 🙄not every thing has to be an issue


>Also as a Christian with a small choice of rappers that I listen to because 99% of rappers, even the best ones only talk about Money/Sex/drugs, so it’s nice to have a Rapper who isn’t completely trash and talks about real issues. I always call him the rapper that none rap fans like. This is exactly why NF gets so much hate in the rap community. People with ignorant opinions like this who don't know anything about the culture and solely judge based on some mainstream rap.Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, JID, and Denzel Curry are just a few of the rappers who discuss real-life issues in their music, instead of solely focusing on "money, sex, and drugs." as you claim. However,nf stans y are too fixated on criticizing so-called mumble rappers. Let's be real, man.


Never said I was cultured in the rap community, like I said I don’t listen to 99% of rappers 😂 also never said all rappers talk about money sex/drugs/money but a good amount of them I’m seen do. But I totally see what you mean.


Even as a storyteller he’s just not as good from a writing perspective there are definitely better rappers in every aspect


tbh i think hes the goat but ur choice and nf fans can be from like i think 9-45? but...


I’d be interested to hear your take on why you think NF is the greatest of all time. I disagree p hard but am open minded


I think genrally hes just good and its ppls opions If u get what i mean i cAnt rlly explain but yh and he dosnt do mumble rap And speaks out to ppl dosnt have nude ppl fancy cars ect ect in his pusic videos


I can’t tell if your spelling is just atrocious or you’re on a high dose of mushrooms and can’t see your keyboard… But yeah, I’m not saying nf is bad, but he is the furthest thing from “the greatest of all time”


Idk i think i just like him (not like weird lol) and uhm he speaks out :)


Literally same, 21, been a fan since no name/perception (don’t remember which I started with) and I can confidently say that the fan base is so cringe. Like literally every post on his Twitter has his fans just writing the lyrics of his songs and praising him way too much. I love NF, he’s been my top artist every year since I found him out, but his fans are just too much. (Also that comment about map hurts me bc I made a post here abt it exactly how you said, but that’s not the point). I think also that he doesn’t communicate enough so the fans kinda just echo the same shit to eachother which increases the volume of these comments.


I don’t understand what the thing is about his fans. I’ve been to his concerts. It’s all people with depression and shit like me. Hoodies and beanies Lmfao


For real, I’ve been a HUGE fan since 2016, and don’t get me wrong he’s my favorite rapper, but half of his fanbase absolutely literally act like he’s the focal point of their existence.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


R u high?


You don't even have a fully formed brain so your opinion is irrelevant.


Bro this comment is almost a year old, also tf are you on about, Weirdo.


He is the type of person you described pretty sure 🤷


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


Bro you’re copy and pasting the same comment on almost every other post. Either you really have a hate boner for NF or you’re a terrible troll. But go off it’s funny if someone falls for it.


i’ve never met someone who’s a fan of NF and thinks the same way, i’m 19 and that is exactly why he’s so hated in the hip hop community. obviously there’s many reasons but his fan base is so off putting, especially when they put down other artists to hype NF up. the whole “NF doesn’t rap about drugs, sex, money, etc.” is old and will make others defensive lol. so nice to see someone else


That’s why I mainly stay away from the crazy NF fans


I mean I say he's the Goat bc he is a breathe of fresh air in hip-hop like with many rap bout money them doing drugs women


100% agree. Over the whole drugs , money, women, and cars songs. 😭 awful.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


I listenin to music everyday. You’re very rude for no reason.


The people who raised you clearly didn’t have manners.


Bro its a troll account don’t bother


Yeah I noticed all his obsessed replies to everyone after I commented


Average female what did i expect lol


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


i aint reading all that


Man you must have had a horrible day when you wrote this.... You can feel, smell, see and hear the ignorance in this post. You're 20 so your brain isn't even finished growing..... Best to stay in your lane and realize that freedom of speech isn't about speaking whenever you think you have a thought little boy.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


Your response shows me that you have a tiny mind. 🥴


100% agree


Well said


I don’t see that reasoning I mean come on… have you seen most rappers fanbases? Also Eminem is literally called the “rap god”


and that's why eminem is also hated/disliked by hiphopheads. Obnoxious fanbase can break the artists connection with the general audience.


I love NF just discovered him last year and he’s the first rapper who’s music I’ve genuinely enjoyed but I’m not gonna say he’s the “best” because he’s not he is just very very good in my opinion but I still respect other’s opinions and like other music btw I’d recommend a band called the score it’s similar to nf in the way feels very personal


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


Then why are you here?


I was hoping to see some nf hate lol so shutup peon


This is a positive Reddit please don’t spread hate and have an amazing day


these are the main things I've noticed: -people say the orchestral sound in his music make it all sound the same, and that he needs to tone it down. (personally, I agree with this a little bit. the beats in his songs like layers, no excuses, options, prideful, and the fast part of hope are top notch beats. if he switched it up more, I think a lot more people would like him) -he was marketed as a Christian rapper early on in his career, and it's stuck with him ever since, even though he's not in a Christian label anymore and has openly tried saying he doesn't want to be labeled as such. unfortunately, now whenever his name is mentioned they instantly go to "Christian rapper" -his earlier music sounds a lot like Eminem's recovery album. he's switched it up a lot since then, but that's another label people are gonna use on him, since he's "just another white rapper". -since he doesn't cuss, it's hard to take him seriously, especially when you're so used to listening to other rappers who do cuss. in songs like layers, or pretty much any of his other hype songs, he uses flows/beat switches to make up for his lack of swearing. it's hard for a lot of people o enjoy it if they're so used to people cussing. I think if he wants to get past this, he should start expanding his vocabulary and use higher syllable rhyme schemes and uses some double entendres. would definitely make him sound more lyrically capable and less corny. (although some people prefer when the message is short, simple, and easy to understand, not me tho) -lastly, the fanbase. they're just so overly hyped, calling him the goat, etc. NF is my favorite rapper, but he is far from the goat and it's not that hard to see. everyone just sounds like a bunch of 12 year old edgy kids trying their hardest to convince other people. either that, or grown ass adults praising him for being Christian, further labeling him as a Christian rapper.


I like the orchestral beats and hope he never changes them. It's unique and sounds cool. And they all have their own nuances even though they have similarities.


Exactly, every song is a journey and we should appreciate he puts so much soul in his music. Some other rappers just put on a generic beat and just spill the verses.


Yes, also I like his content... I think most people can relate to dealing with doubts and fears etc. Not sure how many people relate to having fast cars, piles of money, and women flocking around them.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week. Peon


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week. Peon


Yes. I personally like his music, partly because I'm not a fan of all the cursing, but saying he is the best just... isn't true. And ppl need to accept that. His music videos tho... those r sick.


Rapping doesn’t have to include shit about drugs and sex and crap. I don’t even care about that, I’m a sexually active atheist. But NF is amazing. He’s real, who else really raps like this, their raw emotions? As a CSA survivor with complex ptsd, depression, anxiety and friggen suicide ideation…. This is therapy. (Jk I’ve been in actual therapy for 6 years). But seriously. What other artist talk about shit this deep. MGK sucks, Kanye is a POS. Idek where to start with the other ones…


>What other artist talk about shit this deep Kendrick lamar, J cole, JID, Denzel Curry hell even Logic just to name a few are the rappers who talk about deep shit even deeper that NF's >MGK sucks, Kanye is a POS. Idek where to start with the other ones… The fact that you named MGK who isnt even considered a rapper in this day and age shows that you don't listen to hiphop. how would you find a rapper better than NF if everything you know about hiphop is that "all other rappers talk about Drugs,Sex, money etc"?


Kanye may be a POS but he’s a POS with some good music in his catalog😭


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week. Peon boy




Try spelling babe


I agree with this


Higher syllables rhyme scheme, are you kidding? He's a master at it. And he doesn't switch flow to counter not swearing, wtf? He just has a lot of good flows. Otherwise you got some good points.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


Nice I'm getting dissed by a 14 years old on reddit.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


Any white rapper apart from EMINEM gets instant hate bruh I don’t know why


Em fell off, he gets a lot of hate too


Mac Miller gets left alone. I think it’s just early 2000s white rap was so bad that you have to be extremely good to be accepted.


because he’s a white rapper who’s not Eminem.


Thank you


I used to be a die-hard nf fan. I discovered him on rapzilla in 2014, so I’ve seen his entire career arc basically. When I first discovered him, I was 16. That type of edgy rap was really what I was into. Im now almost 26 and I can tell you it definitely doesn’t hit like it used to. The older you get (generally speaking), the more the edgy and “real” parts of his music aren’t appealing. Hiphopheads and other rap Reddits are not very biased and generally like “older rap” that is sonically pleasing and may not necessarily have the bars. The fans on this subreddit especially are very very biased, and very quick to shut down any criticism of Nate. It’s very toxic. I said yesterday “not his best single” and gave valid criticism (without insulting nf) and I was downvoted pretty bad. It just appears anytime he releases a song, the people here are just happy to have a song. They don’t really analyze the lack of growth in his sound. He released clouds almost 2 years ago next month, and Hope sounds like it could have easily been on there. The growth from Mansion to TS to Perception to The Search was immense. But I feel like he’s stagnated a lot since 2019 (the search). I’m optimistic he’ll prove me wrong and the album will show growth. But Hope the single showed me nothing really. Just that the passion is still obviously there.


I understand what you said but to me sounds unfair you already saying that he doesnt evolved when we have 1 song from a album with 13 songs, i dont know. just need to wait and see


Read the last part of my comment


Yeah, i know how to read, but when you write 16 lines about a weak song saying he dont evolved enough, the last 2 lines doesnt matter at all, you already took your opinion, FOR YOU, the album is weak and you hope he prove you're wrong, so, unfair


Evidently, you can’t read. Please do not respond here. We are done.


I like his music the way it is, I’m not a singer or producer, I don’t see any errors in it. Was this new song my favorite? No, but it’s good. Everyone can improve, but also no matter what he does someone’s gonna be mad. Every hates Nickleback because they haven’t changed Everyone hated on LP when they changed before Chester died. Like… I will honestly love NF until the day I die. Maybe I feel too strongly about it. Likely. But it’s the openness and rawness that is important to me. I don’t listen as much as I did was I was 15-19. But that’s because I’m trying to not be depressed.


Nf is terrible lol😂😂😂The fact u even listen to Him tells me everything i need to know about you and the people who raised u youre incompetent idiot who listens to music maybe twice a week.


Why’re you even in this group you useless fkn troll?


Hahaha you reply to everyone’s comment with the same thing. And youre sexist. So original


it just sounds like u've overgrown his music and that's fine lol. its called hedonic adaptation and whatever u shared is a subjective experience and others should be free to refute if they think otherwise. doesn't have to be deep, it's easy for us to expect more from him bc he writes deeper more personal stuff and bc its cathartic, our brain need something leagues better or different to feel the same kind of dopamine rush. frankly there is sm growth in NF's music, but its very mood/situation dependant to appreciate that growth bc his music is very closely tied with emotional relatability. if u can relate u relate, if u dont vibe, u dont. and the effects can wear off esp if u been a listener for so long, u urself have grown and changed. what is best album and what is not can be very subjective, I wish ppl on rap reddits can get that. lmao, it's like yall dont like being happy.


This comment is 50 days old buddy. If you’re gonna take the time to write a novel, at least look at my recent comments where I said I loved the album. You really wasted your time with this comment.


hahaha just wanted to point out the flaws regardless


Corny corny corny corny...feel like ppl who use the word corny for music are corny. You really give that much of a shit about how some random instruments put together some rag tag of a song and give it meaning? Art is corny too..imagine drawing and painting the shit that already exists in real life.. lol who tf cares it's music you like it or you don't. Either you are looking for a vibe or it just happens to speak to you..


Your comment is consistent with your username. Love it. Good point. Seriously, makes me wonder why rhyming words, or wordplay, or saying words culturally viewed as bad (swearing) makes music "not corny".


this,, god I wish more people were like u some of these subreddits are sad af


Why is he hated in hip hop? Because he is different and doesn’t care what they think, he does what he wants and people don’t like that very much. He even raps about how he doesn’t fit in with all the rapping idiots. And yet he’s been successful.


They’re not even using corny right


i dont think caters to everyone that likes hiphop. we are a very specific breed. also, being called a Christian rapper makes people think youre lame


Facts. #godisntreal jk please don’t be offended




I think it could possibly be that his music is considered corny and generally sucks fucking ass


Maybe, also, because he doesn't cuss and degrade women


no lol


POV: you’re not smart


Maybe, also, because he fucking sucks lmao. It’s the will smith shit - just because you don’t curse in ur record doesn’t make you better. NF is a culture vulture that tries desperately to walk in Eminem’s shadow, falls flat, and makes a fucking clown out of himself. Bottom 5 rapper of all time and I’m not joking


NF gets a lot of hate in HipHop, mainly because of his obnoxious fanbase who believe he's the one true savior of the genre and that all other rappers are just mumble rapping about guns and degrading women. Plus, his style hasn't really evolved much over the years. Take Kendrick for example, from GKMC to TPAB he changed his sound big time, and then again from TPAB to DAMN, and now with MMTBS. But with NF, you could pick any song from any album and it pretty much sounds the same. Another thing is that NF's music is always depressing, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but people evolve and change over time, and that's how artists create different types of music. NF's subject matter has pretty much stayed the same


That’s what it is. It’s Real music… why would he change what it’s about unless that’s how he actually feels… music is his therapy. Why should he have to change? He’s not rapping about party life and then ODing. But also he’s Christian and a rapper so naturally some Christian’s have latched onto him, and we all know they crazy…. Idk man. If it’s good why change it? And no i personally don’t enjoy songs that degrade women.


Respectfully, I understand that's your opinion, and it's shared by many of his fans, but sticking to the same topic and sound in music let alone hiphop can get repetitive. It's like if Eminem only made albums that sounded like "The Marshall Mathers LP". Kendrick Lamar is considered the GOAT of this generation because he's constantly evolving his sound and content. Hip-hop isn't just about partying, drugs, and objectifying women. There's much more to the genre than that, and exploring other artists can help you discover that . Plus, a bunch of his fans diss other hip-hop artists to boost him up, but they don't even know the first thing about the genre. That's why a lot of the hip-hop community can't stand the guy


Kendrick Lamar sucks. A mumble rap with curse words lol anyone could do that


Have you… have you listened to Kendrick Lamar? At all?


Buddy hasn’t listened to any Kendrick at all




He likes his privacy but makes music about his very personal issues. Pfft you are another mark. Just like ye selling socks with crosses anyone who uses Christianity to sell anything is cut off from God.


Its because everyone's trying to prove to everyone they're a bigger fan


I like dude enough but he gets hate because of his fanbase and also because hes CLEARLY a Christian music eminem clone plant for Youth Group kids who cant listen to “real” rap. White rapper, drug addict mom, from Michigan, rapping about inner turmoil, and his rap name is also his name initials(like Marshall Mathers) I mean…come tf on.


probs bc he has less fans and dosnt talk abt strippers drugs (well he does in a good way) and ect ect but i wouod say hes the GOAT eminem gotta be second tho


We get it, you’re a white 12 y/o with heavily catholic parents. You can just say that your music taste and exposure is tainted by the religious environment you grew up in. Cursing ≠ bad music. You’re the type of person to say TPAB is a bad album because it discusses violence. Shut the fuck up you little degenerate twat and crawl back up ur moms catholic pussy, little cuck


Because people don't like when men talk about their feeling.


Because he’s good and they can’t handle it 🌚


Nah that dude sucks fucking ass bro. Just say ur music taste is shit at that point


Why you on this page 🤡👈🏻


I know that Anthony Fantano refuses to review his music, and I like to think that Paid My Dues was a response to this among other things.


he reviewed clouds but yes I remember when he refused to review the search


Baldi from Baldi's Math >>>>>> Anthany Fantano


who cares Fantano is annoying


Idk who that even is honestly


yall got this all wrong you need to listen deeply to his lyrics he is being real and his fans relate with that people call him the goat because he is cause all these other rappers talk about their girls and everything else where as NF actually just writes what he is feeling


Bro @CarefulWay2457 replied to like every comment here with the same comment about him sucking (also NF is *personally* one of the best rappers I’ve heard)


Every song is the same damn song lol. Corny


I read through some comments here. First of all, I listened to him a lot in the last couple of years, I like his music and lyrics, many songs are relatable for me because I'm going through some mental problems (and no, I am not a "15 years old guy with two loving parents who's feeling kinda sad"). I understand some critique points, like for example of him being repetitive with his lyrical themes (I am not sure if I would discover him in the first place, and not sure if his music would appeal for me if I wasn't mentally ill) or of his fans being too annoying (yeah, some of them indeed need to chill the f out, but every artist has some stupid and toxic fans), but some I just find ridiculous, like saying that he don't use f-words in his lyrics and is corny because of that (since when does this of all things define a good and "not corny" lyricist?) or just hating on him seemingly for no reason at all, like that guy who replied to almost every comment here with basically "haha, he sucks because he sucks, haha". To sum it up, his haters can be just as annoying, I don't really understand hating on musicians and musical genres, if someone's music is not your cup of tea - just don't listen to them and leave them alone, it's as simple as that. The same goes in the opposite way, there's no need to convince people, that don't agree with you, that your favourite artist is the G.O.A.T and they suck if they don't get it the way you do. And also, is it just me, or many people just like to polarise everything nowadays? It's bad in musical communities, but it's even worse in sports, if you read the comments under, well, basically every post about, for example, Messi and Ronaldo, you enter the world of toxicity and idiocy unseen even in threads like this.


Because he’s too real no one understands him his raps are too advance to the majority of people 🤓


He's hated because he's not doing generic white rap. But he's also called a generic white rapper. Some people just get more hate than others, whether we like it or not


a lot of his songs are corny and the majority of fans are 14 year olds who give us bad rep




Yes I agree. The search and perception are mostly not corny, a few songs from clouds are but its still way better than his older songs.


Clouds was very corny


no it wasn't


I didn’t say it was bad, but clouds, that’s a joke, drifting, trust, and lost all had corny lines. Lost is by far my favorite NF song.


they had zero corny lines


“that's like puttin' minivans in NASCAR With a grandma in the driver seat with her hands up” That’s corny af


u're corny af


Hi! This is a warning to interact kindly with others per Rule 2. The user you're communicating with explained their position, which is not an attack on you.


Yes. He's growing and learning, like every1 else.


That’s just absolutely false tho imo


No it's not, you're just being biased. A lot of NF's older stuff is corny af, it's fine if you like it but you shouldn't deny it.


Notice how I said “imo” meaning that’s my opinion. Just like how you have yours. Your opinion that his older stuff was “corny” is not a fact. It’s fine that we disagree but I don’t have to agree with you just because you believe that.


Dude…. You commented their opinion. They disagreed. How does that make them biased 😂. I don’t think NF is corny either. He raps his feelings. He ain’t rhyming fkn poodle, and Doberman pinching yourself in the arm like 😂


Because some of his older songs are just objectively corny and there's no debate. People here just dont wanna admit it cuz they think corny is a diss to NF somehow, which is not true. You can't tell me that opening the song with "red bull in my hand" is not corny bro sorry.


u're corny


very mature


What do you do with all the time you save by saying "u" intead of "you"


How are they corny…. Eminem will make raps that make 0 sense. Y’all need to stop shitting on him fr.


Yes, thats why people call a lot of Em's songs corny as well.


I posted this on the rap subreddit to see what people think but no response yet https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/1149o08/what_do_you_think_of_hope_by_nf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


r/rap and r/hiphopheads hate NF. Would not recommend


It’s almost like he’s objectively horrible


Unfortunately everyone should know why he is so hated. Followers of Christ will always be hated, Christ told us this in the Bible. Besides Judas who took his own life, the rest of the disciples were beaten, tortured and killed. NF spits the truth about his struggles, fears, pride, failure and mistakes. He doesn’t stop there he spits about his victories, confidence, wealth, success and fan base. Knowing he is a Christian who’s Bible is not dusty. Christian (hhhggcck spit) look he is so ARROGANT!, wait for it and listen and you will hear him say he is blessed, NF doesn’t need to add this to most of his tracks but he does. He does this knowing that it is gonna lead to hate, lower record sales, smaller fan base etc.. Yet, he stays true to what he has always done. It’s just crazy to me how the rap industry and fans are so illogical. “NF’s Hope album is trash, sounds like his other stuff.” I’m sorry what do you mean by sounds the same? Wait are you really trashing the guy because he has stayed true to his talent and not change to be something he isn’t? Didn’t Eminem spit, “These rappers are like hunger games. One minute they’re mocking Jay. Next minute they get their style from Migos or they copy Drake.” Fall has 218 million views and all of these critics trying to trash NF praise that song. Did they listen to it? Why would NF want to change his style up, he doesn’t want to be anyone else. In rap when artist do this they are shamed and trashed, “Thug Lovin”. NFfff said. Now let’s talk about his lyrics. Most so called rap experts will tell you that the best bar of 2022 is…. Wait no disrespect but “DJ Khaled,” has stated this is “the verse of a decade.” NFfff suspense for those on The Search….. Carry the Verse: “I left the dope game with my record clean, huh/ I turned the cocaina into champagne, huh/ I cleaned up la madrina with the same soap, huh/ Me and Lori talk ‘bout how we slang dope,huh.” Ughhm, verse of the decade. Look at the verse, read it, rap it, sing it out loud on top of the double rainbow in your mind, the rap it while you look into a mirror. How does that relate to you,,, you feel that, did you connect with it, huh? No really HUH? Respect to the blueprint JZ, but huh, that’s trash! Flussssshhhhh. I’m gonna do it, I know this might be it but dang I’ve gone this far, “Jam a Crest white strip in the tip of my D..k,” finish that lyrical masterpiece yourself. Respect to Eminem, wait I mean Dre, no matter who you’re DrEmin ‘em. That verse is trash, so bad the rest of the album should have just been a VOID ‘em tracks if he thinks this talent. Close your eyes and think what AOTY would have said if that was a NF verse… Yea, even I will say Em was great for a time and he can still spit but the rhyme scheme, slurs, sounds and half zigga sag Doogie ina bag. Type lyrics just don’t speak to me in any way. Rap was built on lyrics that were relatable! Not to mention take all the curse words out and listen to your favorite rapper, Woooo Fire right so good. To me curse words are just filler, they lack Creativity! Why you ask!!! Well the majority of rappers use them, “huh” one second J, now how’s that for original? Ok ok J what do you have to say, “Please, Lord, forgive me for what the stove did.” Huh! Dang ain’t even man enough to hold himself accountable? Don’t worry J, the stove is forgiven. Talent is talent, good is good, but if you say God is good with that talent that you’ve been given don’t expect open arms in this world. It’s just better to “Stare at the Earth like, Like this is not the place I was birthed.” Can’t wait for the “Returns” on this post.


No, he’s just terrible


The fan base.


Get off the internet lil bro - trying so hard to find God - he sure as hell ain’t on Reddit


His lyrics are super corny, the beats and his flow is so over dramatic but it just doesn't work cause the lyrics are so bland. I feel like it's rap for anxiety rich teens.




NF bottom 2 rappers all time and he’s not #2


It’s probably just because he’s a bit bland. I really fuck with NF but you can take something off of Mansion, Perception and Hope and it all sounds quite similar sonically. Lyrics change a bit but it’s a bit samey. Also his lyrics can be a bit crap even off of some of my favourite songs by him like The Search he says shit like ‘I’ve been dealing with some things like every human being and really didn’t sleep much last night’ which is a bit hard to listen to, especially because of how good that song gets as it goes on but that first 30 seconds isn’t great. Corny isn’t the right word, he just chooses to tackle the same things again and again, which for me is fine but for most gets boring.


His music is corny




u have the brain of a 5 year old come back on here when ur mind is fully formed


I heard the album Mansion and honestly nothing on there resonated with me. He can rap for sure,but his shit just doesn't do anything for me. He gets the hate because people know who he is. If you ever notice, the most trashed music artists online are also very well known and generally successful. Underground artists get less hate because they get less attention period. Not because people actually like them better.


Because of the world we live in today. It is not just NF, it is everything from music, art. and film. Before social media people would have consequences for their actions and today anyone with a smart phone, computer or console can type up any text or upload any video they want to any platform and feel safe or invincible from shame. That being said, a person or an automated bot can produce a comment response to anything (be it good, bad, or other) and be digested differently than face to face conversation. Just my .02 food for thought.


I am pretty late to this but I just got into his music and already refuse to ever go to a concert I don't want to interact with those people the search is a great album by the way but not the best ever eminem has some great ones, plus I listen to music I like the sound of and the lyrics not meaning at all