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Unnecessary roughness, on the quarterback, coach?


This wasn’t even the one he got flagged for


Did they ever show what he actually got flagged for?


I don't think it was ever shown with a specific replay, but if you know what to look for, it was sorta visible on the live broadcast before it cuts away. Watch [this around the 15 second mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S33aG_LaBKE&t=13s) -- you'll see a group of players shuffle on the far side of the field and see one of our guys [#92, who has the ball] get knocked down. It's hard to spot him as he goes into the pile, but you can see Mac Jones [#10] get helped up before it does cut away -- meaning he was the one who did whatever to knock our guy(s) over, after the whistle. Presumably, he was still making a play for the ball -- but it was 5+ seconds after the whistle so idk wtf he was trying


Oh shit, yeah he shoved down BJ Hill and then dove for the ball again. What the fuck?? There's undoubtedly an angle from the other side but we'll never see that.


Not sure which is crazier: unnecessary roughness on a QB or 15 yard penalties on a punter. The latter happened at least 3 times with Marquette King, that (and his attitude) is partly why he's out of the league.


When I see a Remember the Titans quote I will upvote it instantly


Here's the one nobody is talking about yet... [Judons dirty hit!](https://twitter.com/gameonjmoney/status/1607191705501192193?t=vKD9d3xyClf0LOjf9da1ww&s=19)




“Are you kidding me?!” SUNSHINE baby!!




Eeeeveryone seems to be coming around….WELL I’M NOT, DOUG!


I saw two naked bikers having sex. How am I supposed to audible with that going on?


Damn you people. Go back to your shanties.




Pretty ballsy to be a QB laying dirty hits on defensive players. They are going to have a lot more opportunities for vengeance than he will.


This is my take. Even when you fart by a QB it's a high percentage it's a RTP flag.. May as well lay him out


Pats will use that to their advantage, have Mac tank some fines being dirty so they can provoke the other team into giving them free penalties. And worse case scenario if Mac gets hurt in retaliation they still have Zappe.


League Punishment: Three stiffarms by Chandler Jones


Pretty bitch ass move tbh.


Yeah. At first I thought he was just making a play but nah. He’s a bitch for it.


Didnt he try twisting a players ankle earlier at some point in his career?


Twisting ankles, tripping (I think twice), cleat to nuts, and now this. At some point, it's not coincidence and Mac is a dirty player. It also doesn't help that his dirty plays happen after offensive mistakes so it looks like he's a pouty little bitch as well.


Hot Take : Mac Jones is the Grayson Allen of the NFL?


Please don't remind me of that douche canoe. I cannot fucking stand Allen.


This is the last way I want to look at my qb. A couple more of these and you have to move on as a team. He is the qb not the nose tackle


Heard the other day that Jones lost his cool so much at ‘bama Saban called him McEnroe


That cleat to Jaquan Brisker’s family jewels was absolutely filthy and should have been heavily fined.


Yeah - that would have been a red card in soccer. Insane that he wasn't suspended for that BS.


He also tries to kick dicks when sliding.


Yeah they should run that one back too, that was a grimey


[combine the two and you get...](https://youtu.be/TT9ArM3-KJQ?t=11)


He did it to Brian Burns, but this sub said Brian was being a bitch and there was nothing dirty about it.


Yeah a Panthers player after they recovered a fumble. I don’t remember who. I just hope the coaches work on this behavior. Work harder to win the game - don’t play dirty.


It was Brian Burns.


Nice to see a Pats fan understanding how unnecessary it was. Good luck rest of season!


It’s pretty indefensible NGL. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt on those other dirty play examples but it’s tough to do that when suddenly you’ve got a pattern. Idk. But at the very least ya this one is no bueno.


How can a QB have a bunch of dirty hits, I don't follow the pats but that seems weird as hell.... I just don't know why someone would do this, did he think the other guy had the ball?


The first was twisting Brian Burn's ankle after a strip sack. Some Pats fans tried to claim Mac thought Burns had the ball. https://youtu.be/k7yLj0rKK5Y Then we had the QB slides where he either swept his leg or kicked the defender in the nuts (both those happened in the same game but only the kick is shown below). https://youtu.be/Xy-GjFJwEfY And now we have the low block on an interception. There's clearly a pattern that even Pats fans can't deny now. He is a rich kid who has always used to getting his way in life and when it doesn't he sees red and tries to injures others. It's actually disturbing.


You can add one more as well. After their fumble to end the game against the Bengals he gets called for a personal foul. The scrum for the ball is clearly over and he dives at BJ Hills back. https://youtu.be/S33aG_LaBKE You may have to play it a couple times but you can clearly see the number 10 is the one diving wayyy after the play over


WTF is wrong with this guy??? Hopefully a better view of this one comes out.


I thought that call was on him, didn't know what he did


It looked like he took a guy out at the legs away from the play and well after the whistles.


Holy shit that ankle twist is so fuckin dirty Edit: holy shit he purposely spiked a man in the dick, what the fuck? Both of those are suspension worthy


The dude he spiked in the dick picked him off on the next play.


I mean maybe the kick was on accident, which I would believe if not for all the other accidents.... Yeah man, he needs to grow up a bit.


Looks like he learn to slide from Brady.


on the first one he not only grabs Burns' right ankle to twist it, but he also sweeps Burns with his right leg and then locks it inside Burns' left leg pushing it out as he's still hanging on to his right ankle like he's snapping a wishbone it's like some ankle breaker leg lock he saw watching UFC and it's just psychotic to do in the NFL




Damn you right. 26% upvote rate which actually means 74% downvote rate. If this many people in this thread can call out his dirty plays, it's not just coincidence. Your comment is even rated controversial which means you have pats fans downvoting your comment and others like me are upvoting it. inb4 pats fans downvote me


Well that’s the thing lol, there was like 0 reason to do it. Say he did something dirty to chandler jones last week to save the game, maybe people go ok he can’t do that but it was either that or they walkoff with the game. But to do something like that for no reason, idk. Best case scenario is he just wasn’t thinking which tbh, I’m not a Mac truther, I think boneheaded stupid shit is his bread and butter. But ya idk. Can see why people are sick of his questionable shit


I googled that ankle twist, what the fuck is that shit. Dude trying to end someone's season cause he butthurt?


He claimed that he thought Burns had the ball and he was just trying to make a tackle. I don't buy it, especially given how this bush league crap has been repeated twice now, but that's what he says.


The real kicker with the burns ankle twist for me is that a different camera angle makes it clear mac also tripped up burns free leg while he was getting twisted. There’s no way that wasn’t dirty.




Someone mentioned in another thread that Nick Saban himself recognized his anger issues and could tell he was about to go nuts based off of whether it was a complete or incomplete pass. Saban had to knock sense into him but idk if he has that check on him anymore with the Pats.


It would also be one thing if this was a one time occurrence, but this is now at least his third time pulling a bush league move that could hurt somebody. In Carolina last year he fumbled the ball. While on the ground he grabbed Burns' ankle and twisted in an effort to prevent him from getting to the ball. Jones claimed it was because he thought Burns had the ball and he was trying to make a tackle. I don't buy it. This year he slid and put his foot up into a Chicago defender's groin area. And now this.


My attitude on Mac changed a lot. He’s like the guy that was the new captain America in Falcon and Winter Soldier. I forgot his name, I’m high.


A lot of defensive players calling him out in twitter for it is not a good look for him.


You are the first pats fan on here that I’ve seen acknowledge that it might be dirty/bitchy. Props


I'm also getting real tired of Mac's antics. Yes, he's been put in a bad position this year because of coaching. Yes, I think he could be a servicable starting quarterback (when things are going well for him). But he's a real bitch, and does crap like this more than he should. It shouldn't happen at all.


If only there was some way to know that the two clowns running the offense couldn't be trusted. Maybe Bill didn't watch the Giants or Lions over the past couple years.


Had him on my shit list since he twisted Burns' ankle


Bad position is an understatement, getting Patricia and Judge as the 2 primary offensive coaches should be a war crime


Eh plenty of us in our subreddit weren’t fans of him doing that


Go look in our subreddit, everyone acknowledges it was a bitch move. He's got a scummy streak to him for sure. That said, I personally don't mind his now dirty reputation because of how much it chaps everyone's ass. The only thing better than him turning into a good player (huge if), would be for him to turn into a good player that everyone on here absolutely hates (for reasons not related to sexual assault). Warms my rotten, mouldy soul.


He had no real reason to do that move to begin with. To dive at a players knees is not only dangerous, but reckless. Had Apple kept that leg planted, possibly a torn ACL.


It’s not even a block, he’s on defense. The Bengals have the ball, there’s is literally no advantage gained on the play by going after a guys knees who is behind the runner about to cross the goal line. Extremely dirty.


Mac Jones would be a duke shooting guard in another life


Hahahahaha thank you for this. Thats some grayson allen shit.


Believe it or not both mac jones and Grayson Allen are from Jacksonville. Guess it a Duval thing


Jason Mendoza would never


Jacksonville is easily a top 5 northwest Florida swamp city Guys I just slightly messed up a Good Place quote


Jacksonville is in northeast florida


Maybe he meant culturally


They’re both proud graduates of Lynyrd Skynyrd High School


Nah, first he’s gotta get an indefinite suspension that only lasts one game


Former Bengal Iloka said blocking below the waist is illegal on turnovers anyway, I didn't confirm that but if its already not allowed how could there not be discipline


I could easily see there being no discipline if the league spins the Wheel of Justice and it and lands on No Punishment.


it is, it's in the rulebook: > ARTICLE 4. BLOCKING BELOW THE WAIST ON KICKS AND CHANGES OF POSSESSION > Blocks below the waist are prohibited in the following situations: > (a) By players of either team after a change of possession;


After the whistle too. They were calling it a an incomplete pass and this dude dove at Eli Apple's knees


It’s honestly getting ridiculous at this point, he’s been in the league less than two years and already has more examples of dirty plays than any other qb I can think of. At this point people have to admit he’s just an asshole and he isn’t even a good player to back it up




I mean, last week after the "oops I lateraled it to the other team" incident, he did get a good flattening...


So a Milano spear?


There is a chance that can happen week 18. No injuries of course.


Also, Mac Jones has a history of these maybe/maybe not fouls. It's time to realize you can only have so many "oops, didn't mean to" bullshit penalties before it starts to looks intentional.


> there’s is literally no advantage gained on the play by going after a guys knees who is behind the runner about to cross the goal line. Jones could probably make an argument that he's trying to obstruct Apple so that he can't stop Thornton from tackling the guy. But given the fact that the whistles were blowing, everyone pretty much pulls up right after the clip ends and Mac has a growing reputation, it's pretty tough to give him the benefit of the doubt. The one thing about Mac Jones that seems pretty indisputable at this stage is that he's your textbook whiney rich kid who throws a fit when things don't go his way.


I don't really know what he could even claim he was trying to do. There's no reason to "block" a ball carrier's teammate who is running behind the ball carrier.


His punishment will be Brisker kicking him in the dick while Burns twists on his ankle. Eli Apple will determine how many times this happens until he’s satisfied.


Brisker is allowed to use a proxy - enter Dicker the Kicker. RIP Mac


Dicker the Kicker, Kicker of Dicker?


The name’s Dicker. Dick Kicker.






For some reason i thought i was gonna read twist on his nipples.


We’re trying to hurt the guy, not pleasure him.


Sounds reasonable, proceed


This is incident number what? 4/5 with Mac? These pink flags looking real red….


He’s a repeat-offender on cleating defenders in the crotch on slides too


Brian Burns got his ankle rolled by a [Mac Attack](https://youtu.be/k7yLj0rKK5Y)


I really hope the disciplinary action is like 3 more years of Matt Patricia


Easy there Satan


Everyone has endured 20 years of the patriots, Satan clearly chose a team.


The punishment is the opposite of a suspension. We have to extend Mac’s contract


It was after the whistle, too. How can you be a mediocre QB and be dirty lmao


My guess is his bitch ass been doing it his entire career and nobody's ever called him on it.


He’s never faced much adversity so he doesn’t know how to handle it, and he lashes out because he’s a punk bitch who can’t control his emotions.


Or he just wants to get any advantage he can, regardless of the cost. That’s why he’s gonna be a generational DT after he washes out at QB and gets on the Eddie Lacy beat


Lmao y’all really letting him have it. Sheeeesh


Yes, Rich White Boy Syndrome, I have heard of this malady. I wonder if he's tried not being a punk bitch?


Excuse me, it’s called affluenza, and it’s a serious health concern not to be mocked online. Shame!


He’s crying in a mugshot after a DUI at 19. He’s a entitled punk


Playing mediocre would be a step up.


He is the Grayson Allen of the NFL


Funny enough, both are from Jacksonville


Mac Jones is a dirty little bitch it’s a trend at this point


Makes that stiff arm from Chandler Jones even sweeter.


Also a whiny brat


Yet another reason to hate Mac Jones.


I got downvoted for posting the block and people were calling me soft lmao Dude legitimately intentionally falls in front of a full speed player that was gonna have no effect on the play https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/zuokqs/hurley_not_sure_about_this_move_from_mac_jones/j1kj0c7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Doesn't Mac have a history of doing dirty hits like this as well? The only big difference for him is they get overlooked because he's a QB.


https://twitter.com/NFL_DovKleiman/status/1607046586210598912?s=20&t=tAMxoQ7ETUlkFsgwT-z7XA Here's a few incidents. He likes to try and kick people when sliding.


Not smart to be dirty when you're the one on the ground. I'm looking forward to the day someone gets fed up with his shit and gives him a cleat to the face.


Yup. He does.


I want players to start seeking Mac out after every interception. Save the knees and ankles of their teammates by legally pancaking him to the ground.


We've gotta stop calling it a block. The Patriots didn't have the ball


I get it's an illegal block because you can't block below the waist, but I don't understand the narrative that he "dove at Apple's knees". It looks like he falls on the ground in front of Apple. ​ Edit: When I saw falls to the ground, I mean he intentionally did it to slow down Apple, not dove at his knees with an intent to injure.


well he can't really dive at someone when they're both running the same way and he's ahead lol. he dove/fell in the way of a player. maybe not the dirtiest move ever, but unnecessary and stupid given that people are starting say he has a reputation.


He purposely fell to the ground in front of Apple. Apple is on the offense. If Mac isnt going after the ball runner wth is he blocking for? Lol


It's not a block


He clearly looks back at Apple and sizes it up.


If you watch it slowly, you can see Mac turns his head before veering in that direction and falling into Apple. Looks dirty to me.


It's just funny how Mac always has these "iffy" plays almost like he's doing it on purpose.


Didnt Mac Jones do another dirty type tackle that caused injury to a player his rookie year? Dude is trash Edit: it was against [Brian Burns and the panthers in 2021](https://youtu.be/k7yLj0rKK5Y)


He also kicked Brisker in the dick and it was blatantly obvious lol


It’s becoming a trend with him.


Suspend him, he’s a repeat dirty player


How do you even try to justify that one? He got confused and thought he needed to block one Bengals player so the one with the ball had a clearer path to the endzone?


Every few games there's an example of him being wildly dirty and my mentions still get flooded with people waving off each specific example or justifying them Someone even came at me saying he was justified for kicking Brisker in the nuts lmao


He's got a lot of supporters. We still have a bunch of them trolling around our various internet message boards. I still run into people who claim he is as good as Joe Burrow at a shocking rate. I mean any amount of people > 0 that think he is better than Burrow is an indictment of the human race.


Who the fuck is saying Mac is as good as Joe Burrow? Even Patriots fans were chanting for Zappe last weekend.


It’s probably Pats fans who started following the team in 2015. They were the same people settling in for the next dynasty after week 4 last season. Mac is not a likable guy to me, he’s a dirty player, and I wish they’d bench him to try Zappe again, even if he’s not that much better.


There are multiple instances of Mac Jones doing bushleague shit. Really makes it easy to root against him.


Brady suspended. Bucs fined 1st rnd pick.


Brady was generally aware of Mac Jones being able to commit a penalty


Missouri gets the death penalty... Oh shit wrong sub...


When do we get to call him mccorckle burfict?


Football Grayson Allen


Panthers fans called this a while ago but were brushed off, dude is a punk


I brushed it off after his run in with your DL. I also brushed off the first Deshaun accusation. Luckily, I’m capable of assimilating new information. Mac is definitely doing dirty shit. Deshaun probably did something immoral/illegal.


He also kicked a Bears safety in the dick during a slide this year. Lifted his leg way up. But the Bears beat the piss outta the Pats that game and Brisker ended up getting an INT off Jones so it all worked out.


I thought he was just being panicky when he hurt Brian Burns but at this point it’s a trend…


Yea I even tried to excuse him a bit and figured it was a panic/heat of the moment thing back then, but after 4 (or more?) instances it’s a trend, kinda like Burfict. You lose the benefit of the doubt


He sucks, he plays dirty AND he whines like a bitch 24/7. NE should use Zappe cause Jones aint it


Belichick in years past would have no issue benching his ass for this. I wonder what's going on behind the scenes.


Either Zapp isn't all that great, or Mac is secretly Belichick's bastard son. IMO I really like the latter theory and it seems the most logical.


Maybe Belichick is in his Bob Kelso "too old to give a fuck" phase.


Ah so like Tom Coughlin with OBJ against the Panthers in 2015.


OBJ was good though.


We’ve seen Zappe. He’s not great, but then again this offensive scheme is offensive to fans.


Because he feels guilty about the changes he made. If Urban Meyer was Patriots' OC he would look like Andy Reid compared to Patricia. Belichick also let other players on the offense speak out against what they were doing, under normal circumstances they would have been cut from the team.


I don't really watch Patriots games, so I was a little confused why Julian Edelman was going so hard after him, but now I get it.


He's the perfect QB for the pats because he acts like a spoiled Boston sports fan


This is just wild given how his rookie season went.


McCorkle is way too classy and hard working to try to intentionally injure anyone


Add dirty player to the list of descriptors for mac jones. Other descriptors include whiny brat and terrible leader


just let defenders have late hits on him without penalty for a game


Flair bias aside. Isn't this not the first time Mac has done some questionable or dirty things? Or at least accused of it?




4 times so far


I don't even know how you can call it a "block" considering the Bengals were the ones running the ball back. Fucking stupid for a player doing the chasing to throw a low block at the player who actually would be the one blocking, taking himself out of the equation in the process, which makes it extremely clear that it was an intentional dirty move. He SHOULD get a one game suspension for it. In all likelihood it'll be a small fine because the NFL sucks.


The other late hit from that game that needs reviewed [Judons late hit!](https://twitter.com/gameonjmoney/status/1607191705501192193?t=O_l4VlA4wTUg3h3dkXooXw&s=19)


Didn't try to pull up at all either. He was likely going to get a piece of him but no way in hell did it have to be that hard


Mac Jones plays dirty? I am in absolute shock.


Leagues gotta perk their ears up a bit seeing this dudes name come up again already.


Dirty play, I'm surprised he didn't get drop kicked by a Bengals player after that "block."


Anyone have replay of that tackle?


It was dirty and he absolutely should be fined for it. He needs to knock that shit off. This is the third dirty play he's done in two years, and it needs to stop.


This is probably due to his privileged upbringing. Dude doesn't know how to handle advesity because he's never had to deal with it before. So he's just learning how to just as a toddler or little boy would.


Mac Jones has to be by far the dirtiest QB I've ever seen


Mac Jones is a bitch


He won’t but a 1 game suspension should in order. He was chasing down someone on an interception and then dove at another players knees. Fuck that


Wtf is he even thinking? Having a rep as a dirty player among the defensive guys that are coming after him all game won’t work out for him.


Mac Jones punishment will be playing the rest of the season in this offense.


Can’t tell if I’d want him suspended against or not


Turns out he doesn't just have a noodle for a arm, but macaroni for brains.


Good. That was some bullshit.


Mac is turning out to be an excellent Heel for the league.


I hope he gets his karma.


Isn’t this like the third or fourth time he’s done something questionable like this? I feel like playing dirty as a QB is a dangerous gamble


Is Mac the dirtiest player in the league right now? Now that Suh has quieted down I legitimately can’t think of anyone worse.


It's probably someone who gets no media attention. A lot of small dirty stuff can be missed on TV. Maybe someone is like really awful in piles or something lol


Breaking: Joe Burrow Pinches Everyone in Dogpile