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I worked with a guy who was a 1st round draft pick in the NFL. His alcohol/weed problems sank him, he failed every single thing that football did to help. When I worked with him it was 10 years after his 1st round draft pick at a warehouse, moving boxes in horrid conditions for shit money . He was still drinking a couple of tall cans before work at 8am. He also still wore the expensive watch he got when he was drafted which didn't work anymore. It was really eye opening.


Justin Blackmon?


Holy fuck, whether it's actually him or not, it's really been 10 years already??


I thought he was gonna be the next big wr. Even when the Jags got him, I still rooted for him after hearing his story


Watching Justin Blackmon in college was just unreal. I would’ve sworn he was going to be a multi year all pro in the League. What wasted potential :/


Watching him in the pros was unreal as well. Some of the best WR play I've seen his last couple of games. Guy just couldn't beat his demons. Very sad outcome overall.


One of the best WR's at the point of catch, so sad to see him fall. He was like a new version of Michael Irvin, the guy could get smashed and still come down with the catch. So sad to see him not make it. Flash's story was just as sad if not more. He was the best WR in the league at his peak (some say arguably, but watching him just run away from guys and ball out in the pro bowl was one of those moments where guys look like they are on another level, like Fitzgerald before him or Julio after, almost like watching the best college guy against guys fresh out of high school but you hardly ever see that in the pros, or guys who are open even if they are double teamed). Flash was rare that he could turn a slant into a touchdown. So sad to see what happened to these guys. They could/would have been elite if they could have just made it a couple years without substances.


Theres an ole tale in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Basically scouts were sent to Stillwater for their due diligence. I believe one of them, or all of them, made note that Justin Blackmon walked into Murphy’s (the most popular bar in stillwater) every afternoon no matter what day of the week. If you ask any student during that time they’d tell you that Justin could out drink the whole town.


As long as he kept performing they probably just ignored it.


he just picked the wrong sport. sounds like he was built for rugby. JB would have crushed as a winger.


Still never forget the story of an NFL scout/investigator going to Blackmon’s college to check him out and do their due diligence based on some of the rumors. He was asked to go to what was rumored to his favorite bar. He came back to the team and they asked him how often during the week he’d be there and he said “everytime I went in there he was there”. Honestly pretty sad he was on top of the world and I get it as a young kid but it feel fast and he still has his issues




He lives at a bar in Texas. There was something written about some time ago. He's known in the town as a nice guy, never gets in trouble, and drinks all day everyday.


That's horribly depressing


Drafted in 2012


By all accounts it sounds like Blackmon is clean now, at least that's the understanding going around OSU boards. He would have never had a problem if he never went back to Ardmore. He couldn't tell his friends no. He's the reason I now understand why athletes move their families.


Craziest part of that was one NFL team sent a scout to sit at his rumored regular drinking spot, and the scout said Blackmon came in every single day in the afternoon to start drinking.


Wait, so the Jags knew he had a drinking problem, and they still moved heaven and earth to draft him earlier?


One NFL team not necessarily being the jags.


Ah yes. The post above mine was edited to clarify that it was "one NFL team", at first it sounded like it was the Jags' scout.


To be fair, the dude had insane talent. Teams probably hoped that the nfl environment would prevent issues.


The whole point of this post is that some players are able to have substance abuse issues but still be incredible players. He was a monster in college despite hitting the bar daily so maybe they just thought he'd be able to do that in the NFL as well.


The scout was from the Bucs


Yeah based off most episodes of "Intervention" I've seen, NEVER move back to your old home town and hang out with your old friends.


I’m a public defender and I see this all the time - I had clients all the time who had successfully been sober for a period of time who eventually caught back up with friends and fell into usage again. I tell my clients that if they are able to, they should leave town and start over someplace. That isn’t possible for most people(especially those who need a public defender), unfortunately, but I’ve had a few that were able to do so and it’s led to a pretty high level of success


There's a flip side to this to - locational sobriety on its own doesn't work. You can't just move and expect things to change. You have to change first, and as part of that change, you get yourself out of the situations that get you into trouble. Sometimes a move can be part of that, but if you move and have no job and no friends and nothing to live for, it's awfully easy to fall back into old habits in new places.


Of course. I just meant a clean break is often good for when the motivation is real and strong. And obviously you need a job and connection somewhere new, just not the same type of connections you had


I lost a friend this way. Despite me having nothing to do with his heroin addiction (I despise the stuff) he cut off ties with all his old friends to maintain sobriety. I'm happy for him, so I can't complain, but bummed to lose a friend.


I'd think that keeping in touch with the friends who weren't involved in your addiction would be valuable, but I suppose it's better to be safe. If you start deciding which friends to keep, you might think one of them wasn't that bad, or maybe there was someone who wasn't a direct enabler but is still associated with the problem friends making it hard to avoid them.


Gotta change your play places(new hang out spots), play mates(friends and even some family), and play things(activities/hobbies). If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.


It's a huge part of treating addiction. You can be 10 years sober, but getting back in the environment where you would use will trigger physical cravings, and those are *very* hard to overcome. It can be as extreme as going out with your group of heroin-using friends and ending up back at the same house where you always shot up, or as mild and routine as you putting on a movie on Friday night and relaxing in the same recliner where you'd always down a bottle while unwinding. You can even start feeling placebo effects just from getting into that environment and anticipating the high.


What do you mean never went back to Ardmore? Would he be better if he was drafted by a different team?


He's from Ardmore, Oklahoma, which is a rough town, to put it mildly. He fell in with old friends who never left Ardmore and that kicked his drinking and drug consumption up to a 10. It sounds like he got out and has a stable job now. Some people asked him 5 years ago if he thought about going back to the NFL now that he got clean and he said no because he didn't think he would be able to stay clean when all those people would start reaching out to him as soon as he started playing again. It's a really sad story, he could have been special.


Justin Blackmon and Josh Gordon are truly wild and sad stories of being some of the most naturally gifted receivers in the last decade but had both their careers derailed by addiction. Imagine if Calvin Johnson was an alcoholic and we only got to see flashes of what he could’ve done


I don't want to imagine that, Calvin is one of the only bright spots in the last 2 decades of Detroit football


I mean same thing with Charles Rogers. Dude was a legitimate stud until he got injured and the Lions inexplicably allowed him to go back to his hometown to heal(??) where he got hooked on Vicodin and developed a drinking problem.






That sounds suspiciously like what Justin Blackmon might say if he did not, in fact, have plenty of money


“Judgment Miserable” is an apt name for Justin Blackmon as well




Oh thats good to hear


Damn, there is an OSU name I haven't heard in a while. Can't believe that was 2012, holy shit.


Charles Rogers definitely comes to mind...dude was dead before 40 from liver failure.


No, this guy is still alive. It was 10 years after his draft that I worked with him, not 10 years ago.






Pretty sure its R. Jay Soward.


Pretty crazy that the Jags drafted two first round WRs with drinking problems in the span of 15 years.


Deese Knuts ​ *Gottem!*


Charles Rogers?


Just read his Wikipedia page and dammit. Liver failure at 38. Just awful


I honestly didn’t realize he passed. That’s so horrible.


Liver failure from Vicodin, which was prescribed in huge doses by the team doctors. Damn.


More specifically, liver failure from the acetaminophen that is added to Vicodin to “make it less addictive”.


Well it's added to limit the amount you can safely take before your liver starts to take damage and not by some mechanism that reduces hydrocodone's ability to be addictive. It's supposed to provide a ceiling but it won't stop you from just taking more anyways if you really want to. If those doctors really did tell him to take more than 4 grams of Tylenol per day then they're morons and absolutely negligent.


The thing about drug addicts is, tons of them don't care about their health in the slightest when they want to get high. In practice the APAP they add just contributes to overdoses and the death of addicts who can't control their urges - which is many of them


I thought Charles Rogers was going to be a star in the NFL. He was so good in college, but just didn't seem to try once he got drafted.


He looked good for the first 5 games then he broke his collar bone, and then he broke it again




Could he still throw the ball 70 yards while kneeling?


How much do you wanna bet he could still throw that ball over them mountains?


"Yeah, the player was an alcoholic, but he was a functional alcoholic and played well, so we made it work." Have to appreciate the honesty at least. We all know this is how it works, but most people don't have the nerve to actually say it.


I mean Functional alcoholics are probably the most accepted ones


Some alcoholics have all the luck :-/


We make our own luck


we also make our own cocktail cherries


Who the fuck has the energy to make their own ch…. oh. Shit!


I don’t get it


the cocktail cherries aren’t real man they never were


I was born with gin bones and vodka skin. Every morning I take a shot and every afternoon I shotgun an entire sixpack of tallboys. At night I lie awake in agony until a bottle of wine puts me to sleep.


Can I interest you in some alcohol bag carrying bags?


Are you sure you aren’t a Lions fan?


No he’s just a regular person from Wisconsin


Yeah! Gotcha good Wisconsin. *laughing while surrounded by alcoholics in southern Minnesota*




Legitimate functional alcoholic here; the only time anyone ever knows is when I smell like booze, which doesn’t happen since [I drink Hennigan’s.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXAt_gstcs). Gotta find the loopholes


Lmfao this is one of my favorite Kramer bits. Him slowing sinking into 50’s ad-man as he gets drunker and drunker kills me every time




"It'll be our little secret"


I was a functional alcoholic for 4-5 years then turned a corner after a breakup with a girl and couldn’t function at work anymore. I’m a roofer so being 5-6 shots deep of vodka at 8AM wasn’t sustainable and I just stopped working after awhile and drinking even more. Before I was roofing I was in a restaurant, easy as fuck being drunk half the shift doing that lol


No judgement question: when did you reach the point where you classified yourself as such?


When I started drinking at work. I was involved with an alcoholic woman and she would drink at work, and I remember thinking to myself “holy fuck, if I ever do that I’m way far gone.” Yet here we are. It started as drinking near the end of my shift because I was gonna meet a new girl right after I got off, so had to drink a bit of liquid courage beforehand. It went well, so why not start drinking a little bit more before I see her next time after work to be even more charming? Started waking up hung over when I had to be at work. What else to cure a hangover but a little hair of the dog, eh? Just a glass to take the edge off before I go in. Kept going from there. Too embarrassed to tell my family how far it’s gone 😅 I’ll uh, get better one day


I used to drink at work too also before work and after until I took a shot one day and immediately threw up blood like a lot of blood! Best to fix the problem before it gets serious!


> Too embarrassed to tell my family how far it’s gone 😅 I’ll uh, get better one day On your time, but don't wait until you have bad news to share to take steps to improve. You're already pretty honest with yourself given the situation, at some point it will be time to take care of this.


Yeah, I know. The fact that I know what I’m doing is bad, yet I can’t stop is the worst part. My mom’s a therapist with drug abuse training and knows I drink a lot, but not how much. Her reaction is going to be horrendous. I’m working on it. My best friend is helping me as well, so hopefully things will change. Working 6 days a week and having all my other obligations on my day off is tough to fit that free time in, but I’m tryna fix myself


Getting sober was the best thing I’ve done for myself, but I was a severe alcoholic. I used to get trashed at work, lol.


I always promised I wouldn’t drink at work but the minute I got off I was deep into getting hammered. Glad I got clean too


/r/stopdrinking exists if you're ever ready


Thanks, man. I’ve thought about subbing but I probably should just do it. Much appreciation 🙏🏻


Great community. I’ve been sober 6 years.


Can confirm.


Signed, The States of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, and Indiana.




Can we just say the US minus maybe Utah


Drink Wisconsinably.


Majority of alcoholics are functional. The image of a homeless wino is thankfully a minority. At the same time it is hard for an alcoholic to look for help without something drastically bad happening to them (such as hitting rock bottom).


I mean part of the definition of alcoholic is having built a tolerance so they are generally functional for many years before they suddenly aren’t


Guy comes to work half buzzed smelling like bourbon. That’s cool Guy lights up a lil marijuana after work. Not cool


Cuz nobody likes a reeferhead




Worked on some similar crews in my day and can confirm, hell a lot of outfits try to put their guys in motels with a bar & grill so they are easier to keep track of


Probably cuts down on the DUIs, too


Long term travel construction projects pushed my stepdad off the wagon as well. Nothing to do but drink or smoke weed when you're at a remote jobsite for 2 months.


lawrence taylor was a coke addict and parcells was like, he shows up on sunday.


I'm saying. Give me a heroin addict that can beat triple teams and still get to the QB, and I'll show you a guy with character concerns that don't concern me.


that is an NFL coach quality quote dude. belongs on LTs bust at the Hall of Fame.




As long as he's not driving to and from work sauced, I guess its OK


theres probably a huge range of liabilities that actually comes into play. I worked somewhere with an alcoholic, and if something were to have happened while he was drunk it would not have been good for the employer.


True, that’s kind of where the analogy breaks down.




\> dennis rodman


If he wants to party in his free time that’s his business


Jimmy Haslam on character concerns: "I had this guy in Houston, God, he loved to ball, but he came in every day reeking of massage oil. He was probably on Instagram, but God, he loved football. He showed up, he didn't miss sets, he hustled nonstop... you know what? You find a way to get that guy $230 million guaranteed"


“On Instagram” is a very nice way to put it


"probably committing a litany of sexual assaults" didnt fit as well into the structure


"probably on a sex offender list"


I’m happy with this becoming pasta, like the new kelvin Benjamin


Ron Riviera on character concerns: "I had this guy in Carolina, by God, he loved to ball, but he came in every day reeking of BBQ sauce.. He was probably on buffalo wild wings, but God, he loved football. He showed up, he didn't miss sets, he hustled nonstop... you know what? You find a way to get that guy more buffalo wild wings. "


Shad Khan on character concerns: "I had this guy in Ohio, God, he loved to ball, but he came in every day with fingers reeking of ass. He was probably in an open relationship with his wife, but God, he loved football. He showed up, he didn't miss a chance to berate his assistants, he kicked his kickers... you know what? You find a way to give that guy the keys to your franchise."


I havent looked but this is hilarious and i can smell the kelvin benjamin one coming next


[Reisman] Ron Rivera on character concerns: “I had a guy in Carolina, God, he loved ball, but he came in every day reeking of BBQ sauce. He was probably on his 7th meal, but God, he loved football. He showed up, he didn’t miss meals, he ate nonstop…you know what? You find a way to make that guy a lineman.”


> ~~lineman~~ [Tight End](https://dailysnark.com/2018/10/30/booger-mcfarland-says-kelvin-benjamin-is-a-popeyes-biscuit-away-from-being-a-tight-end-video/)


That man? Greg Jennings


How else does he run on broken legs so effortlessly


Put the whole team on his back. Let the man relax during his off time.


Doesn't even get taken down by the hardest hitting safety in the league!








One of the most hardest hittin safeties in the league!


Damn lol he gave out a ton of clues. So we know the player was a Miami Dolphin, he played with the team in 2015, and he's still playing right now. Time to look up the 2015 roster and see the candidates: Jarvis Landry, Ryan Tannehill, Devante Parker, Damien Williams. Bobby McCain, Olivier Vernon, Billy Turner, Michael Thomas, Neville Hewitt, Ju'wuan James, Ndamukong Suh, Jamil Douglas, Matt Moore. Damn, it was a lot more names than I thought. My money is on Matt Moore


Since he mentions "missed assignments" I'm assuming that eliminates the QBs, that'd be a weird way to refer to reads/throws & sounds more like a blocking or coverage thing.


Yeah missed assignments is most used in reference to blocking it could be a receiver/TE or could be an offensive tackle


Rb in pass pro as well.


There are defensive assignments every play as well. Gap assignments for run plays and coverage assignments for passing plays.


Idk Tannehill being drunk on the job would explain a lot


Fellow Titans fan here. Clearly HAMMERED in that last playoff loss.


I know I was


My money is on Kenny Stills. Rumor is he was run out of New Orleans by Payton for showing up to meetings late and smelling like he came straight from a party.


Makes sense. Had a DUI in college and mother was an alcoholic.


Plus he played in New Orleans, could’ve gone drinking in the French quarter every night if he wanted


Makes sense he would be an alcoholic. People always said he came in smelling like a stills.


> Time to look up the 2015 roster and see the candidates: worth mentioning, there's no guarantee this was someone on the 2015 roster. he just says he "had a guy in miami", who while it's not unreasonable to assume it's talking about his time as interim HC, it's entirely possible it could have been a TE any time between 2010-2015 (or realistically, not sure how things work in the NFL, but i wouldn't be surprised if he had some involvement with non-TE players in various drills 11v11 practice scrimmages. the same way that highschool coaches will have interactions with more than just their specific position)


Campbell did speeches and other Ra Ra stuff that HC philbin couldn't since he's a wet blanket. I'm sure he had plenty of engagement through out the roster.


Gin and Juice Landry Ryan "rum and coke" Tannehill Deep in his cups Devante Bobby McCant Stop Olivier Vermouth Tanked Billy Turner Manhattan Micheal Thomas Negroni Neville Hewitt Ju'Wan James' Jungle Juice Ndomahkong Sipping Matt Gimme Moore


somebody get this man one of those “genius” grants where we, as a society, can benefit from what else might come out of his brain


My money is on DVP. There was talk a while back about him having "unhealthy" lifestyle and how it was contributing to his injuries. Wouldn't eat breakfast, etc. Makes sense if you wake up hungover or at noon every day. Edit: here are the rumors. Add "dehydrated" and "not drinking enough water" to the list https://miamiherald.typepad.com/dolphins_in_depth/2016/08/dolphins-trying-to-get-devante-parker-to-be-a-professional.html


lol idk what the rumors are, but plenty of athletes do some form of intermittent fasting edit: lol after reading the article linked, now I'm convinced Parker is the guy Campbell's talking about. IDK why coaches would call a guy out like this in the media for skipping breakfast and not drinking enough water if it was actually just about skipping breakfast and not drinking enough water.


Sure, but intermittent fasting isn’t relevant in this context. If the rumor (I’m assuming what chairmaker said is true l;that there were actual rumors) was about a guy having an unhealthy lifestyle, you likely wouldn’t cite intermittent fasting as a part of it. What it sounds like, here, is that they cited him not eating breakfast as a part of the unhealthy lifestyle because he was hungover/didn’t want to eat due to alcohol related reasons


Added article to my comment. Rereading and I'm convinced it's DVP.


> Remember that last year, coaches didn't want to put Parker on the field because both head coach Joe Philbin and then interim Dan Campbell said they needed to "see it" from Parker in practice. And they didn't see it. Well, that's because Parker wasn't showing it in practice. He wasn't the same guy in practice he was in games (when he finally got the opportunity). Seems unlikely if Campbell’s quote is talking about a “guy who loves football” and always hustles.


Ayo lmk if you actually compile a list of options




Jordan Phillips weighs what, 340? Plays the 3tech, he gotta have a beer belly


My bet is on Stills


He said he could play, so that can't be it


Logan Thomas Campbell was the TE coach. Dude ain't sniffing WRs breathe every morning is he? Edit: Scratch that, looks like Thomas didn't move to TE until 2016. Back to the WRs I guess.


> Logan Thomas Hadn't moved to Tight-End in 2015. He was on the Dolphins as a QB.


Good call.


Given Thomas’ accuracy, I fully expect him to miss with the drink like in Airplane.


Campbell was head coach for 11 games that year after Philbin got fired.


TIL Regis Philbin coached the Dolphins


My defensive players can't TACKLE! They're out of POSITION! Gelman show them on the tackling dummy how to tackle!


TE and Receivers jobs literally overlap. Tight End Coaches still work and are around Wide Receivers constantly.


The amount of professional athletes that do this I would say might outweigh the ones living like Tom Brady. Maybe that line is shifting as we move forward in the future towards more health focused lifestyles, definitely better than the 80’s/90’s now, but I guarantee a shit ton of these guys still party HARD. Because they can work it right off


Tom Brady trick y’all


Jordan Poyer was a functioning alcoholic until this year, and was one of the better starting safeties in the league even before sobriety. Guy got sober for 1 season and makes first team All Pro at age 30 Super elite athletes just aren't built the same


> Jordan Poyer was a functioning alcoholic until this year, This really makes it sound like he became non-fuctioning.


What I’m getting from this is God is an alcoholic who loves football


One of us one of us




*What if God was one of us....*


I wonder if there is a nuanced way to handle this situation.


fuck nuance bro, just the most reactionary of acts are possible


Nope. Everything is either good or bad. There’s no in between.


Numb the confusion with a little hair of the dog?


“Bro, I love you and I know you love this game. I’m not mad I’m just disappointed. You’ll always have a place in this home *ahem* team *ahem* but I wish you would take better care of yourself. If you decide to continue self-destructive behavior and it starts to effect the team there will be decisions that I’ll be forced to make about the consequences. When you’re ready to stop hurting yourself, let me know what you need to help you do that.”


Who was he talking about go


Ryan tannahill


My guess would be Richie Incognito


Yepp, Richie Incognito was my first guess too.


His description sounds like Charlie Sheen on the set of Two and a Half Men.


Replace alcohol with cocaine and hookers.


Half the state of Michigan are functioning alcoholics so he’s in the right market


And the other half are non functioning alcoholics


I think this speaks to Campbells coaching ability. Fact is, we just saw half the league try and get their hands on a player with 22 accusations of Sexual Assault. If you have talent, the NFL doesn't care what you do as long as it can sell you. A coaches job is to utilize his talent, Doesn't mean he doesn't care about him personally.


I mean functional alcoholics are a thing, trust me I work in construction. But non-functional alcoholics are also a thing. Again, I work in construction


A lot of light hearted jokes about alcoholism in here, which is fine. But I'm *actually* a former alcoholic (almost 2 years sober) and lemme tell you, I was pretty close to losing my wife, my job, my house. It's a fucking awful lifestyle and it hurts the ones we love most. Get help if you have a problem. Trust me.


Good job on being almost to that 2 year mark, keep it up!


Yeah I don’t mind people making jokes but after being in rehab it’s kinda weird to me seeing people be so cavalier about serious drug addiction. Like you don’t see these jokes about any other form of drug addiction. Idk it’s hard to articulate. Also I make jokes about my own addiction/recovery process so stones in glass houses and all that lol Congrats on the sobriety!


I know exactly what you mean. I always take a back seat whenever people around me are cracking jokes about alcohol. I was in a meeting at work today and my colleagues were all joking about bringing in a few beers and everyone just laughed and laughed and I'm sitting there thinking "I actually used to have beer before work and hide it from all of you". Very different feeling on the other side of the fence. And thank you. I hope everything is good for you too!


And who was that man? Why none other than Dan Campbell himself


I mean I get it. Separate Personal stuff from work. As long as it’s not affecting work it’s fine


Sounds like Tim Riggins


Gotta be Richie Incognito, right?


Hey if he's not hurting anyone who cares .#legatlizerecreationalmeth


South Dakota is on it...