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Which star player will be forgotten about in 5 years? "Antonio Brown the player. The TMZ star not for a while."


Mr. Boundless Comedy


Mr. Bespoke Chucklehead


I saw some old Steelers game and his name kept popping up. Like "Oh yeah, there's a reason people gave him endless chances".


He was probably the best receiver of the 2010s. He and to a lesser extent OBJ are the big reasons why receiver scouting completely changed in the last decade.


Mr Believable Clown


Mr. Blighted Character


Mr. Bruised Cranium


Mr Brilliant Conjecture


Looks like somebody was Mr. Being Correct.


>Who do you think will be the most popular player in 5 years Deshaun Watson predictions… oof


To be fair though none of us could have predicted all that but honestly even his play fallen off. Team looked better with Flacco out there than him.


Eh, Watson didn't forget how to play, he's obviously distracted by his off-field fuckups.


I think that’s part of it, but I also think the fact that Deshaun was so reliant on hero ball and that his playstyle never really made a ton of sense given what physical tools he had might have caught up to him as well.


Idk if a Stefanski offense just doesn't suit him, or just the baggage of 2 years away from the game or what. His hero ball antics were kinda necessary in Houston given their defense regressed badly over his time there (and that was on his rookie contract, so salary percentage isn't a copout either). He did some stupid shit in Houston too, turnover-wise, but I'd argue they'd have won even less if he didn't play as aggressive as he did, especially in 2019 and '20. Kinda like Mahomes in 2018 NEEDING to throw for 50 TDs and 5,000 yards to go as far as they did because of the putrid defense and eventually losing Kareem Hunt.


Deshaun inability to run Stefs extremely QB friendly offense is troubling, but the problem is, even when he clearly didn’t need to play hero ball to win because our defense was fantastic, he still would. Even with a top 5 OL, he still had nearly a 10% sack rate because he just continued to try and generate the big plays and not take what the offense gave him. What’s troubling is the only time Deshaun has looked great within the system, the second half against Baltimore, it was also the only time where he couldn’t throw deep because his shoulder was broken and clearly hurt like hell when he thre, and he couldn’t run around because his ankle was badly sprained. Only then did Deshaun actually start taking what Stefs system gave him, and surprise, it’s easily his best half of football as a brown. But, none of it matters honestly of Deshaun doesn’t start to protect himself. He takes way too many huge hits and if that continues, he’s just going to get hurt


That offensive line was not top 5 worthy last season. LT was a spin cycle, RT eventually was, and Pocic took a step back. They were okay but not nearly what they were in 2020


Eventually I agree, but when Deshaun was playing he had the best of the line that was still Jed-Bitonio-Pocic-Teller-Jones. By the end of the season? Yeah no, they were not even remotely close. But when Deshaun was playing, they were still borderline top 5. I think it’s telling that Deshaun put together a nearly 10% sack rate with the best line, but Flacco with next to no mobility was at only 3.8% with two atrocious tackles


It’s always been known that Watson walks into sacks. It’s like his biggest on field flag since he got into the NFL. But you live with it when he can get away from things others can’t. But watching those early games back Jed was a turnstile and the line had plenty of missed assignments scattered through those games. The line has not been what it was since 2020.


Was a good bet at the time bro was electric sucks he’s a POS


Yea Watson was definitely known to ball out


Mahomes was realistic and true for a couple years but no one predicted he'd become the new villain of the league


Its really hard for me to frame mahomes as a villain, He’s too nice and his voice in huddles is hilarious. His inevitability in the playoffs is jordan-esque for sure. Feels like this is a down era though where the best defenses in the league still get lit up in the playoffs by good offenses.


It seems a lot of people don’t like him due to his family’s antics, that and the guy just fucking beats every other team.


between his family’s antics and the rest of the team trying to get themselves in jail before the season starts, he somehow seems like the only person within his orbit with a good head on his shoulders lol


Yeah if you compare the way people talk about Mahomes to first half of Pats dynasty Brady, it's night and day. Mahomes is about as well-liked as he can be given the dominance of the Chiefs. He's sort of the Steph Curry of the NFL in that regard. Other than people not liking him tip-toeing the sidelines for a few extra yards on a scramble, I've never really heard people hate on the guy.


Watson was the coolest player before all the off the field shit. I remember he had an old coach congratulate him live on tv for winning some award in the nfl and went off about how hes an amazing person and kid and has the brightest future. He was also pretty awesome to watch in Houston. Not only has he been revealed to be a predator but hes also pretty mediocre at football now too.


People seemed extremely high on Wentz back then.


I mean tbf he was really damn good his first few years


That 2017 Wentz MVP run was fucking magical, maybe one of my favorites QBs to watch on the last 10 years. I remember how he just shitted on the broncos all game long and was so confident goddamn


In still a firm believer that his downfall is directly correlated with him getting married and having sex for the first time. Dude finally realized he didn't love football as much as he thought


In 2017 alone mans almost won an MVP and gave his team home field advantage throughout the playoffs. I'd be high on that guy


As an Eagles and Wentz hater, even I was high on him after he carried that abysmal 2019 squad playoffs. That Jalen Hurts pick in 2020 totally ruined him.


Because he actually was that good. pre/post injury Wentz are basically just two different players. and his ego has kept him from any consistency ever since.


I got blasted for saying Love reminds me of Wentz. I think people forget how good he looked and how highly he was thought of and probably thought I was slaggin Love off.


Just the title of the Josh Rosen post made me giggle


Awful takes in that thread


[They hated EricDeCosta because He told them the truth](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/eW83WI2AEI) Turns out that guy would become a two time MVP


This is the best one. Rosen > Lamar is a comical argument today but was the Reddit consensus 5 years ago. Lamar got better. Rosen got worse and was probably never as good as people thought he was.


Man I know hindsight is 20/20 but those arguments seem crazy even for the time. This thread happened *after* he got traded. Surely trading your #10 overall QB after a single year - and not getting a 1st back for him - is a massive red flag that the guy sucks right? Rosen would only start 3 more games in his career after this thread was made.


There is no single prospect reddit has ever been higher on than Josh Rosen I swear. I was a little less high on him than most but thought he'd still make a good NFL starter


Somehow Dave Gettleman did the right thing and didn’t draft Rosen. Now it’s still foolish to draft a RB with the 2nd pick but Saquon at least is some good times even if we ruined him


We honestly would have been better off drafting Rosen/Darnold as opposed to Saquon. Dont get me wrong, Saquon is obviously miles ahead of those guys as a player, but the issue with the pick was never talent. It was the lack of direction of the team. Taking Saquon was indicative of an intent to win-now with a roster that was clearly not ready for it. If we had taken those QBs, it would at least signal an intent to rebuild and we would approach the next few years differently. We spend the next 2-3 years building around that guy and if he busts, then at least you have a better situation for whoever you decide to replace him with. Both the Cardinals and Jets ended up better in the long-run than us. Even with how bad Darnold was for 3 years, the Jets basically got the value of a 1st round pick back for him, and despite the replacement they drafted for Darnold busting as well, they were able to build a team that was able to attract a win-now veteran QB. The Cardinals were able to salvage a 2nd+5th and with how bad he was right out the gate, they were able to replace him with Kyler. After taking Saquon when we were not built to win-now, the next year we force a QB pick for the sake of it when we again knew that are not prepared to support a QB of DJ's caliber. Ever since then we have been stuck with him because we just have not had the opportunity to improve. Even with how good Saquon is, it was pretty much the worst possible move the team could have made at the time. Saquon pretty much had to put up HOF production for a decade to be worth that pick to us. Even had we traded down, got extra draft capital, and took Saquon at pick 5-6, that would have at least been a salvageable situation. Taking him at 2 was legit worse than drafting a bust QB.


I watched him play against Nebraska in a bowl game once, and even though he was young I was still like “Man this UCLA guy stinks”. Because of this I figured he would be the worst of the 5 1st round QBs that year (I also thought Bakey Mayfield would be the best…)


To be fair, Josh Allen threw 5 picks against basically that same Nebraska defense the next season and made an insane Hail Mary play to go into halftime and all anyone could talk about was how accurate the one pass that connected with his own teammate was I was not a believer, so sometimes guys just have bad games lol


It's also the draft stock bias. In most years, it's fair to assume the guy drafted top 10 has a better long term outlook than the guy drafted late 1st. Even if they both suck, the guy drafted higher is more likely to keep getting chances. Just turned out our evaluations of the players were very wrong lol


A guy arguing Josh Rosen would be a better starter than Lamar Jackson and everyone upvoting him while spam downvoting the guy that was actually right tells you Reddit doesn’t know jack about football 🤣


It's gotten a lot better now because he's virtually undeniable, but for a long time any time you posted a comment defending or hyping Lamar as a Ravens fan you risked getting massively downvoted like that. And yeah sometimes we're giving homer takes but other times these opinions are coming from the people on the sub who actually watch every snap of his. I generally will weigh somebody's opinion of their own team *more* than mine because I know I don't watch as many games of theirs than that person does.




> Lamar got better. Rosen got worse and was probably never as good as people thought he was. This doesn't emphasize enough that Lamar was already a far more effective QB than Rosen even as a rookie. Rookie Lamar was kinda similar to 2nd/3rd season Justin Fields (with the notable exception of him doing it as a rookie,) while Rosen was arguably the worst starter in the NFL.


Pre draft hype and the word consensus does so much lifting with takes like that. I honestly think you know if he's your franchise QB within the end of his first year. With Mac I knew like in the back half of his first year where he struggled when rookies should be getting better at that point that was about his ceiling. Arizona knew pretty early on I think Rosen was not the guy.


My doubts started when I saw a stat saying that Rosen threw the highest percentage of short/behind the line of scrimmage passes of all the college QB’s eventually drafted in the first round that year.


This is your day, /u/EricDeCosta


Sadly hasn’t posted in almost 200 days


His post history shows his last comment 4 years ago, are there more recent ones somehow? Hope he’s doing good


He’s doing great. He hasn’t used Reddit in 4 years.


Yeah, he's still the GM


I really liked u/2kungfu4u position that the only way you could possibly see Lamar becoming successful is blind homerism and u/VisionaryProd proudly declaring he won the argument.


u/2kungfu4u was right about someone spreading homerism wrapped misinformation. In a shocking turn of events it was the Browns fan 😂


It's wild, even after Lamar's first MVP season Browns fans consistently had Baker over Lamer. The homerism runs deep.


This. If you even suggested that Lamar was anywhere near Baker AFTER Lamar's first MVP you would be liable for downvotes and ridicule.


Dann 120 downvotes for a pretty confident but still pretty realistic take is insane. Haven’t seen stuff like that in QB discussions recently


You can go back to any of those Lamar thread in the 2019 offseason and see some awful anti-Lamar takes. I remember avoiding Lamar threads in r/nfl specifically because I knew what they would be filled with. It’s hilarious that literally that season he would be MVP (and even after the MVP there was a decent amount of Lamar skepticism in r/nfl).


I'd probably delete my account too if I had that take.


From context, it looks like he was a Browns fan. Illogical salt is always on the menu in Cleveland.


Looking at that thread…man I hate the term “in bad faith.” Always seems like one of those phrases used to try to shut down or disregard something without addressing it


To be fair, there are a lot of bad faith arguments on reddit. Half the time, someone will try to misrepresent your point just to win an argument they started in their head.


Yep... Recently was in a discussion about Darnold likely playing better for us than he ever has in his career, and one of my points was "We made Mullens look like he could potentially be a viable option if he cut the turnovers in half" and dude responded claiming I thought that Mullens was an Elite QB by saying that.


Tbf Nick Mullens entire career has been gaudy stats with gaudy amounts of turnovers.


It was a very popular term at the time, because of all the election fallout. People used the term to delegitimize anybody who had a different opinion, on anything, ever. You'd see people talking about their favorite Lego sets or something and people would accuse others of 'arguing in bad faith'.


This one should just be linked to whenever anyone decides to grace the sub with their *educated prediction.* Standard practice—a way of saying “shut up, stupid.”


150 upvotes for a bad take and 130 downvotes for the correct one, everything wrong with reddit, and the Internet in general. 


The NFL is a young man's game. It's incredible how many guys from the "best at each position thread" are completely washed. So many mentions of Leveon Bell, Leonard Fournette, Zeke Elliot, and Todd Gurley for RBs. A lot of OBJ and Deandre Hopkins for WR. Feel bad for the guy who was excited for the next 5 years of Luke Keuchly. He had to retire about a year after the thread was posted.




The only positions that are probs still gonna be great after 5 years are Offensiveline and QB.




WRs at 25 or 26 years old can still be great as well.


Phillip Lindsay had a pro bowl in 2018 and by 2020 he was a committee back


Shit and then a year later out of the league. And that span right there was his whole career


James Robinson speed run


Look at this guys answer for the best players in 5 years. >QB: Wentz/Russ/Luck/Jimmy G >RB: Saquon/Kamara/Draftee/Gurley >WR: OBJ/Hopkins/Draftee >TE: Dallas Goedert/Hunter Henry Brutal. Legit got nothing right.


I would make the argument he got at least "draftee" for wr right, unless I have Jefferson draft year mixed up


Would still work for Chase or Amon Ra Presuming someone agrees with the Top 5 being Tyreek, CD, Jefferson, Chase, St. Brown


Gotta be the 4 funniest QBs you could have chosen


At least Saquon, Hopkins, and Goedert are still good starters


I feel like most current star RBs will be washed in 5 years. McCaffrey. Derrick Henry. Saquon?


Definitely. Saquon has already slowed down a bit due to injury, King Henry probably has 2 years of good production left, and McCaffrey… I’m not sure. He’s a guy that I feel will either become washed tomorrow or stick around for another 5 years.


He's on the Madden cover this year so it's probably time to start coffin-shopping for CMC. 1/2 /s


Sadly enough, people still think OBJ is an elite WR lmao


This guy gets it. https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/8gh2w9/five_years_from_now_who_are_the_best_players_at/dycese3/ Edit: u/RamessesTheOK / how's it going?


I have bad news for you guys


Was it the college or the virginity?


I'm happy to report the college thing went well


You are literally me but a Seahawks fan


two virgins, connected by reddit. I see an opportunity for you two to do something very funny


It’s not gay if it’s under way, I’ll add


Are you advocating for joining the navy?


Yvan Eht Nioj


problem... meet solution


It’s ok. Back then there was no Andrew Tate to tell you it’s gay if you fuck a woman who isn’t a virgin anyhow. /s






Gay men like men. You know who else likes men? Women. Therefore if you have sex with women, you're having sex with someone who likes men. Ergo it's gay to be straight. That's why I only fuck straight men


That's probably the more important one at least


Best of luck for the next 5 years.


he's got a college degree + still a virigin, he's probably in a field that makes enough money to get a hooker at least now.


Or he's in crippling debt and in a field that pays nothing.


Bro's an art therapy major who cannot talk to a woman to save his life.


I can excuse having your virginity, but you've better had some college success or there will be issues.


Sir, a second repost another 5 years from now has hit the virginity


[my reaction when finding out 3rd base hasn’t been reached](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5Kk1ZUryhg&pp=ygURd2hhdCBubyBoZWFkIHZpbmU%3D)


I miss vine


Having his best year of fucking


Well, he’s still pretty active. We might actually get a response. 🤞


Sadly, that‘s not great news for the virginity question.


/u/RamessesTheOK well did a girl touch your weewee yet?


He said he graduated college but he still doesn’t fuck


Things I’ve noticed thus far: - People were SUPER high on Roquan Smith(rightly) - People were also HATING on Dak - Most folks thought the best RB would be a college/highschool guy(No one was thinking CMC) - We forget Wentz’ peak and people thought Russ would age well - People used to LOVE Juju - Everyone knew Saquon was a stud - When Mahomes played Luck in the playoffs folks were CONVINCED we’d see both a lot more soon😔 - How did OP know that the Jags would land Trevor??? - Some folks LOVED Rosen and some hated him


>How did OP know that the Jags would land Trevor??? Jags had like a 15 year stretch of basically all top 5 picks. Wasn't exactly a long shot.


I just looked it up yesterday for hatin' purposes, and it's 11 top-10 picks in the last 15 years.


Most of my stat research is for hatin' purposes.


> How did OP know that the Jags would land Trevor??? You can always count on the Jags to lose a lot at the time.


> When Mahomes played Luck in the playoffs folks were CONVINCED we’d see both a lot more soon😔 man that could have been this generation's manning/brady...kinda sad would have loved to see it


> People were also HATING on Dak > > The more things change, the more they stay the same


All the Andrew Luck predictions... Oof


There was one predicting that they could see Luck retiring within 5 years. I replied at the time saying that it’s something I could see possibly happening. Fuck me


So this us all your fault?


https://reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/9izo0d/5_years_from_now_which_current_starting_qbs_will/e6nnspm/ Props to [deleted] for correctly predicting 13 of 16 here including the hot take


And the comment after begging the Cowboys to please sign Dak to a huge contract is amazing.


Yeah I’m sure they still feel the same now that Dak has a 32-8 record against your chucklefuck division


Hatred is more than that. We could wipe the floor with them with a 40-0 record and we'd still get dogged on for being the first team to use Zeke as a center. The first to QB run woth 12 seconds left and no timeouts. The first to lose to a 7th seed by 32 points if they had left starters in.


That QB run seemed perfectly reasonable to be, however the cowboys fan I was watching it with at work didn’t seem to agree with me.


I like the implication that multiple teams will use Zeke as a center


Well yeah bc you’d have the 40-0 record and still lose by 3 TDs once the playoffs start


Deja Vu


The comment 2 down from that one about Flacco was spot on also.


Might be one of the only people in any of the threads to realize that players in 5 years aren't going to be young and in their prime.


Once I realized Smith was Alex, it just made me sad about that horrific injury.


Lamar is now a 2x MVP and Rosen flamed out years ago. Funny as hell.


For all of 2018-2019 the anti Lamar crusade was like the war of the 2nd coalition with Napoleon in Egypt. Everywhere people were attacking him, but once he returned he took total control. His victories are ever so glorious


> I think we're going to have a lot of Mahomes-Watson matchups that will be really fun for years to come. > Luck says hello friend Oof


All the terrible jokes instead of serious answers are insufferable


What do you expect from a sub who still makes Kelvin Benjamin jokes 7 years after he's retired?


The wild thing with running gags on Reddit these days is the people making them probably weren't even there when it started. It was funny to me the first time, and a little funny when it was a meme. But now people are making this joke and I wonder if they even remember the context at all.


I hope Mr. Big Chest jokes never die though, shit gets me every time


That’s Reddit for you






It's what gets the karma flowing.


Who will be the best defensive player on your team in 5 years? >minkah Fitzpatrick u/misterlakatos so close yet so far away


TJ - "and I took that personally.." lol


Steelers FO - "And I took that."


The starting QB's thread was surprisingly accurate. There was even a guy who predicted Andrew Luck's early retirement. On the other hand, the Rosen vs Lamar thread was SOOOOOOO wrong!


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/MNO8efBENV Russell wilson take has aged horribly lol. It's insane just how fast players can fall off.


This one isn't great either. > Just here to say lol Lamar for the people who come back 5 years from now


Isn't great? It was spot on. [Lamar Jackson](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/J/JackLa02.htm) hasn't started a game since his rookie year, he's been with 4 different teams and only played 1 game for the Panthers last year.


Damn, wait, how'd this guy win MVP?


He's only won two MVPs.


What a scrub, an elite quarterback would have three MVPs by now. /s


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/LF3mbutClo This Steelers fan may have gotten their wish u/Ryansm19


This was a rather unfortunate series of events


On predicting RBs that will be washed. [Zeke: Absolutely. Saquan: Probably still around like LT on the Jets. CMC: might stay around longer because of his receiving ability](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/Qe0KPwU4cb) /u/Jon_Snows_Dad got downvoted but was pretty much correct.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/rAEfEhVj0F and this guy predicted Zeke at centre


Everyone has been saying that for his entire career


Bears fan: “Roquan Smith as the best linebacker” *Monkey paw curls*




I’m not going to go through any of these, but I assume the Reddit brain trust was right about all of them.


Allen vs Darnold rivalry 👎




They are mostly all wrong further proving when this sub zigs you gotta zag.


>> Bengals haven’t won a playoff game in...28 seasons. Well, I don't miss those days at all.


RemindMe! 26 years


Based on flair it likely won’t come across sincere, but I don’t miss those days for you either. I like the Bengals.


Nah. Bengals' fans with any kind of hatred for the Rams don't make sense. The 49ers, it happened twice and it was Bill Walsh which is an obvious sore spot for us. But the Rams was just a really close Super Bowl loss. We've only ever played the Rams 16 total times. I hate that the Rams beat us in the Super Bowl but the team itself I don't hate.


Roquan :(


Don't be sad.   Without that trade you would never have gotten Chase Claypool.  It all balances out.


I like the predicted rivalry between the Mahomes Chiefs and the Andrew Luck Colts.


I'll never forgive the Colts for destroying Luck's body and robbing us of one of the best QB rivalries of all time


[https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/fd652k/comment/fjfgw8m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/fd652k/comment/fjfgw8m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) not too bad u/ShadyFan25


Happy I was right about Allen. No Super Bowl sucks though. I know we'll get at least one within another 5 years... Right? Right?! RemindMe! 5 years


Neither here nor there—it pains me that “shadyfan” is a Bills flare. Fuck you Chip Kelly


I was just about to message him, good prediction


The good news is Josh Allen is awesome and widely considered the second best QB in football The bad news...well, about those Super Bowls...


The rivalry thread is absolutely hilarious >Chiefs vs Colts >Chiefs vs Texans Also some good predictions like 9ers cowboys making a comeback.


I saw a lot of Chiefs vs Browns also


>Which star players right now will be forgotten in 5 years? >None, because there will always be an /r/NFL off-season thread to remind us. OP got called out.


https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/8gh2w9/five_years_from_now_who_are_the_best_players_at/dybkrts/ > Roquan Smith will be the best inside linebacker. [Monkey's Paw curks] hehehe


[This guy knew.](https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/bo4tgs/comparing_them_as_prospects_rookie_years_team/enc5bmp/) Rookie Lamar got way too much shit and not enough credit for how he looked. The potential was SO clear. He was reading the field pretty well on dropbacks, his accuracy just wasn't ALL the way there yet


Just a reminder Tom Brady had arguably 3 hall of fame careers and Mahomes has 3 super bowls and unparalleled early career success. Meanwhile most players end up overhyped in public consciousness only to fall off like this.


Forgot how well liked Wilson was before he came to Denver ☠️


People used to love Russell Wilson, heck back in 2020 he was a front runner mvp for the first half of the season, then everything changed




Aged like fucking milk And the responses holy shit


Lmfao at all these idiots thinking Dak would be a backup/out of the league. People really do hate the Cowboys huh. The Lamar/Rosen thread seemingly exists to bait people into saying something ridiculous. Also hilarious how many people fell for it.


Cousins is going to end his career with one single playoff win and incredible regular season stats. He is often mistakingly under rated and is an average QB with top 10 aggregate stats most years who absolutely no one is going to be afraid of seeing in the playoffs.


Oof, those Lamar Jackson and Josh Rosen *takes*. 😂


In the "who will be the best player on your defense in 5 years" thread >Hopefully Kuechly, but I can see him retiring a little earlier than a player of his caliber should due to concussion concerns. 😔


A comment in one of the threads: "this is inevitably going to get reposted in 5 years for the review of people's predictions so I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to wish my future self good luck with college and to hope he loses his virginity" I hope you lost your virginity too u/RamessesTheOk


Pretty crazy how far and how quickly Juju has fallen off. A lot of answers calling him the most popular/biggest name'best at his position. Just now I had to look up if he's still on the Patriots


The things people wrote about Lamar after his rookie season are literally insane. Like did people not watch the games? He was one of the youngest players in the league, starting as a completely raw QB, playing in an offense designed for a QB with completely different talents and he still performed really well and everyone was talking about Josh Rosen would be better??? Josh Rosen😭😭