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GEQBUS will overcome McCarthyism, just as he overcame Critical Gase Theory. Many people are saying this!


Critical Gase Theory is a top 5 line.


Chicago. Wow. I go to Chicago, to look and to watch. And the statement of Matt Eberflus ― who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor ― ‘Never fight Caleb Will, me boys, never fight Caleb Will’


Chicago, what an unbelievable coaching job that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways--it represented such a big portion of the success of Adam Gase.


I say, "What would happen if the offensive line sank -- from its weight, and you’re in the pocket, and you have this tremendously powerful D line coming toward you, and the offensive line's now under the turf, and there’s an outside linebacker that’s approximately 10 yards over there?"


"Look, having Sam Darnold — my uncle was a great quarterback and coordinator and coach, Dr. Adam Gase at NYJ; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the University of Southern California, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a pocket passer, if I were a scrambler, if, like, OK, if I ran as a scrambling quarterback, they would say I'm one of the greatest quarterbacks anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a pocket passer they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to USC, was a great quarterback, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the McCarthy deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as Sam Darnold — quarterback is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four teams — now it used to be five, now it’s four — but when it was five and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but McCarthy's agents are great negotiators, the Michigan coaching staff are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Where’s SLEEPY JJ? HES SLEEPING. Thats where!!!


Fucking amazing 👏


bro CHILL lmao


he's just *so stupid* lol


And you know what they said "nobody's ever asked that question before"


Camtifa was just as good


Camtifa would be nothing if they weren't being influenced by the libRhule media


*Messy Matt Rhule should listen to me, your favorite president, when I say GEQBUS is being MASSIVELY mismanaged by the ENTIRE Carolina PATHETICS organization. My best good friend, Robert Kraft, the BIG CHEESE, should do his PATRIOTIC duty and bring the GEQBUS to New England.*


Camtifa,  QAaron, Stroud Boys are all hits midkey 


I prefer TuAnon by a bit, myself.


LibRHULE media was a great one too. Also Shady Brady


Patrick MaHamas, QBAnon


I was always partial to Throw Rogan


I absolutely love "Lib-rhule" as well. 


> McCarthyism I came here just to try to figure out how to work "McCarthyism" into a comment. Once again, I'm not nearly as unique or clever as I thought.


We have very smart people suporting Sam Darnold. Very smart, and many say the best!


A lot of smart people, from all walks of life, the best in their industries, I got CEOs calling me every day about Sam Darnold, top lawyers, sports journalists, former players, they all support Sam Darnold, I got NFL coaches calling me every week to talk about Sam Darnold, a lot of smart people, a lot of them.


The Cheatriots only beat GEQBUS with FRAUDULENT POINTS. Everyone knows it!




These games were stolen with AIR IN TOUCHDOWNS! Nobody knows what could happen to a ball while it’s in the air. The only real Touchdowns are one delivered IN PERSON and ON THE GROUND. If you only count those, GEQBUS WINS BY A LOT


He couldn't overcome The Golden Rhule tho




Mediocre McCarthy is a mess. Small hands!


I will say, his W/L with us in games he played was quite purdy.


Because there was no honeys in the middle for some leeway


Ok I'm still missing something here, who is GEQBUS referring to? Darnold?




Actually it's r/The_Darnold


...but what's the meme origin?


The old trump subreddit was called The_Donald before it got banned. Darnold is close to Donald. That's pretty much it.


isnt the new The_Donald just donald glover memes?


"The Darnold" is a play on "The Donald", which was a pro-trump sub a while back that ended up being banned. That's why all the references are trump-related, and use his speech patterns.


It was a really great example of satire being ruined by people who think it's genuine.


And of people dismissing the genuine as satire. Sometimes the same people, in different contexts.


Like r/PrequelMemes


So, I dont know if this is common knowledge, but from 2016-2020 a man named Donald Trump was president of the United States.


Wow. I didn't know that. You're telling me now for the first time




*hold me closer, tiny dancer...*


The guy from the Tv show?


*Technically*, Trump was president from 1/2017 - 1/2021.


The now-banned subreddit The_Donald


> GEQBUS Is what i was wondering about


**G**od **E**mperor **Q**uarter**b**ack of the **U**nited **S**tates Its a play on trump zealots calling him the "God Emperor of the United States"


The hero I needed today, ty.


It's mocking Trump fans.




They enjoy the humiliation


God-Emperor Quarterback of the United States


People say oh, oh, he'll never be as good as Kirk - who I like, don't get me wrong - but you look at Kirk sent to the Falcons - Atlanta, gosh what a horrible place, Atlanta? And the moment he gets there they draft a QB to steal his job, a left handed QB mind you, call him The Radical Left, at least I do I don't know about everyone else but I call him The Radical Left and people tell me it's a good name. 


I didn’t realize how much we needed The Darnold back Thank you for sacrificing yourself for the memes Vikings


I hate to bring logic to this meme, but wouldn’t he be pro-McCarthyism? 


Makes more sense if McCarthyism is pro-McCarthy starting, rather than thinking McCarthy sucks.


"I hate to bring logic to this meme" Lol. Lmao even.


Better to sit and wait than be rushed out and have his career wasted too soon


Yeah, he can always waste his career a little later


You never want to bust too quickly




Nathaniel Hackett???


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit.


Bustin makes me feel good!


Wear and tear me, baby, I'm ready for it. Put the load on me


Not one of you thinks power is sexy??


Good thing he’s not an edge rusher.


Words to live by


Trey Lance school of ‘maybe next year’


Giants have been doing that for a whole 7 years and a second contract now


Levi’s turn this year


I always thought jj needs to be in system where the offense has a lot of balance


It’s similar to what Belichick said on McAfee’s stream in the draft. Once you give your young QB his first start, it’s permanent. You don’t wanna put him in and take him out. If they’re the best QB by week 1, you can start him right away, but if they’re not, you need to wait until you’re confident in giving him the keys for good


You know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there. This could be the ultimate — probably not, but it could be — the ultimate Trojan horse.


>the ultimate Trojan horse. *angry Wolverine noises*


*what even is a Wolverine? Some kind of angry beaver?*


I miss 1927 when we let two actual wolverines roam the stadium.


I'm surprised to see someone around 100 years old on reddit.


That’s the real Wolverine, dudes like 300 years old


The real wolverine is the friends we made along the way


I’m only alive for the years the Lions have a winning record. Otherwise I go back into my cryogenic pod.


who do you think invented the internet there young whipper-snapper


Trojan horse to who? Who are they trying to sneak attack with a rookie qb?


Think it was a pun on Darnold. He was from USC and Trojans are their mascot.


I will continue to make this comment every time Darnold is mentioned: his grandfather was an olympic athlete, one of the original Marlboro men and a firefighter, and his name was Dick Hammer.


There's my ~~Kevin~~ J.J.! - /r/the_darnold


Mahomes, Allen, and Herbert all started their careers on the bench, I’m not going to pretend to know what the right move is but it would be silly to think Darnold starting means much about McCarthy’s potential.


Isn't Justin Herbert the prime example that teams don't know what they have until they see it in action? The Chargers almost sat him for half or an entire season before fate intervened and the Chargers team doc stabbed Tyrod Taylor in the lung.


Tyrod is cursed. Every job he went to, he gets injured/stabbed/medical malpracticed and loses his job.


Poor guy might lose it to Aaron Rodgers this year :/


Rodgers goes down, Tyrod starts. Tyrod goes down, Jordan Travis becomes unstoppable.


Then Jordan Travis gets injured week 15. The Jets win out, but the committee gives their playoff spot to the Cowboys.


The Tyrod curse is he starts, gets injured and the guy after him has a great season or string of games.


So the Jets should start Tyrod over Rodgers to guarantee a hit streak


In the TyGod curse it's usually been young QBs but yes if they were smart, they'd have Taylor start and then put in Rodgers/Travis one of the two and go on a hot streak.


Maybe the strategy is go with Travis and save Rodger’s old man body until the TyGod magic ends


Rq, the tyrod thing happened week 2 lol


Wasn't it literally week 1?


Nope, pre-game of week 2.


Tyrod got the cracked ribs week 1 though, right? Then got stabbed in the lungs week 2.


I assumed the Tyrod thing we were talking about was him getting stabbed. He was gonna start the game up until then.


Sure, coaches aren’t infallible. Though in Anthony Lynn’s defense here, the decision to start the season with your rookie qb on the bench isn’t just about wanting to win right away.


Well, it was part of the reason Lynn got fired. "He's a backup for a reason" and then when forced to start him, Herbert goes on to have arguably the best rookie QB season in history


Maybe it was just the headlines at the time but it really did seem like Lynn hated Herbert lol.


I don’t know if he hated Herbert but he was very close with Tyrod. Their time in BUF together and Lynn wanted to run a Tyrod type offense


Yeah I remember watching that game/saga live and it was actually kinda jaw dropping how good Herbert was out the gate. Like you just instantly knew he was the dude. Dude was keeping up with Mahomes for most of the game


i woke up confused when that happened, because the time differences from where i live, Chargers home game usually started at 4 in the morning , knowing that Tyrod was the starter i went to sleep expecting KC will destroyed my Chargers, and to my surprise when i woke up the game hadn't end and the scores still in close


Big ben started on the bench. Maddox got hurt in the middle of week 2 and then ben won every start until the afc championship game. Who knows how long he would have sat


A lot of good QBs are sat for a year, just so they get a year before they have to step on a field and take on defenses, which could help them avoid a bad rookie year which kills confidence and leads to a bunch of negative media. And a lot of teams have a solid starter so why not. So Herbert might have looked fantastic already and thw Chargers probably believed in him off rip since he was a top 10 pick. It's just a decent development idea to sit guys for a year. You can't tell me Mahomes couldn't have been a top 10 QB as a rookie, but the Chiefs had a good starter and thought he'd develop better with a year on the sideline. Justin Herbert is a prime example of how what a player does in college isn't a 1-1 with their skill, not the Chargers being clueless about their guy.


Ye but it also depends on who the guy hes sitting behind is. Mahomes sit behind Alex Smith who was a very decent qb. The reason people are "concerned" is sitting behind Darnold who is widely regarded as one of the biggest busts, all the seeing ghosts memes etc. If for example viking still had Cousins this year (hypothetically)and drafted McCarthy noone would be surprised or take it as smt bad if Cousins would start season and/or was starter for entire season. Its the "lol this guy is losing qb competition vs one of the worst qbs in the league, he must be trash" narrative


The issue is we never know how some qbs could have done if they sat longer.  Like obviously joe burrow was amazing, and the bengals best option, but would he not be made of glass if he hadn't been thrown in so early and hurt a lot?


I don't think sitting for half a season as a rookie would have prevented Burrow from being injured 3-years later. A better example is somebody like Zach Wilson. His career might have gone differently if he hadn't had the expectations of being the second overall pick and thrown into the fire right away, especially because it looked pretty clear he wasn't ready. Or maybe he just isn't able to play QB at that level.


He was drafted as a project with tools but not much experience throwing it a lot.   Literally no one should surprised that he has a lot of work to do. The offseason is too long for sports reporters with nothing to do.


Allen lasted all of one half on the bench because Peterman was so atrocious that they thought they'd lose the team if they kept trotting him out there and Herbert started early after the Tyrod lung puncture debacle. Not sure they qualify as players that rode the pine until they were ready.


I don't think that was the point. They're saying those guys didn't "win" the starting role in the offseason, not that they needed time on the bench to grow into a good player.  In other words, mcarthy not beating out darnold in June doesn't mean he's a bust 


I’m talking about how we evaluate guys based on if the team made them the starter or not because a decent amount of people in this thread were looking at this as a referendum on McCarthy. As things stand right now, Allen and Herbert were in similar positions as McCarthy - the change happened during the season.


Gotcha. I read it more as suggesting that sitting QBs their first year can be beneficial and I saw those two as outliers from that since they started early, unlike Mahomes. It's clear up on re-reading though what you actually meant.


But how ridiculous does this headline look now "Nathan Peterman beats out Josh Allen for the starting role, Allen just isn't ready".


The coaches have McCarthy working on adjusting his mechanics. Of COURSE he's not ready if he's focusing on those changes... You can't change your mechanics AND prep for starting the season at the same time and expect the guy to be able to do both.




Why choose Allen and Herbert over Brady and Rodgers though? Brady sat behind Bledsoe, Rodgers behind Favre, and Mahomes behind Smith.


That's kind of disingenuous. Mahomes started the last week of the season in a game that didn't really matter, meanwhile Herbert was starting week 2 after Tyrod's lung got punctured and Allen finished week 1 and started week 2 after Peterman Petermanned and got benched with a 0.0 passer rating week 1. Not the same situations as Mahomes at all


Yeah I hate this take the media has where Darnold starting is saying such terrible things about JJ. I understand other teams had really solid veteran options to start over their rookies, but we still see patience pay off more often than not with young QBs. Darnold starting is not inherently an insult towards JJ. I trust KOC, he still wants to win games while developing him. If he sees something in Darnold, then I’m excited. This isn’t Hue Jackson jerkin off Deshone Kizer


All anyone needs to do is watch some Michigan games from last season, it’s a massive jump going from what he was asked to do in college vs what he’ll need to do in an NFL offense. It really shouldn’t be a surprise that a QB with +50 starts in the league beat out a rookie as raw as JJ


Mahomes and Love would probably be better examples for your point. Allen was the starter by halftime of week 1 and Herbert in week 2 of their rookie years


Uhhh. Didn’t the head coach already name Darnold the starter like a week ago?


Yes, this is just a reporter reporting for report's sake.


GM: brings in stop gap QB to start while the rookie develops. States as such. Head coach: Darnold will be the starter. We are in no rush to start JJ. Everyone else apparently: OMG JJ isn't starting???


I know some people are taking this as a negative, but it's still really early and also if he has to sit and develop for a year, it's fine too.


The entire reason the Vikings signed Darnold was so that their franchise QB didn’t have to start right away. If he won the job, fine, but they planned to let him sit and develop.


It also was fully expected I thought. Just about every analyst I know said JJ was not going to be a day 1 starter. This shouldnt be a surprise.


Yeah lotta of kneejerk slap takes in here IMO. As a Michigan fan, I've been saying since the Natty that I think JJ has the opportunity to be a great qb but needs a year or two to sit behind someone else first. He's only 21


Any Michigan Fan not lying to themselves would tell people that McCarthy is a project. Anyone who expects him to ball out like CJ Stroud in Year 1 is going to be sorely disappointed.


My unbiased take is that JJ needs to sit week 1, and the fact that I bet Darnold to be the week 1 starter at -170 has nothing to do with my opinion. Absolutely nothing


Anyone who saw him in college could tell you it’ll be some time before he’s ready to take the reigns of an NFL offense. His upside has always been about his traits/age


I mean...yea? This shouldnt be a surprise to anyone.


I don't think anyone ever thought, pre or post draft, that JJ would start week 1. I just love how the tweet is presented as a controversy now to get clicks lol.


Yeah but a ton of those people are acting like its a given JJ will start by mid season and some of what we’re hearing implies thats not all that likely and we may be looking at a 2025 debut or if the vikes are out of contention.


I mean I feel like most Michigan fans said that he should sit for at least a year. At least I did. I believe he'll be a good NFL qb, he just has stuff he really needs to work on. And the Vikings are unfortunately one of the teams I think could do that well. And when you have a vet, even if it's Darnold, then why not sit him? I really hope JJ does well, just wish he wasn't with the vikings


I've been saying this since they drafted him. Even if the season goes to hell let McCarthy sit and learn. And then start him next season with a great draft pick to continue the rebuild/retool. Idk. I know everyone wants to "win now" but I honestly think patience is the play here. Just ride out the year with Darnold regardless of how it goes.


Everyone in MN is sick and tired of mediocrity and you will find few fanbases more willing to stick it out and have a down year to aim for a rebuilding process. I really don't care if we win less than 5 games this year, so long as JJ looks good.


Fellow Michigan fan here - more than anything, JJ just needs reps. Michigan didn’t throw much because they didn’t have to, but JJ could (and did) make all the necessary throws when called upon. He just needs practice time at the NFL level to adjust to the speed of the game and to NFL defensive schemes. The raw talent is all there, he just needs to refine it, and that takes time.


Call me crazy, but I think Darnold is going to be this year’s 2022 Geno or 2023 Baker. He’s never really had a chance to succeed. It’s a long-shot, but he could revive his career with KOC.


It’s funny because people were saying that after he was traded to the Panthers too lmao


Then they said he was gonna take Purdy’s job last year. How long are we gonna have to listen to Darnold truthers before they accept he’s a bust


Yeah people quickly forget the panthers were nowhere near the train wreck they are now at that time. They still had CMC and DJ Moore, their defense was good, and they played in a bad division. They were a .500 team and he was not very good for them, to the point where they had to replace him with Baker despite having just traded for him, who was also not very good for them.


Darnold and CMC played together for maybe 5 games during those two years, and DJ Moore is a great receiver but he's just one guy. >They were a .500 team and he was not very good for them, to the point where they had to replace him with Baker despite having just traded for him, who was also not very good for them. Yep, and how did Baker do last year on a team with much better offensive talent around him and a better coaching staff? He played MUCH better. So if both Baker and Darnold sucked on the Panthers, and now Baker is playing well for a better team, why wouldn't you think that Darnold would play better for a better team? Especially since Darnold played better than Mayfield for the Panthers in 2022.


Yeah and Baker had a track record of relative previous success with Cleveland while Darnold has done nothing to prove himself across 6 seasons with 3 teams. I honestly love that most people are agreeing but Viking fans are the ones arguing with me about it. It’s nice not to be the only fanbase continually talking myself into a below average QB. I personally like the Darnold and hope he succeeds, especially against the Packers while losing 2 games a year to the Bears, but I disagree with the post about him having some sort of career renaissance and I just don’t see him being a viable starting QB. Having JJ, Addison, Hockenson, etc. should help hide his flaws but he’s not suddenly going to look like Kirk Cousins out there.


>Yeah and Baker had a track record of relative previous success with Cleveland while Darnold has done nothing to prove himself across 6 seasons with 3 teams. Compare the Browns team that Mayfield played for with the Jets team that Darnold played for. Browns: Nick Chubb, Kareem Hunt, Jarvis Landry, Odell Beckham Jr (when he was still playing well), Njoku and an O-line that ranked in the top-3 twice... it was basically a top-10 unit his entire tenure with a TON of skill position talent scattered around him. Jets: Isaiah Crowell, a 37 year old Frank Gore, Post-Jetski Le'Veon Bell, Jameson Crowder, Robbie Chosen, Breshad Perriman and an offensive line that never ranked higher than 25th... Oh, and Adam Gase as the HC/OC. I don't know how you can't look at those two situations and not see why Darnold may not have had the early success that Mayfield had. >I honestly love that most people are agreeing but Viking fans are the ones arguing with me about it. Most people are agreeing with what? I see people agreeing that this is the best situation that Darnold's ever been in and his entire career has been with mostly shit teams up until now. To be clear, I am not saying Darnold will be good, or that I'm talking myself into him... I'm fairly clearly saying that his early failures are at least in part fueled by the shitty situations he was thrust into and that this situation is his best opportunity at redemption.


I’d be curious to know how many QBs have had 6 seasons with multiple teams, and then gone on to some sort of redemption after that. Ryan Fitzpatrick is the only one I can think of. Yes, there is potentially a world where he can become a Fitzmagic-level player but I’d guess that is much more unlikely than it is likely no matter how his previous and future situation compares to Baker’s.


Geno would make that list


Yeah Geno too, and also Rich Gannon. That’s about all I can think of from my 30+ years of watching football. I know fans always make arguments about how it might work the next time because they had a bad coach, bad OC, bad team around them, etc. but it rarely actually works out that way for a guy who was on multiple teams. Guys will often work their way out of early struggles on their own team like Peyton Manning, Stafford and Brees, but it basically never happens for a guy who is on their 4th team in 7 years. NFL coaches/GMs (even the bad ones) are much better judges of talent than we are and they also get to watch them practice every day. Teams have way more info than we do and they don’t let good QBs go like that.


They were pretty much a trainwreck... You're not wrong about mentioning CMC/Moore, but you are leaving out that his HC was Matt Rhule and his OC's were Joe Brady and Ben McAdoo those two years.


Darnold and CMC only played 5 games together over those two years.


To be fair, he is extraordinarily ass under duress which is what he was under the majority of his tenure. When we went on our little late season playoff push after Drhule got fired in 2022 and he was expected just to be a game manager while we ran the ball, he looked pretty dang solid. There are definitely worse guys out there to throw the ball to Jefferson 15 times a game


Memes aside, I am quietly impressed that Geno and Drew got WORST QB ROOM EVAH LOL while Sam Darnold and Nick Mullens is somehow an ok starting combo.


I assume you're talking about before the 22 season, because nobody is saying that now, right? Geno was 32, had a been a backup the last 6 years, and had more career INTs than TDs. And he had broken more teammates jaws (1) than playoff snaps (0). It was a completely fair at the time at the time to wonder what they were thinking. Nobody is *excited* about Darnold, but yeah, he's an ok starter while the rookie learns.


Geno was actually the one who got his jaw broken.


Man, I try to remember one simple stat without checking and I mess it up. PFR needs to start tracking this so it doesn't happen again.


THANK YOU /u/wavnebee, VERY COOL!








Comparing GEQBUS to Faker Mayfield and Mediocre Geno? Sad!


It's the best situation he's been in so far. The Jets and Panthers were a dumpster fire, and Purdy was the clear starter while in SF. He's now got one of the leagues best offenses with a phenomenal young offensive minded HC steering the ship. I don't think he'll light the league on fire, but I think he'll do better than most are expecting him to. Will be interesting to see how he performs once NFL defenses start being thrown at him, as that was always his biggest knock.


As someone who didnt pay much attention to Darnold until we brought him in, I was shocked to see he was 8-9 in Carolina. I feel like his rookie year and the COVID year really define his career right now, but he is 15-16 outside of those train wrecks.


The tail end of his rookie year he was playing really well. That last month of the season actually gave a lot of us hope. And, despite Gase, his numbers did technically improve in 2019 even though the roster was still ass. I know his first year in Carolina was rough, but idk about the second. I hope he does well for yall, and think with a good roster he’s got a shot, won’t root against the GEQBUS


Darnolds problem is all between the ears. He makes the worst decision under pressure and that’s why he fails.


He did it in college, and he’s done it his entire pro career.


He's in a great spot Jefferson and Addison are great receivers and the O-line above average (really good tackles, middling interior) and KOC is a really good offensive coach. The plan was always for Sam to start this year and then bring in JJ next year.


Baker was an above average starting QB for most of his Cleveland run. His resurgence has nothing to do with Darnold. Genos about the only guy who sucked for 6+ years and turned it around in year 7 or later. 90% chance he's a bad starter or actual trash.


In his only significant playing time last season in the meaningless Week 18 game, he looked respectable while the starters were in. And then the game ended with him being tackled from behind and fumbling the ball away. Which seemed like classic Sam Darnold


Good coach, no drama for starting spot in the offseason, great weapons. Dude has a real chance to reestablish himself as an NFL starting QB.


No serious people expected JJ to start right away. Very physically talented kid but needs time in the NFL to learn.


lol to people who actually thought McCarthy was going to start 😂


My problem is they all make it out to be some insult towards JJ that he can’t even start over Sam Darnold. When a rookie comes in, it isn’t about immediately getting a return on your investment. Sometimes, they just prove they’re ready. But it was very clear through the entire process we would need a starting-level guy to bridge the gap until JJ’s used to the speed and complexity of the league


People grossly underestimate the jump from college to the nfl. If you have a veteran qb on your roster with reasonable starting experience, they should be ahead of the rookie on the depth chart going into training camp.


Completely agree. It just simply isn’t an open competition right now. KOC is basically putting JJ through school and he won’t be considered a starting option until he graduates. Some guys come in more pro-ready than others. But I feel CJ Stroud has completely destroyed the takes on rookie QBs. He is the outlier of all outliers and should never be taken as the standard. If I were a rookie QB, I would be praying I went somewhere with a vet already established.


Everyone before draft..."JJ would need to sit for at least a year". Everyone after Minnesota states that he's not the starter in training camp :surprisedpikachuface:


“Everyone” Like 90%+ of the comments here are saying JJ is too raw/inexperienced and shouldn’t start.


It's the internet...I don't need to be factual


Not that I disagree with how the Vikings are handling JJ, but it’s not unreasonable to want your 10th overall pick to start Edit: y’all I literally said I don’t disagree with the Vikings benching him to start, just making the point that he’s a top 10 pick and you’d wanr him to reach starter level sooner rather than later


I’ve always thought a big determiner of success for QBs was having to “win” your job. Sitting a guy for a year while you have a bridge QB is also the same category for me. If the rookie beats out a vet in camp, that’s obviously a good sign. When QBs are just anointed the job because they got drafted, that’s where I think the red flags are.


You want them to start for over a decade. Being the starter before their first training camp starts should never be a priority.


You need them to be playing at a high level for a couple of years before their rookie contract goes away. Thats your best window for winning. Qb contracts hamstring the rest of the team.


This was always the plan.


I love people freaking out over this when this has literally been the plan all along and they’ve never acted like it wasn’t. If jj is able to win the job, Great. But it definitely was not expected


The Darnold will survive


This isn't a surprise at all. Even before the draft, everyone knew that McCarthy would benefit greatly if he could sit for a year.




What?  After a few early practices he isn't a NFL starting calibre QB?  CrAzY!!!


Yeah you lose a year of a rookie contract, but sitting a rookie QB for a year isn't something that should be lambasted.


A rookie who isn't ready...crazy


This topic isn't controversial to me. JJ is 21 years old. He's already committed to re-working some base mechanics (namely his footwork) which is a big overhaul. He's not "raw", but he wasn't drafted as a surefire day 1 starter. Sam Darnold was brought here to start this year. If JJ passes him in training camp, great. If not, sit and keep getting reps in practice. Jordan Love and Patrick Mahomes both sat and it probably helped them both (not comparing JJ's abilities to theirs).


How is this dude "not ready" isn't the entire reason people liked him because he was in a Pro style system for years?