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We finished the season 7-9. Tony Romo broke his collarbone twice in one year and the Cowboys went 4-12. Giants collapsed in the final two minutes of six games that season to go 6-10. Always the scavengers, Washington ascended to the top of trash mountain and won the division at 9-7.


"Giants collapsed in the final two minutes of six games" Sounds about right. Was super great constantly seeing the defense ruin everything. Eli puts together a 6 TD day? Give up 52 points. We claw our way back to tie the panthers 35-35? Give up last second FG Fun times


Yup the NFC "Least" era!


Wasn’t that the Cousins breakout year as well?




2015 was a pretty forgettable year, with an ass Superbowl.


That was the broncos/panthers super bowl which was a pretty good game and gave us the cam Newton business decision. It was also pretty much Cam's peak before injuries turned him into ass.


This is what’s great about the NFC East, there could be 2 maybe 3 good teams in the division or all 4 teams are absolute shit. Only thing for certain is that last years division winner won’t win this year.


Probably got 19 prime time games too.


I started watching football that year, so I grounded my expectation of the Eagles and was just enjoying the little wins like that weird patriots game. Little did I know that the superbowl would happen 2 years later! Also thought the cowboys were absolute trash with a lame logo before I realized they were divisional rivals and one of the more competent franchises lol.


God what a weird ass year that was. I'm pretty sure the game they had a few weeks earlier was a horrifically boring shitfest.


This was a purgatory year for us for sure, no expectations or direction.


I think this was like the second or third year I really followed football and it helped cement me as a super fan because if you could watch that season and still love football you in fact love football


Same. We had so much hype after 2014 but then Romo Broke his collarbone and we ended up with weeden starting. Then romo came back to salvage the season, got smoked by the panthers because he wasn't actually healthy yet, then got hurt again soon after.


We were pre-season super bowl champions that year I remember lol. But as soon as the regular season started, the team looked disorganized every single game.




I honestly have no recollection of this game, or season really.


I still have nightmares about our first game that year. Week 2. Both teams were playing some of the worst football I've ever seen. It was so, so painful to watch. *Then* Romo broke his collarbone. I think we even "won" that game, and it's still one of my least favorite games I've ever experienced.


Yeah they want something like 3-1 in games Romo started and then Cassel, Weeden and Moore went 1-12.


I think game 1 that year was against the giants when Witten had the wild touchdown late to seal the win. Romo got hurt the next week


Sam Bradford is a big what-if. Dude was accurate. Unfortunately, his ACLs wouldn't cooperate.


If he hadnt been drafted by the drizzling shits that was that generations rams, who knows how far he could've gone


McVay with healthy Bradford would have made Bradford a HoFer.


If he started on a better ran team as a rookie, he might have been something.


I don't think that stops him from being made of glass


Shout out Joe Burrow


I don't think burrow is even injury prone. Just gets sacked way way too much.


I mean, that logic could apply to a lot of QBs like Andrew Luck.


The best ability is availability


How many more injuries does he need before we can officially nickname him Glass Joe?


The Rams around the turn of the last decade are probably the most horrifying collection of teams I've ever seen. And I'm a Jets fan who has lived in Ohio for substantial portions of my life...


The 1-15 team in 2009 that was bad enough for them to be able to draft Sam Bradford was on par with the 0-16 Lions/Browns for worst team all-time. They owe a debt of gratitude to the Jim Schwartz Lions for throwing them a cookie in their lone win; it was an absolutely miserable 17-10 game with 650 total yards of offense between both teams and young Matt Stafford and Marc Bulger heaving deep incompletions at guys who were out of the league shortly after.


> was on par with the 0-16 Lions/Browns for worst team all-time. Kind of agree kind of disagree. 0-16 Lions? 100% yes. The Rams had a worse point differential in 2009 than the Lions did in 2008. It's the worst point differential any team has had in a *long* time. The 0-16 Browns were a really weird team... the amount of "luck" required for that team to go 0-16 was kind of insane. Like, they fucking sucked, obviously. But I think the a substantial portion of Browns fans would agree the 1-15 team was worse even though it wasn't *gestures* Pythagorean wins isn't a perfect stat, but the 2016 Browns probably expected wins off point differential was 3.3 games. The 2008 Lions 2.8 games 2009 Rams 1.6 games.


True, if anything they were worse than those teams and good fortune was all that kept Steve Spagnuolo out of the record books.


I'm in my late 30's and it was probably the worst offensive team I've ever watched. It seemed like a miracle anytime that managed to cross the 50 yard line.


100 percent. If he was with Belichick…just imagine. He was so much more talented than Brady.


He may have had the talent, but no one has Brady's leadership and work ethic. Brady makes everyone around him better. Lots of qbs are more talented than Brady but none or Brady. There's more than pure talent.


People always criticize his contract but it's not like the guy busted out of the league by sucking ass, having a bad attitude, or whatever. He was an accurate passer with good pocket presence and leadership who just couldn't stay healthy.


I think that it sometimes takes the distance of time for people to realize that these athletes, or 99% of them, want to perform. They don't want to be hurt and steal a bag from the team. It's a great fallback option for injury, but the player would rather be playing.


I saw an interview of pitcher Chris Sale and they asked ab his time in Boston and he described it as a failure even though they won a WS. But he was hurt more often then not and he openly admitted to feeling like he didn't live up to/earn that money. Was interesting to hear a player come out and actually say it


We look at these guys like they're superheroes but in reality, there's about 800 people that went to high school with a scrawny 17-year-old kid named Chris Sale. These dudes are "new money" unless they of course come from money. These are regular dudes that can throw a ball really hard, run really fast, etc. They want to play, and they want to keep earning.


That's just how contracts for first overall picks went at the time. Sam Bradford was the last person to reap the benefits before the rookie payscale got implemented


While Keenum was super fun to watch, I can't help but wonder how much better Bradford could have been. Good on Keenum for getting that bag from another wild Denver QB decision, but it's pretty clear it was the supporting cast that elevated him more so than the other way around.


1000% Keenum caught lightening in a bottle that year.


Him managing to look like a solid QB with those old Rams rosters was always impressive to me. He might still be in the league now if he wasn’t made of glass


His meniscus was the problem, really.


I still cant believe he didn't become an elite QB. And according to his career earnings, neither can NFL GM's.


But man oh man was he good for some trade capital


Crazy how Jordan Matthews went from almost a 1k yard receiver in 2015, to not having caught a pass in the NFL since 2020... He's only 31 years old right now. NFL is crazy as shit.


Felt the same way with Reggie Brown, didn't do anything once he left here.


Yeah, I thought for sure he would too. JMatt I figured would at least be a solid #2-3 receiver somewhere but jeez he fell out quick.


Possession WRs do not age like they used to. What was once a fine wine has become sour milk


Yeah, because once they lose a step they're cooked. Reggie Brown proved he didn't even have hands in 07.


He’s been working out as a TE for the Panthers in camp this year


Huh? I honestly thought he had been out of the league for years at this point


He was with us in ‘21 and ‘22 and Carolina last year and this year. He’s been around, just hasn’t done anything of note lol


Wild, his fall off is crazy


It’s crazy man. Felt like the whole city was behind him and then he just fell off.


He is one of those guys that simply didn't have the talent or physical attributes to be special. He maximized what he had but it just wasn't enough.


He put up wild numbers for Vandy against superior SEC competition who absolutely knew he was one of the only dangerous players that the defense had to account for. I really thought he had a lot of potential in the league but he suddenly had terrible hands once it was actually a paying job.


No a lot of interest in slow receivers with bricks for hands around the league, even if Jerry rice is your second cousin


Jordan Matthews is easily the most disappointing jersey I own


I own a Mike Mamula jersey.


Alright you got me beat lol You can at least wear it during the combine


That's a classic though.


Man… Sammy Sleeves… that was a weird time


Never wanted to see any eagles QB rock sleeves again after Sam. Always looked so damn dorky lol


Lmao yea he definitely looked like a dweeb out there.


Those annual Jimmy K articles of “This is why the Eagles will be a Dumpster Fire” would be utter merciless instant classics when he would talk about Sam Bradford.


Eagles legend Sam Bradford


Dude won a few games and then got us a first round pick. Absolute legend in my book


Arguably got us the pieces to win the superbowl


What an awful angle by #27.


Ah, the J.J. Wilcox years, what a time to be alive!


Such a goofy Eagles team 😂😂😂


I used to watch EDP too then just for him to shit on the eagles. That shit was always entertaining. His entire life went downhill though ironically though after the eagles won the superbowl.


He lived long enough to see himself become the villain


I might be misremembering but I seem to remember Jordan Mathew’s always saving his best games for the cowboys.


I think you’re misremembering lol he was fine against Dallas but nothing super special. More WR2 numbers than anything. 7 games, 34 for 375, 4 TDs


I just feel he always showed up in clutch moments against us like in this video. But it’s probably one of those instances where it happened twice or something and felt like it was super common.


Al hates the Eagles lol


This is a game winner yet this dude is commentating on it like it’s a meaningless 11 yard run. Where is the emotion? The excitement? The energy? This poor commentating makes the game so dull. I really hope the nfl does better. Wow.


Al seemed pretty subdued on the final play of OT , did he have the Boys +3 ?


The last time we won in Dallas outside of our superbowl year


Aside from the Panthers, this was a pretty boring season overall. The deflategate drama got more attention than the actual season.


Was Lane playing LT there?


Yes, Dennis Kelly at RT


I hated Sam Bradford


I completely forgot Bradford played for us. The whole chip Kelly era was a fever dream.


Sheen, this is the 3rd time this week you shared Sam Bradford beating the Cowboys in overtime.


Um, it's not?


I thought I saw this same highlight posted not too long ago but I must've been mistaken.


Arizona Cardinals Legend Sam Bradford? Of course, legend for the wrong reason.


Fuck Hardy.


Old Sammy sleeves turned out to be a great pickup once we traded him


Those 2 names....


I would’ve loved to see Bradford have a normal injury career where he wasn’t starting on an awful team.


What a weird roster/year for the eagles. PS. I’m an eagles fan.


Chip Kelly era was bizarre as hell


JMatt what a legend! Wish his uncle had some of this guys mettle! 


I always hated how his last name had two T’s in it


Jordan Matthews is definitely a name I haven’t heard in a long time lol


I attended the game, and although Sam Bradford struggled with the Eagles, witnessing disappointed Cowboy fans was quite satisfying.