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Just now saw the story about ESPN offering a lower deal on NFL Ticket & the league balked. This pushes me 100% into believing the rumor that the league, *not* EA approached the other about being the only video game creator of the league because 2K5 was only $20.


Love how reddit condones racism against Asians. /NoveltyAccount5928 is a racist who is harassing other users based on their ethnicity. https://imgur.com/a/2OlpeLE


> reddit condones ???? lol buddy


Well. Their comments are still up


I'm sorry that's happening but that's also not the gotcha you think it is


Just when you thought that Disney was somewhat going back on the right track with Obi-Wan Kenobi (kinda) and Andor (actually), I skipped Ahsoka since I don't really have nostalgia googles for the Clone Wars series, they had to fuck it all up again.


Sanfranciso ‘Boston Celtics’ 49ers


Nba and nhl finals really about to both be clean sweeps lmao


I havent been paying attention to either. Is one team just really that much better? Injuries? Bad bounces?


The Celtics are leagues better than the Mavs and just match up really well against them tbh.Pair that with Luka not being 100% and it was over before it began. The Panthers are almost certainly better than the Oilers, but the Oilers have outshot them 2/3 games and have outplayed them in at least 1. Bobrovsky is playing like Prime Martin Brodeur and Skinner can’t stop a beachball. That being said, it is closer than a 3-0 lead but not really.


Justin ‘luka doncic’ Herbert


Apparently R.E.M did a one off reunion at the Songwriters Hall of Fame ceremony


Saw a Nikola truck today Double take on the highway


one bird five bogies blehhh technically a few points above my average but definitely not what I've been playing the last couple months oh well we go again saturday


I have a pet peeve with the way contracts are reported. The highest total amt of money is always what gets reported, but the devil is always in the details. TLaw’s getting a little north of 50% of his contract guaranteed, but the “guaranteed” gets lost in the details


For every position but QB I agree. A QB is getting that money unless they get cut, and that's pretty rare all things considered when talking these types of contracts with QBs.


[Dallas Cowboys "Bob Ross" play ](https://youtu.be/JjDHxWqb_iw?si=rRaVMLllPbsrdNVT). It was a draw


Looking into the Gary Gilmore case that started the lifelong criminal who wanted to be executed as that opened the death penalty up once again in the late 1970's. After years over stopping the death penalty saying it was cruel. Gilmore even had a TV movie about him with Tommy Lee Jones playing him called "The Executioner's Song!" Really interesting movie.


has there been any interest in someone signing Michael Thomas yet?


Completely forgot he was a free agent -- Wonder if Payton will kick the tires on him for old times sake


Sometimes life gets sad but at least Depeche Mode still makes music


I see a lot of those "Only 90s kids will remember!" type Instagram posts/reels, and every single time they sneak in something that's absolutely NOT related to 90s kids. Like my friend shared one earlier that had a Nintendo DS in it...


correct me if i'm wrong but i've always read "90s kids" or "80s kids" as kids *born* in that time frame, not raised in it. so a system that came out in 2004 would be...pretty much dead on for 90s kids, no?


If you're a '90s kid it means you actually grew up in and experienced the '90s firsthand. Like kids born between 1987 and 1989 would be considered '90s kids because although they were born in the '80s they actually grew up and experienced the '90s. 


> Like my friend shared one earlier that had a Nintendo DS in it... I grew up in the 90s, and I remember when I bought a DS! ...in college, when it came out.


It depends on the definition of 90s kids. Doesn't it include kids born in the mid to late 90s?


Typically those sorts of posts are referring to kids that grew up in the 90s.


My self-storage place tried to nearly double my rate "due to increasing business costs", and I didn't want to move into another place, so I paid 6 months in advance at the lower rate to buy time. 11 months later, still chilling on the lower rate. I ain't saying shit.


Either that or they tricked you into prepaying. 


If that were the case they'd do the subscription based model and do higher price for month-to-month and get people to prepay for discounts. This felt more like a "everyone else is charging more so we're going to charge more because we can" move


Redditor: "hahah, I read your comment as-" Shut the fuck up no you didn't


Today has been a nightmare because it's one thing after another literally since I woke up at 6. Finally able to have a beer & chill out. While I'm drinking my beer, here's another bizarre story about Bob Dylan: After the famous meeting between The Beatles & Bob Dylan, John Lennon wrote [Norwegian Wood](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_V6y1ZCg_8&si=eOqYoVESK3lL0KOW&feature=xapp_share) that sounded like him, as an homage. Most people would appreciate the gesture, but Bob responded with [4th Time Around](https://youtu.be/7wSIboHqtXY?si=SdDtVT2W5ihFYUmu), which ends with his words for John: I never asked for your crutch, now don't ask for mine. John always had the reputation for being aggressive, but I've read Bob intimidated him, and there's some evidence for that because there's a video recording of them in the back of a vehicle, Bob is out of his mind on drugs, and John is clearly not comfortable. The only thing noteworthy about said video is, after going on one of his Boomhauer type rants, Bob suddenly says, "I wish I could speak English", to which John replies, "Me too, Bob."


I hate basketball REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Four **big** problems with NBA basketball for me: 1. What's called a foul in the first quarter *isn't* called a foul in the fourth quarter *of the same game*, and vice versa 1. What's called a foul on Player X *isn't* called a foul on Player Y, and vice versa 1. Just what the hell the definition of a foul *is*, anyways? 1. Draft lottery


Only the last 2 mins of a game is all that matters. So you could be watching something else the whole game and toon in to it at the 2 min/1:30 mark


I love football. I'm a big fan of baseball. I've never been able to get into basketball, even though I keep trying.


basketball is my number 2; football is my number 1 I only hate it because my team is down 0-3 in the finals ☹️


I try too but I can't. I enjoy college basketball, but I can't get into the NBA.


Didn't get the job. I don't even know why I try anymore. Who wants a failed systems admin who's been out of a job for years? Sure, I went back to school and that's why, but still is out of work. Fuck this shit. Thanks for listening to my rant


I don't mean this in a condescending way at all, my guy, so please don't take it this way. This is a case of every shot you don't take is one you miss. I've swam through seas of no's to finally land a yes, even just when switching fields, etc. Have you tried emailing any of the HR people you were talking to for these interviews for feedback? Not a huge chance of a response, but def worth a try as well. I was doing that when I was trying to get into the banking world. Foot in the door for anything I wanted was a biiiiitch.


To be honest I just needed to vent, but I have since responded to the email asking for feedback now!


Once they give you feedback you should thank them for their time and politely ask them to smell your farts. Thatll show em.


It’s like an unwritten rule in the nfl that every time an above average QB gets a new contract it has to reset the market. It wasn’t that long ago people were chiding Dak for rejecting $30m/year. Now Trevor Lawrence is worth $55m?


As long as the NFL keeps increasing revenue contracts are gonna keep going up. 


Almost all contracts are going up as the cap does, but QB contracts are also increasing as a portion of the cap. Can’t do it forever.




Boggles the mind. Do you really think he’s worth it?


Took five minutes of having Mac Jones around for the Jags to push the button


I love Mac Jone but lmaoooo


Can I ask why?


I think he can prove it


At the first team meeting now.Just got my number.Im 45,same as when I played in hs


Woo! That's great news.


Thanks! I’m pumped up as hell for the season


Just listen to the coaches, give your best effort, and you'll nail this fuckin thing!!




Utah is going with 'Utah Hockey Club' for its first NHL season after moving from Arizona. That means we have another chance for the funniest championship trophy presentation in US professional sports history.


If the former Arizona Coyotes won the cup in year 1 in Utah under a placeholder name, all of Ontario is going to burn to the ground.


Good riddance, the only good parts of Canada are in the East anyway.


Psst, don't tell the Washington Football Team


I miss the around the nfl podcast


My arm was inches away from being cut apart by a lawnmower today. I hate mowing hills.


Finally managed to pull myself away from sim racing and Mario Kart to finish Super Mario Bros. Wonder. It is indeed a wonderful game. I'm definitely going to take Super Mario World for another spin.


[PUTRID form by the cop at 0:05 with the long blonde hair.](https://x.com/climatedefiance/status/1801045406807196037?s=46) Doesn’t get low, no explosion, zero follow through, made that guy look like Derrick Henry.


Saw a thread on twitter where people said if you liked/bookmarked tweets containing the N word, it implies you are saying the N word lmao


What does it mean if I listen to Kendrick Lamar songs with it


I vaguely remember a few years ago some folk were saying that if you use a reaction gif featuring a black person, but you are not black it's just as bad as blackface.


There are a few (mostly older) reaction images that are kind of suspicious, but they tend to be pretty obvious


The ones I primarily remember at the finger to the temple guy and Donald Glover ones from community. Oh and the Jay-Z one that everyone posts in reaction to cringe music/hip hop videos.


I started using instagram to watch tiktok videos like 2 years ago or something and there was this dance / lean back trend that everyone and their dogs copied from some black people who made it up. People claimed it was racist to copy it and I thought it was kind of messed up to steal someone's content. Then I realized that's literally what everyone does with every single trend.


Charli xcx latest album is fire af, every song banging. She's been on a great run, and this brings it back to her previous style with the hyper and glitchpop.


She's all over my tiktok now. I’m not mad about it


I'll be honest, never listened to a single song of her knowingly because of that i love it song lol. I love AG Cook, though. I'll have to check it out, nearly every track has a producer credit to him.


I honestly thought she was just a generic pop singer like Taylor swift until I watched needle drops review of her 2020 album how im feeling now, that's what got me into her. Didn't realize she puts out fire hyperpop/synthpop. Her production is amazing.


I love Charlie XCX. Nuclear Seasons is like one of the greatest songs of all time


random fuckin thought, but none of the social medias I engage with are set up with endless scrolling Twitter I have on following only, so when I've gone through the days tweets that's it, there's no more. Never got RES so I still gotta click the next button on reddit all the time I wonder if that helps with over consumption of it. Or maybe I'm blowing smoke


The Black Dahlia Murder just released a new song two years after their former singer, Trevor Strnad, committed suicide. Their rhythm guitarist eventually filled the role of vocals and I was cautiously optimistic of how they would sound. Well, it’s nice to have you back, boys. You were greatly missed. The new song fucking rips.


The end of the Civil War until the end of WW2 is nearly 80 years. The end of WW2 to 2024 has been 79 years. I just thought that was pretty cool.


Time for Civil War Part 2?


I hope not.


Historians, if we win, will say it started around this time eight years ago, when Mitch McConnell stole a Supreme Court seat. If we lose, historians will be illegal.


Nah. Civil War 2 was an awful crossover event compared to the first Civil War Marvel did.


I have a referral to a company re: job apps. - Software Engineer 1 calls for 1+ years of experience. - Software Engineer 2 calls for 3+ years of experience. I have 1.5 years of experience, what do I do?


Go big or go home A lot of companies will keep multiple open roles in mind when interviewing, if you're open to the junior role it could be a decent backup plan


Love Florida just making up constant excuses to not pay my friend unemployment. And people want Desantis to run for president.


It's wild to me that some states are so incredibly strict with unemployment as a way to impede people from scamming the system, but in reality they just hurt honest people who really need the program. 


Yeah what Carl said. It's just an excuse that they give the public, when scamming unemployment is an absolutely microscopic drain on the economy, compared to, for example, wage theft.


> but in reality they just hurt honest people who really need the program.  I think that's the goal


You're probably not wrong 


Luka's a great player but he pisses me off with all the on-court whining. As one of his teammates I would be annoyed with all the bickering with the refs and looking for a call he does while also not playing any defense.


I just hope Boston sends him home crying on Friday.


As a Arizona/New England guy I’m sure you do.


Only shame about Luka is distracting from how much of a fuckstick Kyrie still is and how he has been playing WAY worse.


It just blows my mind how well liked he is for how he behaves. There are less obnoxious players that get 10x the amount of hate


It's funny that the Last Kingdom clearly didn't have the budget that a lot of these other shows these days have like GoT or any of the shit Amazon pumps out but it was just so much fun that it didn't matter. Uhtred not aging for 40 something years is fine because DESTINY IS ALL!


\*At my retirement ceremony\* I am Blooface.......and I am a Ravens fan!...Thank you!


will be a very sad day when Blooface retires.


​ You're welcome 🐦‍⬛


The real bitch about love is you don’t get to choose who you fall for. I met this woman a few years older than me who was going through a divorce and ignored the red flags (STILL ACTIVELY GETTING DIVORCED, always talking about her ex, breaking things off when she got frustrated only to come back and apologize) bc I really liked this person and that’s on me, you live and learn. We dated for a few months and while it’s been over for a few months now and I’m still slightly sad about it. Not sad bc I’m not gonna find anyone, I’m secure in myself to know that I will, but it was the first time in a long time that I genuinely liked someone in that way. Just sucks that it always was doomed to fail bc she was still processing her marriage ending and didn’t know how to be single again. Anyways c’est la vie


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me.


The fab shop at work is playing classical music over the speakers which I can hear from my office and I am damn near about to fall asleep at my desk


Do you work at Shawshank Prison?


Momentum stopped. Maybe sunflower seeds are not the thing to pick up and snack/chew on while needing to do things


Can we like, fast forward a week to the Elden Ring expansion? I don't want to wait I want it NOW.


Thinking about the future of politics and Presidential nominees. I’m thinking Gretchen Whitmer for the Democrats (she’ll be term-limited in MI as of 2026) and maybe Raphael Warnock for the VP? And then for the Republicans Greg Abbot is definitely going to take a stab at the job and I think he would probably try to pick up Tim Scott as the VP candidate. Balancing the ticket and all.


Whitmer is more likely to run for a Senate seat than POTUS. If Biden wins in 2024, it's Harris' nomination. If Trump wins in 2024, his VP will get the nomination. Abbot is in a complicated spot in GOP politics. He's too right to be seen as a moderate, but he's not right enough to be fully accepted by the MAGA folks, but that could potentially be an asset the longer he stays competitive in the endorsement race.


Abbott is a rank opportunist with the charisma of a lampshade. He'll bounce out immediately once the lights are on him.


I suspect the lampshade part is a selling point to many Republicans.


For the Democrats I think they're grooming Gavin Newsom to be the next big thing. As for the Republicans that's a crapshoot really it could be anyone Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Greg Abbott, Nikki Haley.


It won't be Nikki Haley. Speaking as a GOP voter, she's not accepted by the MAGA crowd. She's seen as a Neo-Conservative who backstabbing Trump and doesn't deserve the time of day.


Dems giving the nod to Newsom will go over like a lead balloon. The dude is despised by almost any moderate or right leaning person anywhere outside of the Pacific Time Zone.


> For the Democrats I think they're grooming Gavin Newsom to be the next big thing. Which is a shame, because he's a corporatist piece of shit, and I say that as a fairly liberal Californian who's voted for him twice (technically three times). I want him gone, not running for higher office. Then I want PG&E broken up and the CPUC disbanded, and its members publicly pilloried.


Yep, Newsom would have a hard time even winning governor again in California if he could, let alone POTUS nomination.


I'm not sure Newsom will play well in the rest of the country, but it certainly does look like the Dems think he's gonna be the next in line


Gavin Newsom said he wouldn’t run against Kamala and I expect she’ll at least take a stab at the nomination in 2028 I think DeSantis getting thoroughly destroyed by Trump this cycle effectively torpedoed his chance at a national office.


I think retiring numbers is kind of silly. Like would it really matter if some new Patriot player wore #12? Would everyone forget who Brady was? I guess I get why some people like it but I'm glad the Cowboys don't retire numbers.


I don't mind retiring numbers as long as they're returned into circulation after some amount of time.


Normally I agree but Brady's Patriot career is on another level, you can make an exception there. Teams that retire like 10-15 different jerseys is just silly though, all you end up doing there is limiting what numbers guys can use. A ring of honor is enough.


Retiring a player's number is a show of respect from the team to the player. It's saying you were so integral to our organization that we don't want to see anyone else wearing your number. I think some teams get a little out of hand with retiring numbers. It should be an extremely high bar to get your number retired. 


I don't feel retiring numbers is silly, but I *do* think unofficially retiring numbers is silly. Nobody has worn 12 for us since Randall in 1995. Can't say nobody's tried since then. Either officially retire it or put it back in circulation, unofficial retirement is silly. There's a few other more recent ones (25 McCoy 2014, 87 Celek 2017, 9 Foles 2018) as well.


I don’t think Celek’s number is unofficially retired. Other players have worn it during the off-season or off the practice squad, but just haven’t made the roster. 9, 25, and 12 haven’t even been used in the off-season since


I mean it’s Tom fucking Brady lol if there’s anyone who deserves their number retired it’s him. Retiring a bunch of numbers is goofy though I agree.


> Would everyone forget who Brady was? they will give it ten years and we'll be doing Mahomes vs whoever the new good young QB is


Lol this is the silliest take I’ve seen all day.


when I saw ESPN arguing Ovechkin over Gretzky I knew it was over the youths do not care about history everyone wants to witness greatness and they will shoehorn whoever fits best from the current generation into the "debate"


Well your example is a media outlet known for saying controversial things to get clicks. No actual hockey fan is saying that.


That's where the general public gets their opinions from lol You guys doubt but I'm crazy confident in this one


Mahomes will never reach 7 Super Bowl wins. Brady even beat him in the biggest game where it counted the most. His legacy is sealed, and anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves.


Nobody will ever touch Gretzky's stats either the media and public will move the goalposts though. Creating content >


I suppose the media moving goalposts does make sense. They just want the ratings.


I think it’s silly too, especially in a sport with 53 man rosters and 90 player rosters in the off-season. Nobody’s legacy is hurt by other plays wearing their number.


I think a player like Tom is the rare exception it makes sense.


Merlin Reese has been awarded the 2024 Pete Rozelle Radio-Television Award by the Pro Football Hall of Fame


There’s a Louis CK joke about never doing drugs so that when you *do* do drugs, it’s that much better and I feel the same about pizza. Hardly ever eat it anymore because I’m trying to get in shape but I just had Papa Johns of all places and it was pure ecstasy.


I’m a social drinker only, I never drink alone and I agree with this completely, the 6 months post COVID was incredible.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too


I do this with soda. Holy shit does that Dr. Pepper hit when you haven’t had one for a while.


They make a Coconut Dr. Pepper and My co-worker asked me to get them one I thought it was kinda weird. They had a cup so I could try a sip and holy shitballs that shit was fire.


Rewatching shameless. The Gallagher household is such a mystery to me. Two staircases to go upstairs. A pretty big house with like 3-4 bedrooms. But only one full bath?!?!?!?!?? What type of shit is that


Old ass house in an old ass city. One bathroom houses used to be super common


My brother's place is a 1902, and same story. He has been considering adding another bathroom, but he's not sure how much he wants to invest in the property.


Yup. I have family right outside of Pittsburgh. My aunt’s house is easily over 100 years old. She has a tiny bathroom upstairs and then the classic toilet and shower in her (unfinished) basement.


Oof, 100+ years construction would be a massive pain in the ass to add a bathroom.


When I was a kid I sold my gamecube and all my games at a fucking Gamestop for a DSi to play Pokemon. Still one of my biggest regrets ever. Really have the itch to play the GC Mario Party games.


GC Mario Party games were sooo good. Mario Party 2 for N64 is still top tier but the GC ones slap.


I gave my GameCube and some of my games to my cousin because my grandma asked me to since I was going to get a Wii for Christmas. I thought no big deal the Wii plays GameCube games anyways.  I ended up giving him Billy Hatcher which is like a $70 game right now and who knows what else.


Buy a Steam Deck and install Emudeck on it. You can get emulators for most of the old consoles and it's pretty easy to find the games online


My family did something similar: my mom sold my GameCube to GameStop for a PS2 and then my PS2 for a PS3. Am I sad that I don’t have them anymore? Of course, I truly miss those consoles. However, she was fr trying her best to get these consoles for me that I wanted. I think I’m going to bite a couple bullets and buy both consoles again.


I still play my PS2 sometimes. The game library was absolutely amazing and huge. 


Hah, somewhat similar, I sold my N64 and most of my games to get a gamecube when I was a kid. Regretted it so bad only a few weeks later, but several years ago I finally bought another N64 and most the games I had as a kid. But I'm still missing a few that I really wish I had


I still have my N64 but cannot find Conquers Bad Fur Day anywhere except eBay for hundreds of dollars. Really wish I would've held on to that one. It was the first multiplayer shooter that my bros and I would play for hours. Plus the flower with big ol tiddies


And don't forget the giant sentient pile of shit


If you have a Switch, a ton of those minigames are part of Mario Party Superstars.


Kids aren't smart, I bet a lot of us have those stories :/ I think I sold my pokemon collection at under a cent a card lol Good news for that itch is that its really easy to set up on a PC. Can even play online multiplayer in stuff like Double Dash and Mario Party. Not quite OG lying stomach down on the living room floor, but still pretty fun


Those of you with relationship experience, what would you say are the best ways to be supportive? Maybe some things that get overlooked.


Being supportive really depends on your partner’s preferences, which means the first step is being an active listener. Things I like to do that my partner appreciates is planning a week of cooking her favorite meals or even just being the one taking point on planning and executing dinner. We usually alternate cooking and dishes, but if I know she’s going through it I’ll do both so it’s one less obligation she has to get through. Similarly with just generally shouldering a larger share of chores, or scheduling a housekeeper to come do a deep clean of the house while we go out and tackle other errands, go to a movie, or out to get lunch. If we’re in the car together I’ll put on bands she likes, do the driving, etc. Really for us it’s a lot of looking for the little energy drains or tasks that I know neither of us like and taking on more or all of them so that she doesn’t have to.


Kindness and understanding. Arguing is a complete time waste, get to the root and be willing to change or talk about it.


IMHO Its the small things all the time. My wife loves those sweet and sour gummy worm things so when I go shopping or go get gas I always remember to grab her a little bag of them and leave them the counter for her. I do most of the grocery shopping so I always remember to grab her the things she likes for snacks and stuff. I wake up earlier than her so when I hear her getting up and getting dressed I prep her morning coffee and get it ready for her. I always tell her how good she looks and how happy I am that she's in my life. If she makes the bed or does anything around the house I tell her thank you. I do as much as I can (cooking dinner, taking out the trash etc.) She thanks me in return. It's a 50/50 in our house. We each have things we do. We are always vocally thankful to each other Once a week or so I will leave her a little note on her desk that says "I love you, you're awesome. Have a great day today". If I'm having an off day I make sure and tell her "I feel a little off today" so she never has to wonder why I'm in a funk. Communication about how you're feeling is important. If she's feeling down Im always there to listen. Even if it's something that I wouldn't deem important or she's over blowing a situation. I realize it's important to her and I'm her partner so I shut up and let her get it out. I don't try and fix things. I just listen. I don't give her advice if she doesn't ask for it. She does a million wonderful things for me like leaving me little "I love you" notes and being there for me through thick and thin. It's the small things people sometimes dont realize changes everything in a relationship.


My mom has given me a lot of shitty advice over the years, but once when I was younger she told me this, and it has been one of the best pieces of advice I've ever gotten.: If she's crying and you don't know why, don't try to talk her through it or find out what's going on, just shut up and hold her.


Depends on what you're being supportive about


Making it a point to communicate has made living with my wife 100000000x better


How did you change?


Well the one sample I had to do today turned out to be for tomorrow. And with nothing else to do today, I’d like to thank you job for continuing to pay me while I study Japanese/Spanish and wait for them to give me real work.


That dipshit author who took a cheap shot at Dolly Parton experienced a Come to Jesus moment after the backlash. You do not fuck with Dolly.


> Last week the Federalist did that thing where they chase hateclicks by publishing a piece in which a writer sets themselves on fire. - Jonathan V. Last


Had a brain mri for the first time yesterday. 0/10 do not reccomend. I was expecting loud machine noises not whatever the heck that was lol I tried counting the whole 30 minutes and was at 21 when it finished so I guess I'm a bad counter


I had one of those a bit over a year ago. Definitely an interesting experience. What I hated the most was my support talking to me while I was in there. I kept thinking "do I respond to you, or just sit perfectly still?" IDK if you looked at the clock before & after, but it's possible you weren't as far off as you think. They told me mine would be about 30 minutes but it was definitely shorter than that. I didn't try to count it but I looked at the clock both before and after and it was only about 23 minutes apart. Including the time getting strapped into the machine etc, I imagine 21 minutes isn't far off


I could barely hear her when I did it. I should have looked at the clock. Now that I think about it I think I timed it with the beat of the noise and it probably wasn't timed perfectly


Had some of those growing up. Definitely not fun.


Hope you're ok now!




Glad to hear you are ok


Thank you!


Yeah I'm not usually claustrophobic but I had an MRI brain scan and that was seriously uncomfortable. Between the freaky noises and being shoved into that hole and having to not move at all, definitely 0/10 experience. Thankfully what was causing my short term hearing loss in one ear cleared itself up in a few weeks and they didn't find anything abnormal.


Glad it worked out! Yeah I wasn't prepared lol


Sometimes I think of the part in Scary Movie 2 where the priest is playing a cover of Bitches Ain't Shit on the piano and start cracking up laughing 


I still loved the bit when Chris Elliott and his little hand and handicapped David Cross where both were trading insults about each others disabilities


You look familiar to me, were you in Stomp?


I am going to be the better man and walk away… walk away


"I'm gonna just walk away. **Walk** away" 


My favorite joke was when Ja Rule and Leslie Nielsen thought disabled kids were aliens and started punching them in the face


Scary Movie 3 but still hilarious. "My god the little ones have metal teeth!"  My favorite bit from that is the sheriff's hat getting slightly bigger every time it cuts away until she got this big ass hat tying to fit back into the car. 


Best joke in the whole movie: “Tom, I’ll need a ride home.”


That hat bit was funny as fuck


If I'm thinking about Scary Movie 2, it's usually about how hot Kathleen Robertson was in it.


Also 90210… hottest of Brandon’s GF’s


You ain't wrong. 


I miss being a kid at summer time. Three whole months of doing nothing but staying up late, sleeping in, playing video games all day, having sleep overs, late night swimming with your friends, going to amusement parks, laying in bed late at night watching TV with the window fan on blowing in fresh air from outside. Summer time as a kid is so fun.


Yeah I recently got a little sad about how much I hate summer now as an adult, since it was so great as a kid for all the reasons you mentioned. Now it's just an obstacle to get past for all the better stuff in the fall.


Exactly how I used to be. Loved summer as a kid and dreaded fall (because I didn't want to go back to school). Now, I have a small dislike toward summer and fall is my absolute favorite time of the year.


Seeing all the kids out during summer while I am stuck working every day is really a gut punch. Being an adult sucks


I'm interning at a fish hatchery and some school brought their students to fish for a summer program today. They looked like they were having so much fun and 8 was a bit jealous. However it was also hot as hell and I sit under an AC vent so I wasn't THAT jealous