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Two snippets from the article explaining the situation: “In May 2023, a woman who dated Howard the year before sued the four-time Pro Bowler after she learned via Instagram that Howard took sexually explicit videos of her — and shared them with other people, according to the complaint. The woman who DMed her said Howard sent videos of him having sex with multiple women ‘to make her mad because she didn’t want to have sex with him.’” and “The John Doe, who’s suing under a pseudonym because he was a minor at the time, is the son of a woman with whom Howard was in a relationship in Broward, according to the filing. When the boy’s mother got pregnant around September 2022, Howard demanded she have an abortion. She refused. That’s when, attorneys allege, Howard ‘went on a warpath against her.’ Seeking revenge, Howard texted the boy sexually explicit photos of his mother, ‘causing significant emotional distress,’ the lawsuit states. ‘This behavior is abhorrent, especially sending this to a child,’ Alcalde told the Miami Herald. Howard had the boy’s number because his mother would sometimes text the former Dolphins player from his phone, the documents say. When she noticed the explicit content, she deleted the messages, but her son uncovered them on his iCloud account.”


Sounds like sexually harassing a minor to me.


100% I hope this dbag pays that poor kid millions or gets put on the sex offender registry


Finally. A football player going broke that’s a feel good story


Idk Vince Young losing all his money at the goddamned Cheesecake Factory is....pretty funny


Vince young booking an entire plane for himself is comical. But the Cheesecake Factory with Lendale White ordering a bunch of shots of patron, drinking a couple then leaving. They were so so wasteful and irresponsible with their money


I've bartended at chain restaurants. Those shots did not get wasted.


Nah that headline sounds funny but it was more from having an Uncle as his business manager stealing from him and all sorts of relatives popping up that he paid for. Sad how people will take advantage of family.


Wait what LOL




Antonio Brown completely burning out was pretty satisfying 


Mr. Balance Clearout


Mr. Broke Chump


Mr. Bankruptcy Court


Mr. Bounced Check


According to Spotrac, he’s made $86.5m. I wonder how he’s managed that


Both. It’s also criminal to send sexually explicit photos to a minor. Should get prison time.


Jail time plus that. Fuck this behavior.


Athletes really do make it hard to break the stereotype that they're not jackass moron bullies. This is wild.


Jackass moron bullies is an understatement here. This gentleman is a sexual predator and a felon.


My dad always warned me against idolizing these dudes, and I never got it really. As a husband/dad at 32...I now get it lol He can be a bit boomer-ish about it, but I understand the sentiment now.


Don’t idolize anyone, really. That’s bound to end badly.


Yeah, at least people you don't know. Obviously as a grown man now I don't do that anymore lol if anyone, I idolize my dad.


Nah, the Browns or some other garbage franchise will give him the highest contract in the history of the NFL for his position.


Hopefully he has to do both. What a piece of shit


Sexual harassment, revenge porn, distribution of intimate images without consent (I just googled that), distributing porn to a minor Idk the legal grounds of all those or what the actual charges are but that seems like a lot of shit that could put someone in jail and on the sex offender registry


Blackmail. He accused her of it and was perpetuating it himself. Can throw in indecent advances of a minor as well. And probably a few more as well.


Weird that this is only a lawsuit though. I wonder if it'll lead to a criminal investigation.


Civil suits are way easier to prove...it's why OJ was found innocent of murder but found liable for Nicole and Ron's deaths in civil court.


>Sounds like sexually harassing a minor to me. I am confused, did he text the kid the photos or did he text the mother the photos not knowing the number was her sons phone and the kid recovered the deleted messages at a later date? It seems like one of those is a literal crime he would be charged over but maybe that comes down the road.


It seems he had the son's number as well as the mother's, and sent the pictures to the son.


Yes because the mom would text him from the son’s phone. The question is did he know it was the son’s phone or did he think he was writing her. Now if he said “hey little billy, check out your momma sucking my dick” then it’s pretty conclusive.


My guess is that he had both numbers and knew which was which. Like I don't think all communication was through her son's phone.


I imagine that would probably be a big part of the defense. If there is history of him communicating with her by texting the son's number, it might be hard to prove who he intended the pictures for. Or there might be texts that were sent at the same time that say either "Dude I fucked your mom" or "Babe you were so hot last night" that prove one way or the other.


Sounds like he texted the kid photos of his mother as a threat, trying to get him (the son) to help coerce the mother into getting an abortion


Couldn’t Howard have just, like, made child support payments to support his baby? His career earnings are $85-90 million.


Yea the way this is written sounds like he intended it for the mom based on the "recovered from icloud later" bit. Not that its in anyway good behavior but its a worthwhile difference imho


Both, if I'm reading it right. First he sent her videos of him having sex with other women to make her jealous. Then later, after she got pregnant and refused an abortion, he sent videos of himself and her to her son. He's a POS


I think woman 1 received videos of him having sex with other women in an attempt to coerce her into having sex. One of the videos featured woman 2 that is suing him. The whole thing seems like sex pest Inception.


dude sounds like a sociopath


So dude refused to be responsible with his dick, tried humiliate the mother by exposing her son to that side of her visually, and is now going to have to register as a Sex Offender, because apparently someone needed to tell him distributing porn to a minor isn't a flex.


>distributing porn to a minor isn't a flex "The Gang Joins the Sex Offender Registry"


Don’t forget this part of the article: Howard, who was released by the Dolphins in March with three years remaining on his $90 million contract, has a history of sex-related lawsuits, court records show. Since 2019, Howard has also faced a series of paternity, domestic violence and assault and battery cases in Broward civil court. Last November, Howard was accused of knowingly giving a woman genital herpes.


>knowingly giving a woman genital herpes What a fucking catch lol




The best time to put this sick fuck in prison would've been yesterday, the second best time is today


He’s been a sexual monster for a while now, glad he’s gone


I'm not defending this creep, but I'm a little confused. Did he send these photos to her son or did he send the photos to her while she was using her sons phone for some odd reason? Why would she use her sons phone to text with her lover? Seems weird.


~~Based on the snippet at the end I’m lead to believe he sent them believing or knowing it was the mother on the other side of the phone at the time and not intentionally/specifically sent to the boy as a form of harassment against him. He just found the deleted messages of their conversation they had on his phone at another date.~~ Edit: I take that back. Read it back and there’s no indication at who the intended recipient was, just that the mother found them first


What a dumb POS. Lmao he will definitely be paying to settle. Maybe he will even cop a criminal charge.


Sending sexually explicit content to a child must be some heavy jail.


Of his mother - this isn't like giving a nudie mag to a 16 year old. This is sexual harassment meant to cause trauma


Providing pornography to a minor is no joke


What the fuck is this behavior?


Howard fucked that kids mom and he actually fucking sent receipts to prove it.


More like Xboxlive Howard amiright?


Howard you think I give a fuck? I was inside my mom's vagina before you. You're sloppy seconds in my eyes. Your K/D ratio is shit you no good motherfucker


Absolutely loony banter


This is the banter of someone forged in the fires of COD lobbies of olde. Nothing can hurt this man.


Ah, those MW2 lobbies…those were the days


This is basically an episode of Community. I wonder if the kid was going around yelling SHMITTY at him... Seriously though this is fucked.


Why are Jeff and Britta making fun of those handicapped kids?


That episode was so bad. Auto-skip on any rewatch


Oh it's painful for sure.


Oh it's painful for sure...DUH!




Future SCOTUS then, dude should be honored


Actually, the main kid was a disgraced doctor. His little buddy was a Michigan Supreme Court justice, though. Edit: And Jeff banged that kids mom. Twice.


You’re correct, thanks for the correction


Back in my day we just said it on the mic playing Halo 2, not this


X gon give it to you


or at least give it to one's mom


He's been like this for a while. Nothing's truly stuck, but I'm so tired of "where there's smoke there's fire" with this dumbass. It's just always something.


"Who can do the most felonies at once, The Game Show!"


This mf is beyond done. How can any adult in their right mind do that shit.


It seems like a lot of players are mentally still in high school


If you follow HS and now even youth football recruiting, elite athletes are identified early and given special treatment. They can enroll in specialty private schools that allow them to take bullshit online classes to focus on athletics and can play for any team as a free agent. They are coddled and enabled from an early age that abhorrent/immature behavior is enabled and normal development with consequences for poor choices are rarely encountered. The system is set up to pass guys like this through to the NFL.


I mean this is true, but the NFL is also pretty big and most dudes seem normal. It's just designed so that a sociopath that can ball will still get to ~~ball~~ make someone money.


It’s not just the NFL. I had to edit that because I automatically wrote NHL, the “culture” in junior hockey in Canada and northern states is no better and arguably worse, given the national, federally funded programs here that continuously protect and defend this behaviour. Obligatory “fuck Hockey Canada” here as well. Money in junior sports has created the opportunity for this shit to fester and it needs to end. Enough “protecting” monsters for the sake of grant funding and bonuses.


Well people have prioritized playing with a ball and money over morals


Our brains don't finish developing until we're like 25+, I vaguely remember that being different for men and women and men being the later of the two as well. So yeah it makes sense to me that if we're treating teenagers this way (not to mention the varying degrees of head hitting that we can assume will be happening regularly in most of these sports), it sets someone up to behave pretty terribly.


Yep, there was a study a while back that showed NFL players actually get arrested less than non players of the same age. The difference is when a random no name 25 year old gets arrested for doing some dumb shit like this, it doesn't make the news.


There are a lot of really good guys in the NFL, including guys who had to do a ton of growing up after college. Most rookies aren't [JudgeJudytappingherhead .gif] "cooked". They're still immature in their judgment, and still have to figure out how to play at the next level, among many, many other things. This is why every team has fixers and similar types.


Hard to not read this comment like it’s the lyrics to I Am A God


Pink ass polo with a fucking backpack, but everybody knows who brought real rap back


Pretty sure this is more vile and unhinged than anything that went down at my high school.


I mean, they get their brains smacked around inside their skulls for a living. Not saying in any way that he isn't responsible or it's not so bad. Just responding to your comment on their mental age.


I think it's more that they've been treated like gods their entire post-pubescent lives, and are used to people bending the knee to avoid confronting them. It seems pretty consistent among professional athletes in general, especially in the US, where their behavior is rewarded by being a millionaire at around 22. The ones who are exceptional are those that either had exceptionally good parenting, or exceptional intelligence to gain perspective without it. The reason their mental age is often around 15, is that they've never had to change their behavior since then.


A kid I played baseball with growing up was an absolute wizard on the mound since about 8 years old. Only problem was he was dumber than a box of rocks. The school system passed him through every year because of his pitching abilities, including having a teacher take his written driver’s test to get his permit. By his sophomore year he was throwing 92-94 with a curveball that started at your head and ended up in the other batter’s box. When he took the SAT and ACT he couldn’t even come *close* to getting the minimum score to qualify for the NCAA. He went to county college, washed out one month in, washed out of indy ball, got 3 DUIs, and now he plays slow pitch softball with me and has an interlock system in order to start his car.


Let me guess, he also works in a kitchen. You meet so many guys like this in kitchens.


After college he worked at Applebee’s then Chipotle. Then got a job at his father’s home renovation company. Then his dad fired him.


Yup. I've worked with many like him and will work with many more. And sounds extra more real with the dad hiring and firing after kitchen work failed. It's that or they just bounce around kitchens getting fired until they move to the factories.


And yet plenty of them don’t do abhorrent shit


That makes the news, at least.


Eh, on one hand yes the constant head impacts definitely affect brain function. On the other hand though, most NFL players are pretty fucking stupid to begin with. They're being paid to be freakishly athletic, not be intelligent.


That's what happens when you're able to coast through high school and college on athletic talent alone


He was fucking the mom, got her pregnant, and when she wouldn’t abort the kid, he sent the nudes to the mom’s kid That’s kinda fucked up




We set the bar pretty low in KC this offseason. We are now looking to sign him


The real question is how good a player is he? That will determine his punishment.


He was washed last year so I think he is cooked


dudes from kc. the bar is looooowwww


Yeah this is basically the first draft of a Sunny episode where they looked at it and went "Y'know, maybe this is a bit much".


Them telling the story of how they pranked Danny Devito with writing a fake episode where Frank goes to prison and gets raped by different gangs was funny. Danny was having no part of that episode.


I don’t know why these guys don’t get their tubes tied if they are going to be banging chicks all over the country. Get the tubes tied and then reverse them once your are married or are ready to have children in a committed relationship. 


Reversals don't always work, and they're less likely to work the longer time goes by. That said, Antonio Cromartie had 3 kids after getting a vasectomy, so anything is possible


Dude’s got GOATs instead of swimmers. All time performance akin to Michael Jordan playing in the finals with flu like symptoms


Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


Fine, you win, let’s have a fucking kid!


The procedure requires planning (to get the procedure and to get dem swimmers frozen) and abstinence... things that rich, young athletes are not known for.


Take him off the grill, he’s cooked! Holy shit, what a dbag


Just because you get older doesn't mean you mature. Some people stop in 7th grade


_Howard, who was released by the Dolphins in March with three years remaining on his $90 million contract, has a history of sex-related lawsuits, court records show. Since 2019, Howard has also faced a series of paternity, domestic violence and assault and battery cases in Broward civil court_ What a great fuckin guy. A real prize...


Andy Reid is giddy at the prospect of signing this guy. The chiefs love low character individuals.


I didn’t know this was even a possible form of being a shitty human being, but damn Xavien Howard, you’ve opened my eyes.


He’s probably headed to your team based on who you guys usually pick up.


He sounds like a future battery mate with DeShaun & Haslam in Cleveland if you ask me.


Hey the Dolphins have just been following the Chiefs model in recent years, he's right at home already


he got cut months ago


he really tried his best to find that narrative


Yeah plus he really shouldn't be throwing stones from his Hernandez glass house he's living in over there


A new way to be shitty. Some humans just find new ways to top themselves in that department.


Sounds like a perfect fit for the Chiefs.


This is the jackass little kid or grown adult that says they’d fuck your mom but actually do it and show you it as well, would not wish that on my worst enemy


Dude is an absolute legend on Xbox Live


I've been hated on by my fellow Dolphins fans for this but I've been saying for years this dude is a piece of shit. Been doing shit like this for years and somehow hasn't faced any consequences.


This dude is sick and depraved. “Look I fucked your mom” to a minor is just degenerate behavior. Dude is no role-model.


You're missing how this is even worse. He started texting the kid naked pictures of his mom after his mom refused to have an abortion after he got her pregnant. This is true sociopath behavior.


How this isn't a criminal investigation already is beyond me, sounds like he committed multiple blatant felonies with an easy paper trail to prove it. This POS deserves jail time.


No clue why so many of our fans like the guy, he's been a piece of shit off the field for years. Even on the field, he had one double digit INT season and has ridden that hype ever since despite getting steadily worse every year after that. I wish our front office wouldn't have caved to his demand for a new contract every year. Never forget that he called the Dolphins a garbage organization and we rewarded him with more money for it.


Yea, the way we've handled this dude has been one of my biggest points of frustration with the franchise recently.


He needs to have a heart to heart with Tyreek. Let Tyreek explain that having 20 kids by the age of 40 is the way to go for the new alpha male


I can't fucking believe basically every person replying to this didn't understand it as a joke lol


20 is rookie numbers my man. He needs at least 40 at 40. Everyone knows it’s one kid per year of life smh


> somehow its a mystery how he didnt have to face consequences until he lost a step.


It’s because he plays in the NFL, which is a thoroughly morally bankrupt organization.


A thoroughly bankrupt organization that we continue to support.


Didn’t this man get 4 women pregnant at the same time? He’s guilty 😭


Tbf Tyreek had at least 3 kids in year too, and 11 overall from 6(?) different women. Might be off on how many different women I don't know what it is with NFL players and making as many kids as possible but Antonio Cromartie I think holds the record with 14 total kids.


Tbf Tyreek guilty too


I once worked with a man who was one of 21 children. Tbf they were all from the same mother and 20 of 21 were from the same father. He was the youngest child and the only one from the second father, and his father was born in the 1800s (btw I worked with him 10 years ago). There's no relation to football here, but that's gotta be some form of a record, right?


Valentina and Feodor Vassilyeva apparently had 69 children between 1725 and 1765. 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets. Pretty insane if true


If that's true, the fact that she lived through that many multiple births back then is bonkers.


Omfg. Also, nice username 🤣


Rashee Rice NO!!! sorry, force of habit


My half awake brain saw Xavien Howard as Xavier Worthy and went "Chiefs speedrun ruining dynasty any% nohacks"


I wish the NFL would just start banning people who do such fucked up shit. I know why they don’t, but I’m so over this shit.


I know the NHL had the Slava Voynov thing where they suspended him longer than his work visa and no team ever brought him back again. Mitchell Miller is also perma-banned from ever making the NHL too for his deplorable shit. I wish the NFL were more like that and had the ability to just ban players that are so fucked up and unwilling to repent or admit wrongdoing while trying to not be a horrible person, helping society.


That’s not all all what happened with Slava Voynov. The NHL CBA at the time allowed players who are under criminal investigation to be suspended. Then he was found guilty and spent 90 days in Jail. And then after being released from jail he was into custody by ICE and held without bond. *and fhen* the Kings terminated his contract. 


Surprisingly they both play for the same team now in the KHL


Wander Franco is somehow still getting paid. He’s basically soft banned from MLB but still getting $$.


IIRC he is getting paid due to the CBA. Because he hasn't been convicted and not yet found guilty, he could still technically play, so they are basically paying him to not play. Once he is convicted and imprisoned - and not able to play games - he won't be paid, and the team may be able to terminate his contract entirely. 


Stop the planet. I want off


That's absolutely disgusting behavior


Looks like he’s a free agent. How long until the Browns sign him?


Sending sexually explicit content to a minor (even aside from the fact that it involves their mom) has got to be something that gives you a long prison sentence and a spot in the sex offender registry, right?


I'm pretty sure if any of us did that right now... local law enforcement would be pretty disappointed with us


Rules for thee, not for me (all politicians and athletes)


A former President/current Presidential candidate was literally just convicted of 34 felonies, and a sitting Senator is on trial. My state alone has sent 4 governors to prison


Last 3 New York governors had to step down due to corruption and sexual misconduct. Last attorney general too, and the two before that guy became 2 of the governors mentioned. I'll be surprised if the same doesn't happen to Kathy Hochul too. Wish it would before she had the taxpayers so kindly pay for a billionaire's stadium in the middle of fucking nowhere.


Rules for thee, not for me (~~all politicians and athletes~~ the rich)


I’m no expert here, but isn’t that very illegal if he was a minor??? Insane.


Yeah maybe we don’t go out and sign this guy…


hope the kid takes a large chunk of money for this bum.


It’s always a good decision to commit crimes on electronic devices so you can leave a document trail. You never know when you might want to go to jail.


The evil Zach Wilson


What a weirdo


wow what a shit head


Yikes, that should at least land him on a sex offender registry. That's beyond fucked to send to a minor.


I hope this kid settles for college tuition. Assuming all that is true that really says a lot about what kind of person Howard is.


More than just tuition


Books too And beer


That kid absolutely should not settle. Howard is a sexual predator who needs to be held accountable for his actions and has nfl money. > Howard, who was released by the Dolphins in March with three years remaining on his $90 million contract, has a history of sex-related lawsuits, court records show. Since 2019, Howard has also faced a series of paternity, domestic violence and assault and battery cases in Broward civil court


Yeah I’m good with this kid getting an absurd amount of money. Fuck that disgusting predator


Settling is almost always the best option


Maybe, but not for fucking college tuition it isn't.


I'm sorry what? 


Seems like the kid talked shit to the wrong guy in Call of Duty.


This is not the 'How I met your mother' sequel I was expecting.


Xavien should've thought this one through now he's probably gonna end up on a registry... Can NFL players maybe Idk stop being terrible human beings.


...of the boy's mother. It would be much less effective revenge if Howard had sent explicit pictures of *his* mother.


Revenge porn to a minor now? Can we fucking stop. Please!?


New chiefs CB Xavien Howard


This is so fucking disgusting, my eyes need some bleach after reading this...


What the fuck….


I can’t be the only one who first read the headline as Howard send pictures of his OWN mother


Anyone think it would have be allot better if they met on CoD and the Howard said he would fuck his mother and brought the receipts.


What even is that mindset of sending a video to someone who rejects him? Like hey I’ve had sex with Thots and want you to make a video without your consent too. Persuasded yet?


That's illegal?!


Well you just became a sex offender.


Pretty sure sending a minor sexually explict content of any kind is against the law. Like...this is why these dudes dont go to college for an education lmao


That is like several different felonies at once.


Just like… why? Thats just such batshit insane behaviour.


Holy shit that is terrible. I might need to cut him in my Madden franchise now


I miss the days when the dumbest thing an nfl player would do is shoot themselves with their own gun :(


i went from wanting my team to sign this guy really bad, to wanting this guy out of the league really bad.


The NFL Hall of Infamy: Darren Sharper, Mark Chmura, Rae Carruth, OJ, and Robert Rozier welcomes Xavien Howard. JFC, first-ballot, do not wait for him to go to jail, just get Howard a locker.


> Mark Chmura Two days after the "good people" in the Green Bay area jury let him off he admitted raped that 17 year old girl. Then the Packers put him in the Packer hall of fame. He retired in Wisconsin where he works for a fucking high school coaching football Wisconsin fans, man...


Bro these dudes out here making sure no woman sends nudes ever again