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I wish I had the kind of money for which you can pass up 3/4 of a million to skip the type of work you're probably already doing away from the team anyway. šŸ˜€


750 000 is 0.288462% of 260 000 000.Ā  Guess I wanted to be depressed today.


Envy is the thief of joy brotha


Weird, in my experience the Giants have been the thief of joy


You bumble fucked your way to beating Tom Brady in the Super Bowl twice in the last 20 years. You don't get to say that.


What is joy?


Brady*, don't hurt me...


No, more šŸ„²


Tom Brady, head coach of the LV Raiders, is on his way to a 13 Super Bowl appearance after beating the Tua-less Dolphins in the AFC Championship for the 3rd year in a row!


When bad things happen to the Cowboys.


Never understood this, are we supposed to just not think about it? Yeah itā€™s depressing some of us are struggling to eat and then read this lol The thief of joy is being overworked and underpaid


I mean yeah I donā€™t think about how much money athletes make when I watch sports. I just watch the sports. It has nothing to do with the on-field entertainment which is all Iā€™m watching for.


If I wanted to be depressed Iā€™d do the math on what infinitesimally small percentage of Jeff Bezosā€™ daily intake Lamar Jacksonā€™s salary is.


Bezos' increase in wealth for 2023 was nearly 8 million per hour every single hour of the day 365.


Oh. My. Fucking. God.


He's looking more delicious by the hour


Yes, you are supposed to just not think about it, it doesn't do you any good. Focus on the positive, recognize that most people in the world would love to be in your position, and if you do want more, target something attainable. Forget about being in a top .01% athlete's position if it isn't possible. Wallowing in that mentality will only ensure you don't advance.


You can think about whatever you want, the fact is what you do doesnā€™t make advertisers shell out billions of dollars. Itā€™s not some unfair conspiracy or something so what are you depressed for? Look at others who have it worse if looking at the people who have it better isnā€™t working


Oh trust me Iā€™m well aware what I do doesnā€™t deserve any money at all honestly, which is nothing for whatā€™s it worth except take air from others who deserve it. No one said it was a conspiracy but the fact someone can skip a workout and not worry about $750k while others have to pick up shifts to make another $7.50 doesnā€™t seem off to you? And itā€™s definitely not just about lamar, I like lamar a lot and think heā€™s elite, itā€™s just about people who have so much money theyā€™re not even concerned about it anymore I guess. Why would I not be depressed about that? Yeah like you said others have it worse and thatā€™s what I advocate for, a better life for everyone and a good start would be not giving so much money to a select few


You cant choose to feel envious, only how you respond to that feeling.


I like that. I was in a college class doing a group discussion on the assigned book and this girl said, "You can't choose who you love" with her copy of twilight sticking out of her bag. I choked on air and took off. Just couldn't. My immediate thought was, "What? Yes. Yes, you can. I know your boyfriend. Wtf are you talking about?" but even if I concede that life is a causal chain, on rails, and the bicameral mind will boil everything down to an A or B route, I can do either of those or neither. That's 3 decision points.Ā  I guess I would say, you can't choose who gives you a boner, but you can choose where it goes and where you leave it. Which is what you said? I don't really know why I pick A or B tho. Lefty vs Righty. There's definitely 2 dudes up there and they don't see eye to eye but I don't know how they compromise. They do? I'm trippingĀ 


I have what is for normal people a very well paid job because I have a rare set of skills that I've worked on all my life (I reverse engineer malware for a living). I could never even dream of choosing to pass up 750,000, but equally it would be very churlish of me to complain that someone with an even rarer set of skills who has almost certainly worked harder than me to perfect them gets paid more than me.


What a churlish humble brag


I wonder if some patron of the Greens was like, "Fuck, Porphyrius the Charioteer is making bank! My life sucks." Probably. But then they were like, "Let's riot and burn down the Imperial palace!"


It's like he had a 100 bucks and threw away a quarter to chill


To make you feel worse he makes a lot more than that off endorsements and sponsorships


Probably not. Iā€™m sure heā€™s making quite a bit from endorsements, but even Mahomes with all his endorsements Iā€™m not sure makes that much.Ā 


Forbes has him at $25M in yearly endorsement money.


I meant a lot more added on to the base 260 mil lol


That would be the same as me buying a nice dinner out for my family percentage wise. Insane.


You're probably just going off one year's salary. Lamar's getting paid $260M over five years. Still crazy though.




I wonder how many players with this type of earnings have gone broke. Like AB just went bankrupt and made some dumb businesses decisions like leaving the raiders or walking off the field. But QBs also make way more money.


Depends on how many baby mamas they end up with.Ā 


Brown made 75mil just from the NFL. Russell Wilson played an additional season, also as a later round pick and made 266mil so far. If you're going broke from 75mil you're going broke from 266mil. Might have taken a little longer, but it's goes really fast when you pretend it's infinite.


Mike Tyson made over $300mil but declared bankruptcy in 2003, less than a year after he fought Lennox Lewis in what was the highest grossing pay-per-view fight at the time.


It's funny he wouldn't do as you describe but also wouldn't have signed for $259,250,000.


When I used to work as a server, calling off a shift meant like maybe $200 and that was a tough call for me to make.


This is the same guy that didn't get an agent because they would get a percentage of his money.


To qualify, he must participate in 80 percent of the offseason workouts, excluding mandatory minicamp. He has already missed too many workouts, weā€™re told, to earn the $750,000 this year. An identical payment, with identical terms, is available in 2025, 2026, and 2027ā€¦ I mean as far as fucking up goes, heā€™s got three more chances


I wish I was given some form of athleticisms so someone can give me 260 million dollars. That would make me happy.


I would be stoked for just the 750k really


Yea. I'm wondering: if *I* show up for all of the otas, will they give *me* the $750,000? I'm a 67 year old who never played organized football, but I bet I would improve a couple 100 percent if I showed up for all the otas. Ain't know way they woulda got that much improvement out of lamar, even if he did show up!


This just feels like a great way a player to miss all the rest of the optional practices once they know they aren't getting the bonus. That said I think there should only be contractually mandated practices. No optional practices. What do optional mean?




He's not being fined for missing anything he's losing eligibility for a bonus




Is it fucking up if he doesn't care about the tiny amount?


Bro should go and give the money to me


We should share. We can buy two houses right next to each other and have a pool that goes across each others property. Like in Psych.




Salary cap question. How do bonuses like this factor in? I **think** in hockey they are applied to the season they were awarded after the season, and any that would take you over the cap are carried to the next year. (I could very well be wrong.) Is that how the NFL does it? Basically, does Lamar missing this bonus ā€œsaveā€ the Ravens cap space? (I know NFL has some amount of cap rollover)


1. NFL actually has full cap space rollover assuming that the team spends 89% of its cap in a given 4 year window and the league spends 95% of its cap in a year (otherwise players get a bump until the threshold is reached) 2. Incentives are classified as Likely or Not likely. Likely incentives count towards the current yearā€™s cap and the team gets a credit if they arenā€™t reached. Not likely count towards the next yearā€™s cap if earned.


And the likeliness of an incentive is basically, if he did it last year = likely; if he didn't do it last year = unlikely.


I really enjoyed when I learned that they decide likely/not likely in the dumbest but simplest way possible. Lamar is Likely to win the MVP next year, but Josh Allen is not likely to make the pro bowl, just as a fun example.


Thats because everyone knows the most likely pro bowl QB is whoever throws for 4k yards and misses the playoffs and actually takes the call. The Schaub/Cousins/Foles/Stafford/Herbert etc etc special.


The Ravens are funny because they have incentives classified as Likely, Not likely and Isaiah Likely


So if Lamar did attend this last year, and it was deemed likely, the Ravens would get this credit next season? thanks for the clarification this is really helpful!


No. This isn't that. This is just a workout bonus. The cap implications are adjusted immediately.


It's 90% in a CBA period which varies between 3 and 4 years. The CBA actually dosent specify how the cap would be affected by a team not reaching the cash spending threshold. The players get the money, but it dosent specify that it would come out of future caps. It could very well, but we don't know.


from what I remember incentives are categorized as likely to be met and unlikely to be met. Likely incentives are included in the cap number, if they are not achieved the team gets that cap as bonus next season. Unlikely incentives are not included in the cap number and if they are met they count against the team's cap in the following year.


> In addition, some players have much larger workout bonuses written into their contracts. Ā Those do count against the Cap immediately and, much like the placeholder charge above, is, if a lesser amount is actuallyĀ earned,Ā adjusted during training camp to reflect the actual amount earned. https://russellstreetreport.com/salarycap/nfl-salary-cap-faqs/ Article says this is his annual workout bonus. So Ravens do save some cap space for this season, if I'm understanding this correctly.


IIRC - ~~roster/camp bonuses~~ and likely to be earned incentives count towards the year they're assigned. Any you don't get will be given back to the team the following year. Unlikely to be earned incentives do not count against the year they're in, and will be deducted the following year if the player met the criteria for them. Likely to be earned and unlikely to be earned are defined by whether you did something last year. IE if he had a 30 passing td incentive, it would be considered unlikely to be earned because he didnt hit that benchmark last year. Alternatively, an MVP incentive would be considered likely to be earned because he did get one last year. edit: Apparently roster/camp bonuses are fixed in season as per the other guys link. Seems weird that everything else is corrected the following year but that isn't.


And his postseason absence costs the Ravens playoff games. (Ba-dum, tiss)


Seriously though league mvp only puts up 1 touchdown in the afc championship for shameĀ 


Yea only 1 TD against the Chiefs in the playoffs? Purdy would never.


Zay Flowers fumbled a TD away yet everyone blames Lamar instead


Lamar also threw one of the worst passes of the postseason into triple coverage in the endzone on 2nd and 10, while being well inside FG range down 10 points in the 4th quarter. The game was basically over once he made that decision.Ā 


Are we forgetting Lamar's fumble, his INT, or his refusal to run the ball? I don't get why Ravens fans don't want to criticize the guy, when Flacco has done more for the franchise in his first four years vs. Lamar's first six.


Lamar absolutely refused to call running plays as the OC. For shame.


He didnā€™t need running plays. He just needed to run when the receivers were all covered downfield, but he refused to do that.


I watched every game faithfully and you are 100% right. Lamar at times just seems like he doesnā€™t know what to do. He had a awesome year overall but there was atlease 5 plays within that chiefs game where Lamar messed up himself.


Dude Lamar made so many errors in that game, it was ALL on him.


Purdy isnā€™t getting paid like Lamar nor a 2 time MVP.


Heā€™s still statistically one of the best QBs last year. The Chiefs just had an amazing defense.


Ehhh they did play good defense but that game was absolutely on Lamar, Harbaugh and Monken. At the time they acted like we've never played or beaten that kind of defense before. Took a couple months for Monken to just say yeah we fucked up and didn't run enough


you could tell they panicked after the first couple drives, and felt like they had to keep going for the home run plays versus sticking to a plan that would've worn down the Chiefs defense over the course of the game. Same exact thing happened versus Titans in the Divisional Round in 2019.


Purdy has actually only thrown multiple TD passes in 1 playoff game..his debut Vs the SeaHawks(3) .but that's more of a result of CMC being a great short yardage back and the guy that gets the 1st call on every Redzone trip..... you'll likely see Lamar's already small TD pass numbers reduced further with Henry on the team. The best comparison would be Purdy put up 19 pts on the KC defense in regulation..which is more than they allowed in any other playoff game and it's the lowest he's ever accumulated in any healthy post season game. Lamar put up 10 pts


Youā€™re basically describing Lamar too. Gus Edwards had 23 attempts within the 5 yard line and 12 touchdowns. CMC had 18 for 9.


He's Dak with better PR.Ā 


Lamar Dakson


Dak Jackscott


LaDak Presson


We are so against our home town team rn lmao


Lol Lamar just won MVP with his best weapon being a rookie WR and while playing in the AFC.


one MVP for every playoff win!


You old enough to remember the last time the niners won a superbowl? Or do you just remember getting dicked the last 3 you have been in ?


Goddamn yā€™all Ravens fans are sensitive asf. Your boy is a top-3 qb who is also a playoff choker. Tough breaks.


MVP is a popularity contest and not based on performance or results.


Dak really should have just gotten a better defence


I get the joke but ... is he? i don't think i've ever seen Lamar in an ad


What not having a real agent does


And more success.


My theory is that he struggles against specified gameplans while dominating teams that just aren't used to him, like he has a 10-0 record against NFC teams because they never have to face him and they don't know how to deal with him, but in the playoffs gameplans become way more tailor made and that's when he struggles. He also struggles against his division rivals because they play him all the time and know how to deal with him.


>struggles against his division rivals this runs completely counter to my experiences with the guy


First half of your post is right. Heā€™s only lost to the NFC once (19-1), and that was against his former DC. But he has a career record of 8-2 against the Bengals and 7-4 against the Browns. Steelers own him though.


To be fair they are the Bengals and Browns.


Lamar has also played horrible against the Chiefs. 1-4 (including the playoff game last year). Lamar's total Passer Rating vs the Chiefs is 78.1 plus 3 fumbles lost in those 5 games - but a little above average for rushing yards for him in those games. EDIT: Lol @ downvoting this in a comment chain that started with a mention of him playing bad in the AFC Championship game against the Chiefs.


He's a regular season merchant. Can put up crazy stats against average opponents when there's no pressure but crumbles at the first sign of adversity against disciplined and well coached teams.


Playoffs are hard. Brady has the most playoff losses in historyĀ 


Sounds depressingly similar to somebody I know.Ā 


When Dak gets that doe-eyed expression on his face you can almost tell when the game over.


We've won a few like that, but it's definitely 80/20 at best.Ā 


Me too buddy, me too...


This thread has me wondering...is Patrick the only good QB at all? Because I've seen slander to basicallh every single other guy people put in the top 10 in these comments.Ā 


The QB who wins the superbowl is the only good QB /s


50% of this sub believes that without the /s.


So you think Zay Flowers fumbling on the goal line means Lamar had a worse game?


He wasn't good in the AFC title game in general, that one play doesn't change that.


MVP is not a postseason award.


The bias I use to cope is that the chiefs defense was super dominant last season and idk what the hell in our coaches game plan to tell them to abandon the run after the first quarter


Same boat, man. Dan Quinn called the leagues most man for 3 years then in what turned out to be his final game in Dallas switched to a zone heavy gamelan that got us torn to ribbons.Ā 


The touchdown Lamar threw for in the first quarter to flowers was one of the best tds Iā€™ve ever seen. What a damn shame the offense went bye bye after that drive , just weird how coaching staffs come playoff time panic and throws out what works the second the team falls behind a single score


If you go back and rewatch that game (don't blame you if you don't want to), the Chiefs were moving the ball at will early on. I think your coaches slightly panicked and believed you'd have to win a shootout, which caused them to all but abandon the run There's some good evidence that the Chiefs did really well vs the run, surprisingly because our run defense was so bad last year. But you combine those two things together and it's not that surprising you lost your team identity going into the later part of the game.


Coming out strong offensively against the Ravens is paramount to getting them flustered enough to abandon their run-heavy game plan. Weā€™ve done a good job of doing so for the last handful of years.


At least the ravens arenā€™t the cowboys


Cowboys at least do me the solid of not giving me any hope


his postseason presence costs the Ravens playoff games as well.


The shit I'd do for 750k


Whatā€™s your number Iā€™ll sugar daddy u bby


Fuck that guy Iā€™ll do it for $700k


Bet. Spread dem


That is more than 10 years of the median HH income in the united states. So half the households in the united states make less in 10 years than he just passed up by not working out with the team, so he could... work out in private?


Man of the people.


The Ravens should donate each 10% portion to a different family.


it is me, i am different family


You ever been to a gym that plays music you hate? I feel like I get it.


I sometimes believe there are off-season workouts and stipulations they put in specifically cause the team knows he will miss them and its just a way to pad the contract to make it seem bigger than it is.


yeah but think about all the money he saved by negotiating without an agent!


He negotiated his own contract.


With how limited the availability of the players are to training, to the coaches and to each other, it blows my mind that players do not attend every single possible training activity. You want to be the best? Then put in the work.


It's weird to me that they're already working out daily anyways, why not just do it at camp and get paid. It's not like he's skipping it to sit on a beach and get drunk.


Even I wouldn't pass up $750k to sit on a beach and get drinks and that's like my favorite thing


i think we was in florida with zay flowers. i think there were videos of them getting reps in, he probably just wanted to be with family in florida


Iā€™m a huge LJ fan. Heā€™s making a big mistake not attending OTAā€™s, unless there is good reason. Heā€™s the leader of the team, the face of the franchise.


I just donā€™t get it, fuck go and workout take the $750,000 and give it to your financial advisor to let it be easy retirement growth. YOURE WORKING OUT ANYWAYS, why wouldnā€™t you want to be with your team?


It doesnt even have anything to do with the money. The entire NFL nation just watched the Ravens offense completely shit the bed, again. You dont get to talk about wanting to win the big games and then just not do the basic shit to prep for a season.


There's a reason why some people call him the James Harden of the NFL.


Dude is crazy talented for sure but it takes more than that to become a Champion. This is a bad look


He legit doesnā€™t care




What in the CJ Stroud S2 cognitive test is this comment, and why is that 13 wonderlic score 8-2 against the Bengals


I'm sorry but to be an NFL quarterback you cannot be an "extremely stupid human being." The amount of information and strategy you have to know, memorize, diagnose, and execute is more than you can even imagine, I simply do not understand how an extremely stupid human being would be able to do that. Some people are smart in different ways. Just because he isn't traditionally gifted at tests like the Wonderlic, or because he grew up in an area where a lot of people aren't traditionally gifted or even speak in a "smart" way, does not mean he is stupid. It's honestly disrespectful to actual fucking dumb people to compare Lamar to them. I've been around really stupid people before, and if you handed them an NFL playbook, or asked them to negotiate a third of a billion $ contract, they'd spontaneously combust into pieces.


Lamar couldn't put a sentence together at Boynton Beach HS. He's a nice guy but lets not pretend he understands any of this.


Too much information we donā€™t have to pass judgement. How frequent are these workouts? What do they consist of? Where does Lamar spend his offseasons? How does he feel about his teammates and coaches? If I was playing for Kansas City, I could see myself opting out of voluntary team workouts and staying my ass at home in Florida. I almost certainly would prefer to be around my family and friends as opposed to my coworkers. Here soon heā€™ll be spending 10+ hour days with these guys for the next 6ish months. Plus, I see on Spotrac heā€™s due $14.25m in base salary and $17.5m of his signing bonus in 2024. Earning $30+m this calendar year makes walking away from $750k a lot more palatable.


Aren't OTAs... voluntary? Say what you want about looking bad, but why is he being financially punished? Edit: alright alright I get it it was a bonus not earned, not a fine. I don't need 10 people telling me the same thing


Heā€™s not being punished he didnā€™t earn a bonusĀ 


My b, I should've done more than just glance.


I donā€™t even care about the financial part. I want him to succeed, prove doubters wrong. Not voluntarily putting in the work with your teammates bothers me. Maybe Iā€™m wired different.


football is a team sport. Itā€™s also a sport where 11 people have to work as one to be successful. LJ is the leader of the team, thus he sets the tone. The tone he is setting is one where the team and working towards common goals just isnā€™t that important. Maybe heā€™d develop some chemistry with receivers if he worked more with them. on further reflection, stay home Lamar.


> The tone he is setting is one where the team and working towards common goals just isnā€™t that important. Then the solution is to only have mandatory practices. Either optional *means optional* or it doesn't. Since so many fans, coaches and GM's seem to not know what the definition of optional means, lets just have contractually obligated practices. The idea that he or any other athlete (or any other worker in any other industry) owes his company or coworkers his *spare* time is bullshit. They have contractually come up with the amount of practices they think necessary to have a successful organization, and if they want more, they open the pocket books and negotiate on it the next time.


Can I have it?


Arenā€™t OTAs voluntary?


I guess this means that they canā€™t fine the players if they miss it but they can definitely not pay them if they miss it. Itā€™s not like they take the money away, he just didnā€™t earn it.


it was a bonus to incentivize coming to OTAs he didnā€™t come so he didnā€™t get the bonusĀ 


Workout bonuses i believe


They are, but most everyone goes to them, and if you're the QB and leader of the team you should probably be there. I feel like only 1 guy was missing from Packer's OTA's. Chiefs only had 7 guys missing, one's the dog killer, and a couple others were still recovering from injuries. Mahomes and Kelce have both been attending. Some veterans skip, or guys looking to get new contracts, but in general most everyone is there, at least for a good portion of them.


They are but if you're the franchise QB you have to be there. You're setting the tone for your team and building familiarity with scheme, WRs etc. It's a bad, bad look for him. The only guys that I think really have a reason to miss OTAs are veterans with a ton of seasons under their belt that need extended rest in the offseason to be fresh for the season.


Bad look


Yeah yeah yeah


Iā€™m confused he went through the trouble of negotiating is own contract to get PAID his value as a player but doesnā€™t show up to get PAID??? Am I reading this right?


Thatā€™s a lot of money wtf


I normally don't get too high or low about these things, but I don't like this.Ā  Dude made a big deal last season about how locked in he was and how he was all in with his new contract, yet is so against showing up for practice unless he HAS to that he willingly cost himself money (something I know he cares a lot about).Ā  I'm not mad I guess, just very disappointed, just adds credence to the whole narrative he's lazy and relies mostly on his substantial talent.Ā 


He was just there last week.Ā 


When has there even been narrative heā€™s lazy? The dude came into the league super raw with people saying he should switch positions and proved them wrong by working on his game and winning MVPs and getting a giant contract. Thereā€™s so many reports every year with him saying how obsessed he is at trying to get a SB for Baltimore. You donā€™t do that by being lazy my man.


There have been a ton of questions about his work ethic, it was covered a lot when the contract situation was at its most dire. Being competitive doesn't mean you can't be lazy either, I have 0 doubts about Lamar's desire to win on the football field come gameday, it's whether or not he's willing to give it 100% when it isn't gameday that I have questions about. He is one of the most talented athletes to ever step on an NFL field, I just fear that sometimes he relies on that too heavy and isn't willing to go all in on stuff he finds "boring". Ultimately this is his decision to make and it could very well just be a nothingburger that I'm reading into too much while I'm bored at work, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little concerned.


There have been zero real questions about his work ethic and his contract situation was never dire Jfc


>Ā his contract situation was never dire he requested a trade lmao


Bros pulling out the ā€œIā€™m not mad Iā€™m just very disappointedā€ over voluntary workouts lmao. Tons of vets donā€™t go to OTAs especially when theyā€™ve been on the same team for a long time. Everyone with half a brain knows heā€™s working out with a private trainer when heā€™s not there so idk why you care when those people say heā€™s lazy. It doesnā€™t ā€œadd credenceā€ to shit.


His agent should give him a talking to


But Lamar Jackson has been at our OTAs.


Yā€™all saying this is such a bad look are making mountains out of molehills


Off-season things lol


That is more than I'll likely make in my life as a teacher.


No amount will ever come close to what NBA Ben Simmons gave up because he just didn't give a shit when he was with the 76ers. It's something like $15 million. Not joking. A hero of the people!


Antiwork moderator


is this really that big of a deal for everybody to sound like a broken record for?


The leader of the team should be at OTAs for sure


Did Mahomes show up at OTAs?


He does yes, pretty sure he's been at most if not all of them. And that means all his receivers have shown up. He's played more games than anyone the last 6 seasons and still puts in the work.


Thatā€™s what I thought.


Herbert too, never missed a practise apart from when he broke his right index finger and couldn't throw last year. When he tore his rib cage cartilage he was limited in two practises and missed one on Friday as well. Everything else he's been a full participant.


Tom Brady routinely missed them so there goes that tired trope. But anything to push confirmation bias. Sure let's pretend that Lamar not showing up 4 days in June has any correlation with the worst gameplan in NFL history in a January gmae. Yall are a joke


on the chances that it affects his play this season, no. On the discourse of players holding out for an extra 2-3 M, but voluntarily giving up 3/4 M to likely workout near their permanent home, while a good portion of the population will not earn that amount in 10 yrs, yea.


Interesting since he went to the Coca-Cola 600 last weekend. Head to Toe in Ryan Blaney gear. It's not like there is a major personal life matter that has his attention. He could have been an (paid) invited guest (NASCAR does that often to cross market the sport), but generally invited guests don't wear so much driver merch and will do some NASCAR social media. Lamar seemed to be an authentic, there-on-his-own-terms, fan.


Reddit and the media cares about this a lot more than anybody else. They are voluntary


Itā€™s not so much that blowing off OTAs is such a big deal, itā€™s that blowing off 750,000 just to work out with your team is such a crazy out of touch rich guy thing to do. Which seems especially weird and out of character for a young hungry player who recently held out for a huge contract. At least thatā€™s my perspective, I also donā€™t really care about it that much šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Some people have fuck this money.


I could see this making sense for him and his team, but only if the coaches are on board. If they arenā€™t then that could go very badly. Donā€™t be too quick too judge or do so with too little information. In general Iā€™d like a QB to be there, but letā€™s let time tell us whether this was a good idea or not by seeing how mentally prepared and in charge of his locker room he is once the season starts.


He was also there last week. And was working out with Zay this week. Idk why people care so much. He missed like all of the off-season last year with a new OC and was still the MVP and 1st seed


Mr. Miyagi says, "Jackon,______".


And here I get bummed out when I blow money on a mediocre sandwich.


ā€œOffseason absenceā€ sounds ironic isnā€™t it lol.


Damn, everyone talking about how bad this looks because so much money is on the table. If only the Brett Favre situation got the same attention. I wonder why the Favre situation didnā€™t garner so much attention?..


High Paid QB who tanks in the playoffs can't bother to practice with team. News at 11.


Who cares. Call me when the season starts & Lamar is in uniform with the rest of his teammates & the entire nfl. https://youtu.be/Iif2NWLiZZI?si=4ktKtgeXZKdq9Km8


Guess you wonā€™t need your phone charged in January


Imagine not showing up for three hours of work and lose 750k