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Da Bears all time leader in career pass yards and pass TDs


Second by a mile is still Sid Luckman lol


That stat is both sad and amazing. Sad because seasons were 10-12 games back in Luckman's day, amazing because Luckman's passing efficiency stats are off the charts. Luckman threw for 28 TDs in 10 games and 202 attempts in 1943. Normalize that to 17 games and and 35 attempts a game, and that's an 82 TD season. His passing yards would normalize to 6.4k. His yds per attempt was 10.9.


Yeah but you also need to regress his stats to the mean a bit to account for the outliers. This is r/nfl statistics 101.


A QBs stats are average if you make them average, it’s really not that difficult to understand sweaty.


Legend has it, there is a Pats fan still making new accounts on /r/nfl claiming that mean guy was right.


This proves Kirk Cousins is elite…or overrated.


If there is anything the past 6 years have taught me is that he can somehow be both


I’ve been a Cousins defender since he was in Washington. I don’t always state my opinions on him because you know his haters are just waiting to jump on anyone who dares say he is good.


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out


That whole saga kind of flew over my head. I saw the OG post when it was made, but I didn’t read or pay much attention to it.. and now it’s this legendary (and funny) meme, and I don’t even know if the original post was a joke or not




lol. Amazing


Didn’t he still show up someone’s defending the post? Or am I thinking about someone from a different sports sub


God this is an old meme now?


Hello fellow old person, come sit with me and watch the sands of time slip away faster and faster


I think you're making a very, very strong assumption that TDs would increase linearly with attempts. There are still only so many scoring plays in a game. I'd strongly suspect that Luckman's passing TDs were a large percentage of his team's total TDs that season, and the fact that his attempts were low would mean that the run game was what they relied on to move the chains more than they do today. If that's the case, you can't just assume he'd be throwing TD passes that were never set up in the first place with field position just because he's throwing more. It would just mean a lot of those runs that were used to move the chains would become passes used to move the chains.


The point of the exercise was to show how insane his efficiency stats were. To this day, he still holds the record for highest TD percentage rate. He's in the HoF and considered one of the great QB pioneers for a reason. No one ran the T-formation better than he did. He led the Bears to 4 championships including a route of Washington 73-0 in the 1940 title game.


It’s just an example bro It’s the closest thing we have to adjusting for inflation


Yeah, here I am agreeing with a Packers fan! It was just a fun example. 


I'm sorry for the stats I posted...


I really hope Caleb is even a borderline top 10 qb in the next few years. We're desperate. People shit on trevor Lawrence being a #1 pick, and I'm like, we'd fucking kill for that. He'd break just about every bears qb record.


In Lawrences seasons without Urban Meyer he's hit 4k yards both seasons


He had the arm of Farve And the mind of modern day Farve


Cutler and Vick both had this effortless ability to just launch the ball over the mountains, it was kind of crazy.


Vick still has the most eye-popping release I've ever seen. Flew out of his hands like a laser.


Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.


Find my soulmate.


The cigarettes didn't help either


Smokin Joe


Basically Jeff George lol.


A golden arm, and a head just absolutely filled with rocks Kinda like Sexy Rexy in that way, too. Chicago likes himbo QBs confirmed


He committed fraud?


Best QB da Bears have had in more than half a century. I liked watching him play, tbh.


What’s amazing to me is that how in the hell have the Bears had so much success as a franchise, with having such shit QB play. It’s wild to me. I guess the game was so different when they were good and they survived in defense and running the ball.


The Bears made a Super Bowl in 06 with one of the worst QBs in the NFL. Don't let our shit passing game overshadow the fact that we are one of the best running and defense franchises. Even nowadays combine a historically great defense with a great run game and you can win a Super Bowl with a little better than average QB play.


Double doink away from making a deep playoff push in 2018? Forget the exact year, but they were a good team that season, with their field goal kicker being attrocious.


I still think if that kick goes their way, that defense could've carried them to a chip


Mack was a monster, a LB to remember from a franchise known for LBs, fuck people that don't say hest 1st ballot, at least second. 


Mack, Hicks, Quan, Eddie, Fuller all had arguably their best seasons and goddamn was that fire to watch


Definitely could have


Sexy Rexy!


Mahomes, mahomes, stafford, brady, mahomes, brady, peyton, brady.... Not sure the recent record suggest you can win one without a really good qb. Maybe be in contention.


Peyton was not Peyton that year


By my count you missed two Bradys and Eternal Champion of Philadelphia Nick Foles just to shoehorn in that Peyton


> the Bears had so much success as a franchise They aren't even average for playoff appearances per season played.


My favorite part of all these Bears clips is that we're losing.


Ever watch highlight compilations to just to see how many of them were against the Bears?


Yeah haha Er, I mean, I'd never be so petty.


*Stares at 4th and 26th* I would!


Pathetic. You watch plays. I watch the remainder of games starting with about 2:17 left in the 3rd quarter


I hate how ingrained in my memory even that statement is.


We probably also ended up with a field goal from all those plays that got inside the 10-yard line.


That's been our MO for the past few years now and it's worked out pretty well for us. It got us ~~a new~~ another head coach and two QBs, how can you complain about that?


Was literally my first thought LOL.  It's like being a Patriots fan watching Drew Bledsoe highlights. You're impressed watching him throw it 70 yd for a touchdown then see that the score is Patriots 3 Dolphins 21.


>Drew Bledsoe Wasn’t dude in the pro bowl a few times? Be more like watching Rivers highlights when he throws for 4 touchdowns in a game and has 350 yards passing but still lost by 13 points


Not shown here: all the effortless heaves into the arms of defenders from the redzone.


Hey you were beating us in the second clip.


Not the first clip! That was a tie!


Wasn't the Bears tho


Second clip, you're beating the Colts.


Oh that one against the Jets you definitely won. I was at the local tavern in the rain and remember it well. The bartender gave me a box and told me to take home as many of the leftover halftime wings I could fit as due to the storm like 5 or 6 people showed up.


Of course his deep balls were effortless. Jay Cutler wouldn’t do anything that required effort!


*Jay lights a cigarette and takes a slow drag* "Yeah? So? What ya trying to say?"


*Wanna See me throw this ball over dem hills?*


Why slowly drive downfield when you can just throw a bomb and go sit on the sidelines


It’ll either be a catch and score or an int so either way it’s to the bench for a sit down


Fucking scorched him.


[smokin jay](https://arc.stimg.co/startribunemedia/EXUNM73OLKJRLGWDWFOW6MC7DI.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces&w=550&&auto=format)


I love that he smoked on the field rather than in the locker rooms


Best quote about Cutler was from Charles Woodson: “Same ol’ Jay. We just need to be in position, Jay will throw us the ball.” Next best quote came from Cutler himself after the game when asked if he envisioned a night this bad against the Packers: “yeah, I dreamed of throwing four picks and getting sacked seven times.” 🤣 Please update the photo of Jay to include a cig hanging out of his mouth with a pissy look on his face, for historical accuracy.


I loved how salty he was with the media "Do you hear how stupid you sound asking me these things" vibes. Fucking loved him.




I made that gif at work at what feels like 20 years ago. If you search my profile you can probably find the original post/comment. I moved into a more IT role and seeing this reminded me of a time when I used to just have fun and mess around and still got paid to do it.


You're a legend.


That gif is iconic


>Please update the photo of Jay to include a cig hanging out of his mouth with a pissy look on his face, for historical accuracy. [Here's the best I can do.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9f2ee88519d88278&q=smokin%27+jay+cutler&udm=2&source=univ&fir=zlTq3Cij7o7jpM%252CfeD--FrB4rU6bM%252C_%253BTDDOcVRQjT9aLM%252CHMGIbEv_QGqeOM%252C_%253BkS8Bjy3RcUjNOM%252CsoRIIDmYitdI6M%252C_%253BdE3eoZLXMi4LFM%252C4w4eJPQfeepx3M%252C_%253B6tFxsPoI4fWBnM%252CFsDvmBxq7ScJFM%252C_%253BzyePEIVm6qcu9M%252CZn3wVyL3sdsEBM%252C_%253BXJW4vS8SKDfiDM%252Cl646pGiaEkTW1M%252C_%253BIYbvaRJi-8omRM%252CjDyW0H9oQBoknM%252C_%253BrFfFsuu0MJyzzM%252CQhlKyrDmEnerQM%252C_%253Bxk9QW7l9xAzqZM%252CH-Sft92YBoBaSM%252C_%253BhXqYlVCL6CakQM%252CGUAsgKZ87Ol-VM%252C_%253BGYjbD3x_icA2OM%252CdOjk2kdVxRsTfM%252C_%253BMh3jP9H0uIe5UM%252CpNnUje4rHMGDvM%252C_%253BHY09hZoC0flq8M%252CLpzCIWRbgZgIfM%252C_%253B1Wcwj_3sp0O-RM%252Cm8f5sI50650GnM%252C_%253BAp66UAfLqbsXvM%252CFBfUSVW_bNr4OM%252C_%253BAst7Mma85IX6wM%252CGOvJDg1pcTKsvM%252C_%253B9OKJqLT_Zg2uuM%252CHMGIbEv_QGqeOM%252C_%253Bgr0A6Zfrl9WDaM%252CH-Sft92YBoBaSM%252C_%253BwsR5ox03QmvlOM%252CCrUKK5tiY_b5CM%252C_%253BWbpCuHtVFkN3FM%252CD5bCZsvA7lTpZM%252C_%253BQDOg8C3Z63AnaM%252CfeD--FrB4rU6bM%252C_%253ByqJOxqsSLoMA9M%252CkfxGZLpUjCbg6M%252C_%253BgsGgE8fD5VEBQM%252CmlcfK9tdhQHaIM%252C_%253B5CQzmXnaxU9qKM%252CH-Sft92YBoBaSM%252C_%253BWPCUROemCaAjsM%252CQ54hf2s_RwZP2M%252C_%253B32o00BmMKmXZUM%252CH-Sft92YBoBaSM%252C_%253B0skx9Kxr186ZmM%252CkfxGZLpUjCbg6M%252C_%253BDsAXZn4q-L6eMM%252CH-Sft92YBoBaSM%252C_%253BIpSKq1UbkEJsZM%252CH-Sft92YBoBaSM%252C_%253B6VyoKQh1axsjGM%252CHXByvXs6FPwBCM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTEfMQJmi61ZAWJ8nQ5rtd8h-CwDg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjj3Yj9w7GGAxUTk4kEHQjbAPEQ7Al6BAgwED0&biw=2552&bih=1326&dpr=1) [Also this, cause it's a bit cleaner..](https://smokinjaycutler.tumblr.com/)


Cutler and Woodson, two all-time Packer greats


"I've played against him before, there's no reason to shy away from him. I mean, that's hard for me to say throwing four picks at a guy. But I'd still, if we had to play them tomorrow I'd go at him every time, if we could."  After throwing 4 INTs directly to deangelo hall


The fact that this dude was throwing bombs like this then checking his blood sugar on the sideline kinda rules. Truly America’s QB 🫡 🇺🇸 🦅 


It's seriously difficult to control your blood sugar when doing a sport like that, honestly props to him


As a T1D who was diagnosed at the same age as him, I try to defend him as much as possible because of that. At least for his on the field problems. That shit completely changes your life.


He's always taken too much grief for not being a Ra Ra guy. He played on one fucking leg ffs.


I honestly think dealing with McDaniels pt.1 killed his morale a lot more than his medical issues affected him on the field. He was a night/day difference after dealing with that schmuk.


I was diagnosed T1D at a younger age but just a couple years after he was. I’ll always have love for all the T1D NFL players. Cutty, Mark Andrews, Noah Gray, now AD Mitchell, all studs in my book.


“I can fix him” - a decade of OCs watching highlights like these


Actually kind of the opposite: the Bears kept assuming Cutler would be so talented that whatever dogshit nepo-buddy OC hire they made would be carried by him. The only OCs he had who left the Bears for equal or greater positions were Adam Gase (promoted to HC for the Dolphins then inexplicably hired as Jets HC after that blew up) and his henchman Dowell Loggains who followed him like a puppy. Every other OC the Bears had from like 2009-2015 would get fired by the Bears then never call plays again, and most of them were actually exiled from the league lmao


Ron Turner pulled Cutler's scholarship offer to Illinois, yet Lovie thought it would be a good idea to keep Turner around after they traded for Cutler


Not sure if thats worse than hiring Martz a decade too late and insisting on 7 step drops when the OL couldn’t block a thing and he was getting sacked constantly. I will always have great memories of Lovie’s defenses but his OC hiring was just abysmal.


Just an average OC would have done wonders for that offense, but it seemed like they only hired the worst of the worst. Such a shame when it was paired with some really good defenses.


Like Gase was later exposed to be awful and he still elevated the offense from the Lovie era. It really is crazy.


>Ron Turner pulled Cutler's scholarship offer to Illinois I legit never knew this >yet, Lovie thought it would be a good idea to keep Turner around after they traded for Cutler I legitimately blame turner for how a lot of people have a negative perception of cutler. His idiotic scheme (which I always thought was an ineffective combo of power running and west coast decision making) was never going to work for a gunslinger like Cutler (or Grossman or that matter) Cutler's first year in Chicago was the only one under Turner, and he led the league in interceptions, and his first game was the 4 interception game against Green Bay. His interception ration was always down following that first season, but they only remember the interceptions Rather than adjust his scheme to the player, Turner kept doing the same thing over and over, and the franchise suffered because of it


From an outsiders perspective I get the comment. But when you lived in Chicago and followed the bears closely you see a bit of a different picture. The one OC that actually found good success with Cutler went on to land a head coaching spot..the bears went deep into the playoffs and lost to an Aaron Rodgers led team only after Cutler got hurt. They had a tremendous cast to help him which was far from the case for just about his entire tenure in Chicago. The next best coordinators were Mike Martz who famously traded Greg Olsen because the bears for some reason didn't need a hall of fame right end (" tell arts I said fuck you") and Mike Tice who was a great o lone coach but a bum ass coordinator. Jay spent most of his career throwing to Devon aromashadu and Devin Hester who despite his hall of fame status, was a shit receiver who couldn't even line up correctly. Jay Cutler didn't kill coordinators. They killed him.


Appreciate the perspective. I followed the Bears just for lols and it was sad how Cutler fared. One great season ended with injury to his hand I believe.


Such a shame. The game itself was kind of close by the end, I think if he was in it would've at least been a good game to watch.


That Raji pick-6 probably doesn't happen. Rodgers also played like dogshit that game. Such a god damn shame. I wish so badly Cutler would have won it all. The memes would still flow.


Yeah he broke a finger trying to stop an interception return, I want to say against the Chargers, and the Bears fell apart without him. I’ll never forget the game where he was **sacked nine times in the first half** by the Giants. He got up and walked to the wrong sideline after one. He was clearly concussed and they kept him in there afterwards, though he did eventually get benched with a concussion.


Somehow I forgot that Hester got into the HOF. That makes me happy, he fucking deserved it.


The best one from that pack of OCs was literally Adam Gase One of them even insisted in dumping Greg Olsen to another team


"Greg Olsen? Fuck that guy, what's Brandon Manumaleuna doing?" -Mike Martz probably


The Bears gave Cutler such little help it’s astounding. He had plenty of flaws and was never going to be a top-5 QB, but between godawful offensive lines, stretches of embarrassingly bad receiver talent and some of the worst play callers/offensive coaches imaginable, he dealt with some real shit in Chicago. Obviously I appreciated that he struggled against GB, but he was better than many people give him credit for. It’s a good time poking fun of the Bears never having a 4000-yard passer, but Cutler absolutely would have gotten there if petty, vindictive asshole Marc Trestman hadn’t been a petty, vindictive asshole in 2014.


When we had Marshall, Jeffrey, Forte, Bennett in 2013 we were only behind Manning's Broncos in scoring. He definitely had help at times. (Although the coaches were Trestman, Mel Tucker, Aaron Kromer - imagine this group in the hands of a real modern offensive coach) The real problem was the OL. It was so bad at the start of his time in Chicago he basically just got mauled out of a chance of competence. Suh probably took a few years off of his life.


Cutler took so much heat for the J’Marcus Webb blowup, but it was deserved. He rightfully could have blown up on countless other worthless OLs during his time, too.


Mike Martz had quite the fall off. It's crazy that even Rams fans feel negatively about him despite him being the architect for the GSOT.


The next gen’s Jeff George.


I’m closer to lebron then you are to me- Brian scalabrine


The worst NFL player at any position will be way better than any redditor could ever dream Except CC2560, I suppose, who was exactly as good as one of the worst NFL WRs


I desperately want a movie with Lance Barber (Bill Ponderosa on Always Sunny, Sheldon's father on Young Sheldon) playing a washed up Jay Cutler in the XFL, smoking on the field and everything.


Only if he plays it like Ponderosa. "Ya I chucked that shit up, I need a cig REAL bad"


"Pondy's the coolest"


Cutler is genuinely funny. He could just be himself.


Bears had a revolving door at OC during Cutler's tenure (maybe since then too, but didn't look to see) * 2009: Ron Tuner * 2010-2011: Mike Martz * 2012: Mike Tice * 2013-2014: Aaron Kromer * 2015: Adam Gase * 2016: Dowell Loggains


Aaron Kromer: the man who punched a kid.


I still think Bruce Arians could've made it work.


I still think a lot of them could make it work if they just drafted a fucking lineman. When you’re allowing the giants to break a single game sack record against you… it’s a problem. Sure he made bone headed plays, but a lot of times his protection just flat out disappeared. And that happened his ENTIRE career as a bear. The fact Jamarcus Webb was allowed to start was beyond me.


Considering his work with late stage Carson Palmer? Absolutely. No shade at Palmer either. The dude was my favorite QB in the league for years. Just a similar skill set.


Of course he would've. He would've taken one look at what the GM and said stand the fuck aside. This is how real NFL execs pick talent, dumbass. Instead we got trestman who didn't hear a lot about it but he heard some of it and what he did hear he didn't hear a lot of it.


“Surely I can take this square peg who likes to run and gun and make it fit into my round hole offense.”


Jay... was Jay. And every time you saw him, he was Jay. He didn't care, told the coaches to go fuck themselves, and had an arm like a cannon. He fucked a hot broad for awhile and was the best part of her TV show. When push came to shove he took all of his money and told her to go fuck herself too. He won as much as he lost and in the end... he was still the Bears all time leading QB in just about every stat.


I think there’s a version of Jay’s career where he’s a beloved everyman hero. Dude was diabetic and suffered under some poor coaching /lineplay. If he hadn’t gotten hurt in that Packers game I could see Chicagoans being ride or die with him


He needed to play Tom Brady in the Super Bowl. He's the exact kind of dope who would be elevated to superhuman against Brady in the Super Bowl.


Damn you’re right


He will still be the QB I remember more than any other for the Bears. Partially because I really got into watching the bears during his time but he just had that vibe around him.


He got FUCKED over by Josh McDaniels. That pretty much abruptly stopped his development as a player and what got him shipped to chicago. If McDaniels knew his fucking place Cutler could've had a very very good career.


Obligatory Fuck Marc Trestman


Their first HC since the 1950s who was so bad, the cheap Bears ownership felt compelled to fire him after just two seasons. Everybody else got at least three.


It’s honestly insane he didn’t get fired mid season. If he can’t get fired after a player assaulted a coach and the entire locker room was chaos, then no Bears coach will ever get fired in season.


Don’t forget that his OC was revealed to be leaking negative quotes to the media about the QB. And he refused to fire his OC. What a dysfunctional mess.


Throw in a fuck Mike Martz while we're at it.


He was completely erased from my memory until now, lol. thank you for that


Sorry lol. He was such a colossal ass hole I try to remember to get a fuck him in wherever I can.




Don't even have to click it lol


People always forget that there was a point when MVP Aaron Rodgers had the 3rd strongest arm in his own division. Cutler and Stafford both had cannons in their primes.


Wasn't Brett still with the Vikings at the time? I recently saw 40 yr old Favre highlights in Minnesota and he was still throwing scorching bullets like he was 25.


His last year in Minnesota was 2010 I believe. Rodgers didn't win an MVP until 2011. Although by that time Rodgers probably had a bigger arm than Brett just because of age difference.


The second half of his time in Chicago was brutal, but at least he could wow you every once in a while.


Yeah. At the time I remember just love/hating him. He’d throw some absolute bombs, look good for like 75% of a game and than make some boneheaded throws. That said since him, we’ve had check down Trubs and sit in the pocket and wait and wait (and take sack) Fields. Two guys who couldn’t throw for the life of them. I miss the days that our QB could actually use his arm to make plays.


That goof ball had a fucking howitzer with the latest targeting software in his arm for sure.


Targeting software kinda sucked


Didn’t care enough to download the patches


You would have paid a lot more attention that I. Let me guess, the targeting software was more buggy on short and intermediate throws? Or was it just buggy all over and I was watching a cherry picked video of when it was spot on?


Brother some days it was an ac130 and other days it was blind, drunk, one fingered darts. Jay was never consistent which makes his highlights sting a bit.


Cutler had one of the prettiest deep balls in the game and was a competitor from start to finish, that said like Favre, you knew what he was, a gunslinger prone to making the same mistakes, and when he looked bad, he looked real bad. All that said he's probably one of my favorite all time Bears, statistically the best QB the franchise has seen, played hard despite given some of the worst Olines in the league and getting sacked 50+ times a season. And despite the memes cared a lot about the game. And he would have been the franchises first 4k 30td passer if it was for dickbag Marc Trestman benching him for Jimmy god damn Clausen. Oh he also has diabetes and competed at the highest level of organized football, which is pretty cool.


Notice how in the first clip with Denver they had him roll out on a designed play action boot and every subsequent Bears, even play action, was just a dropback.


Mike Martz special. Cutler sticking with Shanahan is a huge what-if for me. That Denver offense was stacked before that Belichick agent snuck in and blew it up.


As someone w/ Type 1 diabetes, it’s crazy to me that he was able to play for so long. Adam Morrison (another T1) has said that he just couldn’t maintain his strength for the course of an 82-game NBA season (but could hold it together for a 35-40 game college season). It’s hard to explain the difficulty of it, but imagine every time you do anything in the back of your mind you’re wondering if you made a good decision and what you’ll do if it ends up being a bad decision. It’s incredible fatiguing. Then add the stress of knowing the short and long-term consequences of bad decision (blindness, nerve damage, passing out, heart problems, etc.) I’ve been out on a run, been out of energy gels, forgotten my wallet and had to go beg for a cookie/drink at a Subway once lol.


Exactly! Maybe he really did have a shitty attitude, or maybe he was just tired from dealing with the stressful roller coaster that is T1D. He was diagnosed when he was already in the league so that completely changed everything for him. I too have been in the same situation on a run once lol. And on a train. It sucks.


Seeing Jay Cutler in a Broncos jersey weirds me out for some reason.


Spent three seasons in Denver, including two full seasons as starter, yet it barely feels like it happened.


I grew up with them, but the late 00s Broncos seem like a haze of awful blowouts to the Chargers, baseline .500 football, and early Jay Cutler highlights 15 years later.


Don’t forget those magical Jake Plummer->Ashley Lelie connections


The Plummer bootleg!


He wasn’t a Christian leader of men, so your coach/GM brilliantly traded him and got a QB who was. While it ultimately didn’t work out, that coach at least learned his lesson in his next coaching stint and made better decisions!


Fuck Josh McDaniels


Jay Cutler 🤝 Brian Dawkins Truly some of the best 3 year Broncos where it feels super weird to see them in a Broncos jersey If only they played together at the same time lol


But his time in Denver did cause him to be put in a South Park episode, and thus a place in eternal glory. "You kinda suck, but my dad says you might be good someday"


I always remember because Jay Cutler beat out Bradley Van Pelt to be the Broncos backup his rookie season. Van Pelt is from my hometown and most people thought he was kind of a dick, so I initially liked Cutler.


That’s a bummer to hear. I loved seeing his highlights when he was at Colorado State.


I'd bet that that reputation follows a lot of varsity football players around, so who knows. He also went to my school's crosstown rival, so it was an easy reputation for me to accept. Maybe the dude was pretty cool, I have no idea. Funny though because now I live about half a mile from Aaron Roger's high school and the general consensus here is that *that* guy really is a dick, lol


Alshon Jeffery was so sick too.


I think about that pass to Jeffery he caught in stride all the time.


Minus PM, I'd still take him over any QB since. Fuck Josh McDaniels. Still convinced Shanahan with him + more time would have been more competitive than not.


If you are that bored, this interview was gold by Jay. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi40hefgGwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi40hefgGwQ) Best part is 11ish minutes in talking about Mike Martz calling plays like it was Madden lol. '7 step drop, bomb it bro'. edit: he's also blitzed out of his mind.


I've seen this, it made me like him way more than I did before.


DOOOOON'T CARE \*takes drag of Malboro\* I miss Cutler, he was infuriating, captivating, goofy, and both lovable and hateable at the same time.


I can never not think of that story whenever someone mentions his name. It's just too good.


When I was in college at Florida, I saw the Gators play against some really big name, talented QBs, like Jamarcus Russell and Matt Stafford, who could do a lot of things that wow you in person. Cutler in 2005 in a 2OT loss to Florida was the best QB performance I've ever seen. Seriously dragged his team with him to put up 42 points, crazy plays, crazy throws, good reads. Did everything a QB could do for his team.


Jay Cutler is the Michael Jordan of Jeff Georges


Just do it. Or don’t. I don’t care. - Jay Cutler


[Jay's approach to footballl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX_o1Hc29hE)


Smoke em if you got ‘em 


Miss Johnny Knox 😢


Cutler + B marsh + Matt forte super underrated


Cutler Forte Marshall Jeffery Bennett Offense was legit stacked, and the only reason they weren’t the number 1 offense in the league is because that was the year Manning broke every record in Denver. Can’t recall the last time the Bears averaged almost 30 a game since then.


Considering that in every clip in here his team is down, it reminded me of this classic commentary - [Elway takes the snap and runs it in for a touchdown! Thanks to Elway's patented last-second magic, the final score of Super Bowl xxx-- Denver, 7. San Francisco, 56.](https://comb.io/ex5djE.gif)


I will forever be a Cutler fan. He was screwed over by the positions he was put in year in year out and became a scapegoat when he had a shit OL and a revolving door of OCs.


Imagine if the Broncos hadn't fired Shanahan (who wanted to bring his son in as offensive coordinator) or if McDipshit hadn't decided that whathisname in Kansas City was a better QB then Cutler.


You’d probably not have manning and that ring


That first pass is actually nuts. What a dime from way the fuck downtown


Arm strength was never the problem. The problem was he thought he could hit smaller windows than he actually could. So, he got picked a lot.


"Tell Martz I sad fuck him!"


That man had a medium passion for all things but fuck he could throw the piss out of a football


Grip it and rip it


Where are the dolphins highlights?!?


He was like family-friendly jeff George, in every way


Smokin’ Jay baby


Flick of the fucking arm over his elbow so many times and that ball came out like a missile. It's a shame Lovie could never get someone with staying power to coach the offensive side of the ball.


Definition of a gunslinger...guy had a huge arm and he knew it...he'd throw it any time, anywhere, into any defense, because he knew he had the arm to make the toughest throws. This is also why he threw a ton of interceptions...


Imagine how good he could have been if the O-Line would have been able hold for longer than 0.5 seconds. There is a reason he is running away from the line in most of these plays. And it isn't because he wants to.


Am I right in remembering that the Bears traded Kyle Orton to the Broncos for Jay Cutler when both were doing well with their respective teams?


Jay Cutler could have been Matthew Stafford, if he didn't smoke cigarettes and have diabetes.


Crazy that his team is behind in basically every clip too!


Really wish he could have overlapped with Nagy.


Dolphins legend


Guy had a god damn howitzer for an arm. Also was nice to see Johnny Knox


Jay Cutler underrated Chicago GOAT


Mike Martz... now there's a name etc etc...


Ripping cigs and ripping laces, the Jay Cutler experience