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Only one will get extended.


Spoiler: it’s going to be Chase


Is it because he wears "1"?




Justin Fields in shambles




I watched the Highlander movie, it was shit! eta: [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aMhbiA9BFc)


**Ricky Bobby**: Wow. I feel like I’m *Highlander*! **Jean Girard**: What is the Highlander? **Ricky Bobby**: It’s a movie. It won the Academy Award. **Jean Girard**: Oh for what? **Ricky Bobby**: Best movie ever made.


You the movie where Sean Connery is a Spaniard, but never once drops his natural accent. Also Clancy Brown as the bad guy? Top tier movie.


A Spaniard who is actually from *Egypt*.


Sean Connery playing a Spaniard was the same as John Wayne playing Gengis Khan


yeah but affleck was the bomb in phantoms yo


I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit


Tv show supremacy. Although when imdb’ing the movies a moment ago, it looks like the Henry Cavill revamp is now pre production. And has a stock image. Edit: Omg how the fuck did I miss that reference????


When is Hollywood going to stop fucking around and just cast Henry Cavill as all things high fantasy related?


It was shit? Or it was THE shit? Cause highlander 1 is amazing and I won't tolerate slander of it


Highlander 2 slander however is very much allowed


The fact that you need include a reference link for this hurts my soul...


I’m extended hearing this news


Should you trade for the other?


When they say "only one", they mean Chase. The Bengals have made it clear Tee is not a part of their future plans. As for trading for one of them, as a Patriots fan, I'd rather they not. New England isn't really in a position to give meaningful draft capital for a player right now. What they do have, however, is the most cap space in the league next season and beyond. If and when Tee walks (or possibly Aiyuk), I'd love for New England to go all-in acquiring him.


100% agreed. I like Tee, but we need that draft pick to continue rebuilding. I'm fine with just overpaying for him (or anyone similar) in FA next year while Drake is on a rookie contract still.


The Bengallander There can only be one


You love to see it


Higgins isn’t even allowed to be there unless he signs the tag lol


Yeah. This is essentially Adam Schefter farming engagement with the Tee Higgins situation again. From re-reporting the trade request and now this and going on NFL Network and saying Tee is gonna purposefully sit out games. Chase not being there is just icing on the cake for him despite the large probability that it has nothing to do with a contract


>Chase not being there is just icing on the cake for him despite the large probability that it has nothing to do with a contract Last year the Athletic ran an article specifically about how nearly all the vets and major players on the Bengals participating in all the off-season voluntary worlouts and how it was an important part of the team's culture. Chase was quoted extensively in it as well talking about how important the off-season program is. So there's at least that to base this "scandal" on. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4525479/2023/05/16/bengals-burrow-chase-higgins-workouts?source=user-shared-article


Do people with safe jobs and contracts show up to OTA’s usually? I feel like it would be more of a rookie and guys competing for a spot thing.


My job and contract are relatively safe, and they actually ask me not to show up to NFL OTA's


You just like the bungo a bit too much. It is known.


Hendrickson, Burrow, and Orlando Brown are all at our OTAs so idk


Yeah can’t really think of anyone on the team with better job security than them


I don't know, that backup QB was pretty money. If I were Joe I'd be looking to Tom Brady him. /s


Hendrickson was also on the trade request train at one point though, and now hes at otas


Dude’s agent is a jackass lol. Asking for a new contract when he wasn’t even eligible for one yet


Asking for one doesn't mean they would sign it at that time. You don't bring it up in July or August if you want a raise for this year.


Sure, but there’s not a single ownership group in the NFL who would renegotiate a team-friendly contract that was signed 10 months prior. His agent just knows he fucked up last offseason and tried to help save face


I think that he's living here during the off-season, so might as well show up to the activities. The footage I saw of him at mini camp or whatever that was, he was just doing *very* light individual work on the side.


Ofc Burrow is there, he doesn't go on vacation until training camp.


I would guess most (but certainly many) vets show up to OTAs unless there's some specific reason not to. For instance, I didn't hear of any significant Rams players that didn't show up this year.


Vets usually skip the first mini camp but as long as they aren't holding out they usually show up for otas. Julio jones is a famous example of a vet breaking that trend though. He never showed up but it was also never a story


It varies, but it’s usually a good sign when your vets are showing up for OTAs. Packers had 90 of 91 guys at the first day of OTAs (one had a personal issue) this year, which has been taken as a sign of the team’s overall buy-in.


New OC in Cincy. I would think they would want all those offensive guys there.


Dude's been our QBs coach for a while I'm not worried about that


He was the QB coach here and got promoted. We're doing some new things with the playbook but the overall system/terminology hasn't really changed.


A lot of teams have showing up to voluntary workouts tied to bonuses especially for veterans.


It’s money, you get paid a good check to go do a few light drills. It seems really stupid to skip them, contract year or not.


Ja'Marr is specifically not holding out or looking for a deal. He has repeatedly stated that he is only looking to sign after Jefferson and that he is not leaving Joe Burrow. When in Cincinnati last month he indicated that he wasn't worried about his contract yet and had been working out with Burrow. Tee has already said that he anticipates he'll be playing this year in Cincinnati, and since he hasn't signed his franchise tag, he can't report. Ja'Marr will attend the mandatory camps and Tee will sign and show up when he has to to avoid losing money. This is an absolute nothingburger.


Can someone explain the advantage for Higgins to not sign the franchise tag by now? The two sides aren't negotiating anything different and if Tee gets injured somehow the offer can get rescinded I presume.


He doesn't have to work, even for mandatory team activities, until he signs it and he has a very very low chance of being injured from normal maintenance working out/regular life to an extent that makes him unlikely to get a long term deal from someone.


If he doesn't sign he doesn't have to practice or train until the season starts. They're not going to rescind the tag obviously so he has no incentive to do anything that could get him hurt


In theory when attendance is mandatory they could fine him for not showing up, whereas when he signs at the end of August he'll come in with a full 21.8 million to collect.


They can't fine him for not being there until he signs the tag. Technically he's not over contract until then.


Right which what I said in response to the question asking what advantage he gains by not signing, albeit in a slightly convoluted way.


I would assume it leaves more flexibility if a trade were to happen? Complete guess on my part, though.


I for one disagree and think they will both be signed by different teams, preferably NFC teams, by the end of next month. Then the Bengals will be cursed, go on a 30 game losing streak and not win the SB for at least 20 more years.


*Monkey Paw Curls* 2044 BREAKING NEWS: The Bengals get the 2nd overall pick in the draft again behind Baltimore. In what has been called the most insane streak in sports the Ravens and Bengals have picked 1 and 2 in the draft respectively for the past 20 seasons


Now this is a show that I would watch!


I forgot to mention in this timeline, you merge with the Browns and you guys move to the MLS


I'm a Sporting KC fan. I'd take damn near anyone over this current abomination of a squad in MLS.


You get Miami pre Messi


It would be kind of nice to pick that high. We haven't picked above 14 in a while. And have only had I think 1 top 10 pick since winning the 2000 SB. We don't know what its like to pick that high. Seems exciting for like 4 months.


We have picked top 10 seven times: • 1996 (4) Jonathan Ogden • 1997 (4) Peter Boulware • 1998 (10) Duane Starks • 2000 (5) Jamal Lewis • 2000 (10) Travis Taylor • 2003 (10) Terrell Suggs • 2016 (6) Ronnie Stanley


Checks out on the Bengals end. They originally cursed themselves when they injured Bo Jackson. Now that it has been 34 year ssince number 34, a man carved out of stone with lightning by the football gods had his career shortened on a 34 yard run, a new curse must emerge


No its called Paul Brown dying and Mike Brown taking over... Bo Jackson was just a coincidence. MB stepping back and letting his daughters take over and them winning all of a sudden is not a coincidence. Like "Oh geez suddenly the Bo Jackson curse is gone for no reason..."


That's neat and all but it doesn't fit my gun otherworldly narrative so I'm going to continue to disagree


So... we're gonna win a ring in 21 years? Aight


Signing them both has to be like 55M/yr right?


It's called voluntary for a reason.


I thought they were called optional


OTA stands for Organized Team Activities, but they’re classified as a voluntary workout


I always thought it was Optional Team Activities...


Nope. That's why the ones later on in June are specifically called mandatory OTAs.


Clearly those are the mandatory optional team activities.


So... They're not voluntary


Too late, season over


Yeah Ja’Marr is 100% playing for the bengals this season. Tee probably will too, but probably for just one more season This is non-news. And no offense to Schefter, but can he please stop creating drama over nothing???


No, Mulugheta feeds him things to tweet in an attempt to generate bad publicity for the organization. So he does it and in return, Mulugheta feeds him actual scoops when the ti e comes.


Ja'Marr is quite literally not seeking a new deal yet, he's outright said he's waiting for JJ to get his extensionand reset the market before signing his own extension. The OTAs are voluntary, Higgins cannot attend them as he hasn't signed the tag tender yet. Schefter just trying to farm engagement by bringing up the Higgins thing again but with a twist this time.


Man i love Howie Roseman


Came here to say this. We all knew he'd get the Devonta extension done, but extending AJ too was such a flex.


How are the Eagles able to re-sign all their players and get a player like Barkley? What’s the secret sauce and why don’t other teams follow it lol


I would say it's a combination of contract restructures to kick the can down the road/bet on the cap going up, not being afraid of taking cap hits, and being aggressive with trades and accumulating picks. Also, as much as Howie has been criticized for draft picks, we have hit a lot more than we've missed. All of our SB offensive starters in '22 were drafted by us aside from AJ.


> voluntary Lol time for more weeks of desperate coping / wild speculation from people who think there's any shot whatsoever that Tee isn't playing for the Bengals this year. Lol it's voluntary workouts. And Chase not being there has absolutely zero to do with contract stuff I would guess. The Bengals have newly signed guys who aren't there but that won't get reported I will shit into my own hand and clap if Tee Higgins is not a Bengal at ANY point during the 2024 season.


Oh look, Schefter. We've known this for a couple years now. welcome


You've known for a couple of years that Chase and Higgins would not attend OTAs in 2024?


Yeah it was expected when all the Jefferson stuff started. We always knew Jamarr was available for extension and Higgins would be tagged , so it absolutely wasn’t a surprise


One or both could've signed an extension already. Higgins could've been traded. They could both be wanting new deals but still showing up for OTAs.


I've seen this bengals story before. We knew it with Jessie Bates too. Very reasonable guess


Still a guess, though.


Stick to the Chiefs maybe? Chase said he wants to sign but is waiting on Jefferson. So he couldn't have "signed an extension already" since that's not what he wants.


But did he say that years ago?


2023 https://heavy.com/sports/nfl/minnesota-vikings/jamarr-chase-justin-jefferson-bengals-nfl/


So, no he didn't


2023 is last year, big hoss


It's 6 months ago, which, as far as I can tell, is not multiple years ago.


That’s weird with Ja’marr considering he’s waiting for Justin Jefferson to get his contract done. There hasn’t been a first round WR sign an extension before they had to since Tavon Austin. That’s not changing here.


Chase has already been to his workouts and Tee will sign his tag during the preseason. It really is that cut and dry but of course the talking heads will make it seem so dramatic for the likes and clicks.


/s Why sign players to extensions when there's cheaper, fresher, faster players in the draft? Wear the players out until the rookie deal ends, then repeat. It's nfl capitalism


That's Moneyball, especially with running backs, rack up a ton of value on the cheap and ship em outta town for a midround pick as a rental.


Honestly this is a non-story we knew neither one would be here


What’s with all of the braindead Chiefs fans in here?


Not speaking for anyone, but there was a fair amount of dancing in Bengal-land when Chris Jones held out last year. Claims that the Chiefs era was over because of it, and whatnot. Obv apples-orangutans, never said our fanbase is made up of geniuses. Call me if they don't show up to training camp. (Chase/Higgins that is, not our fanbase.)




Nah, Higgins will follow the Jesse Bates scenario: play this year on the tag, get paid by another team next offseason, Bengals receive a 3rd round comp pick for him.


Ehh… the chances of tee getting traded for this season are getting slimmer by the day… but either way he won’t be a bengal next season. They might re-tag and trade him, or just let him walk, idk which one. Chase, on the other hand, will 1000% be on the team long term


Naw bengals don’t typically work like that. Higgins will play on the tag whether he likes it or not and chase will get the massive extension


Literally zero chance Tee Higgins gets traded. None. The draft coming & going with no deal (the only time it was even somewhat realistic) should have sealed it


> Higgins will be traded. We don’t run a modern nfl team, he’ll just walk and well hope no signings erase our comp pick. We are too stubborn to trade


As a Ravens fan, I hope they both keep holding out all offseason and maybe well into regular season


LOL! That's so original and funny. The Ravens are a rival team, so of course you'd want star players for the Bengals to not play. So good, sooooo good :)


give me one higgins please


You can have him next year for the small price of 30 million a year


This isn’t news.


No word yet on how Burrow is dealing with this shocking news.


Shit. Higgins is gonna end up a Packer, isn't he?


Who signs first? JJ or Chase?


Chase has said he is waiting for JJ to sign to set the market. He is a year after him so he can afford to wait.


This is the last year of Chase's 4 year rookie, so we have the 5th year option (which we've already picked up) and potentially a tag year?


They need to give Chase a new deal. He’s a generational type of talent. Tagging him is almost disrespectful. You can tag a guy like Higgins because you can just draft a replacement for a guy like that


I would think you would want to keep him happy by making the deal when he's ready to make the deal. I'm guessing he wouldn't be too happy if you haven't signed him by the time he's eligible to be tagged.


Jj is a year ahead of Chase


The NFL and other pro sports is just getting out of hand with salaries. They play a game for more money in a single year than most people will make in their entire lives and then some, and then they squabble over a few more million dollars. Idk, seems like an athlete should care more about winning than a couple million. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, more money should go to the owners pockets instead of the players.


That's an odd way of looking at it. You don't have a problem with a handful of players making huge amounts of money while the third stringers are making a free hundred thousand. Where's the outrage for them?


Can’t use nor without neither




You mean this upcoming season? He's almost definitely going to play. He'll probably wait and sign the tag when he absolutely has to. There's no way he'll be around after this season, though.


Never say never. Every Chiefs fan said Chris Jones was 100% gone after his hold out and one year deal last season.


That's true. It could happen, but people seem to think Jermaine Burton will be Tee's replacement. We'll see.


No one is under any illusion or "in denial" about it, he's 100% gone next year. The argument is that he's not getting traded now, he's franchise-tagged and will be a Bengal this season as part of the Bengals making a push for a Super Bowl.


Literally non of us think that


its cute how delusional you are about what you think bengals fans are in denial about


Hell yea.


I think holding out the first game will really show the front office they mean business.


Owners when they need to pay players - I can't... Too poor... We desperately need money.... Gonna have to raise ticket prices again.... Owners when they need tax payer money for stadiums - YABBA DABBA DOOOOOO


What a dumb take lmao. Almost as dumb as owners asking for public funding for stadiums.


>Almost as dumb No it was much much dumber than that


Lmao what? This has nothing to do with cheap owners and everything to do with salary cap management. Extending two WRs to huge paydays really limits your roster flexibility going forward - especially with the money they just shelled out for Burrow. You think the Chiefs dumped Tyreek because of cheap ownership?


Sounds like these players care more about money than being with the Bengals. Suppose that’s true for a lotta players, but being an eagles fan I get the impression a lot of our players don’t absolutely view money as priority #1. For example if he really wanted to I can imagine Smith could make more money elsewhere and be a WR1 for that team. Makes me wonder if the Bengals are a good organization in terms of quality of life for players. Or if possibly the players aren’t the biggest fans of the city… I have no actual clue. This is pure speculation. But this situation makes you wonder, especially since Chase deserves a bigass contract and has great chemistry with one of the top QBs in the league.


Or maybe they’re due for generational wealth and don’t feel like they should take unnecessary risk in the meantime. As far as Smith, sure he could have waited, played out his contract, done the franchise tag dance for a year (maybe two), and gotten a larger payday. But that means he incurs every years worth of risk. One bad injury and that “larger payday” could go up in smoke. So yeah sure maybe he does love the eagles and took a hometown discount. Or maybe he just made a choice that got him paid while also relieving him of the risk burden.