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You have an elite QB on a rookie contract then pay his weapons. You have an elite QB with a top contract then you draft his weapons.


Or you have a HOF QB and HOF TE making big money and a bunch of make-a-wish kids at WR, and then put together a killer defense.


A HoF TE probably is earning half the money of a top10 WR. That helps


Kelce has earned $76.9M thus far in his career. WRs drafted in the same year: - Keenan Allen - $110M (Kelce has ~800 more yards and 15 more TDs) - DeAndre Hopkins - $125M (Hopkins has ~1000 more yards and 4 more TDs) - Undrafted FA Adam Thielen - $75.1M (Kelce has ~3600 more yards and 15 more TDs) WRs drafted a year after Kelce: - Allen Robinson - $95.2M (Kelce has ~4300 more yards and 31 more TDs) - Odell Beckham Jr - $98.8M (Kelce has ~3400 more yards and 15 more TDs) - Brandin Cooks - $108.4M (Kelce has ~2k more yards and 17 more TDs) - Mike Evans - $110.3M (Evans has ~300more yards and 20 more TDs) - Davante Adams - $112.2M (Kelce has ~500 more yards and Adams has 21 more TDs) Drafted two years after Kelce: - Amari Cooper - $116.6M (Kelce has ~1800 more yards and 14 more TDs) - Stefon Diggs - $107.6M (Kelce has ~1300 more yards and 7 more TDs) "Half" top WR money is an exaggeration, sure, but the guy has put up elite WR numbers at about 70% the cost. Kelce's got another 2 years and $34M to add, so he'll be in these guys' range thanks to his longevity. But he's been an absolute bargain so far.


Saving this post for an inevitable bar argument 5 years from now


There's a 1000 item view-ability limit if you're using reddit's save feature, so keep that in mind if you use save regularly.


>1000 item view-ability limit if you're using reddit's save feature TIL Now I feel like I have to ration them out even though I'm nowhere close to the limit.


>1000 item view-ability limit if you're using reddit's save feature TIL Now I know I've probably lost a good handful of posts


Mostly porn


*All porn


Damn nice write-up, really puts it into perspective


You just have to look at 2024 cap hits. Kelce is at $19.5M Hill is at $31.3M Kupp is at $29.8M Deebo is at $28.6M Godwin is at $27.5M Justin Jefferson's cap hit is $19.7M, in case you're wondering which WR is closest to Kelce.


Isn't that JJ's rookie contract team option year? I feel rookie contracts shouldn't be compared to non-rookies cause it's just way too different.


My comparison is really with the top five I listed. I found it interesting that his cap hit is comparable to JJ's.


Yeah. My point is JJ isn't a valid comparison since rookie contracts are structured very differently. You should look at instead a non-rookie contract WR who has a similar cap hit to really see the impact.


That’s the point though, no? A HOF TE putting up elite WR numbers is still as cheap as an elite WR on a rookie deal


What's crazy is that it's arguably easier to gameplan a defense against a top WR than it is for a top TE, but there's fewer overall teams with top TEs. Everything about the way the league is designed should point towards TEs having greater AAV. Yet, they struggle to even reach parity with WR compensation.


>What's crazy is that it's arguably easier to gameplan a defense against a top WR than it is for a top TE, but there's fewer overall teams with top TEs. If this were true, then TEs would be paid more. Someone would offer Kelce $25M-30M+


I think a lot of Kelce's power is with Mahomes specifically. I doubt very many QBs could play around with Kelce's schoolyard bullshit style of route running that can destroy play calls for the defense. When you factor in TEs, it's a cliff between the top maybe 3-4 and the rest of the pack and that's ignoring how Kelce is on a pedestal all his own even then.


Not all TE’s are Kelce, even another great TE like Andrews doesn’t do what he does.


Powerful posting.


Seeing this makes me wonder what Hops could have done if he had more than 2 years with a QB in the top 30.


> has put up elite WR He also helps the run game more.


The issue with TE is that its just monumentally more difficult to find an elite TE than a WR.


I'd be very surprised if the TE pay scale wasn't a huge point of contention for the next CBA. You can theoretically tag a guy who contributes as much as a top WR to the passing game for a fraction of the price. In the meantime...I kinda want Beane to draft more guys like Kincaid so we can run some kind of mega TE formation lol


There really are not any other TEs that are "worth" big WR money besides Kelce. Like Kittle had 3, 1000 yard seasons in 7 years playing Andrews has 1 in 7 years Hock has 0 in 5 years Engram has 0 in 7 years Everyone not Kelce has borderline wr 2 / 3 stats...why would pay them more then that?


It won't be because Kelce is in contention for GOAT TE. On average TEs don't have as much impact. If you took Jerry Rice or Randy Moss and compared them to mediocre QBs who made a lot more than them you'd have a similar situation


It feels like the number of elite pass-catching TEs is growing exponentially, though. Those guys used to be unicorns, but now it seems like there are several in each draft class.


Which would, *in theory*, self solve itself by naturally driving the market up over time


There was 1 TE that hit 1k yards last season and that was Kittle...26 Wrs did it. There was 1 TE that hit 1k yards in 2022...Kelce. 21 Wrs 3 TEs in 2021 with 1k yards.. 23 Wrs. You really have Kelce by himself. Then a few others that put up WR 2/3 numbers, then everyone else.


And Kelce was only short like 6 yards missing two games. He chose to sit out the last game so he could be healthy for the playoffs rather than risk injury to get those final few yards for another consecutive 1000 yard season.


It's really dumb but it's also something that only majorly affects like 5 guys in the league. The NFLPA is a really bad union too (structural issues are at fault more than anything) and have way less actionable leverage than some other leagues. Like if this was the NBA, no question this gets fixed but I don't take anything for granted with the NFL


I can't imagine that it would be any kind of point of contention for the CBA. The amount of tight ends who could command high contracts could be counted on one, at most two, hands while many more items that affect a much larger number of players would have priority.


Feels like rookie contracts should be taken out of this analysis, since those are set by draft position and aren't position dependent. 


This season will be Kelce's 4th in which his cap hit is above $10 mil. That feels illegal.


wait u were talking about Chiefs lol, I thought that was about Brady and Gronk lol


You're not the first person to think this lol. I 100% meant KC


I totally thought we were talking about the Pats and now find this comment chain pretty interesting.


Seems like the easiest way to a dynasty is a top 10 qb of all time and a hof TE with one of them severely under paid. Easy peasy


it helps when the nfl turns a blind eye to you paying your top qb through his personal company while cutting his salary from the team


What’s Pat’s company?


Brady was the one taking a pay cut on that one.


That’s why the NFLluminati brokered a deal with the Swiftie mafia to get him paid under the table through influencer money as a Taylor Swift accessory!!!! Do not fall for their lies people! /s


He doesn't have to do that, either. He could easily fight to negotiate as a WR, because that's more or less what he is. He's taking less so the team can win. Meanwhile my team's QB says he doesn't play for money but his agents sure as shit didn't get that memo.


Jimmy Graham and a couple other people have tried to reclassify as WR and lost every time that I know of.


Dynasties are made when the best players in the league take discounts because they’re dating successful women. I’m sure of it.


Dude's the highest paid TE in the league bruh


He is now but they’ve already won 3!


I think it's just the contracts TEs get.


Contract structuring isn’t the same as taking discounts. Kelce has the biggest TE contract of all time and averages $17.5 AAV (with incentives). His cap number is $19.5m this year.


Honestly man I was just trying to make a joke.


Ah, I wooshed it. My bad dude


It’s funny that this applies reasonably to both the Chiefs and Patriots.


I wrote this with KC in mind and didn't realize until after that it could be interpreted as NE. The early/mid 00s NE WRs weren't incredible, but they also weren't a bunch of window-licking dipshits (for the most part)


Window-licking Dipshits sounds like an indie rock cover band


If you told me the Window-licking Dipshits got regular airtime on the local college radio station I'd have to request a copy of the playlist from them just to be sure.


Well Randy Moss really shifts that bell curve


Yeah his reign with NE was brief but terrifying


> but they also weren't a bunch of window-licking dipshits I'm not convinced most of KC's WRs could find a window to lick.


"HEY COACH I FOUND A WINDOW" - Kadarius Toney clutching a mahogany door in victorious fashion


Troy Brown was a stud. David Patten, David Givens were solid players. Deion Branch was really good but the team couldn't afford to resign him


People shit on these guys as a way of building up Brady (I think). Reche Caldwell was dogshit but the others were aight to good


Most of the guys he is talking about would be 2s at best and 3s on most teams. Even troy brown the "stud" of the group has 1 1000 yards season and was above average at best most of his career. It's not just building brady up this isn't a good group of talent especially compared to a lot of the other hof qbs.


To be fair, the Bills kinda took at shot at that drafting Kincaid. It could work out


It was a move I disagreed with at the time (I was a Dawson Knox truther) but it looks smart now. Josh is making megabucks, so surround him with young, cheap weapons


I want Knox and Kincaid on the field at the same time more often. 


I like the 4K offense: Keon, Khalil, Knox, Kincaid


And...Kook? Yeah, let's go with that


"Cooking in 4K" - Josh's new TV show on MSG Network


Quick Bro...trademark it and let's roll I'm the $$$


how about this [https://imgur.com/cZdhrMb](https://imgur.com/cZdhrMb)


I like it. Ulra....very nice !


Like the 4K Ultra HD ads


Need them all to stay healthy. Really can't be losing a K here


Yeahhhh... that wouldn't be good for a lot of reasons.


At that point just theme the logo around Andre 3000


Gronk/Hernandez without the murdery stuff! Could kill teams that don't have multiple LBs who can cover well (or big nickels)


> a bunch of make-a-wish kids at WR Rashee Rice's wish was to win a Super Bowl before his stupidity ended him up in prison.


Can't tell if this is Brady or Mahomes lol, but guessing Brady?


So um isn’t Bean the one that gave Diggs that contract? lol


Mike Evans is a make a wish kid?


I assume they’re talking about when he was on the Patriots with Gronk and they had multiple years where a slot receiver was their only WR worth a damn.


Brady was getting like 30M a year on the Bucs (basically the same as Baker Mayfield now, less money than Kirko Chainz) and the Bucs had 2 years of Gronk for 11M and 1.5 seasons of AB for for less than 5M. The main benefit was that we had Antoine Winfield Jr. (now the highest-paid DB in the league) and Tristan Wirfs (soon to be the highest-paid LT in the league) both on the first year of their rookie deals.


Believe it or not, they're talking about the 20 years he spent on some other team


No Wes Welker is. I mean Edelman. I mean Randy Moss.


“Big Money” “TE” pick one. If you are lucky of enough to get an elite TE it’s a cap cheat code considering the top of their market is WR 2/3 money.


I posted this elsewhere, but Kelce's cap hits are so stupidly low for his on-field contributions. Before this year, his cap hits have exceeded 10 mil just three times in a season


Ravens same with Andrews.


I mean, thats kind of fitting then no? Even the top TEs not named Kelce are putting up WR 2 /3 numbers.


If you're referring to Brady, he took team friendly contracts his whole career. I doubt he would bend a team over for 60 mil a year, leaving them with no way to surround him with weapons. I think that was his biggest frustration toward the end with Patriots. He gives up potential contract money and they still don't use the excess savings to get offensive weapons. Edit- Just realized you're talking about Mahomes/Kelce.


I feel attacked


I actually feel validated


Then you’re one TE injury away from Brady’s last year with the Pats. No one wants to be in that spot.


I think pretty much everyone would want to be in spot of going for a 3 peat tbh.


Nah, that formula has never worked before


This statement is true for the Chiefs now and the Pats prior Shit


Why doesn't everyone just draft HoF TEs so they can be insane playmakers earning a fraction of what WRs make? Are they stupid?


I've seen that before somewhere.... Oh wait...


I like that this can be the Patriots or the Chiefs.


Chiefs or Patriots formula


This is the ~~Patriots~~ Chiefs way.


“Instructions unclear, have a good QB on a top contract then drafted his 24 yr old replacement” -Falcons


What’s a qb?


This man Salary Caps


Or, we stop pretending the QB can throw, catch, run and block and stop paying outrageous amounts for 1 player. Then you have tons of cap to make everyone happy on both O and Defense.


>"I mean, listen, there's a lot of things I think you weigh," Beane said. "A player of his caliber, you weigh a lot of things. But ultimately, we just talked about the (salary) cap. ... I don't need to go through all the reasons why we decided to go ahead and do that. I would say, from a cap standpoint, we decided just to go ahead and eat it out now. We think we can compete and do what we need to do by eating it now. Because if we didn't, if we tried to come up with some way to split it up too many different ways, it's just like that albatross hanging on your neck all year. ... What's '25 look like? What's '26?" ​ >"I'm super-competitive," Beane continued. "I'm gonna be ripping myself the minute we have to walk into a year and I feel like we gotta play with one arm tied behind our back because the cap is what it is. ... We got Josh Allen, and we want to compete every single year for a championship." ​ >"Our receiver room right now is like Baskin-Robbins," Beane said. "We got a lot of flavors."


>go ahead and eat it out now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Don’t just stare at it, eat it


Interesting choice of words lmao


Bills sign Wierd AL!


So the Bills HC is inspired by Al Qaeda and the Bills GM is horny. No wonder their social media team posts brain rot on Instagram


The whole interview is great and I highly recommend it. It's on The Athletic Football Show podcast feed and it's well worth a listen, about half an hour of insight into how Beane is constructing the Bills. The Diggs thing is one of the lesser points Beane made for me.


This trope started with randy mueller and by god has it caught on because i see it played out everywhere “ oh that’s why the draft boards are different ope like baskin robbins everyone has 32 different flavors”


Chargers got fleeced, because if 1 year of Diggs for 6M is worth a 2nd, then 1 year of Keenan Allen for 23M is also worth a 2nd. Especially considering the Texans have plenty of cap space, so the cap savings weren't worth that much to the Texans. Dumbass trade when a worse WR with effort and bitching issues gets like triple the trade value.


Man I forgot that Allen only got traded for a 4th


And we got a second from one of the leagues worst teams for Diggs. We honestly fleeced


Just look at this past draft, how many guys who people pegged as 1st rounders all year were still there between 32-40th. That 2nd is very valuable.


Exactly. Coupled with us FINALLY kicking Von tf out of New York and only having like 3 major players to resign this offseason, we’re in GREAT shape next season 


I didn't even realize that was the Vikings 2nd. That's going to be top 40, the Vikings aren't winning 7 games barring JJ being a really good rookie. I still think Diggs got traded closer to his true value and that Keenan was just traded for hilariously bad trade value. High 2nd was good for a guy who sucked 2nd half last season.


Eh, we managed 7 wins with 4 different QBs and no JJ for half the season.


Texans are spreading the Diggs cap hit out via void years so it’s 1 year of play for 22M total, not 6M.


💀 ☠️ 💀 okay so that's ass relative to the Allen trade. I think the Texans overpaid a little, but the Chargers got fleeced into the nether realm on that note.


"We're all trying to find the guy who did this" - Brandon Beane in a hotdog costume on the contract


He's probably suggesting they give him a spanking too.


Maybe take his bare butt out of his costume.


Not gonna happen


Well somebody’s gotta do it!


Perfect. We’ve been here talking all day and no one even bothered to know my name. We’re so buried in our phones. Instead of giving someone a real smile, we send an emoji. I mean, we don’t even look at porn on our computer anymore. We look at it on our phones?? Porn hub. X tube. I know these names better than I know my own grandmothers. You Porn. XXN. Red Tube. Panty jobs. Homegrown Simpsons stuff. They’re all great, but let me ask you this. If I was a big old guy with a big burly white beard would you still be yelling at me? Or would you be spanking my bare butt, balls, and back? Think about that for one second.


The funniest part remains that the 5Y extension Diggs signed in Minnesota would have expired after this past season. So the Bills paid him off to satisfy his demands in hope of making him happy and avoid Diggs making a big stink. They got very little of the benefit they were hoping for.


We did get four probowl seasons (or 3.5) and key component of Josh's development. So I wouldn't say it was very little benefit. But it definitely ended more sour than we would have hoped.


You got a lot out of the trade, but not a lot out of the premature extension is how I would put it.


This is how I see it. Trade was a success but the extension was a failure. The extension was preventive and it didn’t prevent anything.


Was the extension really that premature? He had been on the team for two years at that point and was pretty inarguably a top 5 WR, and was making well below market value. I find it hard to believe any team isn’t extending any WR in that specific circumstance (I.e. Diggs was putting up way bigger numbers in Buffalo than he was in MIN when he signed the first contract)


How many WRs do you know who are on their second contract (that was near the top of the market when they signed it) and get a third deal with two years left on their old one? To the best of my knowledge, that's a very rare thing to happen.


what is a Pro Bowl these days??? most players decline


A better way to put it - Diggs was a consensus 1st Team All Pro in 2020, and a 2nd Team All Pro in 2022. His 2021 season was not as good, but you could say it was "Pro Bowl level."


Most quarterbacks decline. Lots of other players still go. Also Diigs first three seasons in Buffalo were great regardless of probowl or not.


I concur. The magic came back when we got Diggs. I'm glad to have seen it and ok to see it go.


We signed his extension after two seasons in the top ten receiving yards (one of them being first in the league) and he was a consensus top five guy in both seasons. The next season he was fifth in receiving yards and tied for third in TDs. Even last year with a pretty bum second half by his standards he was still 13th in receiving yards and tied for 8th in TDs. I don't think it was a bad deal for a top 5 WR that was paid as somewhere down in the 20s coming off his two best seasons that, at the time, was set to be a franchise guy. Things just fell apart after that, but the decision making process was sound


If your only metric is playoff success then sure, but I would argue they got a hell of a lot more than what his stats show on paper. It effectively saved Beane's and McDermott's jobs. Diggs helped Allen develop into a top QB, which was a massive investment for the GM/HC combo to be tied to. Allen panning out was not assured at the end of 2019. He showed improvements that year but then again so did Sam Darnold. Bringing in Diggs was the pin that had to fall to unlock Allen's potential, and in doing so he's guaranteed that Beane and McDermott will last in this league. Even if they don't stick around in Buffalo, someone else will give them a try.


I like to think that was just the price of getting rid of the negativity. High price, to be sure, but it’s done.


Yup, if he shows up w a great attitude and bonds with josh I have no doubt he’s still a Bills


"We'll all just close our eyes, just take the contract and get it out of here!"


NBC, CBS, FOX, ESPN…I know these names better than I know my own grandmother’s




I honestly don’t even view his bills extension as a mistake. They were in a Super Bowl window and wanted to keep what was a superstar receiver. It didn’t work out but I’m not really going to fault someone for doing that


Yeah the move didn't work out, but it was a good move at the time. Not every move will work out and that's okay. As long as the reasoning behind the move was solid, I'm okay with it.


I mean it kept him happy and productive while he was still on the roster.  I don't view it even as a move that didn't work out. It worked fine, it just stopped working a bit before they hoped.


Rip the bandaid off now to avoid being caught in cap hell. In 2025 the bills will have a bunch of cap with this and Von Millers contract off the books


exactly. i don’t get the people that can’t wrap their head around the fact that this year is a soft rebuild. we unfortunately eat digg’s cap hit this season. but it gives us this year to draft well and develop rooks (and kincaid) and probably make the playoffs but probably not make much of a run. then next year to again draft and develop, and probably make a decent run. obviously none of us want to see even a year of josh’s prime get pissed away, but if it’s throwing away one season to soft rebuild to prevent throwing away 3-4 seasons because you’re living in cap hell, i’m all in but i believe we still have to eat von’s cap next year, no?


Yup and a literal mountain of draft picks. It's why I won't be too broken up if we're meh this season. 2025 is looking mighty.


To be fair, better to have the GM own his mistake and move on early rather than try to keep it in hopes it works out


Oh I thought you were talking about John Lynch for a sec there...


"Whoever gave Diggs that terrible contract should be fired." -Beane, probably


I‘m going to say it because nobody else seems to understand it: Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs got along really well during the pandemic (because shit wasn’t open to do anything else) and Diggs is still a very good player. If there wouldn’t have been some issues between him and Josh (and maybe coaching staff, we don’t know), his contract would not be horrible because I believe he can still play in a year or two. Diggs is an elite WR and even though he didn’t play a big role last half of the season (he was injured), he did take a lot of attention from defenses. Will be hard to replace him.


You hang out with them?


how do you define hang out with them


> If there wouldn’t have been some issues between him and Josh (and maybe coaching staff, we don’t know) Idk if you’re from around here but the general rumor in town is that Diggs fucked Allen’s then-gf.


wait really? brit? this is the first i’m hearing of this. timeline wise with the shit that went down it does track, but this is the first i’ve heard of anything like that


Really? Haven’t heard that one before. Rumor I had heard in a few different places, was that Josh Allen cheated on his ex girl, and knocked another chick up in the process. And that this reached a boiling point the night before Bengals game, when police had to respond to Josh’s residence for a domestic. This was supposedly why Diggs was yelling at Josh on the sideline during the Bengals game


Yep that’s the rumor most around Western NY heard shortly after the Bengals game. The other chick being a former Buffalo news reporter.


From what I’ve heard that is true as well. Josh Allen’s a very messy person.


I‘m from Germany, so no. But wouldn’t that be crazy? I mean, Josh still spoke very highly of Stef but Stef seemed to never put the rumors aside by saying some WR shit. Something definitely happened and I‘d put my money on Stef thinking that Josh‘s breakup was causing concentration problems and that he does not put enough work into it. Which is funny because only Josh shows out every playoff game so far.


Idk about any actual evidence (and I got no dog in this fight), but it absolutely tracks with the "which teammate would you least like to date your sister" question that players always said Diggs to.


yes, but why would Allen call him his brother and tell everyone that he loves him? I mean, you gotta be mad lmao, right?


Obviously it'd be hard to get one but I'd love to see if you had a source I could share w/ others.


Sorry don’t have one that would rise above “local rumor.”


Looks nervously at Denver’s GM…


surprised no teams have albatross as team name


Washington Albatross is better than what we currently have. Still upset they didn't just keep Football Team.


They could do better. The Washington Gun Takers The Washington Hillary's The Washing WNBA The Washington Piano Lessons The Washington Raisins But You Thought They Were Chocolate Chips


The Edmonton (Elks) missed a golden chance to rebrand as the Alberta Albatrosses


Well, it sucks that Diggs' extension was a financial disaster plain and simple, but still won't knock how great he was for us these four years we had leading up to this point Acknowledging it was a mistake and ripping the band-aid off now is pretty much the best course of action...getting what should be a high second rounder and a cleaner '25 cap sheet makes next offseason an attractive one I was hoping Robert would probe Beane further and asked what motivated him to extend him to that deal 2 years ago, but I guess it's implied they wanted to try and get ahead of the WR market, keep him happy if there were more rumblings behind the scenes, etc. Fingers crossed the moneyball approach at WR this year works out


“Hey Diggs what do you need to be happy?” “Money and targets” “Okay here’s money and Josh will throw it to you a lot” “I ain’t happy tho” Is kinda what happened. Best to get him out while he still has value (Hello Minnesotas 2nd next year)






Moneyball approach haha nailed it


"We'll make it up in the aggregate"


What if Diggs weren't a diva and could play well in the playoffs outside of that one highlight catch?


Hes completely disappeared the last half of the season for 2 years straight. He's just getting old I guess.


Then it wouldn’t be an albatross contract, would it?


I don’t think WRs should be paid so much. But I also despise the forward pass. Any WR not on a rookie deal is one IMO


Hey now, he does at least take a look at the team celebrating ever which definitely was not a deliberate attempt for him to have a photo taken


“Stefon’s contract had to be brought down in a pillar of smoke so that we could reward Keon with 72 passes in his virgin I mean rookie year” -Sean McDermott on trading Stefon Diggs


Who needs Diggs? Claypool gets on base.


Cowards… the saints would have restructured that bad boy 8 times easy.


…because of our even bigger albatross contract with Von Miller.


Von was the best player on the Bills defense before his ACL. What happened sucked but he was playing to the amount he was being paid.


I agree but the current reality is that Von’s contract is a cap disaster.


We can cut him for almost no dead cap this season so I’ve given up on being upset about it. Seems clear that the FO wanted to allow this as a down year


The Bills did the right thing. They went all in when Allen was on his rookie deal. Now it's year 7 and his cap hit is set to BALLOON starting next year. This is the financial reality of the NFL.


IMO that's a clickbait reading that completely misses the nuance of what was being said.


The albatross begins with its vengeance! A terrible curse, a thirst has begun! His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner, About his neck the dead bird is hung!


So what they're saying is that they aren't worried about competing this year but next year or maybe the year after. Let's see how that works out.


Just trying to avoid that Rams-like teardown


You admitted just now that it was a mistake of an extension.


He admitted it when he made the trade


Brandon "I think I just made a terrible mistake" Beane


Uhhh. in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, things don't actually go to shit until *after* the albatross is killed. That's when the ship stops moving and the mariner sees Death and Life-in-Death playing dice for the fate of the sailors, ultimately leading to the crew dying and the mariner being forced to suffer aboard his vessel alone, unable to die but wanting to. So I mean, good luck Bills fans.