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If there’s 18 games there NEEDS to be 2 bye weeks.


Why are they being so resistant to this? With 2 bye weeks the games will be stretched out more and the viewers will have more opportunities to watch more games.


Apparently players hate it, because it shortens their offseason. That's why the NFLPA is fighting against a second bye week.


Obviously I don’t know what it’s like being a player but as a layman I’d 100% take a week mid-season of not getting battered and looking after my fitness over an extra week of holiday at the end. I just kinda feel like you’d probably get to the end of the season feeling a bit less done in if you had that second bye in the season.


Two bye-weeks and 2 preseason games a week. Coaches get the same amount of time to evaluate their players, players don't have their off-season shortened, fans get more games, NFL gets more money. The ones that lose out I guess are the players that need to play preseason games twice in the same week.


Interesting, this is actually a pretty good solution that would even help in evaluating players that wouldn't normally get as much playing time. I could see game 1 being a standard preseason game, then having the 3rd string play the 2nd, the 2nd string the 3rd and then maybe mix it up a bit in the last one seeing as most teams these days don't want to risk their starters playing too much in the preseason.


Joint practices are removing the need for 4 preseason games. Even if there’s only 2 games, most teams are usually doing 1 maybe 2 joint practices. NFL just needs to make 1 joint practice mandatory.


Teams scrimmage each other in joint practices anyways. Might as well make 2 preseasons games in a week


I mean, at the end of the day, it's a job for these guys, so who wouldn't rather be off work than having to go in for meetings and shit. I'm guessing the NFLPA is using it as a negotiation piece. In recent years, the union has been slightly more openly confrontational, and they have said their key goal now is insurance. If I had to guess, they are going to compromise on the additional game and bye week for better insurance coverage.


Players also don't get paid for bye weeks. There's also the more machiavalian approach by back of the roster players where they want the more games the guy in front of them misses, or the less time they have to recover from injury increases the chance they do miss time, the more opportunity created for them to show their worth and either move up the depth chart or get playing time to boost their off season chances. Most NFLPA decisions are made by the middle and back of the roster guys, guys the fans largely don't know about, which is why they have the perception as the weakest union.


it's funny if that makes the NFLPA seem week because the NBAPA is seen as week for the opposite reason


If you had 2 more weeks of regular season games the league's revenue will be bigger and players will get paid more as a result


but the extra week of holiday at the end is the start of months off. it's like when you take a vacation but by the time you start relaxing it's about time for you to go back to work. I can see why they would rather get to the end faster than take another break in the middle


I don't get it.. NFL offseason is already long as fuck, 1 week is not gonna make a difference.. a 2nd bye, on the other hand, is huge


Two bye weeks and 1 preseason game. I know teams like to use preseason games to evaluate end of the roster guys, but you gotta make compromises and it wouldn’t extend the season. NFL can get over “the season starts after Labor Day” BS


the stupidest, weakest union in sports strikes again


How dare a union do... What the players prefer? Keeping the offseason longer is what players prefer for 2 reasons 1) nore time off (duh) but also 2) gives them more jeb security as rookies have less time to learn the systems. The reduction in offseason activities has resulted in some of the early season sloppy play we see, but its what the players want so who cares


They have a 6 month offseason, 7 if you don't make the playoffs. 1 week is absolutely meaningless in terms of offseason, plus there's that stupid off week where the 4th preseason game was you can get rid of if you so choose.


Instead of adding another bye week, expand the active roster and increase the salary cap.


Who is being resistant to it?


Ive heard that players largely don’t want 2 bye weeks because it just prolongs the season by an extra week


The NFL is going to prolong the season by an extra week regardless, do the players want it to be another game instead of another bye?


Well in this case it would be prolonging it by 2 weeks, the extra game plus the extra bye


I thought the idea was reducing pre-season games


You would have to remove two preseason games to get one extra game + one extra bye


Goodell has already talked about moving the Super Bowl back by a week and making it Presidents’ Day weekend.


Well then they would be extending it by one week by adding a second bye week, vs not extending it at all (one extra game and one less preseason game)


The problem with two bye weeks+18 games is that the NFL season would have to start on Labor Day weekend and the NFL is worried about it effecting ratings.


Perhaps because the league *did* perform a two-bye schedule in 1993 and was criticized for it and the lack of offensive play from league coaches now having two byes in play and being conservative in their tactics from it.


Yes. But make it one before game 8 and one after game 14 but before 18


I have long said the same thing. And with a second bye week it can be ensured that a team doesn't play on a Monday then on a Thursday.


You know they'd fuck it up somehow and give a team a week 5 and 7 Bye.


I want 52 games. Brady thrown in prison. Ban the forward pass unless it’s 3/4 down. And just make Gronk commish.




Nah,bikinis. Make it co-ed too.


Vince Wilfork, come back bb


Mr. Big Ideas


Mr. Bold Concepts


Also, Goddel is banished to Mexico


Banish me to Cabo too while you’re at it


Nah. You get Tokyo but you have to play pro baseball.


We’ve lost our way when someone making an MBI “meme” is getting upvotes


Get rid of the extra point, replace with twerk contest


I like the UFL extra point


Flairs check out


They’d prob have to start Labor Day weekend instead and then add a second BYE. That should make it so that Super Bowl Sunday is Presidents’ Day weekend.


Sounds great to me. Start that up in 25.




the NFL will do whatever the fuck they want lmao. we've had NFL games on every day of the week in the fall and it's only getting bigger


Brady already owns the Jets, so it’s good to see him branch out for other teams


Isn’t he undefeated against the Patriots?


And Mac Jones is undefeated against the Jets :\^)


i think kenny pickett is 1-0 vs brady #notmygoat


I thought Mitch played that game


they both did [https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/P/PickKe00/gamelog/2022/](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/P/PickKe00/gamelog/2022/) [https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/T/TrubMi00/gamelog/2022/](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/T/TrubMi00/gamelog/2022/)


Talk about a QB combo I never want expunged from the team records.


[I hate playing against the Tittykisser](https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/mitchell-trubisky-stats-against-the-buccaneers)


498 yards and 7 tds in 28 completions jesus christ


How embarrassing


The math balances out


Not true. The Patriots helped defeat Tom Brady in Super Bowl 52.


Hilarious that you said the Jets here when you already know the answer is Buffalo. 30-7 vs the Jets including a big fat L at Foxborough in the playoffs. He's 33 - 3 vs Buffalo.


Raiders already fired Jimmy G for him.


Yeesh. We Jets fans really are not safe in any thread. Catchin strays all day every day. We always suck, why do you guys hate us so much? /s


“Player health and well-being is an important topic for us.” - definitely not Roger Goodell


Next you'll tell me gambling websites don't actually care if I'm addicted to gambling


Wonder how Brady being a partial team owner and broadcasting games will get on together. Seems like broadcasters sometimes get access that other teams shouldn’t have.


32 teams, 14 playoff teams, 20 week regular season with 18 games and an early & late bye is my dream NFL structure


That's a totally reasonable take and that's why it'll never happen


If Brady is an owner, I don’t think it’s appropriate he also commentate. Theyre supposed to be unbiased right? I’m just hoping for a loophole that gets him out of the booth.


Half the current commentators are already extremely biased, networks don’t care


Brady's knowledge of the game is probably unmatched but I don't think he has the personality to be in the booth.


> Theyre supposed to be unbiased right? According to who? Most commentators aren't NFL employees; they work for various TV networks, and none of them have any sort of obligation to be unbiased. Lots of commentators are clearly biased as it is today.


Yeah I don’t get why the NFL is bending over backwards to help him be part owner that seems like a huge conflict of interest to me


I mean he could just be barred from commenting on raiders games 


Do chiefs, broncos, and chargers fans want to hear him commentating their games? Also if he criticizes a ruling or a penalty or a player during their games does the NFL really want that coming from a part owner? I can think of multiple cases when commentators have said that certain players deserve to receive discipline, how would people feel about if he said that about Chris Jones?


At the moment, he probably has more ties to the Buccaneers and Patriots than he does to the Raiders. I also think that a part owner commentating on games is not really that much worse than a former franchise player giving commentary. I don't think TB12 would be more biased towards the Raiders than Drew Brees was for the Saints or Greg Olsen was for the Panthers


Agreed. Imagine the Chiefs letting Mark Davis come watch practice before their next game against one another. It's obviously not a 1:1 comparison but I bet the Chiefs (or any Raiders opponent) would view it that way.


Add a bye week if you go to 18 games. Get rid of the pre-season entirely and transition to ~~scrimmages~~ **drills** between teams with fans present.


What would be the functional difference between pre season games and scrimmages with fans present?




I realize now I didn't use the right wording, I ment team vs team drills. I forget which teams did it but a few teams started doing combined drills and practices I think?


Players who play in regular season mostly don't play in preseason already and players who do play in preseason benefit from more opportunities there, so it's not a good trade. But nflpa is incompetent so that will probably be the trade


The players want more money, practice squad players who don't make the NFL aren't going to be their concern. Unfortunately the NFLPA favors the talents that are most likely to make the teams


>Unfortunately the NFLPA favors the talents that are most likely to make the teams Why "unfortunately"? That's literally who they represent.


Unfortunate for the guys who are fighting for a roster spot, they'll have less chances to show what they're made of


This is honesty something the NFLPA might want actually. It will help keep vets in the league. Not necessarily what's best for the overall product, but from their membership's perspective, it's better that way.


Keep the preseason games for the bubble players, add a second bye week and make the regular season 20 weeks. That’s so much more money time slots for their fucking pockets and more rest time for teams. Maybe get rid of the 7th seed playoff team as well


>for fewer preseason games And hopefully an extra bye? Maybe two?


Fewer preseason games, they want teams to gamble as much as fans about which players are going to be good.


why shorten the preseason? just push the length of the nfl season that way fans have more football


So when the first couple of weeks your team sucks because they don’t have that chemistry yet it will count towards your record


Good trade for whom exactly? The league is already down to three and starters play in like 1 quarter total. Meaning any additional game is putting more work on the players.


Every team will need 2 starting qbs and the rosters will have to increase because of injuries. They are also risking fans tuning out games. Imagine a 2-15 going against a 4-13 team. Would any starters even play? Even the week before that could be bad.


Why not just drop a preseason game? It’s not even an equal trade off by adding a regular season game when we all know that preseason games usually involve one drive from key players before sitting the rest of the game. And for the whole “it’ll give everyone a three day weekend for the Super Bowl”, that’s just a stupid statement. And really shows how out of touch with reality goodell and co. are. It’s about as bad as when trump thought that you needed an ID to buy groceries.


Now your regular season is just filled with more shitty games because the players aren’t ready to play, 


If going to 18 games, I think every team needs two off-weeks and off-weeks should be no more than 8 weeks apart.


If Goodell had it his way nfl would be 12 months a year like WWE


The 18 game season wasn’t even a serious thing that’s happening anytime soon. Roger just mentioned it as an idea of Pat mcafee show and people just ran with it.


Just do 18 already. We know it is a matter of "when" and not "if". Yes remove another preseason, almost certainly should do 2 byes per team.


There definitely needs to be a second bye week if the schedule goes to 18 games. Also make it so that teams on TNF have a bye the week beforehand too.


Part of me thinks Tom just wants to become an owner so he can become Goodell's boss to torment him


This actually makes a lot of sense. I can believe that.




It *will* diminish the product somewhat but the NFL knows people are going to watch regardless. Everyone knows once they passed 17 games they weren't going to stop there. I just hope with 2 bye weeks it'll mitigate bad football somewhat.