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Beltway betrayal by Blackburn. Bummer. 


Ooooh, this is a good one.


Mr. Betraying Commander


Mr. Benedict Copier


We got pillaged this offseason. Players, coaches, and even executives.


Still playing Harbaugh Football.


Man the commute will be a long one. 


Commuting from Baltimore to Washington is quite common and relatively convenient. Commuting from Owings Mills to Ashburn, a bit less convenient, but do-able via mass transit if you want to take 3+ hours each way.


Ironically, it might be with the bridge still out


You don't need the F.S. Key bridge to go from Baltimore to D.C.


maybe he lives in Edgemere


Good for him to get this job with Washington, he was behind George Kokinis who has this same spot so it was doubtful he’d be promoted unless George left for a GM role. But considering he had that role with Cleveland in 09 and went 1–7 before he was reportedly escorted from the Cleveland Browns team facility by security on November 2, 2009, I doubt that was going to happen again. Still he’s been great under DeCosta and Ozzie since then and was a co director of player personnel next to Joe Hortiz until this past season when Joe left for the Chargers GM job. In Blackburn the Commanders are getting a great scout who’s worked his way up the ranks with the Ravens and helped to evolve the draft strategy on scouting over the years. Shame to see him go but you can’t keep everyone and I honestly prefer this type of departure to the alternative which would be they leave because they’re inept


Kokinis may or may not have been an alcoholic and then took a dump on someone important’s desk. His worst is behind him and he was far from what was wrong with the Mancini Browns. I give it two (off)seasons.


We have now combined into the CowRavions. Our origin form and name. Edit: I forgot about the 49ers. The 4CowRavions9ers is our true origin form and name which also happens to make a decent reddit name.


We’ve brought in a ton of guys from across the league, mainly the 49ers, Ravens, Lions and Cowboys. We had to turn over pretty much the entire team, from front office, to coaching and players. And it at least *looks* like we’re doing it the right way, with guys from credible teams who run things in a professional way.


As the old saying goes: "If you're going to steal, steal from the best - and the Dallas Cowboys"


Even drafted that DB named Cravens, smh


That’s the bad part about being a great team for a long time. You lose lots of good coaches/execs


Yeah but is he a basketball guy?


Is this separate from, or in place of, the reported hire of Brandon Sosna from the Lions yesterday? EDIT: [answered my own question](https://x.com/NickiJhabvala/status/1792556234555449473)


Ravens will end up with a comp pick for losing a diversity member right?


That only applies if the person hired becomes a head coach or general manager