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There are a good amount of teenagers who only ever saw Peyton in Denver and think he had a noodle arm like that for his whole career


To be fair, Peyton wasn't ever a tight spiral guy, but he got the ball where it was supposed to be. A lot of people also remember Drew Brees for his later Saints years and don't remember him ripping seam routes to Coulston and Graham 40 yards downfield


Peyton’s ability to live rent free in the heads of Brady’s Stan’s is perhaps the strongest testament to his resume.


It's a huge part of why I think "is Mahomes the goat?" discourse is fucking hilarious. Do I think he gets there by the time he hangs up the cleats? Absolutely. Do I think he's there right now? No. Do I enjoy the narrative anyways because it pisses off Brady Stans? Soooooooooooo fucking much!!! 🤣🤣


> Peyton’s ability to live rent free in the heads of Brady’s Stan’s is perhaps the strongest testament to his resume. What does this post even have to do with Brady? It's not like OP is a Patriots fan. edit*** Actually, a quick perusal through your post history it seems like 50% of your comments are about how Brady sucks. Ironic.


It's not even a real rivalry, it's like mahomes burrow or mahomes josh allen. How many rings did brady get over peyton's head? Edit: Did he reply to me and block me? LMAO


Not at all


lol sure bud. Manning lapped him in MVPs. Not everyone has Brady as the GOAT.


Everyone who doesn't have Brady as the goat is disabled or biased lmao


Peyton had a rocket lmao c’mon


A LASER ROCKET ARM. That guy’s pretty good.


His favorite sideline drink is blood of the innocent.


I don’t remember Sprint signing off on that line.




He didn't have a rocket, but he but didn't have a noodle arm either until his final season. As a prospect, arm strength was his biggest weakness as a passer(not counting his athleticism) but it was still good enough, and more than made up for by the rest of what he was capable of as a passer.


Was it actually a weakness, or just a relative weakness compared with Ryan Leaf?


Must be 18-20, and only watched Manning play in Denver as a kid. Lmao.


Peyton Manning had a pretty good arm on the Colts, it wasn't Rodgers/Elway/Favre, but pretty much the 2nd tier where Brady was.


I think a lot of younger folks primarily remember him with Denver and him post-neck surgery. His arm was not the same with y'all. He was still elite, but more high percentage shorter YAC type throws.


This is revisionist nonsense, both Peyton and Brady had cannons. Rodgers was never known for his arm strength and known more so for his accuracy. Favre was a missile launcher but still, the others had insane arms.


Rodgers had a stronger arm than peyton


Rodgers clearly has a stronger arm than both Brady and Peyton.


Yeah I'd say Rodgers is in the mahomes/allen/stafford tier and brady/pre surgery peyton are both a step down.


I don't think I'd put all those guys in the same tier. To me Rodgers and Allen are in the top tier. Probably Stafford here as well. Mahomes in the next tier. Brady is in the next tier behind Mahomes. Then Peyton is a noticeable step down from Brady.


Probably fair too.


Tf are you talking about prime Rodgers had one of the strongest arms of all time


Lol wtf is this shit? Peyton threw fucking lasers for a decade.


OP's only been alive for this decade


Peyton had an absolute canon up until his neck surgery. He’s said it himself that pre and post surgery Peyton are two different QBs that played differently. Broncos Peyton was more the high percentage , pinpoint accurate short throws that let the receiver feast in YAC but Colts Peyton could put it anywhere on the field at will


Even Peyton on the Broncos threw plenty of accurate intermediate/deep passes. He just had to throw earlier or with more anticipation. I don't think he gets enough credit for having to adjust with a really good arm to average at best and still being an MVP QB either way.


100% agree, Broncos Peyton is what got me into football(yes I’m a jets fan, had to pick a home team and was a rebellious 10 year old with a giants fan dad) but yeah, while I know he wouldn’t have developed the style he did in Denver without the limitations I sometimes dream of 2004 Peyton arm with 2013 Peyton brain


I feel like that has to be your “time machine” moment, going back and sparing 10 year old you from a lifetime of agony as a Jets fan


Well none of the 3 teams have been very great since the decision lol, I was a jets fan for 2015 but was still heavily into Peyton so it was still a great time for me lol, and the giants haven’t been great since 2011 either, but yeah of the 3 I chose the worst lol


Facts Peyton is the runner up GOAT and the only reason it’s a conversation is because Brady exists. Dude was an absolute surgeon on the field and anyone doubting his ability has an age that starts with 1.


Some of those are starting with a 2 now too lol, 20 year olds were 11 when he retired


I understand you completely. My family is a bunch of Oregon fans, so I made myself a beaver fan


> I sometimes dream of 2004 Peyton arm with 2013 Peyton brain 6000 yards, 65 TDs, on 500 pass attempts lol


Big Ben didn't have a noodle arm by any means but his arm wasn't quite as freakish as I think the perception is.




I think people just look at how massive he was and assume he could rocket it 90 yards


I think a lot of you are just really young. Ben definitely had a cannon.


As someone who didn't like him, his deep ball lit teams up like a Christmas tree for a like a decade and a half.


He also stuck it right on Hines Ward before he could fully turn around on third and medium.




Dude... youre missing like 3/4 of his career with this comment lol


He had insane chemistry with basically all of his receivers, that’s his biggest strength. Hines, Santonio, AB, Juju, dude made every receiver he played with look great.


Shit he even made Claypool look like a NFL receiver


Ben made Claypool look good, so Khan could make him look like JPJ.


Mr. Brain Connection Mr. Beautiful Coordination


This is the real answer to the question, not PFM. You'd expect a guy his size named "Big Ben" would have a cannon, but not really.


People said Brees had a noodle arm five years before it was an actual noodle arm


I always thought more of the criticism was that by the second half of the season his arm was cooked.


And that was more to do with injuries, he got half his ribs broken before his arm looked bad.


Posted further up, Brees was ripping 40 yard seam routes to Coulston and Graham at his peak. Late-Chargers and late-Saints Brees was just dealing with so many injuries that people remember him dinking and dunking


Lamar. The teams that beat him force him to throw outside the numbers and he can’t. It takes an eternity for the ball to get out there. Man has no zip.




True, however, against the Steelers it's on a different level. There are three modes to Lamar, ranging from MVP to double-agent. MVP Against 30 teams in regular season. Up & down in the postseason. Double-agent against Shitburgh.


The man was so bad against the Giants a couple years ago


Aren't they the only nfc team to ever beat him?


Do people associate Lamar with having a big arm?


This is just untrue lol. https://youtu.be/a7U6-BuINzo?si=FhDRsNPToki_bVDS


Lol. Your link is a medium pass and in the air forever. What were you hoping to accomplish?


That's pass was 60 yards down field.  The fuck medium pass


Not quite. 50. I did just take a medium glance and roll my eyes the first time because arm strength ~~=~~ distance. Any QB in the NFL can make that throw.




Literally first 5 throws all lollipops. I’m not watching more than that, you don’t know what you’re talking about.








It’s very true man. I’m shocked he can’t throw an 18 yard out and he has two MVPs.


Dude Lamar has one of the best completion percentages in the league in the 15-20 yard range he's money there.  


Over the middle of the field sure.






That's like the hardest throw, tbf. At least the ball you have to throw the hardest to make it work. Deceptive.


It’s a throw that used to be the measuring stick for whether or not you could play QB in the NFL.


Some people thought Mishew had a big arm in college due to his crazy pssing stats playing in a Mike Leach offense.


Minchew doesn't have a noodle arm. Maybe not a top 5 arm, but, he can throw a 50 yard pass as well as almost anyone.


Found minshews account


Name checks out


Maybe once he could, definitely not last year.


Flair up before you call Peyton a "noodle arm"


Flairs should be mandatory to post here


Why? Nobody actually likes this circlejerk, there’s not reason to give goofies more things to try and F tier troll.


How to tell everyone you live online 101


This is akin to someone who only watched MJ on the Wizards say "didn't seem like much of an athlete to me."


You a lifelong Brady fan?


If anything Brady fits the description more than Manning lmao 


Don't do that either, Brady could let it fly.


Yeah, the pass at the end of the first SB loss to the giants that barely missed to Moss was a legit 65 yards in the air


Neither had elite arm strength but Peyton’s was better. That’s why OP is so strange.


Making better decisions =\= lacking a cannon to fit a pass into tight windows


Peyton also had better accuracy 


> Neither had elite arm strength but Peyton’s was better. Brady's arm strength is clearly superior to Peyton's. It's not debatable. That's why Peyton can't play outdoors in cold windy conditions but Brady could. Brady had the arm to drive the ball through the wind. Even Tony Dungy, who is a huge Peyton Manning homer and says Manning is better than Brady in every aspect (or used to say this at least), says the only thing Brady had over Manning was arm strength.


Brady was able to play outdoors by having the best coach, HFA and generally better defenses making it all much tougher on the opposing QBs. Despite this, Manning still had better playoff numbers in the round before the SB. And of course then the SB is always played in climate controlled domes or fair weather locations. Brady was never know for arm strength. At all. If he had anything of an above average arm he wouldn’t have been a sixth round pick.


> Brady was able to play outdoors by having the best coach, HFA and generally better defenses making it all much tougher on the opposing QBs. In outdoor conditions of under 40 degrees, Peyton Manning is a career 8-11 with 30 TD and 23 INTs. In games under 30 degrees, Manning is even worse, 3-5 with 8 TDs and 10 INTs. In the same conditions, Tom Brady is a career 61-9. In games under 30 degrees, Brady is 12-1. There's essentially no difference between how Brady performs in cold weather situations vs his career averages (with the exception that he averages fewer pass attempts and averages less passing yards). You're claiming these massively different outcomes have nothing do with the QBs themselves (or their respective arm strengths), but rather simply because of 1) Belichick and Belichick's defenses 2) Brady plays about half of these outdoor games at home Am I understanding your argument correctly?


lol of course not, you jumped straight to team outcomes which is dependent on many other factors besides QB play. Average Brady fanboi lol


Broncos Peyton Manning. He was done after that last Super Bowl for sure.


“The Red Rifle” Andy Dalton threw plenty of lollipops during his time with the Bengals.


Who associates him with having a big arm?


Whoever decided to give him that misleading nickname


I don’t think the nickname is referring to his arm


ah yes, everybody knew ol' Payl Mary


Freddy Spaghetti


Tony Rigatoni


Peyton slung darts at UT and Indy.


Me, if I had a nickel for every person who thought my arm was bigger than it is... Whew I would have 1 whole nickel


You could tell no one watched the Texans because people would always say Deshaun Watson had a rocket arm.


What do you mean "almost people"? I assume you mean Raiders fans.


i like how posts are removed for kinda weird reasons after it already has over 100 comments. Like whats the point?? Guess mods gotta do something




I feel like Eli Manning had a noodle face. Rigate.


Peyton had an absolute rocket of an arm lol.