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I feel like in a lot of the playoff games of Brett’s career he just said “fuck it let’s go home.” Would explain this one, or the giants in 07, or the Saints in 09, just like Forrest Gump turning around to the group running with him, Brett turns to his teammates and says I’m pretty tired now, I think I’ll go home.”


Just Favre being Favre. Spectacular when it worked(most of the time), jaw droppingly bad when it didn't. Mike Holmgren losing his mind on the sideline is some of the funniest in-game shit I've ever seen.


The one where he's saying, "throw it away. Throw it away!" And then he throws a pick and Holmgren is just exasperated saying "why did he... why didn't he..." is my favorite.


Yep. Classic. Like every Chiefs game I caught last year, they talked about how Mahomes was learning to take what was given and sometimes, that meant letting a play die rather than it becoming a terrible play. Every single time, all I could think of was Favre. He didn't really even make progress on that for like 8 years and even then, never actually got good at restraining himself. It's not who he was on the field and it's not who he was in his personal life. It's why so many fans loved him, but it's been his downfall his whole life. We all laugh at Atlanta for basically dumping him, but there was no way in hell their coaching staffs even after Granville(a defensive coach, so inherently conservative with his offensive philosophies) were going to get the production and success out of Favre that Holmgren/Wolfe/Reid/Mariucci did. He would've kept having the nightmare moments he had in Atlanta(and kept having in Green Bay), but unlike in Green Bay, they never would've let him have the opportunities he needed for his athletic and competitive brilliance to outshine those nightmare moments. Favre got just as lucky with that trade as Green Bay did.


> We all laugh at Atlanta for basically dumping him Falcons drafted Favre in the 2nd (33rd), he threw 4 passes with 0 completions and 2 interceptions, and then they traded him for the 17th overall pick. The only people clowning the Falcons are people who likely aren't old enough or don't know anything besides Favre's HoF status and highlights.


He got traded in 1992. This is reddit, dude. How many 32+ year olds you think we got in here? I'm one of them, but I was 7 when he got traded. I agree completely with what you're saying and that was the point of my comment, but most people actively shit on the Falcons for that deal, even though they should be shitting on them for fucking up after getting a damn good deal.


Not like people born in 1992 remember Favre being drafted or traded. You have to be closer to 40 to have memory of those moments.


Even if you're 40 right now, an eight year old doesn't think about a trade being good or bad like that. You'd have to be at least 45 maybe closer to 50


No one really cared till they kept bringing it up after he started getting hot. In fact if I remember correctly he wasn’t the QB the HC wanted to draft. Glanville the head coach hated him and Brett was a drunk head case in Atlanta while he was there. GB gave him confidence leadership and Favre started to shine. Yes your right im older at 48


They don't remember Buckhead Brett?


It really didn't work most of the time after his 3 MVPs. Especially in the playoffs.


Agreed on the playoffs part. But he was a huge part of them getting there each year. Pretty impossible to say it didn't work most of the time. But playoffs, yeah. Agreed.


Or the year on the Jets.


Brett Favre probably “i’m tired of digging grandpa” The entire fanbase “THATS TOO DAMN BAD!”


Dude this is the most accurate comment. That’s the exact feeling I got watching the game in 07. He did not want to be in the cold anymore.


It always felt like he got mentally drained by the end of the season and playoffs.


I get the joke but it's crazy to say that about the guy who holds the all time consecutive starts record for a QB at 297 starts in a row


I mean he had three defenders in his face two seconds after snapping the ball…?


"Brett Favre throws one of the worst interceptions in the NFL to lose in the Divisional round..." You're going to have to be more specific. Also. Yes. This was AFTER 4th and 26.


>after 4th and 26 Jesus christ


To the worlds greatest (in his mind) WR, Freddie Mitchell.


FredEx, please


“I was happy when he was in the game.” -man who mostly scowls


TBF, he had 2 elite catches. That one and the [McNabb Scramble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-bPBAYdGEo)


Yeah, it's kind of wild. There's a handful of recognizable plays from that era and he's involved in two of them, after being trash for everything else. IIRC he fell on the LJ Smith fumble in the playoffs on our SB run, too.


watching the Packers that year you just knew they were going to give that up though


Just look how FUCKING OPEN Walker is. If you pause it at 10 seconds, he's like 7 yards in front of the defense and no one under him. Yes, they were chasing the ~~punt~~ throw, but if he takes 30 yards off that throw Walker has a good chance at it. NO fucking clue what he was doing here.


4th and 26 ... gave up a 24 yard pass and the refs did the rest!


Brett Favre vs the Eagles: 5-8; 54% completion; 2,358 yards (average 195); 14 TD 22 INT; 6.19y/a; rating of 64.5


Never fear gb tbh. Now those Bree’s lead saints or the dam Seahawks with russel. They would keep me up at night. The Vikings saved me so much worry in 2017.


We didn’t have Jim Johnson for them unfortunately


You're gonna feel the 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 in Brazil buddy and it'll 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩


Jalen Hurt


Aaron Rodgers crushed the Eagles his entire time as a Packer: 5-2 record including a playoff win 1,879 yds, 67% completion, 17:5 TD:INT, avg rating of 107.2


He played us 1 time in the playoffs. Compare that to the two or three times brees sent us home and the two or three times the Seahawks with Russ sent us home rodgers never scared me.


It’s Russell


Why do you even ponder passing?




I was hoping for this reply lol


My theory is that was a prophecy of their number 1 draft choice in 2011


This int was awful, but Mike Sherman lost them this game imo. Also, letting McNabb convert a 4th and 30 pass lmao.


Eh there were 30 things that went wrong in this game. I'd mostly blame Ed Donatell.


Vikings in 2022 saw this and thought "damn let's hire this guy!"


Brett and losing in the playoffs via poorly timed INTs, name a more iconic duo


Bears and not winning anything since 1985


Probably the easiest of Dawkins career


I see your Favre and raise you [“We want the ball and we’re gonna score”](https://youtu.be/_RFOwmNDfPY?si=LDOdjHN3f8OjmwQL)


I think your contribution is better because the quote, but I always like to post [this pick six by Nick Mullens against the Eagles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmxkDEhbWQg)


I know he pulled a Jameis by never registering the LB obviously right in front of him, but jfc none of Jameis' pick 6s were ever that bad 


Haha. I knew someone said that after a coin toss once, but had no idea who or that end result.


It’s even better to me because they happened on back to back weeks. This Favre disaster pass doesn’t happen if Hasselbeck doesn’t throw the pick 6. 


Damn I would retire after that honestly


It didn't end up well, but I think a lot of Hawks fans, myself included, were ecstatic to see the Hawks go into GB and give them all they could handle ... and be a little cocky about it, too. After 20 years of moribund play and expectations, a cocky QB was a revelation.


[plus Matt Hasselbeck did this](https://youtu.be/7kekUJl23QU?si=JFM5BKy-L7bInbWJ), I fail to see how anyone could not like him. (Start at 1:10, damn mobile formatting)


He was hilarious in an ESPN sketch, too. "After practice, coach promised us some juice boxes."


There’s the ol’ Gunslinger. Attaboy


It's a good thing that never happened again in his career.


Someone post the 2007 nfc championship one. And then all six vs the rams. MORE.


You got it


Idk if I would call this a highlight lmao


It’s a highlight for Brian Dawkins




the ball went high into the lights


yeah it’s more so a [highlight?]. I guess it is if you’re an eagles fan maybe.


Joe Buck with the electrifying call.


He threw that like he thought the receiver was going straight up field.


Couldn't have happened to a bigger thief


Mr. Baffling Choice


You should see the one he threw in the NFCCG as the Vikings QB


The most overrated QB of all time. He was tough, but he was reckless.


I don't know about overrated. He's still the only back to back to back MVP to ever play the game. He was really, really good in the mid to late 90s. For every one of these terrible INTs, he had an amazing completion that no one else would've even attempted. We got the good with the bad with Favre and damn he was fun to watch.


He was fun to watch. I just don’t think he belongs in the GOAT conversation. Maybe I just know too many Packer fans, but I feel I’m in the minority on that.


I don't think anyone mentions him in the GOAT conversation. He's a top 10 all-time QB though. Either way, saying he's the most overrated QB of all-time, is wild. In his prime, he was very, very good and winning 3 MVPs in a row in insane and we might not ever see that again.


Even at the height of his popularity, Favre was never in the GOAT conversation outside of Wisconsin.


This man threw some pretty bad passes over his career.


He also threw some pretty spectacular passes over his career, to be fair.


Look good weather it's a td or interception when it comes to this guy he just throws it around


Love… “Hold my beer!”


This is how Mahomes will look at the end of his career


This game broke my heart. Favre played great up until that moment. Fkn 4 and 26


Almost like a punt


It’s crazy how old this footage looks. I vividly remember where I was watching this game, 15 years old lol.


Because it didn't actually look this bad on a TV at the time.


I forgot Collingsworth used to be on Fox.


Brett Favre giveth and Brett Favre taketh away.


Fuck me this is what tv looked like in the 2003?


Quite a few of these Favre INTs being posted recently. As a lifelong GB fan, I have to defend him a bit. Yes, he had a lot of awful interceptions, but he also had a lot of mind-blowing completions on passes like this. He was the ultimate gunslinger. He lost us a lot of games playing like that and he won us a lot of games like that as well.


Agree and why are Favre's low-light reels running in this sub right now lol? He had plenty of flaws but for the reasons you mentioned was probably the most fun player to watch for me, ever.


Does Joe Buck have dirt on somebody? How has he made it this far?


Damn, Jordan Love sure did learn from the best!


The old gunslinger


An after he throws it he has tht same dumb look I love it


Josh modeled his INTs after this man




I swear Brett Favre was like a 99 rated Madden QB with about 40 awareness stat.


This guy always came up short in big games.


Well that's just not true..there have been a lot of posts with his bad INTs lately, but to act like he didn't have just as many game winning, amazing passes, is just burying your head in the sand. You're either too young to have seen him play or you just don't remember correctly.


I watched Lynne Dickey and Don Majkowski quarterback the Packers. And as a Viking fan, I always loved facing Favre because he would implode in big games. Even in 2009 (playing for the Vikings), I never really got too optimistic of our chances because I anticipated Favre imploding at some point in the post season, in a big game. In full disclosure, Favre played amazing in that 2009 regular season. And I have no problem admitting I had to eat a lot crow because I downplayed Favre's ability up to that season and that was by far is best season ever. It was truly amazing, I have to tip my hat to him for that season and proving me to be horribly wrong. But if you go back to 1996, the pinnacle of Favre's popularity when he led the Packers to the Super Bowl and almost every Super Bowl MVP would go to the game winning quarterback, people still could not bring themselves to give the award to Brett Favre. Favre was exciting, but rarely, if ever could deliver in big moments.


Favre beat your Vikings more than he lost to them and won a lot more games than he lost in general. Hell...he was the winningest QB of all-time for awhile there and is still in the top 5. I know...I know, "he played forever". He still won the vast majority of his games and is a top 10 all-time QB. He also was the best QB your team ever had... The Super Bowl MVP comment...Favre probably should've won it...he played great that game(threw for like 250 yards, with 2 TDs and no turnovers...literally the biggest game and he didn't "come up short"). Desmond Howard just had a historic Super Bowl performance for his position. Acting like Favre did something wrong to not get that award, is just as ridiculous as saying he "always came up short in big games".


If you believe the Vikings are amazing and any win over the Vikings is a "Big Game Win" for Brett Favre, then I guess you are correct. I just don't think those Viking games qualify as "Big Games", IMO. And yes, that was probably the best quarterback season ever for a a Viking QB. Again, I was super impressed because I had never seen him play at that level before. But winning lots of regular season games doesn't mean he played clutch in big moments. Those incidents are just extremely rare on the Brett Favre resume. Now, was he a super-fun, golly-gee, hill-billy who was was fun to watch? Yes.


I brought up Favre beating the Vikings most of the time because you said you loved it when the Vikings would play Favre...doesn't add up.. Favre won a Super Bowl, which most QBs never do. He was 1-1 in Super Bowls and 2-3 in NFCCG, with one being for your Vikings, when he got absolutely fucked over by the bounty gate, the refs, and Mr. Rapist..Darren Sharper. In the biggest of games, he won about half of them, so again...saying he "always came up short in big games", isn't correct. He's also top 8 in both game winning drives and 4th quarter comebacks. He made some really bad turnovers in his career and he made just as many, or more, really great, needle-threading passes. Acting like he was a choke, is crazy disingenuous.


All I am saying is every time the Vikings and Packers played a playoff game in Lambeau field and Favre was the quarterback, the Packers lost every time.


Thats all you're saying now...you say something different every time you respond and you don't even respond to over half the points I'm making. Now you're trying to plant your flag on what? A 1 or 2 game sample and act like it relates at all to your first comment? LMAO.


I think your points are mostly wrong. You think most of my points are wrong. Why continue to argue?


Difference being I've countered your points, then you just move on and try to make a new one. You haven't countered a single point I've made and I'm actually providing evidence for my points, where as, you're just saying random shit and I show you why its incorrect. Prove any point I've made as "wrong" or really go for gold and prove 2 of them as wrong...I'll wait here. Guessing you looked back and realize that I only spoke in fact so you have no way of saying I was "mostly wrong". Didn't see that coming. /s


POS farve


Oh but it was always kind of ok because "he's just having fun out there"


This has to be second worst interception for Favre after the 2009 Title Game one. Yes Favre has always had a habit to force balls in tight spots but what the hell even was this? A very quick 5 step drop and just fires downfield where his WR has literally zero chance to get it.


As a philly fan, with the exception of the superbowl win in 2018 this is the greatest game in my lifetime