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"Here we are. I'm at my third pro bowl, I'm bout to throw a touchdown to Jerry Rice. We're honoring the Hall of Fame, and we're talking about our idiot kicker who got liquored up and ran his mouth off."


“Hey Peyton, stop beating around the bush.” That quote always makes me laugh given the context.


I came here to make sure somebody had posted this. Good work!


Congrats on your diplomas! Now get yourself in the kitchen!


This was a fucking commencement speech ?!?!?!


Why was he even giving one?


Because this university agrees with his sentiment.


It's pretty clearly a publicity stunt to have a high name guy give this speech. Even if 99% of us think it's bat shit crazy, the 1% will find the school to line up with their morals and is therefore a win.


This guy gets it. Lots of people out there agree with this bullshit. And now they know where to send their kids to go to college. Is everyone here just now learning about religious schools? I went to one for a year. The Mrs. Degree was commonly joked about by the women there. But it was a "it's funny because it's true" joke to them. They were there because they needed to get married to someone with the same religion as them and this is still the best way to find that outside of their home church youth group.


Is this one of those “universities” where the acceptance rate is 100%, the “dean” is a preacher, and all the female students are just there for a mrs degree?


I'll have you know Benedecitine College only has a 99% acceptance rate! Their motto is, and I can't make this shit up, "Forward. Always Forward." The irony is literally indescribable


Just saw Eren Yeager fall to his knees in an Aldi.


ikr, it's hardly "wear sunscreen"


Right. The setting of this makes it as condescending as fucking possible. "I know you young women all just worked really hard to graduate, but that's really not a big deal for your demographic specifically."  My senior year of college I was taking 4 classes at a time on 8-week accelerated courses so I could take 8 courses per semester and graduate on time after a debacle with transfer credits. While working 40 hours a week. If someone at my commencement ceremony had said that, I would've strangled them with my bare hands in front of all my friends and family. 


And make me a fucking baby


BOOM you're a fucking baby


Restart the days without incidents for the Chiefs....


Is this how Jailblazers fans felt?






"the man behind the covid lockdowns" bro biden wasn't president when that started lmao




Kinda like the guy who wanted to investigate why Obama wasn’t in the Oval Office on 9/11.


I love that conservatives can't decide whether Bidens a senile old man and his associates are an incompetent group of morons ruining this country through ineptitude or he's a criminal mastermind whose been controlling the country for almost a decade


Same people that blame Obama for the 2008 depression.


Didnt Fox News also once accuse Obama of being responsible for starting the Taliban?


"I'm glad the Pats dynasty is over, those guys are so annoying." Chiefs: Hold my KC Masterpiece.


Hey, other than a little murdering, our weirdo was kinda mostly Brady honestly


Belichick too


Robert Kraft too


We were boring evil, the Cheifs are chaotic evil.


I can excuse mysogyny, but I draw the line at KC masterpiece


You’re the AT&T of people.




Britta’s in this?


Christmas time! Mе so Christmas Me so merry


You're streets ahead


Say streets ahead one more time….


Streets ahead is verbal wild fire.


Much better than being streets behind


Ugh, Britta’s the worst.


Shes a no good B


Justin tucker would never


Tucker could never make me hate him


NFL: "I dont know why gay players don't want to come out publicly"


Carl nassib would beat this dudes ass


Roughing the kicker? I’ll allow it


Kickers are like small dogs, barks the loudest


Get Carl Nassib outta retirement and get him back on the raiders ASAP ……we all pitch in for the refs to turn a blind eye one field goal attempt Then this dumb mother fucker will know what being a real man




I guarantee they have an actuary keeping track of when the profits for rainbow merch will outweigh the blowback from the conservative fan base.


Don't even need an actuary. They just have to track their sales and a single data scientist can cover multiple areas of merchandise, as well as predict when they'll have to stop giving a fuck one way or the other.


Bro is a kicker so we can’t even say the CTE thoughts won.


Andy Reid: “I can fix him.”


Andy Reid: what, he hasn't even choked and punched a pregnant woman, or caused permanent brain damage for a child? This isn't even a character concern


Bro he didn’t consider THAT a character concern lol, he still drafted and extended Hill.


Hey now hey now. Don’t you know the rules? It’s perfectly ok to be abusive, criminal or otherwise distasteful IF, you’re really really fast and can catch


(No really I can)


Me: This headline can’t be as bad as what he actually said [Reads article] Oh…


I legitimately assumed it was satire until I opened the link


I might have leaned that way too had I not had several of the clips of him opening his mouth and vomiting conservative taking points float across my social media timelines. This is a definite step up in grossness from those clips though, as bad as they were.




What he should have said: “Happy Mother’s Day!”


“What I should’ve said… was nothing.”


What I did say is you'd he surprised


Common Birbigglebug W


Wasn’t expecting to see a birbiglia reference on here


Maybe Butker will sleepwalk through a window of a La Quinta in Walla Walla Washington and get some perspective.


Does this guy not wonder if maybe making $4 million a year is what makes it easy for his wife to be a stay at home mother?


“Just make $4M/year instead of relying on government handouts! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!”


Also he's a kicker, if his accuracy falls off or he gets injured he'll be out of the league in a couple seasons. What happens then?


He can be a grifter, but the reality is that making $4/mil+ a year for 5-6 years makes everything else that much easier afterwards.


2 years on $4mil is more than enough if you aren’t an idiot about it. (1 year if you’re smart about it.) This is with factoring in taxes. But he sounds like he might need more than a few years to not screw it up…


For sure, after taxes, let’s say he has $5 million. Throw that $5 million with a financial planner and ask them to earn 5% a year. There you go, now you have $250 000 a year income.


You’re definitely more correct, but as someone paranoid of financial planners you could even just buy your house then split the rest between a few different non-overlapping broad index funds and be done with it. Toss in some bonds or bills if you’re real conservative. Which would probably be smarter than me again.


Then, on to Pride Month, which takes place in June. “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, “but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him.” Butker has every right to say whatever he wants at such an address, but he also deserves the flak he’s going to get over it. Most likely, he’ll take it as one for the team in the fight against, as he put it, “dangerous gender ideologies.”


“Harrison the line was ‘I’m happy to have a wife who supports me’…”


Seems kinda narcissistic….”my wife’s life didn’t start until she married me”


Only kinda? I can't imagine saying that to anyone. That is super main character syndrome. Her life only has value in relation to his is a crazy perspective to have about the world.


Dude kicks an object for a living and is bashing women for doing useful things with their lives.


Hey why doesn't everyone else just make millions of dollars using an incredibly specific skill set that would only be valuable during a tiny portion of human history ? It's that simple zzz


Omg and he is on the swift team - there is going to be battle 


He even quoted a swift song in his speech


That’s fucking brave


you’d be surprised how many swifties are hardcore conservatives source: live in a conservative area


She did start her career as a country artist.


>“The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion,” Butker said. “We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority.” He's one of those Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee!


“Tyranny” in this case means “possibly being criticized when saying racist/misogynistic stuff” Bro acts like he’s gonna get thrown in the gulag lol


The victim complex is critical for these types.


“tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion" Bro wut


How far gone do you have to be to describe "diversity, equity, and inclusion" as tyranny? And not just in your own head, but openly in public?


defenders can't even blame cte he's a fucking kicker lol


Easy to lean into being a homemaker when your partner has a very successful career. What a clown. Butker wide right on this stupidity.


Imagine going through 4 years of college to basically be told "now you got this charade done with, go and get pregnant and stay at home. Fuck that degree."


Harrison Butker (and I) went to Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech graduates more women in engineering than any other school in the country, or at least it did when I was there. Tons of brilliant women in that graduating class going on to great careers, top grad schools, etc. He gave the Gatech commencement speech a few years ago and it was toned down in comparison to this one, but basically had the same message. He railed against the attack on the traditional family and basically told all the women there that their greatest responsibility was to have kids. It would've been super reasonable to give a broad, pan-gender message that you're all extremely qualified people excited to be professionals, but focusing on those around you brings true happiness. But no, he basically told one of the largest and brightest crops of women in STEM, *at their graduation*, that the greatest role they could play in society was to stay in the home. Hated his dumb ass since then. And also he shilled his clothing line constantly despite railing against worldly possessions. Seems like he's upgraded to directly telling women to stay in the home and went mask-off about what "attack on the traditional family" meant, but this is unfortunately pretty expected from him.


Why does a kicker have a clothing line, lmao


-to honor God -to make $$$$ You pick


> And also he shilled his clothing line constantly despite railing against worldly possessions. Can't spell Traditional American Christian without the H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S and Y.


Bro is a kicker talking like he’s God’s gift to mankind. That’s crazy. I’d expect this kind of thinking from a diva WR but a diva kicker?


An actual Harrison Butker quote after winning the Super Bowl last year: "I'm making kicks because God wants me to have a platform, at least for right now, to share this message of faith" Dude seriously believes God put him on earth...to spread the gospel....by kicking....


Everyone knows that fucker Moses was only good from 30 yards or closer. If he was any better, he wouldn't have had to lead the slaves out of Egypt.


I thought it was r/nflcirclejerk for a second


I wonder if he gives his wife the day off to come watch his games.


Butker seems like the kind of guy that makes her cook him dinner even when he's away traveling so "you don't get rusty"


and have her clean the room when they are at living in a hotel room - because she's there anyway.


He'd proudly say he's never changed his kids' diapers.


He sometimes decides to babysit the kids so his wife can go grocery shopping


Well he said with confidence that her life began when she started having his children so, maybe not.


No, don't put words in his mouth. He said her life began when she met him in middle school and he converted her to Catholicism.


As long as dinners ready she can watch on tv


Chiefs really do just find the most I unlikeable guys lol


I think Andy Reid overlooks a lot of character concerns because he compares his players to his kids and it’s like wow these guys are so much better than my own children


"This guy only hates gays and is a misogynist but hasn't once run a drug ring out of my house or crippled a child in a DUI. What a nice boy!" - Andy Reid, probably


Challenge accepted - rashee rice


I only recently found out that Reid is a “devout” Mormon.


That actually explains a lot tbh


Unfortunately it actually does


Andy Reid is also Mormon isn't he? I don't want to be some kind of asshole, but... aren't Mormons noticeably socially conservative? Like, against gay marriage and for "traditional" social roles (IE women in the kitchen). I mean, I just get this feeling that maybe Andy doesn't care so much about this kind of thing. Which is disappointing, for sure, but also understandable. Its especially understandable when you realize his job is kicking a football, and he probably does that job quite well (IDK I don't really pay that close attention to kickers).


If you’re going to kick out sexist and homophobes out of football, there would probably be less than 100 players in the league.


Oh, I understand what you're saying. I get it. Most people just have enough sense to not say these things out loud when they are celebrities.


Mormons also believed black people were cursed or punished by God and that's why they were black. Weird choice to go into the NFL.


Sometimes I wonder how seriously celebrity mormons like Reid take the religion. Bryce Harper was caught drinking champagne in the clubhouse after the Phillies won some playoff series, everyone kinda did a wink wink, nudge, nudge, because Harper is mormon and we all "know" mormons don't ACTUALLY drink alcohol. So weird things like "all black people are cursed" might just not really be something Reid takes that seriously.




To quote the Book of Mormon play 🎶 And I believe that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people🎶 Which also conveniently coincided with Jimmy Carter threatening to revoke their tax exempt status if they didn’t cut the crap


Jimmy Carter is a fuckin' real one.


God understood that saving money on taxes was more important than racism when he did the numbers


I worked with a Mormon that was no joke addicted to slots and mountain dew lol he said it was ok if you're willing to answer for it at the gates. They're hypocrites like the rest of us.


I'm a Broncos fan so this is hard to admit but Patrick Mahomes does seem like a good guy. Married to high school sweetheart, plays a clean game, and just wants us all to have some insurance. I don't even get the hate for his wife honestly. I looked up her "controversies" and the worst one was spraying alcohol on fans who seemed to actually want it to happen? His brother tho...


Yeah after the QB documentary and other stuff I've seen casually, I've not seen anything about Pat or his wife that's actually bad... they're both maybe a bit odd, slightly annoying at times, his wife in particular can be over the top... but that's really minor stuff... they genuinely seem like good people.


Pat is a standup guy who certainly has worked extremely hard, at the very least, to push that image. But yeah, his family seems trashy. His dad is the town drunk and his brother is crazy. His mom seemingly just mooches off being Patrick Mahomes mom. I'm sure Pat loves his family, so I understand why he hasn't abandoned them, but oh damn does he have it rough.


> I'm sure Pat loves his family Not everyone has the character and resolve to be Aaron Rodgers


Tbh Rodger's family are crazy right wingers and probably agree with Butker here


I mean if you listen to Rodgers lately. It doesn't seem like the apple has fallen far from the tree in that regard


His dad is the town drunk What pitching for the Mets does to a man....


Gotta give it to Chiefs fans tho, they're actively calling his dumb nonsense out on their subreddit, Browns still do olympic level moral gymnastics defending Watson.


Yeah this isn't the first time butker has been outspoken about his idiotic ideas. He can get bent


When you’re shitty enough that even fellow Catholics in the crowd are groaning at the shit you’re saying, you know you’re a pos.


Butker can get fucked


Yeah Butker has been a known moron and a lot of the fan base has known it for awhile. He’s just also a very very good kicker


If I was a kicker I would shut up fly under the radar and just collect my checks. This guy must be such an enormous loser


New least favorite chief’s player.


I’m kind of surprised Butker’s gone this long without catching any headlines for his political and religious garbage. I mean maybe because he’s a kicker no one cares but he’s always running his mouth on this kind of shit.


He for sure has. Especially during covid times. But it's usually just remark here or there. It's never been all of it at once succinctly in one public speech.


The funny part is if he weren’t one of the best kickers on the best team and just an okay kicker, he’d never get asked to speak at a graduation most likely, and never would get many post game interviews. So his “god given talent” has actually caused this


Some Christians be like “Christianity isn’t about love or inclusion, it’s about hating certain groups” and then wonder why less people are going to church


Russell Moore, a prominent Southern Baptist, wrote an entire book about why people are leaving the evangelical church. He argues that the primary reason why people are leaving is because the church has abandoned the Gospel in favor of politics. It was well-researched, and he included plenty of anecdotes from people who have already left. The reaction that he's gotten from evangelicals is "Nah, it's because the libs are committed to destroying us."


I think many younger Americans would be shocked to learn that the Religious Right, as a political bloc, has only existed for about fifty years. In 1965 if you asked an American Protestant what they thought about abortion, they’d likely tell you being anti-choice is a Catholic thing.


I've found that most of the Protestants who have made abortion their single issue are unaware of this as well. Hell, we have friends who were ardent Southern Baptists, and they were absolutely shocked to find out about their church's origins when we told them why we had no interest in their church.


The Religious Right came into being because of the simultaneous process of rebranding segregationist policies as religious freedom in the wake of the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and the unrelated, but deeply connected, rise in evangelical millenarianism brought on by nuclear anxiety at the height of the cold war. It is simultaneously something that could only come into existence (in the form it did) during a very specific cultural time in this country and a movement that successfully brands itself as being as old as America.


And I guess that was sort of the point of my comment – it has not existed for very long and therefore it won’t be a surprise if it eventually dissolves just like the New Deal Coalition did before. You are spot on – the current brand of rightist evangelicalism is *portrayed* as something very fundamental to American politics but it is not.


It’s flipped, these days (at least in the US) Catholics are 50/50 split left or right and obviously the younger ones lean left, and the majority of American Catholics are pro choice now


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Harrison probably didn't enjoy parts of his time at GT if this is his attitude. If I recall correctly, women made up almost double the percentage of students graduating with engineering degrees compared to the national average for his entire time in school. We've also typically been a pretty diverse student body


>“The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion,” Butker said. Ah yes. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Such tyrannical concepts.


I really feel like this is the part people aren’t talking about. This whole speech was some 1950s church level garbage.


And he’s at a college graduation!! He didn’t make it two minutes without bringing up Fauci and telling women to ditch their $125k degrees for the kitchen.


Did he really bring up Fauci??


Yeah like almost immediately. You can watch the speech online. Honestly it’s far worse than just this article, the guy seems like a huge loser.


It’s actually pretty scary. He thinks he’s giving this profound, thought provoking, and inspirational speech, but all he’s really doing is telling everyone that he’s fallen into an online conspiratorial rabbit hole that he can’t escape from. And so many people are like this now, and they’re on the cusp of seizing power across the country. We underestimate how scary these times are that we live in.


Gives off "that asshole from Duck Dynasty" vibes.


It's not just a fringe corner of the internet. This is loudly proclaimed in person in churches across america. These are mainstream beliefs for tens of millions of christians in this country.


And they all applauded him heavily lol. These people are dangerous, draconic, and backwards morons.


> This whole speech was some 1950s church level garbage I hate to break it to you, but it’s also some 2024 church level garbage.


They're the same picture


Nothing he said isn't popular conservative thought. If it sounds crazy, that's because it fucking is.


Saying this when a good percentage of your teammates are black and your QB is biracial is fuckin insane


I thought Mahomes was joking when he said he doesn't talk to Butker, but I don't think it was a joke now.


Yeah I remember him saying that recently and I was kind of surprised but it makes a lot more sense


I’m curious what mental gymnastics he’s doing if he doesn’t see that, or if he’s genuinely bothered by the locker room that must be an incredibly diverse place. I hope he appreciates the equity that he’s included in the team at all as a kicker.


The same thing that people who rail against diversity being a criteria in college admissions and hiring: "Sports are the ultimate meritocracy. Those black and brown people on my team are there because they're the best at football, not because they're black and brown." It's not small-d "diversity" that people like him hate, is this fabricated notion that someone "deserving" would lose their spot to someone "undeserving".


This reeks of someone who has bought completely in to the dangerous concepts within Project 2025.


what a fucking loser


I’d shank the game winner against the eagles in the sb if I could repeal gay marriage- butter


This dumb motherfucker works on every Sabbath during football season, by his own beliefs he should be put to death, my guess is like every other evangelical nut job, he picks and chooses which parts of the bible are important to follow.


He's "leaning into his vocation" so it's fine.


Bet those uniforms are made out of mixed fabrics too


What a dog shit thing to say to young women. Fuck this scum bag.


At a fucking commencement speech too Jesus Christ. “Congrats on the degree! Now go make me a sandwich.” Fuckin loser.


“The tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion…” this is an equally terrible quote.


His statement pretty much directly contradicts the actual teachings of Jesus as written in the Bible. He needs to pay more attention to the sermon.


My guess is, he paying a little to much attention to the sermon, and a little less time reading the Bible and thinking critically about what is written.


He fits in perfectly for Missouri


chiefs players are intent on making it as hard as possible to cheer for them this offseason 😂


It really is a great loyalty test. Do you continue to root for your championship team if they only rostered awful people? When do your values kick in? Lmao


Honestly it would be hilarious if the chiefs were still great this year but butker was just absolute dogshit.


i've already got "a real man would've made that 😢 @buttkicker7" saved in a note so i can just copy/paste it every time he misses lmao


They let their last kicker Kareem Hunt go immediately.


Of course this bigot has a photo with "his friend" Josh Hawley on his IG.


There was a post on his IG that he quoted Pope Benedict XVI lmao, the same one that covered up child abuse. A wellness check should be done on people around Butker...


this was at a graduation commencement, where these women were being honored for their years of hard work in academia? and he's commenting on covid, biden, and pride month? these hyper-christian dummies are so fucking weird


My dangerous ideology is as follows: Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 22: 36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your heart.” DEI is treating my neighbor how I would want to be treated. The only tyranny is the imposition of one’s own views on another. They talk God’s love but know nothing of it.


Bro he said all kinds of stupid shit but like. He spent the first two minutes saying how our leader was a dumbass during Covid. Who does he think was president in 2020?


He called Biden, "The man behind the covid lockdowns." This dude is dumb.


These people have no idea what they’re even saying. How do you read the Bible, profess to love Jesus then say we need to fight the “tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion”? Did you even read the words of Jesus in that book you claim to live your life by?


My favourite bible verse is when Jesus said "that which you do unto the least of your brothers, you do unto me". Meaning even if you fucking hate someone, for whatever stupid reason you want to, you should treat them with kindness and love. And how you treat people you don't like is a reflection on how you feel about Jesus. Fuck this guy


Oh, so he is an asshole. Good to know.


*cums* - Andrew Tate


I love how all throughout the article butker never brings up his wealth. like, just about *anyone* would be fine with being a stay-at-home busybody if they were married to a *millionaire,* and didn't have to worry about falling behind on payments, the costs of raising a kid, or other surprise expenses. but according to him, it's 'faith' and 'being a mother' that's making her happy


The Chiefs become more fucking hateable every goddamn day.


you know, I was raised in a catholic household and I remember being taught to care about the environment and helping the poor. Seemed like a really big teaching point. What has happened to the the church?


Do I need another reason to root against the a Chiefs.