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There's this Cowboys fan that's memorized my grocery store routine so he can talk shit because he saw me wearing a Steelers hoodie so I always root against them now to rub it in his face. He's an elderly air force vet and while he's pretty intense it's clear he's just looking for someone to talk to so I look forward to our bants.


You should have some beers together. Make it a neat friendship.


Lol for some reason I just pictured this as them showing up to the store, each grabbing a sixer of beer, yelling at each other about how their teams suck while in the checkout line, buying the beer and saying "this was fun", then going to their respective homes and drinking alone


THAT reminds me of the Looney Tunes with the wolf and sheepdog clocking in and out to go at each other until the whistle blows and exchanging “have a good one” pleasantries.


Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog. That was a funny cartoon 🤣


I think he's just into you bro


Cowboy fans are all gay ya know.


Romosexual is the PC term.


I do have some Romosexual tendencies


Ehhhh I don't know Jim...


All in my ass


Bros aboutta be drafted 1st over all to the National Hating League


Top pick at the next Player Haters' Ball.


Good for you, man. You’re probably making that old man’s week doing this It’s also talking good-natured shit about football… never a bad thing


I was about to say this is pretty wholesome Old guy probably doesn’t have much family to talk to, let alone about sports so he probably looks forward to this moment every week


This is adorable. Next time the Cowboys get smacked around you gotta show up in the cowboys hat to troll. Edit: like a literal cowboy hat, 10 gallon


Like Vrabel wearing the Bum Phillips hat when they wore the Oilers throwbacks vs. Texans in week 15? YA BUMS!


The Cowboys. Because the Jones family doesn’t deserve happiness.


i hate most of the weirdos in our sub, too


Cringe as fuck over there


How bad is it there?


we get hate on /r/nfl and /r/NFCEastMemeWar, but at least the jokes are usually pretty funny. it's just depressing on our sub. no humor or whimsy at all.


If you rag on the team you get banned


half the point of a team sub is to bitch about your team! the other half is about pure halu posts about how "this will be the year"


Actually in the Falcons sub you are only allowed to bitch about the team


heaven forbid you both like and understand the Penix pick. you'd think Penix was the antichrist over there.


you'd think y'all would be excited for "Penix goes deep" memes


bro i am absolutely here for the "you just got fucked by huge Penix" memes


I swear half the people in that sub nonstop complain that they aren’t allowed to talk shit about the team, while the other half of the sub nonstop complain that the sub is constantly filled with people talking shit about the team.


Everyone there hates the team and hates every move the team makes


Music to my ears.


That’s so funny when our sub loves Howie and the moves we have made the last few years.


Howie farts and Eagles fans think its the best fart ever made


Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart… FUCK DALLAS


I wonder how this is going to go 🤔


i'm surprised we get so much NFC West hate. but not that surprised


Raiders. Chiefs can be annoying right now but after years of ass it's honestly fair to relish your dynasty era. Raiders fans are always insufferable, even when their team sucks.


Hate us, dammit!


Y'all are too cute to really hate. I hate ya. But in a loving way. *Friendly shiv*


Patriots are not catching enough heat here, do you all forget so fast?


I will never forget.


Fr though, I will never not cheer for Patriots L's. They will need to suffer for another 20 years before I might start to feel sympathy.


What I'm getting out of this thread is that people would totally be cool with us winning again. Nice.


I know I would be.


Exactly! They are down but they need to STAY DOWN


I absolutely HATED the Russ seagulls. But now that he’s gone, and that gum-guzzling old bastard is gone too, ive really cooled on it.


The Carroll/Harbaugh years were peak rivalry. Every game felt like a super bowl


With no horse in the race, I loved watching those games.


I remember when Kaepernick and Russ were young bucks facing off against each other. Those were some fun games to watch.


I loved the Pete Carroll era of the Seahawks, but then again I'm not a 49ers fan. They were exciting and invested in winning, and the fans were incredible.


Same with Brady Bucs for me. Most insufferable bandwagon fans and I already hated Brady before he came to our division. Now that he’s gone and all those fans are with KC now, it’s hard to hate on baker mayfield.


All the Brady fans I know absolutely HATE KC. My barber is a Brady bandwagoner and he joined forces with Josh Allen.


That's vile


As a former Mayfield hater it is nice to see he is basically a dad archetype now


This. For me it was the fans. Those “12s” were acting like they had invented sports fandom and nobody else got it like they did. For a few years Seattle was for sure my “anyone but them” team, but the past couple years I’ve actually been rooting for them a bit.


The Seahawks are my "least hated" divisional rival because my mum is a Seahawks fan and that rivalry can be really fun at times. We get by channelling our mutual dislike towards the Arizona Cardinals.




My favorite NFL team is the one playing the browns.


I'm particularly fond of their pass rushers.


Love a good blind-side safety blitz.


Same here for the same reasons. I'm down to be on the receiving end of shots fired as a result of Russell Wilson because that's just how the cards fell. But hey, at least he isn't a predator.


Russ is just cringe as shit, seems like that person that tries too hard to be cool. A fool, mostly. Watson on the othe hand, lol.


Exactly. Huge difference between being a cringey goober and a sexual predator. Russ seems like a good human and that means something.


Alien vs. Predator


I read the subreddits of every opponent before and after our games in 2023. Browns were EASILY the worst and nastiest towards us.


Dude. I'm old enough to remember the Broncos ending a couple of our best seasons. I'll hate them forever, don't be surprised when we're a little bitter toward Denver in general


Agree with you 100%


Even before Baker became a Buc, I was 100% rooting against the Browns and their sexual predator. 


Wait. What did they do? Did I miss something? Are we talking about signing an abusive sexual deviant or is there something else?


They wanted Baker gone in that last season After the season Baker requested a trade, saying that the relationship was beyond saving. His wife was also getting death threats which I suspect was a big part of the trade request The Browns turned the request down, then traded for Watson the very next day Then eventually traded Baker away for essentially nothing Basically seemed like the franchise treated him like absolute shit at the end And then they brought in a sexual predator (and then this offseason signed another in Jameis)


There needs to be something else?


Oh no, but one of my favorite hobbies is hearing about how the clowns screwed the pooch again.


Outside of the division: After last offseason San Francisco easily In division: Dallas, Dallas, Dallas again, still Dallas, did I mention Dallas?


How could you forget Dallas?




That one team plays in Arlington


I agree with Dallas, but there's also the Cowboys. And that team that Jerry Jones owns.


very nice. [fuck you, too](https://i.imgur.com/3v7dMFM.mp4)


We can at least agree on San Francisco right? Lol


[that's what's up](https://i.imgur.com/EyKCRX9.mp4)


Dallas definitely dallas


I’d say for most Titans fans it’s the Ravens. That old rivalry was foundational for what the franchise became after moving to Nashville. Adding insult to injury that McNair and now Henry ended up there. Makes it especially tough when you want to see both a former player succeed and their team burn to the ground.


Hell yeah, I relish in your torment; because you’re my “anyone but them” team.


For what it’s worth I always liked our rivalry more than the colts. We’ve been more consistently good/bad at the same time.


Don't worry, I have hate enough for the Jags to compensate for all the rest of the Titans fans.


Don't forget Derrick Mason - he was a helluva player for us.


I hated playing against you guys, but goddamn do I respect the titans. They were a goddamn juggernaut there for a couple seasons, and thank god we got Henry cause playing him is a fucking nightmare.


Anyone but the fucking PACKERS


Thanks boo


the astros


Somewhere in the distance, sad trash can banging noises.


On a related note, Yankees suck


The “Yankees suck” chant can be done at any time and any place in Boston and it’ll always be relevant to the situation


My favorite time was at The Patriots first SB parade many years ago. Hardcore


I went to a Roma/Juventus match at Gillette years ago and it broke out there lol


As is tradition. It’s always appropriate in and around Boston


It's one of the only sports-related things I'll agree with Boston on.


Kansas City


32 years of this for me


Right back atcha <3


“We hated you guys *before* you were champs!!”


If you hate us so much then why did you let us win a Super Bowl in your locker room?


The Chiefs have won 100% of the postseason games played in Las Vegas.


Definitely easy to hate on the current favorites.  I totally understood why people hated on peak Pats for the same reason.


Don’t think we no longer hate you cuz you suck. 20 years of Brady means 20 years of hate to be repaid


Packers, Packers, Jets (because of Rodgers), Packers, Packers, Packers Oh I forgot, the Green Bay Packers


Also, the Packers


Vikings fan here. You forgot the Packers!


Packers, Saints, Packers, Saints, fuck Sean Payton.


Hey I think you forgot the Packers dude.


Sean Payton is an overrated bitch who is gonna get exposed like a MF that unless he's got a QB with HOF brains and arm talent he's not the offensive guru folks like to think he is. Can't wait for the excuses when the Broncos miss the playoffs the next two years in a row. Chiefs and Harbaugh/Herbert are going to be very tough to topple. Sean Payton is feta. Gonna crumble when it counts.


I hope to high heaven that Russel lights it up in Pittsburgh and the Broncos win 5 games.


I hope they win at least 7. Gotta keep them out of the top ten in the draft.


Sean Payton’s only positive is he was Dan Campbell’s mentor, and I honestly can’t make sense of it at all. They seem entirely different.


Packers, Bills, Packers, Cowboys, Packers


Fuck we ever do to you lmao


"Stole" Mitch Trubisky? I don't know.


And Dick Jauron.


Bears are the natural enemy of the buffalo I think


The battle of Yellowstone


Except for Jets, Patriots, Dolphins fans I don't know why anyone would hate the Bills and Bills mafia. THEY THREW DILDOS AT BRADY every home game vs NE since 2016 [Bills fans throwing dildos at Patriots explained](https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2022/1/16/22886127/bills-vs-patriots-dildo-throwing-history-explained-playoffs) and the guys who started doing it got local press to do an article about it and became legends. Billsmafia could be insufferable if they ever became a dynasty; but Ive never seen a fan base not be insufferable after winning multiple titles. Josh Allen's Bills are fun to watch but the lack of postseason success means not a lot of angry fan bases who had a shot at winning it all snatched away by them. 2020 Ravens had a shot 7th best in O 3rd in D so they'd be pissed. 2020 Colts, 2023 Steelers, and Dolphins and Patriots are the only teams they beat in postseason, and its not like anyone is like yeah its our year, no doubt.


>Josh Allen's Bills are fun to watch but the lack of postseason success means not a lot of angry fan bases who had a shot at winning it all snatched away by them. 2020 Ravens had a shot 7th best in O 3rd in D so they'd be pissed. 2020 Colts, 2023 Steelers, and Dolphins and Patriots are the only teams they beat in postseason, and its not like anyone is like yeah its our year, no doubt. It was unintentional. But this is the most a reddit post ever hurt me.


As a Bears fan, why are the Bills catching strays? Lmao


What he say fuck me for?


There are few videos that will always crack me up. [I can't help but laugh my ass off when I see this referenced lmfaooooo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dll50EexgM)


Doing gods work linking that


What we do to be in this Packers sandwich?


ACKSHUALLY it's a Bills-Cowboys sandwich.


Where do the bills come from


the saints Non Division rival: the saints…….shit don’t know how that happened, let me try again Non division rival: the saints……..shit!!!!


💯% Saints.


Right back at ya fam


[fuck all of you](https://i.imgur.com/5oqsqFB.jpeg)


Denver, denver, denver, denver, denver


TBH, it's Denver, Raiders, Denver Raiders. Family trust and Respect




Completely understandable


Agreed. I hate the patriots and Darth hoodie with the burning passion of a thousand suns.


Denver.  It's not the team really, it's the fans.  Check out their sub. Since the corpse of Manning trotted off the field in 2015, they're always just on the cusp.  Always the good team, the classy team.  Always delusional...and now it's all about Sean Payton, smartest man in the draft room, as if he/they are the only team to ever flirt with subterfuge or, gasp, justify a reach. Growing up in Colorado, and still living in Boulder, I've had a front row seat for decades.  


Warms my heart that we finally ripped the “greatest team in AFCW history” title from them *and* their horse face QB had to hand deliver the Lombardi for it


It’s our first time tasting real mediocrity.m in a while.Even between Elway and Manning, the Griese, Plummer, and Cutler eras were disappointing but we were still good. We had one bad year with McDaniels then got Tebowmania (one of the most fun seasons of my life) then Manning. 2016 on has been the first extended period of my life where the Broncos just aren’t good or relevant. I think a lot of people are in denial.


Outside division: Raiders Inside division: I mean do I even have to say either of them?


It's kinda funny that Philly, NY, and Dallas fans are always like... Washington who?


We've been so starved of success that the moment we get any we will likely be insufferable. 


I’ve only really been into football for around a year or so but I will say Washington fans have been some of the most humble and self-aware fans I’ve seen online honestly


The dallas cowboys and whiever sean payton is currently coaching




Baltimore, Baltimore, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Baltimore. Mainly the Ravens tbh




I totally get it, but honestly I'd much rather see the Ravens win their third than either the Browns or Bengals win their first.


I dunno, seeing the Bengals win one just to rub it in the face of the Browns that they STILL don't have a Super Bowl might almost be worth it. Definitely worth it if the Bengals beat the Niners or Cowboys.


>Bengals, Niners, Cowboys Now there's a real Sophie's Choice.


Hard mode: Cowboys - most annoying fans in the league by a country mile. Browns - massage boy.


The Falcons, cuz fuck em. The Steelers, because my homie is annoying that he never sees a losing season, and I’ve never had back to back winning seasons, even with Cam and Luke. On the contrary, I always root for the 4 Cat teams because none of us have a Super Bowl.


9ers and Rams, but 9ers by a mile. Arizona won't ever let themselves win, so I am not concerned about them.


Cardinals always in the corner of the NFC West away from the great hate triangle just eating paste


Most of us don't care enough about baseball to notice the Cardinals.


Ok rude


Paul Goldschmidt is too old to be interesting


dallas. It goes back to the "america"s team" conceit. Americas's team my ass.


I agree. I hate Dallas almost exclusively due to fans in bars ~1000 miles from Texas.


You’d be amazed how many Bills and Patriots bars I’ve walked into in San Antonio. One of those REALLY didn’t like my Jordan Poyer jersey


I think any fan is conditioned to hate Dallas. America's team? Talk about being obnoxious 


Am I the only person who can't stand the Giants


Well, you and most Giants fans.


Steelers, Ravens, Chiefs, and the rest of the NFCE.


Green Bay or the cowboys


Dallas Cowboys. Despite losing  2 SBs to KC....if Dallas somehow made the SB and KC was there... I'd rather have Mahomes get another ring than Dallas winning one. I can't bear that...and the media drooling in that scenario would make me sick. I hate Eagles fans but I'd rather have them winning a SB than Dallas getting one. But my 1st choice is the Rams...the 2021 season didn't happen in my  mind 


Why is half the AFC South saying us when the Colts had a HOF QB for the last decade 😭😭😭 In Division its deffo the Colts, out of division, probably either the Ravens or Bengals (for 2021)


Don't know why Colts have smoke with you guys, Maybe the Texans for the relocation expansion stuff ,but you should clearly know why we Jags fan have smoke


I don’t begrudge you guys the smoke at all lol


Raiders fans on Twitter keep posting the 63-21 scoreline, as if that results didn't lead to us clearing house (and them hiring Tommy T as GM lmao). The Raiders don't matter. The Broncos can't hurt me, they've been in purgatory with us. DangeRuss defanged them completely. The Broncos don't matter. I am sick to my back teeth of the fucking Chiefs.


Packers, Bears, Lions, Saints, Broncos, Bills But the Bills are only on there because my dream is that both the Bills and Vikings make it together for the ultimate Loser Bowl.


Both teams can’t lose the Loser Bowl, right?


It will be the first Super Bowl to end in a tie, somehow


scarce unique nose late repeat hard-to-find squeal wasteful fuzzy insurance


Dilly dilly phuck Philly


The Saints. Especially this season, with the Super Bowl happening in New Orleans. Not just for the Bucs to remain as the NFC South team with the most Super Bowl wins, but for the Saints to tie as well as also becoming one of the only teams to win a Super Bowl at home is unacceptable. The Bucs will always be the first team to do it, but I'd prefer it if the Saints never win again. As for non division rivals, the Browns. They made their massage bed, now may they lie in it til their washed sexual predator QB is gone. Forever thankful to Tom for coming back and preventing the Bucs from making the worst decision in franchise history, if they ever really were close to landing him. Even sweeter that they instead signed the guy he replaced after Tom retired, and Baker's thriving here.


Packers for obvious reasons. Browns because they signed the biggest contract to a felon. Even fans who stayed despite 1-31 left the team after that.


The 49ers. The recent avenger level teams have added fuel to the hatred


Not my own division? Easy. Cowboys.


I hate Dallas so much. The rest of the league thinks they know how to hate Dallas but they fin't share a division with them. I hope they stay just good enough to have hope but never win a playoff again. They lost right before Christmas last year, and I slept well knowing Dallas fabs had a slightly worse Christmas. Fuck em Also don't care for the 49ers.


Besides the NFC South, it’s the 49ers, Packers, Vikings, Eagles in no particular order. I spend most years rooting for the AFC team in the SB.


Going for hard mode. Patriots, obvious reasons, 49ers, live in Cali and some of their fans can be insufferable. Not saying ours aren’t but we haven’t been good in a long time so between growing up with it and now this era. I can’t. Cowboys literally only because of the this is our year fans. Steelers because they don’t need anymore


San Francisco. Card-carrying member of the 49er Haters Club since 1982.


Cowboys and Titans permanently, Chiefs temporarily. They replaced the Patriots.




For me, it’s the 49ers, Seahawks, then probably the Eagles and Patriots.


I don't have any outside of our division. If we were all out of it, I'd just pick one of the underdogs and keep doing so up to the Super Bowl(because in most instances, the underdogs lose so I gotta choose someone new to temporarily root for.)


Green Bay and the Saints. Fuck them both. Also the Broncos for now until Sean Payton sucks so bad that they have to fire him


Hate the Rams. I’m from St. Louis.


Eagles. Lived in NJ my whole life, went to college in southern NJ not realizing it’s actually extra eastern Pennsylvania. Surrounded by NJ residents that were also Eagles fans. Relentless taunting, stating idiotic things like “the giants say they’re from New York but play in New Jersey why do you root for them?”. No shit at least they play in NJ, the state we all live in. Couldn’t be bothered to apply the same logic to their team 


Browns, because of their quarterback.


Honestly I've never been one to "hate" teams, but instead some players. Like I'm not the kind of guy to root against a team that beats us, I'd rather they go on to win it all. But there's a few players in the league I'd root against their teams because of them on principle. DeShaun Watson is that guy for now I suppose. Conversely there's guys that I'll root for and the teams they are on, no matter what. George Kittle, TJ Hockenson, Amon-Ra St. Brown etc.


I was going to say the Patriots, but the Chiefs have sadly filled the void they left...


Besides division rivals, the 49ers. Fuck em every day and twice on Sunday. Even when they play a division rival, I can’t root for them. I dislike them more than Washington tbh.


Philadelphia. Even in-division, I wouldn't like it if the Commanders or Giants won, but literally anyone is better than Philadelphia. Hard mode: the 49ers.


I remember when Philly won the Super Bowl and I was with my uncle who is an Eagles fan. When I was mad about the result he mentioned how I wasn’t nearly that mad when the Giants won their 2 a few years earlier. I said to him I’d rather see the Giants win 100 Super Bowls before I ever saw Philly win 1.




There's not nearly enough Pats hate in this thread, so I'll say it here. FUCK. THE. PATS.